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Posts posted by gayserbeam

  1. Yeah it seems that Jacob and Felicia have inbuilt Eternal Seals; I got Jacob to 20 and then he just kept going. Corrin and Ryoma don't, though. I don't know about other characters.

    Felicia and Joker are actually completely unique. Maid and Butler are normal promoted Rod Knights that go to level 20 like everyone else. Joker and Felicia, however, have a unique version of the class that goes to level 40 and gains unpromoted amounts of EXP below level 20, just like Akua's Singer class.

  2. The OCD in me is raging now. Anything with "+1" behind it looks sooo unpolished...


    What the heck?! Looks like Forging is incredibly expensive. Makes sense since weapons don't break. I guess that makes the Blacksmith's Smithy skill very useful since there is a chance to pick up a random weapon.

    There had better be a Gold DLC so that I can forge all my units' weapons for my ultimate multiplayer team and not have to worry about managing my funds.

    The +1 shows up to the far right, like durability did in previous games. Moreover, it will show even if you rename the weapon, so if it irks you you can't do much about it really.

    Some more info on forging:

    Forging is useful for training weapon ranks in units you just promoted or reclassed, because you can buy like six bronze yumi and forge an 11 mt E-Rank weapon. Bronze weapons can't critical but it is better than nothing.

    There is a gem cost for each level of forging. If you don't have enough of one gem type though, the forge offers a "Gem Exchange" option where you can trade five of one gem type for one of another. Very useful, as some gems are easier to get than others.

  3. I apologize if this is just cluttering up the form and I know some of this stuff I could research myself but I'm not too sure where to look for some of these and I don't know anyone I actively talk to who has the game. So here it goes!

    1. Is it confirmed yet If Kamui can have children with the children characters?(please say no this ruins my planning lmao) All I've read is Kanna can be related to the children characters which is obvious.

    2. I saw Galeforce returned is it an insane skill and will still be used a ton for children characters or are we not sure yet?

    3. How are the shapeshifting characters, I recall Tanguel just being god awful in Awakening it'd be a breath of fresh air to know if the characters that can transform into animals are good.

    4. Do we know what the hell Marth Amiibo did to Kamui was it just a crit animation versus Dragon type characters?

    GIANT SPOILER FOR THIRD ROUTE 5. [spoiler={option}]Can anyone show me where the Ryouma S support is with Kamui or honestly all the siblings may they be Hoshido or Nohr cause I'm legit curious if it's literally just "Ay we aren't actually blood related

    6. What classes are considered really good right now and are Bow users finally decent again?(I know Takumi is but he has a personal weapon so I'd hope he'd be good just cause of that)

    7. For those who have played the game is Nohr actually THAT difficult? and what are the conditions to winning a map like?

    I think that's it thanks in advance and sorry for the clutter.

    To answer what the others couldn't:

    1. Yes, I married a second-gen unit and still had the Avatar's child. The only exception is a same-sex marriage with Shara, which will not produce a kid.

    3. They now promote, and they learn some pretty amazing skills. They are locked to 1 range, but that is never too much of a problem.

    5. Bows have been given generally higher might to compensate for their practical inability to counterattack at 1 range. Moreover, the Short Bow, which simply raised the Critical Hit rate in previous games, now allows the user to attack at 1 range. Overall, the buffing of bows and the nerfing of Javelins/Hand Axes has made archers more balanced and certainly useful (some even call Takumi overpowered).

    The best class? That's hard to tell, but it's hard to find fault in the Weapon Master, Mountain Priest, Blacksmith, Elite Ninja, Puppeteer, Paladin, Hero, or Dark Knight.

    The Basara is also very balanced; it's essentially Grandmaster from Awakening. Meanwhile Sorcerers and Wyvern classes are a little disappointing, having low speed caps and average skills. Still useful, however.

  4. They should rename all the games with distinguishing character features.

    1990 Palette Swap Emblem

    1992 Bangs Emblem

    1994 Formerly A Palette Swap Emblem

    1996 Some Kind of Rag on Head Emblem

    1999 Brunette Emblem

    2002 Too Ugly to Be an Anime Character Emblem

    2003 Too Pretty to Be in a Medieval Army Emblem

    2004 Literally Everyone is Impossibly Beautiful Emblem

    2005 Furry Emblem

    2007 Even More Furries Emblem

    2008, 2010 The "I swear we didn't look this constipated in 2D" Emblems

    2013 Showing Us Their Butt Emblem

    2015 Scar Emblem

    I spent way too much time on this

  5. Can we change Kamui's color scheme? Really, just the cape's dark blue would be fine. I like the color, but it wouldn't go well with some of the hair colors Kamui can have, at least for me.

    Kamui, when promoted in Hoshido, changes to a white and gold color scheme. The portrait stays the same though. The reclass options are all blue. (Except for basara, which naturally is leopard print)

    If you mean their portrait? No.

  6. It's those last few lines that really get me.

    "I can't touch your tits girl we aren't married you slut now remember that I own you so you can't talk to other guys but I know you won't because you are maybe a lesbian"

    I'd be cool with them just entitrely rewriting this character to just be really good at checkers or something

  7. The bottom option is always use/equip.

    And remember:マスタープルフ is master. If it is not working then you are likely trying to use a Marriage Seal (マリアジプルーフ) or Buddy Seal (バディプルーフ), which have the same icon. Those won't work unless you meet certain support conditions.

  8. Guard Stance is pretty situational. Attack Stance, on the other hand, is vital and valuable in almost all cases. In fact, my decisions on who to support with who early-game was based largely on weapon type: two melee-locked units will have trouble consitently setting up Attack Stance, while 1-2 ranged classes like mages and ninjas (or a melee unit and a ranged unit like Oboro + Takumi) can consistently get Attack Stance off on the same enemy.

    So Pair-Up? Not usually necessary. Being adjacent to another unit? Key.

  9. It really wouldn't be much work to add more options in the localization. Just take the A support of a same-sex character and just slap on the opposite sex's confession scene as an S-level, maybe changing some pronouns around. Bam, two or more gay options. They won't do it, but they could, and it would take no effort, and straight people wouldn't care, but honestly? Me and plenty of other people would love it.

    And seeing how much positive press the two options we already have got, the upgrade would certainly be worth the exposure.

  10. The issue is that the Avatar's unique child

    shares the Avatar's class and can use dragonstones

    , so if the child wasn't actually blood related it wouldn't make sense. What does irk me is that you still can't get Zero's child even though you explicity adopted them. By making Kamui gay you are punished with the penalty of two unique chatacters. That's upsetting, even if it is canonically justified.

  11. Wait, what!? That sounds Haxed as all hell. Even with that skill that negates doubling theyd still get one-shotted. Damnnnn

    It is a relatively early-game weapon, too, has decent might and confers no speed penalty. You could use literally only that on Kagerou for over half the game.

    According to my calculations here she rams her Str cap as hard as Sain did in FE7: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=55243

    Also that strength cap; it's interesting how in this game 3 out of 4 of the people tied for the highest Str cap are girls. Fates girls lift!

    Did you giver her energy drops? Even if she gained Str literally every level it wasn't capped, she can't reach her tier 2 cap by level 5.

    Edit: or any of those stats for that matter...

    Yes... she can. No energy drops. Her STR cap is only 29 as an Elite Ninja, and at level 5 she had 28 STR, 29 SPD, and 25 RES.

    EDIT: Just realized her RES cap is 35. Good, regardless.

  12. I know for sure that character's stat level ups are decided the moment you start the game in lunatic but I'm not sure about hard and normal.

    I can confirm this isn't true for Hard Mode.

    I have had to reset the possibly a thousand times because of my speed-fucked Kamui getting doubled by obese turtles and her level-ups, and the level-ups of my other units, have almost always changed from reset to reset.

  13. Kagerou is my powerhouse and my most consistently useful unit. She leveled up in STR, SPD and RES almost every level and at 20/5 she had already capped them. With 1-2 range and her stat spread, mages are useless against her. Hidden weapons are just a naturally superior weapon type anyway, as 1-2 range in this game is important for consistently setting up Attack Stances, and there are so many enemy spellcasters that their weapon advantage is highly valuable.

    also boob physics

  14. There are points on the map that have a swirly glow. Put a unit with royal blood on the spot and they will change the environment.

    The effects are one-way and permanent, so you cannot, say, build a bridge then destroy it when an enemy walks on. However, some do deal damage by making the ground a damage tile.

    Only story chapters have Dragon's Vein. When heading back to that map for a generic enemy encounter, the effect of the Dragon Vein will be already active in every space available.

    There is a text box telling you what will happen and showing all the spaces it will affect, so there is no suprise involved.

    Some examples:

    -building bridges

    -removing mountains

    -turning the ground into spikes

    -creating gales of wind that block the movement of flying units

    -turning sand into pavement

    -freezing water, making it walkable

    -turning floor tiles into healing tiles

  15. You can buy seals at other people's castles but you can only buy one thing from each castle per bout, and most people already bought theirs, so you have to just keep checking people's late-game castles over and over for seals. It can be slow but is a nearly infinite source of seals and resources.

  16. You're going to have to:

    -Find cubic ninja, which is rare and often expensive

    -Reset your updated 3DS to a former software version, deleting all your data

    -Import a physical copy of FEif from Japan that you cannot update, access online features or buy the other paths

    ALTERNATELY, you could just import a Japanese 3DS. If you buy an original 3DS, you can get it cheap- mine was only about $100 US, the average is about $150 - $250 US. Then you can download the game from the Japanese E-Shop. This is easier, more reliable, often cheaper, and will allow you to download any other Japanese games you want in the future.

  17. Welp, there goes the plan of getting Rinka with Silas for Mercenary/Sol. I'd imagine people who marry Kamui would only get their secondary class, though, since it'd be weird to get DP and its promotions?

    Yeah, if someone marries Kamui the marriage seal will turn them into your secondary class. Same with Aqua (Pegasus Warrior) or the shapeshifters.

    My Dragon Lord Shigure with tomebreaker lol

  18. I'm glad I'm not the only one who had problems with Tsubaki. I made plent of errors on my first playthrough, but not to the extent that he'd just be completely worthless, which he became later on. Hinoka is also by far the weakest sibling in both of my save files, nobody else even comes close.

    Takumi is still the strongest. Holy crap is he overpowered; why is he trying to prove his strength, again? He wrecks absolutely everything, can walk on water and he's got the ladies after him.

    Takumi starts overpowered because or that 14 MT bow, but he does average out, especially since bowmen will inevitably grow slower than your other units. But he certainly does make his older sister look useless. Poor hinoka
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