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Moblin Major General

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Everything posted by Moblin Major General

  1. Pisce is a fisherman from Sylvan's village. Although he debates with the tax collector over his goods, he doesn't hate him, if only because he isn't greedy.
  2. I think it's just a coincidence, but Guntram's weapon is Gungnir, a Crusader Weapon. Does that mean that Azalia and Silvatica are actually countries in Jugdral millennia after Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776? Given the dark undertones of the story, it isn't entirely out of the realm of possibility, at least in my mind.
  3. I saw this, and figured I could help. Country names: Gemran(Western Nation), Juiyo(Eastern Nation), Yeashuo(Central Theocracy) Bandits: Amatar Freeblades- The sons of nobles who are among the last in line for their thrones. Often attack commercial cities or other nobles on the road. Recruits: Sham and Scim Sham, son of Shir is known for infiltrating and pilfering from the less scrupulous lords of Gemran. Though good natured, his habits have forced him to ally with the Amatar Freeblades in order to avoid being executed extrajudicially, for his habits could not be exposed to a magistrate without his victims admitting their own unforgivable sins. Scim of house Itar is an accomplished swordsman, trained by one of the best bladesman in Juiyo. He has won many official duels, and perhaps far more unofficial ones, which led him to challenge Amatar himself. Amatar fought Scim to a stalemate, and was accepted into the Freeblades, and although no reasonable magistrate would order his arrest for fear of the safety of the constables, he doesn't enjoy watching the Freeblades accost random nobles and tax collectors. The first introduction to the Freeblades is in a remote village, where most people wear animal fur and hunt. A woodsman named Sylvan returns from collecting firewood, carrying an axe and wearing a helmet likened to that of a giant beaver. Paralogue 1: The Wrong Kind of Monk As Rose pursues Amatar across the plains, the group runs out of provisions in a town renowned for it's combat festivals. Paralogue 2: Bird in Golden Cage Rose grows ever closer to finding the final ingredient for Lady Josephine, they edge ever closer to Lasharing, where a notorious cult has a large following. Rumors of them cowing the local magistrate seem to be proven true once they are met by his daughter and two paladins of the Church of Draco. As soon as you have other ideas, I'll give you ideas to build upon them.
  4. Normal: Shadow Dragon Normal Boss Important:Softly with Grace Villain: vs. Gharnef Final:Campaign of Fire HM:Camus/Regalia theme.
  5. Had you deployed Bantu, you would've gotten Tiki. Even though you basically have Falchion, you'll still be taken to CH. 24x because you get to recruit Nagi because Tiki is dead.
  6. Again, there was no choice in that. If you think the Grimleal wouldn't attempt to steal the Fire Emblem from Ylisstol, that is a misconception. Chrom specifically notes this in his argument with Frederick, meaning that he understood the risk, whereas FE4 tells you Sigurd does not. Actually, I take that back. Eirika is the dumbest lord, even moreso than Corrin or Sigurd, because unlike Chrom, Sigurd, and Corrin, she almost single-handedly loses the entire continent of Magvel because of her naivete in giving Renais' SS to Lyon, who she should've known was possessed by Fomortiis.
  7. Did he? It wasn't even the full Binding Shield, and it was stolen from him in Chapter 21, which didn't matter anyway because Grima Ex Machina. Had the real spheres been inside, that would've been very different, and Invisible Ties might've actually been a thing. Sigurd had a choice, whereas Chrom didn't. Robin had a back-up plan for Chrom, but Sigurd just casually rode into Grannvale armed to the teeth, and into a vice that ended up killing him and 90% of his forces, along with his sister and best friend. I'll even venture to say Sigurd is even more dim than Corrin.
  8. EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcab4_-ooj8 Panzerkampf-Sabaton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvKRbi2ovDY Sir Christopher Lee-The Bloody Verdict of Verden
  9. Not to mention Chrom wouldn't pull a waltzing into Belhalla like Sigurd. He might be naive, but stupid he ain't. I chose Jugdral because it shows the source reference the best, even more so than Tellius, in that it shows obvious flaws in Eugenics.
  10. It could be, given the setting of Fire Emblem. A farmer trying to make his way, having to contend with bandits, a corrupt magistrate, and have the final boss be a lower ranking officer of an invading nation trying to force you off the land. It wouldn't be too exciting, but having such a small scale conflict in contrast to the like of Genealogy and Radiant Dawn, or even Sacred Stones, might be a change of pace. Besides, plebs back then didn't learn beyond basic math.
  11. I want to play Ace Attorney x Professor Layton, even though I'm admittedly bad at both series of games. How do you guys rate it in terms of all PW games, including AJ and EI?
  12. Stitch has 3 sequels and a TV series. I wouldn't call that unpopular. As for themes, I think Marvel and Star Wars themes are coming now that Disney has some first party content for 3DS.
  13. ^That's a slippery slope. While there is enough money, there are far fewer people and groups who are willing to give some of their fair share in order to make up for those who can't make up theirs. We need tax money, something we won't get if politicians keep offering big business and rich people tax credits for "philanthropy" in order to keep their jobs. If I were president, as much as it may seem to violate the constitution, I would EO turn limits for non-judicial politicians, because I'm being subjected to one by amendment. I would also ban Senators and Reps from getting raises. I would say military spending should be also, but I would rather cut intelligence spending, if only to disempower the NSA, CIA, and FBI from operating without warrant.
  14. Awakening, Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Blazing Sword, Shadow Dragon, Radiant Dawn, Fates Birthright, Fates Conquest in terms of basic difficulty. Not sure on Fates Revelation.
  15. And I got to kill off 4 of the worst people in our timeline in a somewhat satisfying way.
  16. Headline: April 8, 1923: A group of angry war veterans gather outside the Reichstag in protest. Leading them is Corporal Adolf Hitler, an ethnic Austrian. Hitler was frustrated that the veterans weren't commemorated as they were in Britain and the US. Kaiser Wilhelm forced Field Marshall Ludendorff to break the protest with force. The protestors armed themselves, and a fight broke out. In the commotion, Hitler, ace pilot Hermann Goering, and Heinrich Himmler, an unsuccessful farmer, were all killed, as well as Joseb Besarionis, a member of the VKP visiting Berlin in order to help the Spartacist Party. The backlash threatened riots, with many calling for Kaiser Wilhelm's abdication. Before abdicating, Wilhelm appointed Von Hindenburg Chancellor of Germany and proclaimed the Weimar Republic.
  17. Well... that's just your opinion, man. Remember that monarchs=imperialism in this timeline, except for Britain, and Wilhelm realizes that he cannot trust his son to run Germany effectively, as shown in A History of the 20th Century. Japan was allied with Britain, who was allied with Germany, meaning that they didn't attack Micronesia because Germany was Japan's ally indirectly. Once the flush happened, however, all bets were off, except with Holland, if only because Holland was the only link it had to the rest of the world for 150 years. Sure, they probably moved against Russia like the whole of Europe did, but Russia ended up not belonging to anyone.
  18. The following chapter is a short Summary of every major player in The Great War up to 1920. The United States Coming off of the success of the Great War, the reception of the US into the League of Nations was mixed. The Republicans only wished to be a passive member that obeyed the edicts of the League, while the Democrats wished to be more active in policing the globe. The Election of 1920 was a close match between Warren G. Harding, paired with Calvin Coolidge, and James Cox, paired with Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who, like his cousin Theodore, had been Assistant Secretary of the Navy. This was a landmark election, as the winner effectively would determine the foreign policy of the United States going forward. By a close margin, the people chose James Cox, leading the US into a world of politics for which it had yet to learn, but would come to easily master. Germany Germany's victory in the Great War granted it many resources from it's former colonies, allowing it to continue manufacturing arms. At the same time, however, the influence America had on it's government was significant enough that Wilhelm II chose to abdicate to the Reichstag, allowing for the creation of the Weimar Republic, modeled closely on the Three Branch System used in the US. France France was forced to pay 1,000,000 francs to Germany, Britain, and America, and 2,000,000 to Belgium. Initially, France ceded it's colonies to Britain and Germany, but those were later freed by Germany and Britain when a majority of the other colonies were granted independence. Britain Ironically, it was Britain that prompted the mass independence of many colonies held by the empires of the world. As powerful as it was economically, the Empire's military was not as strong as previously thought, and the land flush was prompted by a concern that Britain would collapse under its own weight if it continued to rule in places other than it's long-held colonies, such as Canada, Australia, and India, with the former two setting affairs in order to become sovereign states in their own right. Russia As stated previously, Russia became Parliamentary after it surrendered to the Central Powers. However, this did not save it from troubles. Much of the empire was carved out by ethnic regions. At any rate, it was barred from forming an alliance or agreement with any Balkan state, particularly Yugoslavia, Hungary, or Czechoslovakia. Austria Austria was probably the most ravaged member of the Central Powers after the Great War apart from the Ottoman Empire, and as such, Franz Joseph broke Austria-Hungary into Austria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia. Turkey Two factors led to the rise of Turkey: the rise of Enver Pasha, and the colonial flush. Enver Pasha wanted to make the Ottoman Empire a Turk-centric state, and was given the opportunity when the flush occurred. From this came many states, the most powerful of which, at least militarily, was Palestine, which would soon become the Kingdom of Israel, as many Jews had been displaced by the Great War's Eastern Front. Japan Japan never officially took part in the Great War, but was positively affected by it. Japan took the opportunity to overtake the former colonies in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, save for the Phillipines, Java and it's allies(those belonged to the Dutch, a long time trade partner), and Australia. As you will see later, this has several severe ramifications. Serbia Serbia was left utterly devastated by the Great War, and without Russia, had no allies for which to call upon. At first, Serbia was split into many smaller states, but after a series of wars called the Balkan Wars, was again reorganized into Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia, unlike Serbia, had better relations on which to build with its neighbors.
  19. Walhart and Priam C-A Walhart and Aversa C-S Walhart and Lissa C-S Walhart and Walhart!Owain C-A Walhart and Emmeryn C-S Walhart and Yen'fey C-A
  20. DLC/Apotheosis? This heavily influences what exactly you'll be able to do in regards to class changing, grinding, and who all will be useful to you.
  21. ^If what you say is true, where does the US stand? With Armenia, the "Western" Nation, that puts it on the side of Russia, a country we honestly still hate, or Azerbaijan, which puts us with Iran, a country that still hates us? Or do we back Georgia, the neutral country that fought a war with Russia less than 10 years ago and is still bitter? I say the last is most probable, but so is the first. We may not trust Russia at all, but in every global conflict, they have been a convenient ally, even with their opinion of us.
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