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Everything posted by Krad

  1. Did you reset the game during the chapter? I atleast don't get the SPD glitch unless I have reset once in the Second Gen.
  2. When did I ever mention getting a DB unit to tier 3? I mentioned Micaiah as 20/15, which is tier 2. Again, I said that was an exaggeration, as she probably is lower (20/8 or so). Getting Haar to double earlier is VERY useful, as it helps you get maps cleared earlier. After part 1, Micaiah should just chill in the backlines, spamming physics and such. She doesn't can shouldn't ever get near the frontlines unless its absolutely needed (Using the restore staff is the only thing that comes to my mind). http://serenesforest.net/fe10/average/sanaki.html At level --/4 she has 24,4 speed. With a Speedwing, it turns into 26. At base level, she has 23 SPD and 2 STR. Using Wind keeps her at 23 AS, while using Cymbeline gets her down to 20 AS. It takes until --/9 Sanaki to stop getting weighted down by Cymbeline. I guess you could forge her a Fire tome if you wanted to, though. Soren's speed is horrible. First, he has a 23 SPD tier 2 cap. Since he's probably promoting around 3-11/3-E, I double he would be higher than 20/3 for part 4. 25 AS only doubles a few Thunder Sages in 4-1. And it gets worse, since enemies grow AS quicker than him. To double at 4-E-2, he needs a minimum of 32 AS if he wishes to double something else aside from Generals. Anything faster than 28 AS he can't double. Ever. 4-E-3 is a joke regarding AS, and he's not doubling spirits aside from the Thunder ones. lolAuras. Ilyana is even worse than Soren in the speed area. She stops doubling anything after 4-E-3, and she can only get Generals in 4-E-2. Yes, Titania, (T) Boyd and Ike if he gets SPD screwed. Yes, but why use 4 hits of the Brave Axe, when she gets the same result with something like the Urvan? (The only ones she misses with it are the 52 HP/ 32 DEF ones) EDIT: FFFFFFFFF I'm too slow typing.
  3. He averages ~27 SPD at 20/8 (The level I usually have him around 4-3), so 27 AS is fine. If tou give him a Speedwing earlier on, he can double all the 25 AS or less enemies (There are around 20, not counting reinforcements). Giving Sanaki a speedwing means it has to rot in the convoy for all of part 3. Even then, --/5 Sanaki (Which I think is an exaggeration) has 26 AS with a Wind tome + the Speedwing. If Haar is not doubling anything, neither is Sanaki. Micaiah is also a lost case by this point in terms of speed. 20/15 Micaiah (Again, exaggeration) has 22 AS with the Speedwing. Ugh. Of the 2 speedwings you have by 3-2, Haar is one of the best users of it, along Titania and (T) Boyd. Since Jill can double normally, she can use any other weapon and get about the same results as Haar with the Brave. Also, I think she's much better going with Micaiah, but meh. I already said that Haar isn't one of the best units for Endgame. I'm just showing that he's far from obsolete in part 4, and he can still be useful in Endgame with the right weapon.
  4. Bull. His low speed can double in 4-P, and he's among your most valuable units in 4-3 due to desert. He's not very useful in Endgame, sure, but in 4-E-1 he can use a Hammer, and he can use the Brave Axe from 4-E-3 on.
  5. There are a few on 3-E, so you could try. Also, Calill comes with a Meteor tome, do you still have that one? If you do, use it.
  6. Rolf Bow gives 4 WEXP a shot, while the Silver Bow, Silver Longbow and the Silencer give 5 WEXP a shot. The Double Bow gives 6 WEXP a shot, but since it is SS rank, it doesn't help.
  7. Yay. Now I'm finally getting into the more interesting parts of the game (Reyson and the Rescue staff). Give me a minute and I'll add an image with the character positions for chapter 17. EDIT: Here they are.
  8. Krad

    FE4 Noob

    So they can dance more often. As long as they aren't OHKO'd, the are fine (Pretty much nothing can double them). Also, Laylea has Charisma, which is very useful later on. Chapter 7. Celice with the Leg Ring can get to Yied earlier. It also helps in Chapter 6 if you went to Sophara instead of Isaac. Sety getting it means no Leg Ring for Chapters 6, 7 and most of 8. Also, Sety doesn't need the Leg Ring at all in Chapter 8 (The Dragon Knights come to you.) Then, in chapter 9, Sety kills the Arena and buys the Leg Ring from Celice. Sety has no need to inherit the Leg Ring.
  9. No, he can have SS Wind, S Fire, S Thunder and A Staff. Critical animations are different depending on where you will kill with that attack or not. IS' shenanigans. EDIT: Ninja'd.
  10. Rescue staff will be a fun thing to use. Just thinking about trying to one turn Ch 24 gets me excited. I'm having a little problem with 17-2. I have already figured the starting positions of that chapter (Like Camtech said earlier, it is based on the unit order in the selection screen), but I seem to be lacking shovers. In order to 2 turn, I need Marcia to move 28 spaces. 22 of those spaces are covered by her movement + Boots, and I can get 4 shoves out of Mordecai, Muarim and Lethe. I can also get a shove out of Brom by giving him a promotion and 2 Statue Frags. However, that still means I'm 1 space short, and so far attempts to shove on turn 2 have been impossible (Marcia is too far away, and there's the swamp). Does anyone have any ideas about how to get that one extra shove? I'm seriously out of ideas.
  11. Krad

    FE4 Noob

    If I remember correctly, you need Fin alive at the beginning of chapter 9 in order to recruit Altenna. Because What. Any sword user works, acutally. Also Cuan gets a ridiculous upgrade after you conquer Silvail, make sure to talk to him with Ethlin.
  12. Krad

    FE4 Noob

    The most important things to pass down, and who should have them at the end of Ch 5: -Leg Ring (Sigurd) -Elite Ring (Sigurd) -Pursuit Ring (Holyn) -Libro and Reserve (Aideen) -Power Ring (Fury) -Speed Ring (Sigurd) -Shield Ring (Fury) -Hero Sword (Any sword user will do) -Hero Lance (Fury) -Holsety (Levin) -Ichival (Briggid) To get lances inherited, they should be given to Fury at the end of chapter 5. Axes can't be inherited, and pretty much everyone can inherit Swords. Most items can be gotten again if they weren't inherited, so you don't really "lose" anything. @Kai: Some people kill Sylvia so she doesn't interfere in the Levin x Fury/Tiltyu pairings, and some may sacrifice someone against Yurius and Ishtar in chapter 10.
  13. Krad

    FE4 Noob

    It's decent, but getting the Valyrie staff is better than getting Leen to double. (Corple is probably never going to reach promotion). Also a few extra things to care about: -Train Fin even if you are not going to pair him. He is needed to ensure the survival of 2 characters later in the game, and he needs to be alive to recruit another character. -Don't forget to get Levin to Silesia castle in Ch 4. -Pair Briggid, even if you don't want to use any of her children. There's a glitch that sometimes causes Daisy (Patty's substitute) fall in love with Celice as soon as Ch 7 starts, and that means no Balmunk and no Hero Sword. -Before you get to chapter 5, get Sigurd to be at or as close as possible to 50k gold.
  14. Krad

    FE4 Noob

    Dew doesn't know the meaning of durability. (lol 1 DEF) Just Silence Sandima with Diadora. There is only one more boss that can be silenced, you have 3 Silence uses, and using Silence on Sandima is probably the only thing Diadora will ever do.
  15. Used a different method to record. I'll try to get 17-2 and 17-4 tomorrow.
  16. The Mahnya scene in Chapter 4. The Cuan and Ethlin scene in Chapter 5.
  17. Krad


    There are love convos for Lester-Patty, and Faval-Rana. Then you have things like Alvis-Diadora, and that Lachesis was also in love with Eltshan. FE4 is full of incest.
  18. Their speed caps are quite horrible, which means they run into trouble doubling after a few maps. Oscar has a 24 SPD cap, and enemies don't take too long to get to 21 AS, so he's forced to use a Crown. Titania is closer to promotion, so she only gets hit by her speed cap later in the game. Kieran also has AS problems outside 2-3. Anyway, Paladins are usually very good, specially in FE4 and FE9.
  19. I restarted it about 50~60 times, which means that you had to restart it 1000~1200 times. Averaging 4 minutes per restart (Some may take longer, while some may be shorter) it would take ~67 hours to get all those attempts done. Are you sure you aren't slightly exaggerating that number? Does anyone know what determines the character positions in 17-2, 17-3 and 17-4? Is it controlled by the order of the units (Like in FE3), or is it the position I place them on chapter 17-1?
  20. I could probably make a book with about 313 pages and 17 chapters about how the RNG decided to laugh at me during this chapter. To name a few examples: -Titania attacked an archer with a Hand Axe. She had about ~85% displayed. She missed twice. I send Kieran to kill the archer, also with a Hand Axe. He has about ~83% displayed. He also misses twice. Ragequit. -Ike attacked a myrmidon. He has ~96% displayed. He misses. -The green soldier that fights a myrmidon on the first turn was once double crit'd by that myrm. -Marcia. She was the main reason I had to restart this chapter so many times. Her hit is just awful. And probably a few more that I can't remember right now. Lucklily chapter 14 is much easier.
  21. I got to chapter 13 and managed to get every enemy killed by the end of Turn 2 Enemy Phase, however the chapter did not end. But, for some reason, after I killed the reinforcements (Turn 7), the chapter ended. Does someone know why the chapter does not end earlier? Is the game pretty much forcing me to watch the Tibarn and co. cutscene? Or is there any other dark reason for it? I'll probably have to skip to chapter 14, unless someone wants me to record my strat with every enemy dead by the end of Turn 2.
  22. Finally, a flying unit. Looking back to it, I could have done without the forge by smiting Titania instead of Marcia. Oh well.
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