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Everything posted by Krad

  1. It's on the Smash Bros site. http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/music/music13.html
  2. Anima is for the units with Baldo, Hezul and Odo. Ice/Water is for Dain, Noba, Neir and Ulir. I'll change the icons at some point. Not really. Well, at least I've been trying not to do so. I'll add supports, but later. Maybe get someone else to write a few characters. Thanks. You can thanks Seph for forcing me to change Ska. Also Gustav's easy if you don't do something stupid like sending Lifis against him. I'm still waiting for a while to see if anyone finds any stupid glitch that I haven't noticed yet, and fixing some spelling errors.
  3. Just some stuff while I wait for people to send me their complains. Skasha is now a Merc, Oifey's shield is now blue, the bosses from Prologue and Chapter 1 have new names, and changed Affinity to Blood.
  4. Chapter 3x is finished. Here is a screen of Fin vs Gustav, not Leaf since Gustav ORKO's him when equipped with the Silver Sword. Now I have to sleep, but tomorrow I'll try to finish everything not done yet, so the betatesting stage may finally start.
  5. Alright, thanks. I'll send you the patch as soon as I'm finished. Who are you and how did you get in my mind. Seriously, I had already planned to have Glade and his generic pals appear in a future chapter.
  6. Finally finished adding the death quotes for playable characters and bosses. This means that I'm almost ready for a demo release. Here is my to-do list if anyone wants to see it. I can probably manage to finish everything except the portraits tomorrow. Then it's testing time, and finally I can release a patch. I also need some betatesters since I apparently only have one at the moment (Seph) And to stop me frm typing, a screen from an awesome NPC in Chapter 3x. (flying fighters are the best) You get 8 NPCs at the start, and 4 more appear as reinforcements. Also troubadours are suicidal.
  7. Considering that she's fighting enemies that are about 20 levels lower than her in this chapter... Redid most of Chapter 3x's text, since after re-reading it I found it quite blegh. inb4 overpowered
  8. Ok, watched a video of Chapter 22 HM on youtube, and you need to kill 4 enemies to reach Schaeffer from 2 range. Ike can easily get you the first one, and whoever is going to kill Schaeffer can kill the one in front of Schaeffer and canto into 2 range, so that only leaves 2 enemies that need to be killed. So you could do it if you have, in addition to Ike and Titania -Mist/Rhys, Reyson or a Sage with B staves(hahahahahaha) -A mounted unit that can 3HKO Schaeffer (can be Titania) -2 extra units with 9 move (Cavs, fliers, laguz) to kill the 2 more enemies needed. Maybe a foot unit + a few shovers can work instead of a mount. Doesn't seem that hard to get the units required.
  9. That's up to you to discover. It also isn't very important since she's probably not leveling at all in 3x. By splitting up the chapters. Prologue-Chapter 3 are all Chapter 6 of the original FE4 but split into 4 different chapters. I can't remember if I said this before, but Skasaha is going Myrm -> Hero. Also, they are slightly different. Skasaha has more STR and DEF while Lakche has more SKL and SPD. No screens here since I've been writing the script for 3x rather than adding the events today.
  10. Thanks. You should play the original, though. I'm taking quite a few liberties here and there (the first and most obvious one is the moment of Johalva's recruitment), and it will end up feeling quite different from the original FE4. Thanks. I'll most likely release a patch that covers Prologue until 3x sometime during the next week. I have a self-imposed deadline of March 9th for this. And to keep the tradition alive.
  11. Actually, Chapter 22 can be one turned without a Sage with a siege tome. I atleast did on my NM draft. From that thread: I did use a Rescue staff use, but it can be replaced by Reyson if drafted. Also, Jill had adept since she only 3HKO's with a Hand Axe. I'm not sure how viable this is for teams with fewer ammount of mounted units (I had Titania, Kieran, Jill and Mist). It may not work due to the way enemies are set in HM compared to NM. I haven't played PoR in ages so I can't say anything there.
  12. Titania. Now your run has been trivialized.
  13. I'll consider it. After thinking about it, I have decided not to include Xavier. Again, I'll consider it. It's still a bit too early to think about things that happen near Manster when I haven't even started the Yied Shrine. Since I can't distinguish whether the SINCE WHEN is directed to Lifis early jointime or the many myrms, I'll answer both. For Lifis recruitment, just scroll down a little. And about the many myrms, let's count. Lakche, Skasaha, Shanan, Mareeta and Eyvel. I think 5 characters of a single class is already enough. And I'm not adding Lara, 2 dancers is just way too broken. And now, screens.
  14. Of those, the ones I'm most likely to add are Dean, Cyas and Fergus. In fact, I'd already planned some recruitment scenarios for Cyas and Fergus (for example, Cyas replaces Hilda, and can be recruited there. Fergus could appear with Aless and his troops). I may be able to fit Linoan somewhere. For Reinhardt and Olwen, I'll probably have Reinhardt as an unrecruitable enemy near Freege, and Olwen could join around that point. Xavier, eh, I'll have to think about it. The point isn't really to have 60 playable characters. (Seriously, by the end of 3x you already have 20 units) Eh, I don't know. None of those four characters are notable enough to be added. Maybe Dagda, but the rest probably not. Shanam may appear in a village however, if you visit that village with Shanam(hilarity ensues) Sure, but most likely as an endgame bonus character, sort of like Athos. Karin and Misha are going to be playable, no doubt about that. Lifis already joins, but at an earlier point. Shiva, I'm not sure. The game is already overflowing with Myrms/Swordmasters. Sara? If I can fit her, sure. Saphy? Maybe. Thanks. Just wait, I've already thought of something about Eyvel and Patty/Faval.
  15. :P However she doesn't join in this chapter. She'll probably join in 6x or around that point.
  16. Those two look great. I personally like Yeti's a bit more due to the way the armor is done, but yours isn't bad either, especially for a first map sprite. Thanks! I think I can make some standing frames for Yeti's, but I'm not too sure about the walking sprites. Also, some screens since I don't like posting without them.
  17. I plan to have a few more indoor chapters, though most of them will be gaidens. Also, if you could make a map sprite for Leaf, it would be great! And now, palettes for Leaf and Nanna, and a very minor update on Celice's map sprite.
  18. Maybe? Oh yeah, Fin palette. If you're wondering about the blue lines near the horse's armor, that's just an annoying thing about the Cavalier palette. It was either that or some random gold lines in Fin's armor, and the second option didn't look good (I tried it.).
  19. I'll probably change it once I'm able to/get someone to sprite a map sprite for Leaf. But for now, he'll have to be Roy.
  20. Yay. Chapter 3 is finally finished. To celebrate, here are two screens from Chapter 3x.
  21. So, after a lot of work today, Chapter 3 is almost done. The only things I'm missing are the House conversations (Villages have already been added), and the map changes. And here is a screen of Celice versus Dannan, the ghost of Christmas Present. Oh yeah, also f u Levin and your tl;dr speechs.
  22. Tried for a while to get the earrings right, but after repeated failure, I just gave her some much simpler earrings. By the way, don't complain about her stats being still too high. If I nerfed her anymore, she would be unusable (and that's something I'll only allow Hannibal to be). Also, her growths aren't really ridiculous. Aside from HP and SPD, all of her growths are under 50%.
  23. I know. I'll edit an earring for her at some time. I knew someone was going to say this. She is not. 2HKo'd by everything in this map except Myrmidons (which she can't double) and Cavs. And 19 attack is quite horrible, 4HKOing every generic that isn't a Myrm.
  24. So is this discussion about Fee over? Yes? Alright. Damn you Remi Gaillard and your ridiculous ammount of hilarious videos for stealing most of my day.
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