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Everything posted by Krad

  1. For transfers, you don't really need to abuse healers this early. The Ashnard fight is excellent for this, since there's no BEXP limit (for transfers BEXP is slightly more valuable than CEXP due to easier abusing), Ashnard almost always hits and as long as it's EM or NM he doesn't move. Also you may want to use the Ashera Staff + Hammerne combo, which gives 10 free levels to any staff user with S staves. IIRC using Fortify instead of the Ashera staff gives even more free levels (up to 1840 exp if I did the math right), but takes slightly more time. If you have any Ward staves lying around, they are also very useful, since they can be used at any time for 17 free exp. For the other characters, I recommend trying to rout every map while beating it in the BEXP turn limit. That way you maximize the ammount of EXP gained. Do remember that fighting Ashnard gives no EXP though.
  2. For FE7, right? Then, are you using the module package found here? Because I just tried opening it and had no problem at all.
  3. We need the event code to know where you're messing up, since the DISA command should work There's nothing special about this, just load him normally. Say, if you loaded this unit in C1: UNIT Canas Shaman Bug Level(12,Ally,False) [XX,YY] [XX,YY] [Flux] [0x06,0x03,0x09,0x20] Then for the next chaper you just add it to the event code exactly like that, changing the coordinates if needed. The level and weapon uses are stored by the game and don't need to be specified again.
  4. Whoops. Fixing. I was thinking of FE5's Chapter 11 Kempf when I added him. I'll probably make him a Mage Knight later. I can't really set areas to "unaccesible" like in the original FE4, so it was this or having a million enemies ambush-spawn the moment you got close to Darna, which would've been a bit unfair. Also if I set it to ambush-spawn, then some Fee use could make it so no enemies appear at all, or appear after Darna was seized.
  5. I may change him, or have the ability to choose class depending on some condition that I've yet to add, though I'd prefer to keep him an Armor, since I want to have an unpromoted armor for shits and giggles. I didn't need the ChinaFE site for the text, but for the portrait page it has. For some reason when I thought of a Sniperboss I though of George in FE12, who doesn't move nor has a way to counter at 1-range. I forgot the others, though Norris only moves past turn 7 or so. But then it doesn't really matter that Barat is an "easy" kill being a Sniper, since he's just one of the bosses in the chapter (there are 6). And since I just have that obsession with adding at least a single screenshot in every post (I seriously need to stop doing this): I like Rangers Bow Knights.
  6. Well, Barat moves and has a Longbow, so he's at the very least slightly more threatening than your usual Sniperboss. Derp. Nope. I was mentioning the units you can have at this point, since the first promotion item doesn't come until after Chapter 5 (there's one hidden before, though). Maybe I will at some point. And just to mess with people. b route
  7. Well, the game is kind of short in Lance allies (Oifey, Fee, Fin up to Chapter 4), and Leaf's group does kind of need the Armor's extra bulk to survive. The other option I was handling was Archer, since there's even less Bow users (Lester so far). Ranger-tastic update.
  8. Wil. In both tales he's in he gets overshadowed by 2 characters who can do the same as him. In Tale 1x, Rebecca doubles more, so that makes her offense better. Meanwhile, in Tale 2, Geitz can use bows as well as Wil (since even though Wil has +1 SPD base IIRC, neither double much), and in addition he can also use Axes. I think the only way to really improve him is to make him a Nomad Trooper instead of a Sniper, since Rath tries to teach him that in their support conversation.
  9. I think this picture answers everything, while bringing up more questions. Until I can figure out a way to get the Tactician's name to be used as a character's name (right now, what happens is this), My Unit will be the name. The Tactician's name does appear in the R-button description, though.
  10. Thanks a lot, that one really helped. I tried using Google Translator, but couldn't access it either. However, as the link dondon posted works just as well as the ChinaFE page, then it doesn't mattter anymore. Also, tease tease tease tease Just going to say that Barat isn't in the same class he was in FE5.
  11. Well, the next chapter is a desert, so he does have that chapter to get his offense up to par. However, I'll also raise his base SPD a bit so that he can get good offense in a shorter time. Also, I've been working on some changes to the previous chapters, and started Chapter 5. Here are some: EDIT: Can someone who reads this take a screencap of this page and send it to me? For some reason none of my computers can acces the China FE site (nor can I get there using Google Cache or the Wayback machine), even though I could a month ago.
  12. http://shrineofseals.net/forum/index.php/topic,376.0.html Blazer's tutorial has s section for transferring music between GBA games using Zahlman's SE. You can also use the help function in it.
  13. I'm flattered, but right now I have my hands full enough as it is. Also, Chapter 5 map finished. The left side is supposed to be some sort of "desert area", but since this tileset doesn't have any desert tiles, I used roads. A lot. And yes, that destroyed house tile is supposed to go there. Since this tileset is apparently the only one in the game without a destroyed house, I had to use one of the village tiles.
  14. It's 43x36 for FE7, and 61x80 for FE6.
  15. Working on Chapter 5's map. This is approximately 1/3rd of the entire map. The map continues to the left, by the way. Also, another map I'm working on, for a small project.
  16. http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/1/24/1717946/Mappy%20GBA%20FE.7z Mappy + the FE tilesets.
  17. Try either this: Or this Always put the BallistData at the end of your events (before the MESSAGE code), or if you want to put it in the middle, do it like this: BallistaData: //Ballista location and type goes here BLST ALIGN 4 CODE $00
  18. Woops, forgot to answer this before. Astra is right, you have to split your army in 3 teams. I personally like maps that require you to split your army, so that's why I decided to keep it like it was in FE5. Fin's Brave Lance is probably going to be in the chest in the left side of the map. I'm not totally sure of what to put in the right side, but I think I have an idea that may work. Also, it's not like Lifis has much else to do in the map (since the guy guarding the door drops a Door Key). Depending on how the NPC allies move, the southern reinforcements may move towards the civilians rather than towards your main party. That's really the only way for them to die, though. Sure, will do. Arthur is supposed to be fast, just not fast enough for him to double at base level, since mages usually 2HKO enemies, having him double at base would be risky, even if his move sucks. Yuria's supposed to be slow-ish, while hitting incredibly hard. She is the only unit who can use Thani for quite some time (until you promote Arthur/Asvel/Lana, or Sety joins), so that gives her a role at the very least. Actually, there is, so I'll change it. And some other stuff. Hurlbat custom icon coming sometime. Can't really work on Chapter 5 right now since the map isn't finished yet (it is a huge map, bigger than Chapter 3).
  19. Troll the Overtroll Defeat Karmann in Tale 6.
  20. I don't know what is messing with the tactician select screen, but I do notice that you have some(or should I say, a lot of) errors in the opening event. After LOU1s, you need to put an ENUN, otherwise the game will continue loading units and it may make the game crash. This also applies to MOVE. Also, after most text you want to have REMA. For text, the correct order is FADI, BACG, and then FADU. For the beginning of your code, you have the order messed up. This should work. Opening_event: LOMA 0x00 [0,0] LOU1 Good ENUN FADU 10 CAM1 Eliwood FADI 10 BACG 0x1B FADU 10 TEX1 0x0801 REMA LOU1 Help ENUN FADI 10 BACG 0x1B FADU 10 TEX1 0x0802 REMA MOVE Matthew [05,10] ENUN TEX1 0x0803 REMA MOVE Eliwood [05,0] ENUN FADI 10 LOMA 0x01 [0,0] LOU1 Good2 ENUN FADU 10 CURF Eliwood TEX1 0x0804 REMA CURF [5,7] MUS1 0x0032 TEX1 0x0805 REMA CURF Eliwood TEX1 0x0806 REMA ENDA EDIT: Actually, I think I know your problem. You are writing your Prologue events over the original Prologue ones. You shouldn't do that, instead put them at some empty space in your rom. Otherwise you will end up screwing up your rom.
  21. Well, you can seize the castle where Arthur and Fee appear, but it's optional, since it is just too far away for me to make it a mandatory part of the chapter. You don't have to seize Johan's because it sides with you automatically, making it a bit redundant. I'll probably change Dannan's Elixir for a Vulnerary. Actually, I'm probably going to change that, and move the Brave Lance to one of the chests, since otherwise they don't serve much of a purpose. They don't have an effect in this chapter. Rather, if they don't die, you get something in Chapter 6. That's because even after trying a lot of things, Leaf didn't want to seize the throne, so I just changed it so the chapter would end with Gutstav's defeat. He has the best growth total of the game so far, while also having the worst spread (aside from Eyvel). By level 9 he averages +1 STR, SPD and DEF compared to his bases, which isn't enough to double Dannan if that's what you meant. I can't exactly remember what his growths were for the demo (since I have been changing quite a few growths lately), but right now he has 60% STR and 40% SPD. If he's level 9, he should have ~16 STR and ~12 SPD. Alright, Johalva is getting a boost. Well, Yuria has a ridiculous magic growth, but her SPD is average (same as Delmud), while Arthur doesn't hit as hard as Yuria or with the Cavalier effectiveness, but is much faster. Both of them are paperthin, but Arthur does win slightly by higher HP base + growth, and a slightly higher DEF growth. She was going to be slightly stronger (+1 to nearly all stats, which IIRC, allowed her to be 3HKO'd rather than 2), but people started to say that was overpowered, so I had to nerf her. Still, flying is just that useful, even more in C4 where everyone bar her and the mages moves incredibly slow. And also the next patch will include the FE9/10 canto system, which makes Fee and mounted units in general much more useful. It was intentional. If I made it target RES, it would have been just too ridiculous, due to Leaf's high STR plus the enemies average RES. With most enemies having 10+ DEF by this point, it was a much safer option having it target defense rather than resistance. I tried a lot of things so that Troubadour would heal rather than suicide, but failed. The most I could do was to reposition it so that it wouldn't die on turn 1. Though I guess I could give it a Physic staff instead. Anyway, thanks a lot for typing this up. I'll keep it in mind so I can improve it for the next release.
  22. I just checked my chapter 3 save and I have Lester at lvl 8 with 13 SPD, which doesn't double anything, so yeah, I guess you're right. Still, I find him quite useful in both desert chapters due to being able to move at the same rate as the foot units rather than having Delmud's 1 move, and 2 range is very useful there. Alright, will see what I can do with him. Probaly +2 HP, +2 SKL and +1/2 DEF. They do, but not as many as the ChineFE page, which had even a few unused ones that I haven't found anywhere else.
  23. Of this hack. I already have the map ready for it. A boss called Slayder appears with that same portrait in Chapter 5 of the original FE4, while Schmidt appears in Chapter 6. Well, that's weird. For some reason my computer doesn't like that page anymore, which is weird since 2 weeks ago I could view it fine.
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