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Everything posted by shroudening

  1. Kieran Marcia Oscar Boyd and Rolf Mia/Zihark Mist Jill Soren For the final chapter, you'll want to choose Griffca. Everyone should be completely out of Ashnard's range, and give Ike as many Elixirs as he can take. PoR HM isn't really that hard, with the exception of Ashnard.
  2. The defining characteristic of anorexia nervosa is the voluntary maintenance of body weight at an abnormally low level, while bulimia nervosa is characterized by frequent eating binges, often compensated for by forced vomiting.
  3. Pennsylvania California Hawaii ----------------------------------- Connecticut - 53 Delaware - 50 Illinois - 188 Indiana - 51 Iowa - 45 Maryland - 80 Massachusetts - 87 Minnesota - 30 Nevada - 45 New Mexico - 50 New York - 58 Oregon - 55 South Carolina - 45 Tennessee - 167 Vermont - 45 Virginia - 52 Washington - 194
  4. "Lazy, ignorant fucker expecting retirement," Fredrickson replied. Mellas burst out laughing.
  5. Hello Darth Vader! Welcome to the bush. Ike, I am your father.
  6. I love this. Unrealistic, yet, not as bad as others... Roy (Revived) Mewtwo (Revived) Isaac/Matthew Lloyd Irving Anthony Higgs REMEMBUH ME? Professor Layton lol Marx (Kirby Super Star) New Fire Emblem Lord Vanguard Ike with Ragnell and Urvan
  7. True. I just find the entire concept of being Branded a little odd. The weird thing about wildheart isn't that it lowers stats (Demi band did this in PoR, so it's really no surprise), but that the description is completely off. (If it did half exp, like the description says, then you could put paragon and wildheart together to do essentially the same thing as formshift.) Pelleas saying blarg to Sephiran was weird.
  8. -pallys being nerfed, when they were invaluable in PoR -Stiletto doing bonus damage against armors in PoR, but not in RD -Sothe having to wait to promote to whisper, while Heather can do it whenever -no Creiddylad on Lehran -no support conversations -armies fighting eachother, characters leaving Part 1 and returning Part 4 -wildheart stats being nerfed, despite the description that says that it only halves exp gained -how rexaura and wishblade got into the hands of Levail and Lekain from Bryce and a Daein Bishop -hetzel cannot be spared -no oliver x reyson ending -the need to re-halfshift when volug didn't need to in Part 1 -Sanaki not being able to wield a staff -the branded not getting laguz features (claws, wings, etc) -broken mastery skills that kill 80% of the time -nihil endgame bosses (I liked being able to aether on the Black knight and Ashnard in PoR) and other stuff
  9. shroudening


    No, you must address me as Dr. Anthony Isaac David Squanto Dr. AIDS
  10. shroudening


    I am Isaac, but you may call me Squanto if you like.
  11. SF needs moar volugs Hello there! I am eye sack.
  12. Hello... hello...hell..o..heyall-o...herro...hilloh, h3110... Bonjour!
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