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Posts posted by gayserbeam

  1. I certainly am not one of the ones saying "be happy that we got anything at all." Everything you have to say to is completely valid (and I already addressed your 4th point); I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm just glad homosexuality finally canonically EXISTS in Fire Emblem. Will future titles need to heavily refine the system? No question about it. But as a gay man I can finally see myself in my Kamui, and that's at least a start.

    Sorry if I made it seem like I was arguing with you; I was just trying to follow up on what you and many others had said. I agree completely, and I realize that now that their proverbial foot is in the proverbial (gay) door, there will be more incentive for them to include it in the future.

  2. well i wanted to keep it close to equal and because i thought + magic would raise it too much

    If you want the base strength and magic growths to be perfectly equal you could go with +LUK -STR and you'll have 35% growths for both stats, not accounting for class bonuses. Or you could go +MAG -LUK for 40% STR and 50% MAG but only 40% SPD growth. You could even make a beefy one with 30% in each offence with +HP -STR.

    I wouldn't recommend you ever go +RES -SPD. I'd avoid lowering speed at all, honestly

  3. If you want a faster way to get seals, visit someone else's castle online and buy them. If you don't know how:

    1. Go the the blue sphere near the top of your My Castle and interact with it

    2. Choose the middle-left option

    3. Choose the top option

    4. A list of castles will appear. Look at their castle maps on the bottom screen and choose one where their staff shop is coloured gold

    5. Select that castle, go to their staff shop, buy the seal you want.

  4. Basically just leave it in your Maid/Butler's inventory and save it for those moments when you mess up. It can save you a reset I guess.

    It's admittedly completely useless in Casual mode though.

    I really hope the AI gets clever and hides Joker out of range then whips out the Bifrost when you kill their highest level unit. Never seen someone use it though.

  5. What size sd card would you recommend for an import console? And american sd cards work just fine?

    I used the SD card that came with the console, but yes, SD cards are universal and region free, as long as there is no 3DS data on it already.

  6. It should really make no difference whether adopting the "biological" children makes sense or not. The point being made is, the game disadvantages the player for wanting a same-sex pairing, which is inherently oppressive and patriarchal. I was so excited when I could finally have my male MU marry another male character so that MU would finally represent me to the fullest extent possible. In a game where you can turn into a dragon and survive being smacked by a huge Faceless' fist, it is so not a problem for Zero and MaMU or Shara and FeMU to be able to adopt their children in-game. It's a f***ing video game for God's sake. Stop treating the LGBT+ community like second class citizens.

    Everyone keeps saying "be happy that we got anything at all," but honestly it feels insulting. First gay option in Fire Emblem and yet:

    -Only one gay gender per path, forcing you to know the character beforehand and choose specifically that path

    -Male gay option is a rude, sadistic killer who explicitly pleasures in torturing enemies and is an implied pervert in several supports

    -lesbian option is an aloof stalker who curses people without their consent

    -choosing either option will lock out the player from recruiting two exclusive characters with their own chapters

    -there are gay jokes made at the expense of Foleo, Soleil and Ophelia and none of them are homosexually romanceable

    So basically there is gay marriage but it is for creeps and perverts and it means less than straight marriage. Thanks IS

  7. How do Buddy Seals work for Kamui? I read that they can use it when they reach an A support with another unit, but that doesn't seem to be the case for me... my f!Kamui can't become a Rod Knight or Cavalier despite having A supports with Joker and Silas, but she can Buddy Seal into a Pegasus Warrior?? The only connection to that class that I can think of is that I got a C support with Hinoka.

    And another dumb question, but why do you guys think the items don't have unique icons anymore like in Awakening lol? Like Speedwings/Goddess Icons, Vulneraries/Elixers etc. all had unique icons before, I don't get why they wouldn't continue using them, now all the items look the same ya feel

    Buddy seals only work for Same-Sex pals, even with Kamui. Do you happen to have an A Support with Akua? She gives Pegasus Warrior as Singer is exclusive.

    I understand why weapons don't have unique icons, because this way it is easier to differentiate between Hoshidan and Nohrian weapons. As for the items... no idea. They could have reused the Awakening assets. Made it real annoying for me...

  8. Buddy seals only change to base class, but buddy sealing Kamui or Akua will get their secondary class. Also, nobody can buddy seal to get the Avatar's class because the Avatar cannot get A+ Supports. The Avatar can buddy into any same-sex friend they have an A Support with, but their friend cannot.

  9. As a singer, she has incredible utility. As anything else, she's too squishy. She might make a decent Golden Kite Warrior or another ranged class through marriage (like perhaps Elite Ninja or Bow Knight) because then her awful HP and DEF don't matter. But I wouldn't sacrifice Singing for that.

    Also, Akua starts with about 20 HP. At level 40 as a Singer, my Akua had 24. No way am I putting that on the front lines

  10. That's might be the superior option, as it allows you to make your kids/spouse into classes nobody else can access and get unique class skills. In Hoshido, for example, the only Nohr class trees you can get IIRC are

    Rod Knight, Cavalier, Wyvern Knight, Armour Knight and Mercenary; so you miss out on the Outlaw, Fighter, Dark Mage and Garu lines.

  11. I believe that after a marriage is consummated and a baby is produced the parents become worried for the safety of the babies. As a result, the babies are placed in an alternate dimension where time passes much more quickly than the real world.However, time feels as if it is passing normally. Additionally the parents visited their children occasionally, hence some of the support dialogue. Eventually, the children are somehow transported to the regular world where they fight as adults.(I'm pretty sure that's how it works)

    Some of the paralogues take place in an alternate world, while others are in the main world and the child passed through unannounced (into danger obviously).

    What it doesn't explain is how everyone's pregnancy happened really fast and at the same time...

  12. My only issue is the sharp inhale after every line. It's a little off-putting, as that is usually not present in highly produced music like this. Perhaps they were going for a sort of authenticity or an organic sound.

    Interested to hear the full English version. What we heard in the trailer probably wasn't the final mix.

  13. Just judging by the poll alone, it seems that not a lot of people hate Hoshido ?

    I mean, it's an even half that say "I actually like them" ~

    I personally adore Hoshido, I've loved all of their character designs a lot more than Nohr since the game was first announced ~

    Plus, once you play the Hoshido side, you really get insight on their different personalities, why they act as they do, etc;

    for example, Takumi really starts warming up to you // being nicer, but I've always liked him, he has the most realistic reaction towards Kamui, imo

    Of the 75 voters, only five said they don't like the Hoshidans. And I agree on Takumi; he really only butts heads with you for like four chapters total, the comes back a few chapters later as your friend.

    Honestly, Hoshido is great. Some of the units have awful growths and the batons look silly, but the characters are great. My only complaint is

    the Awakening expies in Nohr are justfied because they are actually the same characters travelling thtough dimensions, but the ones in Hoshido are just "reincarnations" with the exact same appearance and personality.

  14. Y'know, this is why people should be careful when putting things such as homosexuality in their game. Especially if there is something called waifus, husbandos and 'value dissonance'.

    Hell, when you see that even Bioware, the people known for that, have a hard time doing it...

    It's actually pretty easy. Take one of the many S Supports in the game and change the pronouns. If you sneeze and accidentally type a story about a horrible stereotype getting drugged by her future husband, press backspace.
  15. I ship my party for stats, but I will generally avoid shipping kids with adults or shipping just to optimize children.

    As for Kamui... I married Shigure because I fell in love with his design.

    By now I've probably touched him more than real people

  16. I have a few questions about class inheritance.

    1. Is Villager an inheritable class line this time around?

    2. Can Garou, Fox Spirit, and Dark Prince/Princess class lines be inherited by anybody other than Velour, Kinu, and Kanna, respectively? The former two really only apply to Kanna and Shigure, but the latter could potentially be anybody.

    1. Villager is barely even a special class anymore, so probably.

    2. Yes and you can buy fox ears and tails in the level 2 accessory shop to make them look the part. Shigure doesn't get Dark Prince naturally though.

  17. I chose a female Avatar in my Hoshido playthrough because I was dead-set on choosing the gay option every time.

    Then I realized Tsukuyomi sucks didn't really have a place on my team, so I planned to marry Nishiki.

    ...but fate has other plans. I saw Shigure's face for the first time when I played his paralogue, and I knew he was the one. He was just too beautiful...

    He would be my avatar if he wasn't a spoiler.

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