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Everything posted by Krad

  1. For preparations, only the units under Good: and Bad: will be visible. If you want the enemies to be visible, move them all to the Bad: pointer. Also, to remove the black screen, add this to your events: Turn_events: TurnEventPlayer(0x00,Fadeout,1) ... Fadeout: //Other stuff can go here, like loading NPCs and such OOBB ENDA It is at least the way I use to get rid of the black screen, maybe someone else can give you a different answer.
  2. New version of this map. Couldn't do everything I wanted to do since FE7's snow tileset is terrible for outdoors maps.
  3. I haven't really had much time to work on this lately, though I did go through the game again to fix errors, add some missing palettes and buff/weaken some characters. I did also make some progress on C5:
  4. I'm not totally sure about this, but maybe it's because Seize events should be under Location events rather than Misc events? Proper spelling and capitalization is needed for event files. For EA, Level(5,Enemy,True) is different than Level(5,enemy,true) EA won't recognise the second code.
  5. It is the code for Lyn Mode's ending.
  6. Defense map, 30x30, bluh bluh. Also this other thing I made for the Mapping Competition.
  7. I haven't tested this, but it should, in theory, work. Misc_events: AREA Event_ID ProtectedZone [X,Y] [X,Y] //Replace Event_ID and the coordinates with the ones you want to use AFEV 0 0xCA749C EventIDToTriggerGameOver //Replace EventIDToTriggerGameOver with the Event ID you want to use AREA ProtectedZone: IFAF ConditionID 0x7A2F1 //This will check if the active character is an Ally or Enemy, found by Mariobro IIRC ENUT EventIDToTriggerGameOver //Has to be the same one as in the AFEV in the Misc_events //Maybe add some text here like "The castle has fallen!" or something stupid like that ELSE AnotherConditionID //A different ConditionID than the one in the IFAF ENIF ConditionID //Same ID as in the IFAF ENUF Event_ID //The same Event_ID that the AREA event uses ENIF AnotherConditionID //The same one that you used in ELSE ENDA This doesn't make enemies head for the protected space, but should make them cause a Game Over if they, by chance, were to step on that tile.
  8. 58x80 tiles apparently, though it seems you can go up to 61x80.
  9. Yes, that's why I skipped them.
  10. I had a strat that gets a 3 turn for Chapter 7, but I didn't record it since it requires too much luck, and I don't have that specific save anymore. Maybe I'll try to get it through emulation, though that would probably be around mid-July or so. Of course.
  11. AREA events. They go under Misc_events, and are like this: Misc_events: ... AREA 0x12 MelgenRein [0,19] [12,35] ... AFEV EventID, Event Pointer, Top Left corner, Bottom Right corner.
  12. Reinforcements: UNIT 0x88 Brigand Batta Level(15,Enemy,True) [2,7] [1,8] [ironAxe] [0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x00] UNIT 0x88 Brigand Batta Level(15,Enemy,True) [2,7] [2,7] [ironAxe] [0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x00] UNIT 0x88 Brigand Batta Level(18,Enemy,True) [7,0] [8,1] [steelAxe] [0x00, 0x03, 0x09, 0x00] UNIT 0x88 Brigand Batta Level(15,Enemy,True) [7,0] [7,0] [ironAxe] [0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x00] UNIT Empty Replace your previous Reinforcements with this. Also, there's a thread for events.
  13. The units you put in the Good area are the units you can deploy. If you place 10 units, the prep screen will let you deploy up to 10 units. The starting positions are also determined by this.
  14. Fire Emblem Hacked: FE7 Name of Hack: Fire Emblem Forever Creator: Krad What You'll Submit: Playable Demo, up to which chapter I'm not sure, if the date is mid July then probably up to chapter 6 or so. Anything Else?: I'm taking suggestions for any stupider sounding hack names. woop
  15. Actually, there is a way to start the game at Eliwood mode. I haven't tested it myself, but it is mentioned here.
  16. Simple fixes: for the first error, you have to understand that Opening_event and Opening_Event are different things for the assembler. Spelling is very important. The second error is in the Ending_event, where you have MNCH 0x??. 0x?? isn't a number, so that causes an error. Here it is, fixed: Once you've decided what the next chapter will be, you have to remove the // next to the MNCH code, and change the 0x?? to an actual value.
  17. Try this: Turn_events: TurnEventPlayer(0x00,Opening_Event,1) TURN EDIT: derp on my side, try this new one.
  18. That's a lot of waiting, then. I still need to do about 4 more chapters (without including chapter 5) before I release the next patch. The Wyrmslayer icon is just a placeholder. I made one, though it hasn't been inserted yet, and it's not really good. If you want to take a shot at it, feel free to do so. The only real requirement is that the blade must be green.
  19. None of those guesses so far are right. The thief has some importance in the chapter, but it is completely optional to battle him. And the usual screen-per-post thing. Divine has a cool effect.
  20. Boosted the difficulty of the chapter a bit, now the path towards Darna is actually threatening. Melgen won't start moving until you are close to it, so that gives you some time to prepare. Hopefully Chapter 5 will be finished by this weekend.
  21. For the UNIT problems, coordinates are [X,Y], NOT [XxY]. Fix that and it should work. For the TEX1 errors, you forgot to imput the text pointer. Right now you only have TEX1, while you should have TEX1 and the pointer to the text after. For the MONE code, I'm not really sure since I haven't used it myself, but looking at the EventAssemblerLanguage file: Money FE7: MONE *Village or cutscene* *Amount of money* Seems like you're missing the first parameter.
  22. It's better than your previous maps, but still needs some work: -Roads shouldn't be compeltely straight, and the left road is missing an ending. -There are plenty of forest tiles, yet you used only one. Variety is mandatory for maps, since nature isn't uniform. -Same thing with the grass, there are many different grass tiles, but you only used one as far as I can see. -Add a road, some light grass, or some forests to the left side of the map. It looks way too empty compared to the right one. -Why did you use different grass shades for each side of the map? It makes the road stand out too much. -The same thing about grass that I mentioned before, specially in the right side of the map. -Again, roads are not uniform. Those small grass dots can easily be removed by using the correct tiles. -Why did you put some trees in front of the Armory? It just looks...weird. -There are a few erros in the wall tiles. For example, the tile to the northeast of the Vendor is clearly the wrong one. -Chests need shading, though I can't remember if this tileset included shaded roads. Overall, not too bad, but there are still some tilespam problems, and some "wrong tile" issues.
  23. First time using this tileset. 32x29.
  24. I was talking about H5. Also, about a previous comment saying that you shouldn't use Jagen past C5, I used him in my H5 run up to C17 as a DracoKnight, and only stopped using him since I wanted to go to 17x and needed to kill someone.
  25. Money in Shadow Dragon: 10000 from a village in Chapter 1 5000 from a village in Chapter 2 15000 after finishing Chapter 3 5000 from a village in Chapter 4 10000 from a bullion in Chapter 6 15000 from a bullion in Chapter 9 20000 from a bullion in Chapter 12 And the list goes on Making a Wing Spear forge with +5mt(anything more than this is superfluous) is worth 8960 gold(6160 with +4mt). Making a Ridersbane forge with +5 mt and +10 hit is worth 11400 gold(8400 with +4mt). It's not expensive at all, specially when considering the benefits it gives you (OHKOing the most common class in the game).
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