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Everything posted by Krad

  1. Haha, the monster from Chapter 4 will have 33 HP, 1 STR and 0 in everything else. Reminds me of FE3 Shooters.
  2. In an Echidna vs Fir debate at WoD, I was defending Echidna saying that she could use a Killer Axe to ORKO many enemies in Chapter 13. In addition I showed that she's still usable in Ilia against weighed down pegs. Also showed how Fir's durabilty is balls (2HKOd by pretty much everything). The answer of the opposite side: (Translated from spanish) I still laugh whenever I read that. After I countered that he answered with some 20/20 Fir > --/20 Echidna. Ha.
  3. So I was playing Chapter 4 (Normal mode), and saw this while checking the enemies' stats: These enemies are all in the 3 tile area near the boss. If you do the calculations for their hit/avoid, you will notice they have an extra 5 hit/avoid than what they should have. Meanwhile, if you compare it to other enemies in the same chapter that are away from the boss: They don't get that extra 5 hit/avoid. Which means that either bosses have a hidden skill that gives +5hit/avoid to nearby units, or I'm missing something here. I'll do some more testing on other chapters/modes to see if it still applies and to see if it changes (it becomes +10 or something like that).
  4. What I do is in Chapter 2, have Fin kill Voltz (to get the Elite Ring), then have him kill some of Zane's units. This usually leaves him close to level 20 for me, so he can jump to the arena in Chapter 3, get the EXP he still needs, and then promotes. For the Lachesis pairing, what I do is to have her get as many adjacents to Fin as I can in Chapter 2, and then glue them during Chapter 3 (After I made sure that Fin is promoted/will promote). And then after I kill everything, I mash End turn until they are paired. Not the most efficient way, but it works for me.
  5. If paired, Fin will only hace an Iron Lance in Gen 2. His skills (Pursuit and Prayer) remain the same. If trained, Fin can do just fine with the Iron Lance. From a post of mine in WoD: Fin w/ the Iron Lance leaves the armors with 1 hp (So Leaf/Nanna can kill them regardless of the weapon they use), one rounds the thieves, 3HKOs the General, and one rounds the mages (if he's 1 STR above his average, he OHKO's them). If you're going to pair him, do it with Lachesis. Hard to do (You pretty much have to glue them for all of Chapter 2 and 3), but it gives the kids solid stats all around and +5 SPD to Nanna. EDIT: Slow.
  6. Sword playthrough. Reyson. Reyson and Meg were my only units without a support. Meg was in Tibarn's route. Also, Support levels increase at an extreme rate during part 4 (Caineghis can build a C with anyone in 4-E-3 without any adjacents). I'm quite sure I didn't get any adjacent bonus for Meg/Reyson, and yet they still could build a C in 4-E-1.
  7. Amelia's. I was going to choose Adell's, but the wings seem too weird (They look almost identical one to the other, which isn't really possible by the way Leanne is standing)
  8. Krad

    Enemy stat problem

    Back with a few more questions: 1) How can I edit the stat bonuses of already existing weapons (Ex. Sieglinde)? The Stat Bonuses editor doesn't show any of the stat bonuses for them (all pointers are filled with -1s). The editor says to consult Stat Bonuses.txt, which I can't seem to find. 2) How can I get more weapon locks? I already have used both Eirika's/Ephraim's, and also Lyn's unused one. 3) How can I change the staves that have a 1~Mag/2 range to have a fixed one (1-10 or something like that)? 4) Are the items from 0xBB to 0xCC (The ones that lack a name) unused ones that I can freely edit? Also, this:
  9. You can promote her normally by gaining EXP in the US version. What you can't do is promote her by using a Master Crown. It's either EXP or the Holy Crown.
  10. Best: Levin!Sety. Worst: Sylvia. 3 base STR, 10% growth and C swords. Great.
  11. If you kill Selena before she leaves in Chapter 10 Ephraim, the events after the first turn will play out like normal and Beran will still appear. However, if you kill Caellach before he leaves in Chapter 12 Ephraim, the game will freeze and you will be forced to restart the chapter.
  12. He OHKO's base Sothe. Degh has 50 atk (25 STR + 25 mt from SS strike). Base Sothe has 49 combined HP + DEF.
  13. In Chapter 25, in the cutscene after the chapter, Ike is wearing his Ranger outfit, instead of the Lord one.
  14. Ena's base stats upon joining are lower than the stats she had as a boss in Chapter 21. This also happens in RD, where her stats in 4-E-1 are lower than the stats she had in 3-E/4-1. Ashnard won't attack on turn 1 in Endgame on Normal Mode. Aside from Naesala, the only laguz that can cap Speed is Ena, by getting speed in all of her levels and then getting the 3 Speedwings.
  15. A 7 turn is possible while recruiting Marcia. Have Titania and Oscar rush south, while Ike waits at the edge of Marcia's move range (so she needs to use her full move to reach Ike the turn she appears). Then have her rescue Ike and move towards the boss. If she uses her full move every turn, she can drop Ike on turn 6 for him to seize on turn 7, which is more than enough time for Titania and Oscar to rout the south part of the map.
  16. Krad

    Enemy stat problem

    Is it possible to change the Player HP cap of 60 (I want to make it 80)? If so, how?
  17. They exist in Normal, and also in Hard. Sephiran, Ashera and 8 auras.
  18. Krad

    Enemy stat problem

    Just did that, and it worked. Thanks. Oh yes, another problem. I'm trying to change the Guiding Ring/Orion Bolt in C5/C6 to Master Seals, yet I can't seem to find them in the Chest Editor for their respective chapters. Are they located in another module, or am I just blind?
  19. So I was changing enemy growths and increasing their levels in FE8, and everything was working fine until Chapter 8. After that, when I choose Eirika's route, the enemies in Chapter 9 have some messed up stats. Look: The first row shows some enemies in C8, while the bottom one the enemies in C9. Does anyone have an idea of what the problem may be, and what should I do to fix it?
  20. Herons' Blessing happens before poison, so I guess self healing will act the same way.
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