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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Special Spiral is a must on units who can have access to powerful specials, such as a high Def unit with Bonfire, or who have reliable access to AoE specials; Null C-Disrupt is necessary on an enemy-phase unit who will commonly be facing foes with Firesweep or Dazzling weapons and skills. Caeda, if you ask me, does not fit either criteria. She is automatically forfeit from the AoE special thing due to lack of a Slaying effect, and while we don't know what her Def will be, we can take guesses for now based on the trailer and her past incarnations, which have laughable Def stats, and her Res will largely depend on how high her Attack and Speed will be, which right now is hard to guess given the foe she is facing, a Lance Cav, in the trailer (she's at a Triangle disadvantage, we don't know the skills the Cav has aside from a Silver Lance, and Cav units have trash Speed, even a mid-Spd unit could outpace them). Keep in mind that the current highest BST possessed by a summonable Flier with no additional BST multipliers is 167 from Spring Narcian, Spring Fir, and Tsubasa. I'd count Lilith, but I think she might have a Trainee boost... either way, my point will stand that 2-cooldown Specials are not worth running Special Spiral with. They don't add enough damage to justify the B slot. While Firesweep Axes are too rare and new to be considered a reliable factor, if you ask me there are currently not enough units in the game right now who can both take advantage of a Firesweep weapon AND don't already have a powerful Prf to back them up (Roderick, in this case, is a dirty cheater who simply has a Firesweep Lance prf). Tier 20-21 might just be different from lower tiers, but I don't see any units with Firesweep weapons at all. Lastly, she has to worry about Staff units with Dazzling weapons, which would normally be a viable worry, but her primary intended targets are Swords, Lances, Axes, and Bows (also armors). Say what you want, I'm not counting Staff units as one of her worries. ...also she has a Prf skill in the B slot, so the average player probably wouldn't replace it anyway even if given the opportunity. Do we even know if Special Hero banners count for the guaranteed summon? This is a Special Heroes banner after all. @Dayni I honestly can't tell if you're being serious right now. For what it's worth, she is a Duo hero with Catria as the secondary hero.
  2. I said it as a joke. Didn't you see al the Lols in my post? If people are saying she's a Trio unit as a legit real thing... well, I don't really know what to say about that... Lols?
  3. The Heroes Path is probably the best example of this (I still hate it by the way). For completing everything, whether growing as a player or already being a player from launch, you get: 5* Reinhardt (one of the stronger heroes in the game post-SI, still remains a potent unit overall) Ninian (5* exclusive Dancer) Two Xanders, one 4* the other 5* (GHB unit with DC weapon and alright usability in the modern setting, awesome usability for clearing lower-level content) 3* Barst (technically looks like he was given for a separate mission, but hey free Reposition fodder) Anamnesis Lady Eirika (definitely not the strongest Red Tome, but she's still viable if you invest in her) Brave Ike (literally the definition of defensive powerhouse in the current metagame, units had to be made to counteract him) Various resources to give a newbie an extra bottom boost, and a veteran... well, not like they'll say no. A number of orbs Now a veteran is VERY likely to have Reinhardt and Xander already, maybe Brave Ike to, but even still that's 5 valuable free 5* units given to a new player for completing mundane tasks, and 5 free 5* units that a veteran will appreciate the extra merge levels for (I know I liked it for Eirika and Ike). And nobody would say no to free stuff, ESPECIALLY not free Orbs. 32 orb if I counted right. ...also some Reposition fodder. That's cool to.
  4. Lol "Pantless" Marth has a reskinned Fire Emblem. Lol Mini Caeda is overpowered as all hell let loose. Lol Merric looks dumb in his hat. Wait shit he makes Windsweep good, SHI- Lol Duo Heroes didn't even go a full year before we began getting TRIO Heroes. Also Triangle Attack Spear looks... kinda scary actually. And actually she just looks frightening in general, who's idea was it to give her a recharging Movement-based Trio skill??? Lol we know nothing about Mini-nerva. (She might be my next Grail 5* +10 if she's good though) Lol Marth is the 4* demote and actually looks like a good demote unit, all things we know about him considered. Lol so much for my small but growing orb stash. Lol.
  5. I actually did something a little funky for L/C, because there was a strategy I could see working... if only Blazing Blade had non-dancing dragons. But removing Sing from Ninian let me bring her, Legendary Eliwood, Lucius (+10), and Bonus Doubler Nino (+10) to the party. I think you know what happened. Nino had the highest Atk, and Ninian let Eliwood give her the Atk/Def +6 bonus in addition to the bonus Bonus Doubler. Add on Rally Spd/Res+, and Nino could go in, take out the Sapphire Lance Flier, and tank the Brave Bow's assault. Lucius was right behind her and took the assault from Cecilia and Lilina. From there it was as simple as letting Lucius and Ninian take out the twin mages, letting Nino remove the incoming Brave Lance Cav, and doing just enough dancing around to make the Red Mage hit TA3 Ninian and charge up a TA3 boosted Luna, just cause I could.
  6. Well I dunno about you guys, but I did the Limited battles for A/C and Lyon super cleanly. Yes I did use high to max merge units, but not one Dancer was used each time. This was also the first time in a while that I used Owain or Innes, which in its own way was nice.
  7. But that's just the thing, Olivia is one of... 30ish Refresher units, of which there are 4 free ones counting Olivia herself (5 if you count the 2nd anniversary random freebie LegAzura). And of all those refreshers, I'm only missing Nils and Berkut. Even if I went into Arena Assault doing 1 nuke 3 refresher on every battle, I'd still have refreshers not being used. And I don't have a reason to use any refresher other than LegAzura in Hero Battles due to the overwhelming advantages she gives to units. What conceivable scenario could exist where I'd want Neutral 4* Olivia over one of the 27 other and much stronger refreshers I own, or even NeutOlivia over the SpdOlivia I already own and built? ...also these days I sit at 485/600 barrack space, 30 of which is being dedicated to untrained Grail units and New Hero demotes I've not been able to build, but that I did at least get a decent Asset/Flaw for. I'm not trying to maintain every hero in existence anymore, I don't see a reason to expand my barracks anymore than where I am now.
  8. Nope. Crusader's Ward will do nothing with Distant Counter unless Sigurd is attacked by someone with a ranged Brave weapon. You're best off dropping one or the other, not keeping both on the same skillset. Same if you were to give him Distant Ward/Foil. @Humanoid Yeah mine isn't, she's just some random summon.
  9. I looked through my 4* units again, and I noticed I STILL had this Neutral Olivia lying around doing nothing. Now I know that F2P strategies probably rely on this Olivia, but I have a few reasons to believe that I seriously don't need this Olivia anymore... I have a seriously bloated stock of powerful units, especially those of 5* +10 rarity (see my sig!). Every Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 unit up to the first Three Houses banner is in my employ at 5* rarity, as well as a few units from after that point. And many of my strongest heroes are high-tier units (Ophelia, Brave Ike, Brave Lucina, Spooky Myrrh, Legendary Tiki, Festival Micaiah, Nino, Legendary Azura). I have not needed to rely on a guide to clear Abyssal level content in a long time. I've not missed any Abyssal Hero Battles either, so I'm clearly not struggling. Even if I wanted to use a F2P guide, Peony is a completely free Flying Dancer with far more advantages than Neutral Olivia. All things considered, let me remind that this Olivia hasn't been doing anything at all. Even the built +Spd Olivia I've been using hasn't seen as much use as any of my other refreshing units. So all things considered... why do I still have this untouched Olivia taking up space in my barracks?
  10. Actually ya know what? Kellam actually makes a great detective cause Kellam would literally be at the scene of the crime as it plays out! So Kellam gets my vote! But hm... who does Kellam work best with...
  11. Anyone who knows where the fuck to find Kellam has my vote. ...but for reals, who came up with these...? Like teachers made sense cause we did have a few obvious teachers (even played as one), but dancing duo is a little out there when most games didn't even have dancing scenes. Villains you can't hate could go either way. Detective duo though...?
  12. ...yeah so I've been thinking about it all day and I finally came to a conclusion. This question sucks and I abstain.
  13. Does Feh Pass not know that Red and Blue are not the only colors...? Anyway Eliwood looks good, not worth resubbing for on my end. I'm just hoping someone remembers that Siegbert exists...
  14. Uhhhhhh... this is a bad question for me... there's really not a villain I can say I don't hate... even Walhart, who I do understand his means and his goals, I still can't forgive the things he did... hell, any opinions I have of any 1st gen characters in Fates (except Nyx) is muddled by "but they do actively oppose you if you aren't on their side"
  15. Assuming you begin a banner with 0 orbs (which is silly, even day 1 one would have access to at least 23 orbs from the new maps, new hero log-in bonus, and Forging Bonds first-clear-of-the-day bonus), you'd have to buy the $75 usd orb pack if you wanted the Sparking hero immediately. However, i hypothesize one could buy the $75 usd pack and afford to ignore the orb color matching the 4* unit without having the buy anymore orbs. Man, would we even be having this conversation if they'd just make the demote units worth a damn...? Even Dragalia Lost, another Nintendo-supported phoneapp game, some of the strongest new heroes in the game are either free or are fairly common in the summoning pool.
  16. Two Velouria questions. >Does Wolfpup Fang do anything for Velouria's support partner in AR Defense? >Who are some units who would appreciate the effects of Wolfpup Fang?
  17. The other thing to consider, now that I think about it, is that the majority of players will probably NOT be buying orbs if they can help it, stockpiling for months just waiting for the banner where the one unit they've always wanted finally appears. So for those players, who cares how many Forrests you get at 5* if it means getting even one Lilith? But if you're BUYING orbs... then yeah who cares how many orbs get wasted, go for broke bro.
  18. @XRay The way I look at it, the reason a person would want to aim for the free summon is because there is at least one hero out of the four that they want, though now we'd have to say one hero out of the three since one unit of the four will always be a 4* summon, ergo they'll have been summoned at least once by the time one reaches the 40th summon. If you're aiming for the 40th summon freebie, then you probably already know who it is you want to summon, and unless plans change because, for instance, you summoned the hero you wanted on the way, you generally won't even need to second guess your pick. As such, I'd believe that there's no reason to be picky about orb colors. The ONLY reason I can think of to want to snipe orb colors is because you plan to +10 merge the unit of your decision, thus the 40th summon free-wait what is it people called it, sparking? ...thus the sparking unit will just lighten the summoners load a bit.
  19. Wow, it feels like a while since we've had good Forging Bonds stories, and even longer since there were more than the Askr Trio in them (which I know isn't true, it was only Three Houses last month).
  20. If you mean the free Lords 5*, then yes. The banner is treated like a normal banner, so not only will the char have an asset and flaw, but the orb selection is also completely random. Please enjoy 5 red orbs and getting Seliph.
  21. I picked Tatiana and Ca- I mean Siri- I mean Zeke. ...they seem like they'd enjoy dancing.
  22. RUDE, THEY'RE ALL RED! ...least I summoned M!Byleth and not some low-tier scrub...
  23. I'd hate to imagine how many unique kinds of lost items would be around Askr Castle...
  24. >Gunter has a largely supportive role like Jagen, though unlike Jagen he benefits directly from those supportive effects, unlike Jagen having half of Distant Ward. What I'm not a fan of is... I mean I saw it coming, but he is a worse Frederick stat-wise, but he still has arguably better effects on his weapon than Freddys Armor effectiveness and DB3 effect... >Give him 10 dragonflower upgrades and a +Spd nature, and he sits pretty at 41 Spd, giving his weapon a technical Swift Sparrow weapon. Boost him to +10 merge and he goes up to 45 Spd. Life and Death 3 gets him to 50 Spd, so he now has Spd to rival most modern offensive nukes. Course he doesn't need +Spd, +Atk is great to, and without his weapon but all the boosts above he gets to 43 Atk while still having enough Spd to get the +5 damage boost. If you ask me, between that and the special refine effect, Gaius should have been given a solid boost to his damage. Not sure how I feel about the damage boost to AoE skills... >Eirika... is honestly somewhat disappointing. I'm already wary of skills that activate at 100% foe HP, but to be given a 100% foe HP refine that is just Raudhrfox... I'm gonna keep her using Bladetome. >Ursula... eh. Unlike Matthew, she'll need some support to get the most out of that refine, but I'm sure with that assistance all Cavalry will be dead in one hit. But she'll need that support.
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