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Everything posted by Krad

  1. I knew you said that even promoted Oscar make a 2 turn of chapter 2 impossible, I was just saying how crazy it even is to think of a promoted Oscar by chapter 2. Also this:
  2. There are some problems with promoted Oscar by chapter 2 though. I don't have enough weapons to make it possible, since I only have 45 uses of the Iron Lance, and it is bound to break before Oscar promotes. The boss has 40 attacks with the Iron axe, and if I don't counter any of them, it equals 40 EXP + any misses. After both Oscar and the boss run out of weapons, I can no longer get any more EXP. And I don't have enough Vulneraries to heal all the injuries Oscar will get by getting hit 40 times by an axe. Anyway, Promoted Oscar + Titania combo is hilarious.
  3. Once again, Titania kills everything. Because chapter 7 needs a trained Gatrie, and I haven't used him at all. After I get to the end of the game, I'll replay it once again to train Gatrie and get chapter 7 done. And I don't think boss abuse will be needed. I'm using very few characters, and I'm swimming in BEXP.
  4. Had to make Shinon solo chapter 3 so he could get a STR level up. @Kinata: I'm not doing a HM version of this. At least, not for now. There are only 2 chapters where I can actually save turns by doing it on HM (Prologue and Final). Every other chapter is slightly longer due to my characters having a lower level, enemies need more ATK to be ORKO'd and all that.
  5. Of course I am (well, did by now). Marcia is one of the most important units in this project, along with Jill, Oscar, Kieran, Titania, Haar, Tanith and Reyson. If you watched the chapter 1 video, you will see that I didn't bother getting the Angelic Robe. Meanwhile, on the chapter 2 video, Ike has it on his inventory, and actually uses it. I started searching for one soon after you told me to get one. I did only get one last week, due to every store that I visited had them out of stock. I wasn't aware that February was the "Buy tripods like crazy" season. Again, easy. Ridiculously overpowered prepromotes for the win. Next one will be chapter 6, and then chapter 9.
  6. Thanks. I guess the same goes for chapter 8, right? I know that chapter 13 ends when every enemy is killed, and that chapter 17-3 can't be finished early, so I only need to be clear about chapter 8. Also, Amazingly easy.
  7. Sorry for not answering earlier. 3266-6091-5584
  8. Woot. I experienced a one second freakout when Boyd missed, but luckily I was still able to get Ike to the boss. This was my only succesful attempt in about 200 tries. Chapter 3 shouldn't be too hard. It's defeat the boss, and that screams "Titania". By the way, does Chapter 5 end early if I kill the boss. I never kill him so I don't know.
  9. In theory, this chapter is possible to 3 turn if you use a 14 STR Oscar. Yeah. @Kinata: Sure, any help is appreciated.
  10. Chapter 1 in 2 turns Chapter 2 in 2 turns NEW August 5th, 2015 Chapter 3 in 2 turns Chapter 4 in 1 turn Chapter 6 in 4 turns Chapter 7 in 3 turns NEW August 7th, 2015 Chapter 9 in 4 turns Chapter 10 in 3 turns | Chapter 10 in 5 turns (Stealth) | Chapter 10 in 12 turns with all chests and 1100 BEXP | Chapter 10 in 12 turns with all chests and 1050 BEXP (Hard Mode) Chapter 11 in 3 turns Chapter 12 in 2 turns Chapter 13 in 7 turns Chapter 14 in 2 turns Chapter 15 in 2 turns | Chapter 15 in 7 turns with all items and 1460 BEXP Chapter 16 in 4 turns Chapter 17-1 in 2 turns Chapter 17-2 in 2 turns Chapter 17-4 in 1 turn Chapter 18 in 4 turns Chapter 19 in 1 turn Chapter 20 in 2 turns Chapter 21 in 4 turns Chapter 22 in 1 turn (2 strategies) Chapter 23 in 3 turns Chapter 24 in 2 turns Chapter 25 in 2 turns Chapter 26 in 2 turns Chapter 27 in 2 turns | Ike escapes Chapter 28 in 2 turns Endgame in 2 turns Extra Trial Map 3 in 1 turn
  11. FE4 Sety x FE5 Sety Yeah, Karel x Ayra for H4x Skasaher and slightly less H4x Lakche. It would be funny seeing him cap every stat in about 10 levels or so. And it would make him useful at Edda. FE3 Bantu x any female in FE4. It would be awesome to see all of my characters get 0 stat level ups pretty much forever. Lex x Vika. Vika gives high growths in everything but STR and DEF, which Lex can fill.
  12. A stage could be something like Chapter 5 Barhara, even though the chances of it hapening are -1%. It would be outside of Barhara, while on the background you see Sigurd's troops fighting the Royal Guards. Every now and then a few Meteors land on the stage, hurting anyone who gets hit by them. And sometimes, Alvis throws a Falaflame on the stage, and everyone who gets hit by it gets thrown off the stage instantly. Again, the chances of this happening are sadly none.
  13. I would want to participate.
  14. http://s14.zetaboards.com/Legend_of_the_Emblem/topic/452248/1/ And this thread.
  15. He did upgrade from A rank to S rank. He started with 22 ATK, and when he went from A to S, he got 27 ATK. I admit I did not check his weapons stats aside from MT when that tiger went from S to SS, though I could get it again soon (It takes about 100 turns to do so in EM, considering he untransforms quite frecuently).
  16. FE4: The whole Manhya tragedy in Chapter 4. It's like way too long and way too boring to watch. Also the AI is kind of retarded, because I can place five guys with a 1 range sword and one with a tome in front of a mage and the mage will attack the guy with the tome. FE5: 99 hit as max hit, and 1 hit as minimum hit. Also, caps of 20. FE6: Seize, seize, seize, seize. And Karel with his 950% growth total. FE7: "Hey, criticals are easy to land! Just see the Prologue!". Yeah, thanks Lyn. FE8: Too short, and Seth. FE9: How the hell was I supposed to know that to recruit Shinon you have to talk to him with Rolf and then kill him with Ike? And Stefan. He is pretty much impossible to recruit without reading a Walkthrough or reading about it on the Internet. FE10: Paladins, Sages, Saints, Pegasus. All victims of IS "balance". FE11: Time machine. Let's forget pretty much every addition to the series, and replace them with Reclassing.
  17. Of the games I have played: FE3B2: Est, underleveled and her good growths aren't an excuse due to Star Orb shards. FE4: Ardan, but he has castle duty, for whatever that counts. FE5: Miranda and her "20 atk OHKOs me" FE6: Wendy. I think there was a video that showed her getting one rounded by an archer on the first turn she appears in Chapter 8. That is just sad. FE7: Nino. My team is already kicking ass and taking names, there's no need for her at all. She can be kinda useful in Ranked, though. FE8: Amelia. 4 base SPD? And every lance other than Slim weigths her down. FE9: Bastian. Funny that he has a 395% growth total, and he still blows. FE10: Lyre. Crap damage, and untransforms pretty much instantly. FE11: Est, againn. Everything that can attack can kill her. Seriously. Of all those, I think it goes to Wendy, Lyre or Amelia. The mages can atleast do quite some damage on an enemy, Ardan can have the castle since nobody wants to stay there, and Est can kill something if you use Ridersbane + Triangle Attack, even though it's a waste of three unit slots. And "Worsest" is not a word. The word you are looking for is "Worst". EDIT: Oh wait, I thought this was for the entire series. Oh well. Wendy and Amelia then.
  18. There really isn't much of a point. The amount of enemies that acutally manage to survive enough rounds against your characters to actually get a level up is very low. And to get fair EXP they would need to kill your characters, and that's not good. They do get WEXP, though. I once got an enemy tiger in 1-4 to SS strike. He should have had 32 mt, but for some reason the game didn't give him the full mt of SS strike.
  19. In the chapter 6 script page: Lakche should be Radney.
  20. And this. I can't find the correct tiles to make the mountain look good, so I still haven't finished it.
  21. Speak to Navarre with Oguma or Shiida. Then he will magically transform into Samuto.
  22. Win: 18 LCK. Fail: Levin against the Thracian dragon knights in chapter 5. They have about 8 hit on him. He gets hit by all of them and dies.
  23. Base level Tormod with Arcfire has the same damage output as Level 10 Tormod with Elfire. Huh. I gave him too many levels, and he still deals pitful damage. And I was only mentioning Elfire to show Soul that Tormod does have magic issues with Elfire + Muarim. Let me correct myself: When he joins in part 4, he's probably has 17-18 MAG. With Arcfire, that's 26-27 ATK. Enemies have around 17 RES. 9-10 damage. Add a B Muarim. 10-11 damage.
  24. http://serenesforest.net/fe10/average/tormod.html His STR growth is higher than his MAG growth. And he's a mage. When he joins in part 4, he's probably has ~19 MAG. With Elfire, that's 26 ATK. Enemies have around 17 RES. 9 damage. Add a B Muarim. 10 damage.
  25. Mostly everything in the game is translated. Most of what isn't translated can be found here.
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