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Posts posted by gayserbeam

  1. I have a bit of an unrelated question..

    When Kamui is in a class other than Dark Prince(ss) or his/her respective 'Blood' promotions, does he/she maintain a unique overworld sprite?

    Or will he/she looks like a generic unit, like Robin in Awakening?

    Avatars keep their unique hair and faces on their map sprites when reclassed, if that is what you mean.


  2. Where are you getting an Oni on the nohr route for ? I managed to figure out where you were getting the bowman,(i assume it is from Mouzume if you can't get villager) but i still can't figure out where the Oni comes from.

    Also you might want to clarify this list is only accurate for Kaimui. But from another topic i believe that you can get some classes from a unit that kaimui can't due to having a non exclusive class, ie i believe that camilla can get fighter from Belka, this is second hand though.

    This is just for Kamui, so people can choose their secondary class based on what they couldn't get otherwise.

    I think I just forgot about Oni. There's no female Oni in Nohr. I'll edit it in.

  3. I didn't think Villager was exclusive to Mozume, but that seems like solid evidence. So the total list of unavailable Buddy Seal classes would be...

    Classes Kamui Cannot Acquire from Buddy Seals Only:

    All Routes:





    Male Hoshido:





    Wyvern Rider

    Dark Mage

    Female Hoshido:




    Dark Mage

    Male Nohr:


    Herb Merchant


    Lance Fighter



    Female Nohr:



    Lance Fighter




    EDIT: Errors were fixed.

  4. You can get all classes specific to a certain route either through marriage or buddy seals but here are the classes that you can't get through buddy seals

    Hoshido: Mamui - Villager, Oni (all Nohr classes except for Outlaw, Cavalier, Rod Knight)

    Hoshido: Femui - Villager (I think), (All Nohr classes except for Wyvern Rider, Cavalier and Rod Knight)

    Nohr: Mamui - Wyvern Rider, (All Hoshido classes except for Ninja and Priest)

    Nohr: Femui - Outlaw (All Hoshido classes except for Herb Merchant, Pegasus Warrior, and Bowman)

    Naturally, you can't get Singer, Garu or Spirit Fox for any route.

    There might be some mistakes.

    A few more mistakes:

    Herb Merchant is always available because of Midoriko, Villager because of Mozume, and as goodperson stated, PegWarrior from Shigure.

  5. I have a couple of questions:

    1. How early can you get a parallel seal in the Nohr campaign?

    2. If I have a Lv. 4 promoted unit, and I use a parallel/marriage/buddy seal to Sorcerer; then gain a level, will I learn the designated Lv. 5 skill (Vengeance) for Sorcerer, or would I learn the missed Dark Mage skills before learning Vengeance at Lv. 7?

    ** Just realized this was my first post, but I have been a long time lurker and really enjoy this community... hello!**

    1. As soon as you can access My Castle there is one available in your shop.

  6. I believe it was already mentioned previously but the shop problem can be "circumvented" by buying from other players' shops.

    I wonder if there's some limit preventing you from cheaping the system

    You can only buy from each player's shop once a day, so you could theoretically run out of level 3 shops to buy from.

    ...more likely, you'll run out of money and have to progress. Still, you'll never be at a point where there is no way to get seals. I just would nab one from a castle visit whenever I needed one, before chapter 21.

  7. breakers arent really my thing unless it's lunatic mode and thnx for the info, now for this so called dragon's vein points... how can i get them as many as i can to max my castle's shop out when i get US format someday?

    You get one every time you do a map of any kind, and there doesn't seem to be a maximum (maybe 99).

    The thing stopping you from maxing out a shop isn't dragon's vein points, it only takes one per levelup. It's game progress. You can't get the level 2 shops until around midgame, and the level 3 shops come after Chapter 21.

  8. Just for the sake of being thorough, does the case NekoKnight described in pairing Setsuna and Saizou still apply if Setsuna reclasses into a Ninja using a Parallel Seal and then uses the Marriage Seal? I doubt it makes any difference, but it's something worth checking.

    In the case of Sakura and Tsubaki, if she is already a Falcoknight and uses a Marriage seal, you can turn her into a Golden Kite Warrior. I don't have any unpromoted units to try it with.

  9. Any opposite gender character + Kamui (and Sharja and Zero ALWAYS)

    For the basic routes, any opposite gender characters of any particular generation.

    Not sure on Invisible kingdom, I've heard conflicting things.

    Some characters can only marry the Avatar, namely

    Crimson, Izana, Asyura, Anna and Yakimura and basically anyone you recruit after Chapter 19 or so.

    Also some characters can't marry because they are related (Takumi and Sakura for example).

  10. You can get all classes specific to a certain route either through marriage or buddy seals but here are the classes that you can't get through buddy seals

    Hoshido: Mamui - Villager, Oni, Lancer (all Nohr classes except for Outlaw, Cavalier, Rod Knight)

    Hoshido: Femui - Villager (I think), (All Nohr classes except for Wyvern Rider, Cavalier and Rod Knight)

    Nohr: Mamui - Wyvern Rider, (All Hoshido classes except for Ninja and Priest)

    Nohr: Femui - Outlaw (All Hoshido classes except for Herb Merchant, Pegasus Warrior, and Bowman)

    Naturally, you can't get Singer, Garu or Spirit Fox for any route.

    You can get Cavalier and Rod Knight regardless of route because of Deere/Joker/Sophie/Silas/Felicia/Flora.

    You can get Dragon Knight in Hoshido for Femui by friending Crimson.

    You can get Dragon Knight in Nohr for Mamui by friending Lutz.

    You can get Outlaw for Femui in any route via friending Anna.

  11. My most recent hoshido playthrough had these pairings:

    Femui × Shigure

    Aqua × Joker

    Sakura × Tsubaki

    Rinka × Suzukaze

    Setsuna × Hinata

    Oboro × Takumi

    Orochi × Saizou

    Kagerou × Nishiki

    Ryoma × Silas

    Considering marrying Ryoma to Mozume, but I don't want to break Silas' heart grind up Mozume.

  12. Which are the exclusive class selections?What I mean is which classes you can't get by using A support and have to get them by the class selection at the avatar creation.I would like someone to tell me that info for both genders

    There is no gender-exclusive ones because if they are same-sex you can Buddy Seal for their class and if they are opposite-sex you can marry them.

    However I am pretty sure it is impossible to get Dark Mage, Fighter, or Knight skills on Kamui in the Hoshido route because nobody has that default class.

  13. Don't agonize too much over the choice, really. Noble Lineage and Dragon Fang are hands-down the best unpremoted class skills and by the time you are premoted you can get important skills through Buddy and Marriage Seals. Especially in the Nohr Route, where four of your five skill choices will probably be the ones from Dark Prince(ss)/Blood, which are all amazing.

  14. ^ I'd REALLY like to know that as well. When I saw Dark Mage was a Nohr class I was expecting there to be at least as much dark magic as Awakening and possibly even new ones...

    Anyway, so what's up with A+ supports? Are the they the same-sex equivalent of S supports without the romance? Can characters have multiple A+ supports?

    And if 2 characters have an A+ support but no S supports, do they get a paired ending?

    When two Same-Sex characters reach A-Support, you can choose to A+ Support them with their pal. There is no conversation, you don't need to gain any more Support points, you just select it from a menu.

    There isn't a paired ending because you can have one S Support and one A+ Support.

    A+ Support seemingly don't provide a statistical boost over A Supports. In fact, it will still show as A when selecting a unit for Pair-Up. Moreover, they are one-way. If Sakura has an A support with Aqua, Sakura can choose to have Aqua as her A+ Support from her menu, but Aqua will still be free to A+ someone else unless she chooses Sakura as well.

    The real point of A+ Supports is to class change. When a unit has an A+ Support, they can use a Buddy Seal to change into that unit's default class (or secondary class in the case of Aqua or Kanna).

  15. Buddy seal is only same-sex, even for Kamui.

    I chose Wyvern Rider my first playthrough and it was kind of disappointing. Herb Merchant all the way, not only do you get Puppeteer but you get Herb Merchant's Household Cure, which lets you attack after eating a healing item or stat boost tonic. And since you are the Avatar, you can open the Convoy, use a vulnerary or Strength Tonic (which will be stronger because of the Merchant's Strong Medicine ability) and then attack in one turn.

  16. Can you S rank more than one weapon type?

    Not within the same class. Unlike in previous games, where all promoted classes had a Max A-Rank for every weapon and could get an S-Rank in one, in FEif there is only one class that can get an S-Rank for each weapon type. For example, only Butlers/Maids can get S-Rank staves. So while it might be possible (seemingly untested, I would never reclass a Ninja to a Rod Knight...) to get an S-Rank Staves as a Butler and an S-Rank in Hidden Weapons as an Elite Ninja, you could never use both at the same time.

  17. They really went all out with the animations. Most classes have an extra cool flourish attack for when they kill the enemy on their second hit, and promoted classes now generally use different animations for their criticals and kills. Almost every class has its own victory animation and many have different victory animations for each weapon and gender. For example, male Great Merchants drop their weapon as they try to catch it while females get tired and buckle over out of breath. Dragon Masters using lances lean on their lance as their wyvern lands while Dragon Masters using axes will hop off their mount and stroke its neck.

    There is also the Holy Bowman's critical 360 no-scope shot, but that might be unique to Takumi.

  18. The Basara has a critical naginata animation where they do a crazy midair overhead slice then fall over onto their side.

    There is also a funny victory animation for Great Merchants where they toss their naginata in the air and reach out to catch it, but it lands on the ground. Merchants in general have pretty great animations

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