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Everything posted by Krad

  1. You just got an unlucky string of RNs. And getting hit by 99% hit attacks isn't rare at all.
  2. Mordecai for best unit in the game. 52 AS transformed doubles everything forever.Unfunny joke aside, even if he gets to his speed cap (15 -> 30), he still is very bad in Endgame. 30 AS doesn't double all of the Generals in 4-E-1, and it just gets worse as it goes on. Not to mention he can't double Auras even with Nasir. I know all of this because I did bring him once to Endgame. He was cool in E1, and got worse every chapter after that.
  3. She can get to Wrath HP by Sacrifice. Then she has about a 50% chance of killing anything on Player Phase. It's not bad on her at all. She's also one of the few units who can use Resolve before the rest of your army promotes. It can help her slightly, but still Wrath > Resolve on her. Her activation rate is never good with it. At 20/1 in 3-6 she has ~15% chance of activating it, thanks to not doubling, and she's doubled by Cats. At 20/9, in 4-P (Maybe a bit too high) she has 17% of activating Adept, and she still doesn't double, and gets doubled (Slowest paladin has 21 AS). Moving on, 20/17/1 for 4-E, 22% activation. Again, she doesn't double, and gets doubled if she has 1 less speed point (Slowest general has 25 AS). As you can see, she never gets a reliable activation rate with Adept. As you said, there are many better candidates for it. EDIT: I'm way too slow.
  4. Beastfoe: Useless in part 1. Adept: ~10% chance of it activating per round. Nihil: Not enough capacity, also useless. Fortune: Same as above. Cancel: As useful as on Leonardo. Discipline: Not needed. Renewal: 1-2 HP per turn. Useless. Guard: Sothe has no need to remove this thing. Shade: Maybe, but it's unreliable. Paragon: She could get it for a few chapters before everyone else promotes. Resolve: This may actually be useful, she goes from being doubled to not being doubled. Pass: Why? Celerity: See Pass. Howl: lol Imbue: lol Savior: She can't rescue anything. Shriek: lol Vantage: No base. Parity: No base. So yeah, it pretty much either Wrath or Resolve. EDIT: Too slow.
  5. Why are you even using Ellight? Compared to Thani, you have to buy it, it has 3 less mt and 5 less hit. You also get 2 free Thanis, so you have 90 uses out of it. There's no real reason to ever use Ellight with Micaiah.
  6. That was the main problem with them. IS had a good idea with them: one per route, just in case the player screwed up in the team selection. But then they got to Endgame and decided not to bother anymore. The game even rewards you for bringing all the royals to the tower (You get to see some extra dialogue, the same happens if you bring Mist). They should have done what they did with the herons for Endgame. Choose one out of Tibarn, Naesala, Caineghis and Nailah, the rest becoming unavailable. Giffca could be on the same list, but he needs an item to transform, so whatever. The Royals were a good experiment, but it ended up making the last few chapters a joke instead of a challenge.
  7. They are there as replacements in case you have bad units or everyone died or something like that. Units like the Laguz Royals in RD are in the same boat. They weren't added to overkill the game (Ok, maybe they were), they were added to help complete the part 4 chapters if you messed up on the team making (Every strong character to one team, leaving the rest with weak ones). Also, they usually have some importance on the story. The ones you have in the first post: Renult has this backstory with Kishuna and Nergal, Yodel is the one who tells Roy about dragons, Roshe knows that Hardin is doing bad stuff and decides to leave him, and Hannibal's one of the main generals of Thracia, and he makes appearances on both Jugdral games. Of course, there are characters like Oliver that make you wonder what was IS smoking when they added him. lol20ASforEndgame.
  8. Volug is most likely the best. Then comes Janaff/Ulki, Mordecai and finally Ranulf. The rest are usually "ugh" statwise, have bad availability, cat gauge, or a combination of these.
  9. At level 15, he averages 46 HP, 19 STR, 0 MAG, 16 SKL, 15 SPD, 13 DEF, 3 RES and 11 LCK. Compare those stats with your Sigurd's and see if he is screwed or not. Here are the rest of his averages for you to check. EDIT: I take too long to type.
  10. http://fireemblemwod.net/fe4/guia/cap1.htm If you don't know Spanish, it's pretty much: "Use the forests to kill the bandits to the left, place Sigurd on the upper blue circle, and then put Cuan in the south blue circle. On the Enemy Phase, Ayra will go after Cuan, and Sigurd will be able to get near Genoa. Keep moving Cuan so he's one space out of Aira's range, and when you conquer Genoa, Ayra will go the castle. Then you can recruit her."
  11. Best: Micaiah, I guess. Her Thani-bombing is nearly necessary to beat armors, and later on she gets staves on a team that desesperately need healing. Worst: Diadora. Negative avoid forever: not good. Also less than 1 and a half chapters of availability with 5 move.
  12. He was saying that 23 speed is what Ike has on average at level 20/7 or 20/8. You can see Ike's averages here. And can't you use Nasir against Ashnard? It is very easy to kill Ashnard with Nasir + Royal.
  13. This is the playthrough I use everytime I play RD: Ike: HP, STR, SKL, SPD, DEF Soren: MAG, SKL, SPD, RES Oscar: STR, SKL, SPD Boyd: HP, STR, SPD Rolf: STR, SKL, SPD, DEF Mist: STR, MAG, SPD, RES Mia: STR, SKL, SPD Nephenee: STR, SKL, SPD, DEF Jill: STR, SKL, SPD, DEF Reyson: MAG, SKL, SPD Giffca: STR I also have an EM one that in additon to the ones above, has Volke with STR, SKL, SPD and Kieran with STR, SKL, SPD and DEF. Sadly, I can't use it.
  14. Nope. He isn't mentioned in the story anymore.(At least in this game) In FE3 book 1, Camus was the enemy on the gate, while Lorenz was on the woods. IS just decided to be dicks and move him to make people believe he is recruitable.
  15. It isn't. EM just gives you way too much EXP. NM gives less EXP, but it's still a lot. On EM I am able to have a promoted Oscar by chapter 9 without any abuse. And if I'm not mistaken, NOA isn't fixing RD discs anymore. I tried to send mine around September 09, and I was told that they stopped doing so.
  16. Wendy. Bad bases and D lances just before an axefest. But nothing beats the awesomeness of the Shooters in FE3 Book 2. 18 HP, 0 STR, SKL, SPD, DEF, RES and MOV. Best enemy ever.
  17. A few more: @Uphir: You mean the green spots in the last map? I haven't finished that one, so I just put green there as a placeholder.
  18. Lance. He starts double attacking earlier (Higher base and growth). Even though for the first few maps Alan is a bit better than Lance because neither double and Alan does slightly more damage. Caps aren't everything. Say I have a character that has every stat at 10 and his caps are 30. And I also have another character that has every stat at 5 and his cap is 5 for everything. The second one must be better because he has every stat capped, right?
  19. Took a few portraits from FE4 and "completed" them for a little something I'm doing. Warning: MANY images. Also made these stages. For the first one I used chapter 5 and 6 from FE5, and made the rest myself. For the second one, this time it's chapter 5x and chapter 8 of FE8. I also have a WIP of chapter 21 of FE6 and chapter 27/29 from FE7, whcih you can see here. Not much progress, but I will finish it eventually.
  20. http://fireemblemwod.net/fe7/guiafe7/cap17h.htm The locked room with the stairs starts spawning shamans from turn 9 on. Rush. Send Marcus plus the other cavs with Priscilla behind.
  21. Levin if you want to use both Fee and Sety. Lex if you only want to use Fee for some reason (Wtf 70% DEF)
  22. Thanks, it worked. EDIT: When the ranking screen pops up, what am I supposed to do? Wait for it to lead me back to the main menu? Reset the game? I tried every button and nothing happens.
  23. So I was finishing my first playthrough of FE4, killed Yurius, etc. I get to the "What happened after" in the map, and when the game gets to Verdane, it says that Jamka!Faval(I know, stupid pairing, but it worked) took the throne. Just after the game says this, it freezes. The music keeps playing, but neither the text or the map keeps going forward. Is there any way to actually finish the epilogue? I've tried skipping that part, but it doesn't let me. This is the screen where it freezes:
  24. I will never be able to think of the Burger King as anyone else. Thank you.
  25. Aless. Mounted in a game where mounted units are awesome? Check. Good base stats and skills? Check. Overkill 90% STR growth? Check. 30 mt weapon with +20 skill, +10 res and Critical? Check. If you give him the Thief Ring or the Bargain Ring, he can pretty much spam the Mistoltin every chapter at every enemy.
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