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Everything posted by Krad

  1. Epic Fail: Navarre had 9 STR at 20/1 Swordmaster. Epic Win: That same Navarre got 11 STR level ups in a row after promotion, without any RNG abuse. If I'm not mistaken, that has a 0.00000177147% chance of happening.
  2. You can't recruit neither Frey or Norne in HM.
  3. Marth would of course return, even more now that he appeared in Shadow Dragon. Aside from him, probably a lord from the next game IS releases or remakes, or maybe someone from Blazing Sword. I don't see neither Ike or Roy returning, since the Tellius saga is most likely over, and The Binding Blade Sword of Seals hasn't been released in English yet.
  4. Nasir won't get anything unless you feed him statboosters. And why would you? He's invincible against the spirits in 4-E-4 with his base stats and Ashera isn't going to attack him in 4-E-5. And Ike had 60 HP. He can't have 61. This is not RD.
  5. You don't have to wait for the chapter to end. Just send him to the bottom of the screen and use the escape command.
  6. This is PoR, where the HP cap is 60. Are you sure you didn't mean 51-52? That's his normal average at that level, and he also can't get 60 HP unless he gets HP in every level except one, or you gave him an Angelic Robe. You got trolled by the RNG goddess. You also don't need to fight the BK to make a transfer file, since the character you get depending on whether you win or retreat (Nasir and Ena) aren't going to cap anything (Actually, Ena can cap Resistance if you have her get it on every level up. But considering she has a 35% growth at most with a band, it is incredibly unlikely). EDIT: I take too long typing.
  7. It has 17 colors. It must be 16 colors including the background one. EDIT: I guess I got ninja'd.
  8. Oh god. I think the best would be Ephraim. Hector comes second closely, the only thing holding him back is his late promotion in Hector mode. Eliwood mode Hector could be > Ephraim.
  9. Best Holsety User is between Arthur and Sety. Arthur gives you early Holsety and later in the game Holsety on a horse, while Sety gives you Holsety on steroids. Best: Saphy Worst: Corple, I guess. Too bad Diadora doesn't count.
  10. Hacking a Door Key in the Prologue 4 is probably the worst choice you can make. Why? Because if the game notices you haven't lost a character by the moment you end the Prologue, it won't let you recruit Shiida. And Shiida is much better than Jagen or Gordin (The most likely choices to die in Prologue 4). You can't revive the decoy with the Aum staff because, if I remember correctly, the game doesn't take the decoy as dead, just as a character that you can't use anymore.
  11. In the Boss Data for FE4, it says that Deet'ver has a Silver Sword plus a Power Ring, when she actually has a Prayer Ring.
  12. You seem to have forgotten the fact that she has the same movement due to being Indoors for nearly every map. Then there's 3-6 which doesn't even allow her to leave the place she starts in. So helpful. I usually shape my team during the entire game for Endgame. The only characters I use that I don't bring for Endgame are Haar, Kieran, Marcia, Nolan, Mordecai and Volug. My usual team is something like Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, Oscar, Rolf, Boyd, Mia, Mist, Nephenee and Jill. The other spots are filled by Tibarn, Caineghis and Naesala. Every one else gets some slight use in a few maps and then isn't used any more.
  13. They get a certain amount of hidden levels. For those levels they use the Class Growth Rates instead of their own. The amount of levels depend of the character.
  14. As far as I know, no. The only chapters with different objectives are 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 and 1-5. 1-1 is Kill Boss instead of Escape, 1-2 is Rout instead of Laura Arrives, and 1-3 is Kill Boss instead of Escape. 1-1 and 1-3 would take the same amount of turns, and 1-2 would probably take longer. The answer is pretty much: In NM there are only 46 enemies on the map from turn 6 on, thanks to reinforcements. Considering EM, it would probably take longer, due to less enemies in the map from turn 1, and probably less reinforcements. The only chapter left would be 3-E, which I at least don't have any clue how to do. My guess would be something like Jill ferrying someone to the top right, while someone else gets the Rescue Staff, and also that all of Skrimir's and Tibarn's allies die ASAP. I'm probably wrong, though. By the way, has someone made Low turns videos of POR? I know that , but aside from that, I've seen none. If nobody has made them, I could try to do a few.
  15. He could send Eliwood and Lyn to the bottom left to deal with the pirates, while Hector, Sain and Isadora go against the cavaliers. If he has the moeny, he can recruit Farina and use her to drop someone on the right side. And couldn't you buy Iron weapons in the preparations screen?
  16. I found FE8 while searching for a ROM. Then I started playing it a lot and then found out about 7, then about 6. After that, I stopped playing FE for a long time, until I found out about SD, which brought me back to the series. Some months later I bought POR, and finally RD. I still haven't played 1-5.
  17. I have only played 6-11, and they are in order from most difficult to easiest (for me). I swear I counted the squares: Radiant Dawn Hard: Shadow Dragon Sword of Seals Eh: Blazing Sword Path of Radiance Seth: Sacred Stones
  18. She has 64 displayed hit against him. She does 10x2 to his 21 HP. He 2HKO's with 77 displayed against her. Seth for being the God of the Desert, Storms, Darkness and Chaos. Oh, and for also kicking ass in a Fire Emblem game, I guess.
  19. Ilyana manages to miss too much with 90% hit rates, so I wanted to give her a forge to erase that chance. Also... If I had made Edward get 1 more speed, he would have been able to double the Myrmidon and not require the critical. It still worked, though. By the way, while I was abusing Laura in 1-4, I managed to get an enemy Tiger to get SS strike. Seriously. However, for some reason his attack was stuck at 27, even though SS strike should have given him 32. It would have been hilarious to see a 32 attack tiger attack my units. OHKOs Edward, Laura, Micaiah and Ilyana, while he 2HKO's Nolan and Sothe.
  20. About the boss moving, I was referring to the boss of 1-5. However I think I found a way to kill the curate and the boss without needing the boss to move. I dont' need Laura to be third tier. I only need her to get enough levels to slap a seal on her for the extra 1 move and the ability to counter. I already made her waste her first staff entirely, and I'm currently on 1-4 wasting the two staffs I bought. Edward, Nolan and Micaiah have already gotten every level they need, so I just need to get both Ilyana and Laura promoted during this chapter. And the cost for taking Laura to third tier is too much for me at this moment, considering next chapter I need to make 3 forges (Edward, Ilyana and Sothe), all of them with +5 mt and some with +Hit.
  21. Best: Oswin. Good bases and because FE7 enemies are slow, he is able to double here and there. (except things like Myrms, Mercenarys and Nomads). Worst: Meg. I have been able to make Wendy into a semi-competent unit. The same can't be said about Meg.
  22. So I tried doing a 2 turn of 1-5 today, and managed to kill every enemy by the end of turn 2...aside from the priest. That god damned priest. Ilyana needs 4 shoves to reach him. Sadly, I can only shove her 2 times (with Laura and Leo) on the first turn since I also need to shove Micaiah twice (with Meg and Aran) so she can move far enough to reach the mage in the top right corner if she's rescued by Volug. Edward and Nolan can't shove her any further, since they both have to kill certain enemies on turn 1, and Sothe has to climb the ledge to drop on the other side on turn 2. I think I found a way to get her to reach the priest (even though this would only work if the boss moved, and I'm not sure if it happens in EM). PROMOTED LAURA. Which brings even more problems: I need her to gain 9 levels in order to promote, but her heal staff only gives her 4 levels with 40 EXP, and I can only buy another one on 1-4, which means I would need to make her heal 44 times in 2 chapters and then 46 times in 1 chapter. This also bring the problem called Master Seal. I only have 1, and I absolutely need to have Ilyana promoted. So until I manage to find a way to get Edward 4 levels with both STR and SPD, 5 levels with STR and SPD for Nolan, 4 levels with MAG and SPD, and 5 more levels with anything for Ilyana, 8 levels with MAG and SPD for Micaiah (I had all of these levels done in my current attempt) plus 9 levels with MAG and SPD for Laura, I'll probably put the 1-5 2 turn on hold. On unrealted news, I got the save file with 3-6 and 3-12 done.
  23. Add Wyvern Lord!Percival. Bases: HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Wyvern Lord 45 19 14 18 12 16 9 Growths: HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Wyvern Lord 80 45 25 37 15 28 0 There needs to be a WTFH4x character, and Percival's there to do the job.
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