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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. I dunno... Plumeria feels like a bit of a stretch. She literally JUST got killed off. Even the Muspell generals took like a month to appear in their own banner, and the less mentioned about how long it's been before Hel appeared the better.
  2. All the knowledge in the world will be for naught if you can't figure out how to eat a granola bar while reading. ...hey wait didn't I just wonder why Siegbert wasn't allowed in the library but everyone else was...?
  3. Quick question, does anyone know how skill effects such as Special Spiral, Yarne's Bunny Fang, or Celica's refine Royal Sword effect of Special charge after combat interacts with skills like Pulse Smoke or the Resonant Battle foes Sacred Seals? Like, does the special charge boost on the player skills activate at the same time as the foes Special charge penalty?
  4. There's something that's always bothered me about the main screen's touch conversations... Many heroes frequently mention a Library within the Askr castle. Many also frequently mention using it to multiple levels of use. But as far as I know, only one hero makes mention of the Library being off-limits, seemingly in response to something the summoner said: Siegbert. Units both before and after Siegbert have used the library, so... why is Siegbert the only one who seems to not be allowed in there? Perhaps I'm missing something, perhaps the original line was mistranslated in some way, but... I dunno.
  5. I was wrong about almost everything below the first paragraph. My original comment was edited, though... I guess I didn't edit fast enough? About turns and phases, I got the phrases mixed up because it's pretty much never talked about. One turn counts as PP1 and EP1, but one PHASE is each individual turn, so Phase 1 = Player Phase 1, Phase 2 = Enemy Phase 1, Phase 3 = Player Phase 2, etc etc. That is entirely my bad. And as for the second question, what happens is that all bonuses on your team, including buffs from Hones/Fortifies and Rallies and buffs like from Naga's personal skill or Legendary Eliwood's Ardent Durandal, are removed at the end of the turn, hence the phrase "for 1 turn" in such skill descriptions. All effects remain through the current turn until then, unless something happens that would remove the buffs (which I'm pretty sure doesn't exist outside of in-combat effects) Penalties that were inflicted during the Enemy Phase will remain on the unit through the next Player Phase until either the unit takes their action (such penalties will not return even if the unit is granted a second action for any reason) or an ally uses an assist that would clear their penalties. That was mainly what I was wrong about before actually: after I made my comment I went to see how the skills interacted with each other, but even though the Sabotage skill holders Res was boosted to a point where it would affect a unit it wouldn't before, the Field buff was gone by the start of the next phase.
  6. All skills that rely on comparing stats, like Sabotage skills, check the stat value at the beginning of the turn and are triggered at the same time as all other Start of Turn effects, such as Hones. As such, you cannot use Fortify skills to modify the number of targets a Sabotage/Ploy skill can affect. There are ways to force Chills to target specific units on your team, such as boosting a unit with slightly less Atk than the highest Atk unit so the lower Atk unit gets targeted, but from testing I don't believe there is a way to affect the number of targets of Sabotage skills outside of using specific stat-boosting skills like Fortress skills and Sacred Seals, boosts from Legendary and Mythic units, and boosts from Summoner Support or Dragonflowers. (this comment originally had false information. If you seen the previous version of this comment, please disregard anything it originally said)
  7. Crafty Fighter and Tier 4 Stance skills have an overlapping effect in Guard, so if you want to put Crafty Fighter on him he needs to take a different A Passive to maximize the benefits he can receive. Vengeful Fighter is perfectly fine to work with as-is since he still gets his follow-up and still gets an additional effect.
  8. Only when the special is triggered. The attack will deal the shown damage plus any special trigger damage, as opposed to a percentage. ...speaking of Deadeye, I wonder if there's any "best" users of it...?
  9. I never actually say it, mostly cause I never actually know how to, but y'all have some shiny +10s. Hope they bring lots of use to your armies. ...also yeah I got another one. But hey, at least I... don't remember spending any money... after the Resplendent pass... to get Lyn to +10! I think maybe she only got so highly merged before because I just wasn't using Galeforce often enough, though I do know I used a few copies of Lyn for Galeforce once I did begin using it. I didn't actually have her Resplendent form during its initial run, but after seeing how high her merge level was I decided what the hell? And then all it took was a lucky freebie off a revival banner, and boom +10. This... probably won't be her actual skill build, it's just what she had from so long of just existing and not really being used. Wrath might stay, but she does has a surprising amount of defensive stats that get wasted because of LnD... there's also the seal that needs replacing...
  10. Never before has a freebie 5* meant more than it has before now. Normal Lyn summoned from the Weekly Revival. ...okay it doesn't actually sound all that important... WITHOUT CONTEXT. I think this is the first unit I've gotten the final merge for from a free summon. ...now I gotta get her her refine and maybe also a complete skill overhaul...
  11. I think it's worth mentioning that although gambling has existed for as long as humans understood the concept of capitalism, we're literally the first generation to really experience gambling in video games with no potential return on our investments, purely as a source of entertainment. So in a way, I don't think parents and government as they exist currently can understand what gambling in video games really means, or heck parents and government as they exist currently probably don't even understand spending money on stuff inside a video game. I mean, government is made up mostly of crusty white men, they grew up in times when pixels were bigger than our hands. Kind of... I dunno, up to us to improve the climate of spending in video games?
  12. The funny thing is, and speaking as someone who has easily spent a good few thousands on random loot in video games even outside of FEH (which is the game I have spent a cripplingly large amount on), I'm alright with gambling in video games in moderation, but I also frankly hate it. I like video games. I mostly play Nintendo games, but I've dabbled in other franchises via my gaming PC. These days a game costs anywhere from $30usd to $60usd, and that's before DLC and additional costs like online services. But in the past month I've spent at least $500 on gacha games alone, and that would have bought me a pretty sizable amount of games on Steam even without sales. Do I like the random chance that gacha games offer, the feeling of luck when I manage to summon a 5* unit in FEH? YES. Do I like spending more money on it than most video games (that are usually a lot funner) cost? NO. I'd stop, even quit, but they make it nearly impossible by making units irrelevant in the face of newer ones, and at this point I've sunk so much money into these games that it'd almost feel like a humongous waste than if I were to keep playing until service for the game ends. I do think it's alright when controlled. Set a limit per day or per month, or even set up a separate checking account that you use exclusively for gambling in video games. But out of control, and if I'm honest I think FEH is out of control, it's not alright, and I hate giving up the ability to get new games just to remain relevant in the current climates of the gachas I play (FEH, Dragalia Lost, and Pokemon Masters).
  13. The downside isn't quite that important when using low-cooldown specials like Moonbow. Assume you are using Midori with Moonbow and she can get a follow-up, in most cases she will have Moonbow fully charged regardless if she is initiated on or is the initiator. You could also use other skills like Geirskogul's refine or Blade skills to get the charge down even faster and allow the use of stronger specials, such as the newly released Deadeye. Remember that the +2 special cooldown count only affects the unit AFTER combat and can never go higher than the specials maximum charge. It's also possible you have it confused with slowed Special cooldown, akin to inheritable Bladetomes and Leirika's Lunar Brace. Point is, you are usually using a certain special that you are sure will be fully charged by at least the units second attack. And since most units like low-cooldown specials anyway, the downside is questionable at worst.
  14. I had a good feeling about this banner. Dunno why, I just did. And that feeling came through pretty well, if I do say so myself. I went for the sparking, so 40 summons. Shinon +Res -Spd isn't very good... at all... but since I've been struggling to think of who to use my Trait fruits on, maybe I'll give them to him and have a solid enough Bike counter on my side. As for why my good feeling came through, I also got normal Edelgard and Nina, who the latter is now +9. I have a feeling she'll be a limited Divine Code book one of these days, so Nina may wind up being +10ed one of these days. I certainly have gotten more 5* units out of less summons, but for who I did get I'm pretty alright with this. As for Sparking... well, Ilyana is a demote, Gatrie is frankly worthless to me, and I got Shinon, so... yeah, Jill was a no brainer.
  15. ...hm. I thought waiting a few days to think about who could use the Trait Fruits and seeing who others are using them on would help me figure out who to use them on, but... ...eh. I've gone this long with the traits my units have, I'm sure they can keep it up for longer while I keep sitting on it. I don't even think most Grail units need to change from Neutral, at least as long as they don't have a desired superasset.
  16. I would check the functions of your phone and see if there's a built-in app that lets you do this. If you are using a Samsung phone, it has a Game Tools app that lets you record with no visible icon (you have to enter the slidedown menu to stop the recording), no background noise that I've ever noticed, and no noticeable quality drops. It's actually what I use when recording my runs of Hero Battles. ...course this only applies if your phone even has such a feature, but it's worth a look. I used to use DU Recorder myself until I discovered the Game Tools.
  17. Tellius has no place in my FE heart, so these characters don't really speak to me in any special way. Basically all I have to judge this weird redless banner on is their skills. Ilyana makes a pretty alright demote. Blarfox being completely new and immediately in the 4* pool is kinda weird though. Shinon looks like he'd be pretty good as a CC archer, so coming with conditional CC should work fine for him. Deadeye is the interesting skill here though... will it be inheritable? It ignores all damage-reducing effects so it probably won't, but it also doesn't sound like a Prf Special... Gatrie could have easily been the demote just because all Blue Armors are irrelevant in the face of Brave Hector, but his skills do look interesting. Spirited Spear makes me wonder if they're gonna make summoning pool versions of the Pledged Blade and Huge Fan, but it seems a little too soon for that... ...did they typo Talregan Axe? They put in almost the exact same Permanent Desperation effect as they put on Bernie's Persecution Bow and had to immediately call a type on. Then again, they probably didn't, and that's almost scarier that she doesn't even have an HP condition on her Desperation effect like Lewyn and others... Jill looks good otherwise. I like how they made Atk/Spd Rein almost immediately irrelevant to half of the units who would have liked it by introducing the Spd/Def variant.
  18. I... am not having the smoothest time on the Dancing banner. So far I've only gotten one focus dancer, and it was Lachesis at 5* +Spd -Res. Heh, kinda ironic that she got traits that almost any other dancer would have appreciated... but I did get Lugh and Nah in one pull. Decided to start merging Nah, might have good skills but what does it matter if I never actually use them? She is now +Atk +5.
  19. I'll be honest, at this point the only opinion I care about seeing on this banner is @Anacybele. Also, the Double Bow has a stupid name. I thought that would be a Brave Bow or even have a Brave conditional effect, but instead it just has conditional Close Counter...
  20. So... was anyone else expecting the quests that would give the Trait Fruits to be harder or... at all related to the Frontline Phalanx event instead of doing the weakest Training Tower floors a couple times? Cause I did that in like 10 minutes with auto-repeat...
  21. 8 summons, 4 per banner. The one with Sanaki and Ellincia gave me a free copy of each, all the other summons were 4*. Not bad results. I fully expected to get mad that I summoned 2 Ellincias and nothing else, but one Sanaki is a good takeaway for 8 free summons.
  22. I actually thought about why I didn't like using Raudhrblade on Eirika, and it occurred to me that it was because there were no Cav Dancers or other units who could pass on a number of buffs easily and keep up with Eirika. Yeah units like Titania existed who could easily put a large number of field buffs on the Bladetomer, but you still had to keep them away from combat since most of their skills are geared toward support and not combat. You said it yourself to, dancers are usually the ones who should be carrying such buffs, and dedicated Field Buffers need to be kept in a safe place, not 2 spaces away from where the action is. But... that's not an issue anymore. Duo Sigurd IS a Cav Dancer, and we now know that the original Hone/Fortify Movetype skills are up for grabs as sacred seals. So... now I gotta try a little harder for Sigurd... Jagen does have solid magic tanking abilities, to be fair. As for liking him as a character... well... I +10ed him... Your speech on Edelgard is something to consider about armors, but we just got Edelgard so I'm not exactly sure how soon we should begin seeing massive movement buffs on Armors... I honestly don't know if the positioning issues is as big an issue as it sounds. Kinda sucks yeah, but his Prf provides +12 total buffs to anyone he uses Reposition on, and he only needs 10 or more so that ally is all he needs nearby (and unlike the dedicated supports as mentioned above, they don't need to be support units, they could just be an offensive nuke you're getting out of the way). You mentioned Keaton though, and I have Keaton +10 already, albeit not built yet... ...probably gonna refine Celica anyway... thanks @SuperNova125 as well.
  23. I'm having trouble deciding on my next Divine Dew refine... been a while since the last time... anyway, I could use some input on what to refine. Normally I have to spoiler all the units who I have such idealistic plans for, but this time I've narrowed down to the 5 that I've been seriously considering the most. Brave Celica (+Spd +10) Celica will have arguably the easiest time triggering Galeforce with her refine. Despite her being +10 I don't use her often, though that's arguably because her base weapon used to be bleh and I was being too cheap to give her a new sword, so she should be ready for use again with her refine. Anamnesis Eirika (+Spd +10) I do have Raudhrblade+ on her, but I honestly keep forgetting to change it back from Gleipnir, and I don't think there's anything wrong with refined Gleipnir. At the very least Gleipnir doesn't rely on me remembering to also field a Field Buffs unit. Brave Hector (+Def +5) Strongest refine available in a while, only thing stopping me is the fact that I haven't used Hector in a long time and I'm undecided on if getting a refine as strong as his would change that when I already have a number of bulky blue units, even if yes their bulk roles are not as impressive as Hectors overall great bulk. Jagen (+Res +10) He currently runs +Res Berkut's Lance. Changing to refined Veteran's Lance would improve his normal damage output at the cost of some magic bulk against foes that did not get affected by the Sabotage Atk refine (and also a bit of Res to actually get SaboAtk to trigger) while getting Sabotage Atk for both improved bulk and a layer of support. Faye (+Res +8) She's been running with +Def Guard Bow this whole time, and while that's worked out just fine for bulk I've noticed lately that her actual damage output has been... pretty bad outside of Special triggers lately. Moving to Bow of Devotion would add +6 damage to her normal attacks at the cost of -5 Def and -2 Res (as long as she is being initiated on) while also freeing up her B slot to something else. Maybe just Guard since she already has Distant Def 4 and that'd overlap with Lull Atk/Def... Special mentions to Laslow, whose refine I did consider but I then decided to pass on for now. I don't think I need his refine just yet... but after working on Gordin, I've grown on the idea of building more Brave weapon units.
  24. Eleonora has been summoned +Def -Res from the Dancing banner. ...er... does Eleonora do any dancing in TMS? I need to justify this summon...
  25. The thing I realize about Reining Terror now is that there are now so many potential effects that can be inflicted, but in AR-O you get 5 units total. Even if you wanted the Reverse Geirskogul effect (which now that I think about it is just Guard?) and Reverse Dominance effects on the same team, you'd be dedicating two skillslots to that... Moveslot syndrome I think it's called. You can't dedicate all your B passives to Sabotage skills, you wouldn't have any room for other better effects. And there's also the question of what effects in particular you would need to carry for sure. Guard Terror would be necessary for almost any nuke, but it wouldn't do very much on a team of Infantry Pulse. Guard and Dominance are just two effects, I wonder what other kinds of effects one could put onto Terror skills? Reining Terror being Hel's Inevitable End was one idea that started Terror skills, Guard Terror and Dominance Terror add onto that... maybe something like Pulse Terror that triggers Pulse Smoke on the units surrounding an enemy unit... hm...
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