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Everything posted by Krad

  1. I'm not sure. I was thinking of releasing it after I completed 6x, but I'll probably hold on until Chapter 9 is finished. Haha, Delmud's uselessness was a small side effect created by this map. It wasn't really my intention. Also, I'll probably do what you suggested about the sand tiles in the desert. Sure, will do. Oifey being overpowered was kind of a necessity. He does start to lose steam though, as in Chapter 3 he faces some considerable death chances (due to him having to run to save Johan), and in Chapter 4 he begins to not-double. Well, Celice gets a pony after promotion (which I think is going to be around Chapter 9 or so), so he'll be better. I'm surprised about Lester, for me he's usually one of my best units. Johalva, well, I don't really know what to do about him. Maybe raise his skill by a few points? So that he doesn't miss as much. Thanks. Glad to know people are liking this. Also, update. I recently realized that I forgot to add this guy in Chapter 3, so now he appears in Chapter 4 looking for revenge or something silly like that. And on a completely unrelated topic, am I the only one who can't access the ChinaFE site? It has been down for me for more than a week, yet DFEOJM says it's up. I'm asking this because I need to check the page with all the FE5 portraits.
  2. So after losing all of this hack's data due to an error with my computer, I managed to restore most of it, losing just a few days of work. Now, Chapter 4 is finished. Next patch will include promotion items, in the first screen you can see a promoted Skasaha. Next is Shanan vs the Boss, a ridiculous Oifey level up (which I'm only posting because it has a 0,0004% of happening), and a conversation between Skasaha and Shanan. Oh yes, speaking about conversations, did someone find the secret village conversation in Chapter 3? Or paid a visit to Sophara? I hid quite a few things in that chapter for the demo.
  3. http://shrineofseals.net/forum/index.php/topic,21.0.html GBA Nightmare Modules > FE7 Nightmare Modules > Animation > FE7 Battle Palette Reference.nmm Come on, it's not hard to find.
  4. Can you show me the text you want to use? Because the code I posted should work, since I edited it from one of my own event files that I know that are working.
  5. That should work. If it doesn't, try to do it macro-less. Opening_event: LOU1 Good ENUN OOBB STAL 0x20 CMOF LOU1 Bad ENUN FADI 10 BACG 0x02 FADU 10 TEX1 0x0817 REMA CAM1 [6,5] ENDA EDIT: Woops, forgot an ENUN in the second code.
  6. Doesn't change anything, Sara is still great with or without the Kia Staff, which actually is an evil thing in that it makes you go to 24x.
  7. , but requires a promoted Oscar to rescue Mordecai.
  8. No, it is the name of a book. It is mentioned a few lines earlier in that conversation. Actually, just read the entire conversation: A lot of character development for a minor character? Why not? Also, since it wasn't shown in the video, Salem's pallete: This is a slightly old picture, so Salem isn't doing as much damage, and receives a bit more.
  9. Probably not. I know that for Jarod to appear, you only need to kill the reinforcements rather than the enemies that appear at the beginning of the map (or maybe it was the other way around? I haven't played FE10 in a long time). But then Xander may have a different method that doesn't rely on a blessed Micaiah.
  10. I've gotten a 4 turn in 1-9, but I'm not sure if it is with the same method as Xander. It requires a trained Micaiah that can survive enemies while ORKOing back. Then Micaiah has to take the left side of the map while the BK goes the right side. If I had a save file that was close enough to 1-9 I would record my method, but for now I can't.
  11. http://serenesforest.net/general/heroes.htm#fe5
  12. There's no public Axe Knight animation, so I can't do much about that. I asked MK404 if I could use the Peg with Sword animation on SoS, but didn't receive an answer. Also I'm surprised you got Johalva doubling. Since his base is quite low and with only a 30% SPD growth. Anyway, some Salem stuff to please Psych.
  13. If you're wondering why Patty's clothes are orange rather than yellow, I used this as my reference. Also full yellow looked bad.
  14. So far Asvel, Eyvel, Othin, Halvan, Lifis, Salem and Mareeta have all been confirmed to be added. The first five join in 3x (included in the first patch), Salem in C4 and Mareeta...you'll have to find out. Well, he's not supposed to be that threatening. I may raise his skill by a few points. Base Oifey still is your best unit by the end of Chapter 3, so he's not bad. Delmud and Lester aren't supposed to double at base, and they both compensate this somehow(Delmud's great STR and Lester's 2-range) The boss is quite easy. Lure him with Oifey, who won't double. Then attack him again with Oifey to leave him with under 20 hp, at that point your other characters can easily kill him. The growths are a bit too high in this version, so you can expect those sort of insane stats. This has been fixed and will be noticeable after the next release (which will probably be after I finish 6x). There's an easy to acces armory in the next chapter. There's only 2 desert chapters (C1 and C4) so don't worry. If you don't use Oifey, Chapter 3 will be a pain. Your best bet against the soldiers is to place Johalva in a forest and let them come to him. He can weaken them enough for your other characters to finish. Also thanks for your comments. Later on today I'll post another update including Shanan and Patty's palette.
  15. The con was a typo, she was meant to have 6. As for the other stats, they aren't that high. For example, she has 15 atk with an Iron Sword (19 with a Steel Sword, but -2 AS). Now compare her to a few enemies in Chapter 4.
  16. If I improve my spriting skills enough to do so, this will happen. And some more work on Chapter 4.
  17. For this chapter, you can consider that 12x in FE5 was skipped. Then there's some little sidestory involving the Dandelion Gang(told by a few conversations ingame) that ends up with Salem in Yied...for a reason. If I really wanted to go full FE5 canon, 3x would have around 30 deployement slots. And that's just not acceptable. So rather than having all FE5 characters join at once, I gave many of them some little sidestories that would allow them to exist in FE4.
  18. You'd have realized I'm not following both games canon 100% when I let both Johan and Johalva be recruitable at the same time.
  19. After a longer than wanted break, Chapter 4 progress has started. And I also added some other things that aren't in the pictures, like the canto patch.
  20. As far as C-rank lances go, I'm going to vote for Cam. While I think a lot of them look great, they seem more like A or S ranks to me rather than C.
  21. Hi. 24x34 Still haven't fixed that game-breaking glitch (I've gone from not getting your units back at the beginning of Chapter 4 to getting them back with base stats rather than what they had at the end of Chapter 3), so for now I'm just making maps so when I get that glitch solved, progress would be much smoother. So anyway, this is Chapter 24 of FE5. Before you ask, yes, that door in the top left corner does have a purpose. EDIT: Updated the map, and changed the map size from 24x34 to 24x36. [spoiler=Chapter 9]
  22. I think that for enemy-exclusive staffs some "Sacrificial" staves could be used. You could use a staff that grants a bonus between 1 and 5 of a stat (depending on the specific staff) for a turn, while taking the same amount from the character who used the staff. So for example, if a staffer with 10 SPD used gave a 5 SPD boost to a character with 6 SPD, the character would now have 11 SPD while the staffer would have 5 for that turn. Giving these staves to the player could potentially trivialize the game, so it's best to keep them enemy only.
  23. The hair on the first one is quite bad. You are using pure black, which doesn't fit considering that the outline for most sprites is much lighter than 0,0,0. I would recommend using the hair color of Karel/Karla/Sonia/Limstella instead, or make one yourself while making sure that you keep your colors higher than 40,40,40(outline color). The Lloyd recolor... The skin seems way too light, with barely any noticeable contrast between one color and the next one. Try making each color more "distant" from the other, if you get what I mean. This also applies to the purple robe and the red hair. Rather than using black for the outline of the pink robe, try using a darker pink that is maybe nearly red. Meanwhile, the exact opposite happens with the pants. The contrast is way too high, the lighter part of the pants is cream while the darker one is pretty much blue/gray.
  24. Have fun with Patty soloing Yied.
  25. Comes earlier than Sety and can have a horse after promotion. The higher caps of the sage class doesn't matter much since the bonuses from Holsety are already ridiculous. But you could also give the Leg Ring to Arthur (even though I personally think it's better on Celice or a Dancer). And Horse-slaying weapons aren't too common, and are only 1 range.
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