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Everything posted by Krad

  1. Since Calill bosskill is getting boring, I also added a Paladin Rush strategy.
  2. Easier than what I thought. It certainly wasn't one of Tauroneo's best days. Chapter 22 is easy, so I hope to have it uploaded soon (Calill bosskill once again). Chapter 23 may be annoying, due to no Savior.
  3. Chapter 21 is going to be hell. Sleepp staves, huge map, boss with 52 HP/ 27 RES/DEF, Tauroblock with Resolve, etc. It surely will be fun.
  4. Sadly, you can't do that. I just turned on the game to try it anyway, and Reyson can't use a Laguz Stone and chant on the same turn. You know, the more I go on with this playthrough, the more I wish I had FE4 mounted units (for Canto-Arrive strategies) or FE5 movement stars (for removes).
  5. Well, here's my strategy until now: For Tormod to reach the point where he can kill Shiharam with Bolting, he needs to be shoved twice (Mordy + anyone else). After that, Marcia needs to arrive. The arrive space is 23 tiles away due to those 3 enemies to the front of the gate. She can reach it by being shoved once and then being refreshed by Reyson. The main problem here is Reyson, due to him needing to be shoved 8 times to reach Marcia, and by this moment I only have 5 shovers left due to units slots. I guess I'll have to settle with a 2-turn completition.
  6. You could say that they were hidden skills in FE9 that took the same capacity. All units have a total of 25 capacity before promotion and 30 capacity after. With shove, ground units get 20 and later 25, while mounted units get 15 and after promotion had 20.
  7. Ok. I'm trying to get a 1 turn on Chapter 20, but I seem to lack enough units slot for shovers.
  8. By the moment she's actually able to use Paragon, Part 1 is over. For her to actually use it, we have to ferry it to the GM. I prefer to leave it with the DB, but I guess you could do it if you wanted to. Not like the GM need it anyway. If you get her to --/11 or something close to that she's only 1 point away from being able to take a Red Dragon on a cover tile, and then be healed completely due to Red Dragon Res. And Dragons have nonexistant AS. Nosferatu tanking on any other chapter isn't all that useful (Nosferatu only has 20 uses prior to 4-E-3) Calill has pretty much free Paragon for an entire map (Who is actually training more than 2 CRK at once?), so her level can be fixed, I guess. And how does Mist get in the "Soren's the best sage" argument?
  9. Zealot is good until the end of the Western Islands. That is Chapter 7, 8, 8x, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 12x. I think that's slightly more than 2 chapters. Also, Zealot's bases are better than Marcus (Marcus wins Skill by 3, Luck by 5 and Res by 1 point). If anything, you are going to replace Marcus with Zealot. Noish's growths aren't that bad when you consider that Gen 1 growths aren't really too high aside from any Holy Blood bonus growth.
  10. A few good ones: They are from old saves, so I have no idea why I gave Pent the boots. Guess because he was a Mr McKillYoFace. And the bad ones: Just looking at Dart makes me want to laugh. And look at Bartre's STR. And jesus Life, your Hector is 17 levels lower without promotion bonuses and he still has more SPD than my Hector. What the hell.
  11. He's simply saying that if you wanted to use Shiida for Wi-Fi, you are probably going to aim for the highest stats possible isntead of just making it to the averages. Say, you want to use Gordin for Wi-Fi. He averages 15 STR at level 20/20. Are you just going to throw him with his mighty 15 STR in Wi-Fi and hope for the best? No, you will try to get his stats as high as possible even if he ends up completely different to his averages (He caps STR instead of being 9 points away from doing so).
  12. Berserker with max STR (30) + Forged Brave Axe (19) = Dead General. 19 x 4 times = 76 DMG, more than the HP cap. Also a Sage can OHKO any General. Max Magic (30) + Forged Thoron (23) + Weapon Rank Bonus (2) = 55 ATK. 55 - 27 (Max RES for General + Pure Water) = 28. 28 x 3 (Critical) means Dead General. If he doesn't Crit, he's still doing 56 DMG (Sages have 25 SPD and Generals can't get above 21) allowing any unit to finish them off. Also you can't forge Swarm.
  13. Bumping due to question. Does anyone know what triggers the Sword Knights at the top of Chapter 18 to start moving? Because if it's possible to get them to start moving on turn 1 or 2, I can get a 3-turn done. So far, I've only been able to trigger them at the end of turn 3 (The moment where I kill the boss). If it's not possible to get them to move before turn 3, I'll have to settle with a 5 or 6 turn (Raven reinforcements appear at the end of turn 3, and I have to waste the Bolting to get rid of the Ravens from turn 2)
  14. My mistake. I though you were training Merric as a Curate and you were complaining about him leveling slower than Linde due to not having Mend Staffs. I apologise.
  15. We're not talking about FE4 Aura here. It has a weight of 1. Along with Fire and Excalibur it is the lightest tome. Well, that 1 SPD does cost her quite a lot since 6 AS gets doubled IIRC. How does Linde get Mend Staffs earlier than Merric? Merric has 8 chapters to train his Staff rank before Linde even appears I'm pretty sure 20 ATK isn't OHKOing anything in chapter 11.
  16. Main problem with your comparison is that you are comparing them both at level 20/20, without taking into account all the levels before it. And a few things about your points: Bastian is slow. If he's somehow comparing to Bastian, that should be a con. His DEF growth is only low due to his starting class. And Linde lacks a defense growth. When compared to Linde, that's a Pro. Seems like you are comparing them for Wi-Fi. Because 30 MAG is overkill anywhere else. It's overkill. Enemies don't have enough RES to actually need so much magic.
  17. The only thing I have gotten like that is a level 30 Briggid in chapter 5 suddenly warping back to her base stats.
  18. No, they are only useful in Radiant Dawn when forging.
  19. Hannibal gets killed by Burian easily. If he's using anything other than a common sword, he gets ORKO'D.
  20. http://serenesforest.net/fe10/location.html Aimee gives it to you in PoR.
  21. You get the Hammerne Staff by going into a tent. As far as I know, you can't burn tents. For not killing the senators, you get 500 BEXP in Easy and Normal, while you get 250 BEXP in Hard.
  22. It was meant to be "She stops doubling anything after 4-E-3 even with capped SPD". My mistake for not writing every word that I should.
  23. For Endgame we have 2 Hammers, the Brave Axe, the Urvan and we can make a million Forges. If Boyd was trained and hit his STR cap (40), he can just grab a Silver Axe forge and do better than what Jill does with the Urvan. Nolan can use it well, sure, but he would prefer a Hammer if we still have it. The ponit is that she never doubles. Her speed is awful, and even if her gets to her caps, her caps suck too. Also she is probably underleveled when she gets to the GM, making her nearly useless. Soren goes from 18 AS to 20 AS. Still doesn't double. Did I mention his speed cap is horrible? That's one of his 3 problems in the Speed department (Low base, low growth and low cap. IS hates mages). Most of the time, immediate benefit > later benefit. The sooner you get units to double, the better results you get. She has 15 AS at base. Not even on EM do enemies have 11 AS. 17 AS (With a speedwing) doesn't double anything either. Also, her damage output is very bad. Seriously.
  24. FE3: Once. FE4: About 4 or 5 times. FE5: Twice, once on Elite Mode, and one normally. FE6: About 6 or 7 times. FE7: 6 or 7. FE8: 4 FE9: 6 FE10: 7 FE11: 5
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