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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Just throwing some ideas out there... ~Since some Fates units like to receive refines based off their personal skills, I think Siegbert might get something similar to what Corrin and Clive/Mathilda got, but purely in raw damage. Like "If unit is within 2 spaces of support partner, unit or support partner will receive Atk +6 during combat." The base effect I have to imagine will get upgraded to Swift Sparrow 3, because no one likes Swift Sparrow 2 anymore. ~In Echoes, the Killer Bow had a certain skill attached to it called Hunter's Volley, essentially making it into a Brave Bow in a game where true Brave weapons do not exist, only multi-hit combat arts. It seems guaranteed that Leon will get a Prf Slaying Bow as the base weapon, so I think a reasonable guess as to what the refine effect will be is going to be the same refine as Alm's Falchion. In a game where Personal Skills do not exist and Leon isn't particularly known for anything aside from his Valbar affection, I highly doubt they'll make his refine "If unit is within 2 spaces of Valbar: Open and Honest, unit will protect him at all costs, even if it means the enemies life"
  2. It's that time again! Time for @XRay to hope they finally implement a weapon with Slaying, Firesweep, Brave, Dual-phase Desperation, Vantage, Distant Counter, Guaranteed follow-up attacks, all foe B-skill nullifications, Special Fighter, and also Colorless advantage cause why not! Siegbert, Gwendolyn, Leon, and Narcian edition. ~Siegbert's Dark Greatsword has Swift Sparrow by default. Not that exciting. His Personal Skill in Fates, Gallant, boosted the damage of the lead unit in a Pair Up by 2 if his partner was Female. ~Gwendolyn's default weapon was the Killer Lance. ~Leon's default weapon was the Slaying Bow. ~Narcian's default weapon was the Emerald Axe, but the weapon he is known to use in his original game, the Runesword, had an HP drain effect similar to Nosferatu and was treated as a magic weapon at range. Seems doubtful they'll give him Distant Counter, so let's just assume he'll get an effect similar to Forsyth's Sol Lance.
  3. Honestly... screw their legendary status? Fjorm kinda gets a pass... barely... maybe... but we didn't even properly meet Gunnthra until she was literally dying, and Hrid... I mean... I guess he got close to Surtr and didn't die? That Ylgr is also not legendary should be considered a miracle... First of all, I can agree with the tier list. Azura... I almost would consider her the main "lord" of Fire Emblem Fates as a whole just because of how important she is to the behind-the-scenes conflict (and how much of a wet paper bag Corrin is as a lord). Yeah she's not really required in the end and she can die like anyone else, but there are chapters where your unit numbers are super limited and she's one of the few you can possibly field... maybe something like a 3.5 or 3? 2 feels a little too kind, since I cannot recall any possible time you are outright forced to use her and keep her alive, but 4 is just rude. ...putting aside the whole Singer thing anyway. And Shigure's paralogue, but that's cheating, every parent is that way.
  4. Yuri. Byleth. Rhea can fit either, I feel like it depends on the direction they go with her. Fell Robin is a Legendary, and guess what she's a god. Or at least a bastard creature whose power is on the same level of a god. Mythics also have followed the same trend since their inception: they are not playable units in their source games. If you ask me, Byleth better fits the bill of a Legendary. Both you and Kiran blatantly ignored Julia, who I've tried but I never found anything that states she did anything "legendary". She essential to the plot, but so was any number of characters, nobles even, and they aren't Legendary. She's not a "Lord" character, she just abides to different death rules than every other character until the final chapter of GotHW, which those death rules look veeeeery familiar to anyone playing Casual mode in a modern FE game. Technically she's not even essential gameplay wise; It'd be hard, but you could still beat the game without her. I'm not sure it's fair to put her on the same level as other Legendary-worthy units, and yet here we are with the current only Legendary rep of GotHW. Ironic I of all people made that argument, considering she's the only Legendary I meant to +10 merge... also I'm not continuing this, I have better things to do than argue about Edelgarde as a legendary unit. So what, she's here, yay and boo, look how strong and emo she is. Look at how good Green is as a color. Not summoning, still want pantsless Marth.
  5. Because we get 1 Legendary every 2 months, there are a lot of Fire Emblem games with viable Legendary candidates, and I personally feel like there are more worthy Legendary Hero candidates from TH? There's also a difference between being a Lord and being a Legendary Hero. I don't get why you'd think Byleth would be a Mythic... literally nothing about them says "Mythic".
  6. Ah sorry shoulda been clear, I never expected ANY of the house leaders to be Legendaries... ever. Maybe sometime down the line they woulda done a "Five Years Later..." banner featuring the house leaders in their timeskip armor and class? That's what I was thinking they'd do, not Legendary Heroes.
  7. I'd have expected Byleth to get a Legendary Alt before the house leaders. They have just as much merit, if not slightly more, than the other three. Hell, I'd have expected Rhea before Byleth. One could even make a case for Lorenz. Sure he has a Heroes Relic, but it's a Wand with no actual combat stats. And yeah he can use Magic, but when he's encountered as an enemy he prefers the use of Lances. So between the three Lance-using nobles of each house, Sylvain and Lorenz could have been put in and not cause people to think that there's some BE bias. Brave Eliwood straight up murders dragons and beasts with his Ninis Ice Lance, if that counts.
  8. Yep. Even when I'm reading Laslow dialogue in Heroes, I still envision his original VAs voice. Also forgot to mention, even if Edelgarde is the driving force of Three Houses... her house isn't. Okay putting in Hubert makes some sense, but A. why did both BE reps have to be 5* locked when the only BL rep was the demote, and B. why did we have to get Ferdinand and Bernadetta in the same banner? Clearly one of them was the moneymaker of Black Eagles, and it certainly isn't the person who demoted.
  9. I... actually fully agree with @Anacybele on the overuse of Black Eagles in Heroes, especially Edelgarde. You can say that Edelgarde is the driving force of Three Houses all you want, but this isn't Fodlan and Edelgarde has no reason to have priority over the other three in a completely different setting. Hell, look at Awakening! Remember the popularity contest that remains the basis for two of its DLCs? Please, tell me where the fuck Severa and Inigo are, and don't try to pull any seasonal crap. You can say that the Black Eagles path is the most popular, and I'd argue that that can be attributed largely to one of three factors: Black Eagles is the first highlighted option when you select your house. Edelgarde is "waifu" material Black Eagles has two post-timeskip routes That's funny. Three Houses already has (only counting non-seasonals)... Almost as many units in the game in less than a year than Sacred Stones has gotten in the three years of FEH. More units than units sourced from Thracia 776 More units than those who have been added post-launch from Binding Blade Had some of the lowest amount of downtime between banners introducing units from the same game than almost any other game. For reference, the downtime between the recent Fates banner and the last Fates banner (Kitsune and Wolfskin) was over a year (Feb 2019).
  10. Are these Voting Gauntlet banners actually worth any damns at all? 4 Green focuses on each banner, and both do have at least one unit worth summoning for, but both also have 4* units...
  11. What the... the hell kind of... Ah whatever, free 5* Cecilia.
  12. Horray! But also Goddamnit! Duo Palla summoned yay! +Def -Atk boo. And you know what stings most? These last few summons, I've not seen very many Red orbs at all. And the chances of summoning Legacy Marth are already not as good as I'd like, so right now I'm sitting on +HP for Marth, still summoning cause even Neutral would be fine more than HP, and I think I'd have had a good orb stockpile by the next New Hero banner if I hadn't ever summoned from this banner (even if it did mean missing out on Caeda and Palla). Sigh... still going better than I thought it would go, to be honest, especially after the demoralizing summoning of Nailah... I also free summoned Takumi. God there must be people thinking I'm looking such a big gift horse in the mouth...
  13. Welp, I may not have anyone to love right now, but my belief in love remains true. Good Asset and workable Flaw to. Except... I still kinda want a not-HP asseted Legacy Marth to...
  14. Sorry hi, I suddenly remembered an idea for a skill I made back in my FE Fates days, and I modified it slightly for FEH standards. Threatening Dart (C Passive) At start of turn, inflicts all penalties on units equipped skills on closest foe within 4 spaces. So for instance, a unit has Smoke Dagger+ refine, Sudden Panic 3, and Chill Def 3 as their Weapon, B passive, and Sacred Seal. Similar to Nyofai Gunnthra's weapon, those statuses would all be inflicted onto the closest foe to the skill holder. Powerful? Maybe it is, I dunno. The original skill, in Fire Emblem Fates, was that the skill would be a sort of modified combat, similar I guess to Combat Arts in newer FE games, in which a Shuriken/Dagger user would initiate combat in which 0 damage was dealt, the foe can't counterattack, no combat skills would trigger, but after combat the effects of the equipped dagger would be inflicted on the foe (a Steel Dagger, for instance, inflicts Str/Def/Res -3 on the foe). It'd have been a way to inflict debuffs on the foe without risking the life of the usually squishy Dagger users in Fates. It could probably fit more as a Personal skill, thinking about it.
  15. Actually I don't. I had one or two Nailah books before, and then I got another one cause why not. I still have a LegHector book to. I don't even use DC that often. Are you sure about that? I see it maybe every other speedy Infantry unit.
  16. IntSys you were supposed to make me want to resubscribe, not drive me away even further. I mean nothing against Hector. But unlike Cordelia and Sophia, both of whom I had been thinking would be good additions to my roster of trained units (and neither of whom I regretted) and Ike... kinda just happening in the middle... I don't use OG Hector and never have wanted to. If you ask me, these days he doesn't do anything interesting as a unit just because he's been powercrept so many times over now, and the one gimmick he does have is nullified completely by Null Follow-Up...
  17. I think I have to credit Serenes Forest Forums for my building of at least 50% of my units by now... So, who among the below would be a good idea to build? I selected the units that I think would be the biggest boons to my army and that are reasonably able to be +10ed without having to spend on banners. And also I have to like them to some extent. So no, fuck off Reinhardt.
  18. Having used Young Minerva, I now know who I will be +10ing next! ... ... ... ...it's Young Minerva!
  19. Hm... remember the 4* focus banners, where there were like 12 or so 4* heroes who had much higher summoning rates than other heroes, and could appear as 5* to? They might bring the 4* heroes back in one of those come 4th anniversary, since there aren't many other banners it'd make sense to put them into.
  20. Yeah... I'm still gonna say don't SI her. Unless you have a bloated Barracks with more than a few answers to units like Brave Ike (and units with those speed-based damage reduction skills, thinking on it), you have no reason to do that for a skill that honestly isn't that necessary on Brave Lucina (as Xray talks about) And I'd say it really isn't that similar. Hilda is mixed support/offense, but she doesn't necessarily do anything that different from other fast/strong Axe units, at least besides having higher raw stats and more buffs under her belt, so missing her isn't as big a deal as it could have been. Lysithea meanwhile can only be compared to a select few Red tomes and a select few other Tomes overall, and right now she is among the best of her craft. I'm speaking from personal insight here, not being a fan of a certain unit shouldn't get in the way of still being able to use them. There's a lot of units I don't particularly like, but I still use them when I know they'll be of use. And not having a unit you know could have been of use can and will sting. If you really are set on not needing Lysithea then I guess don't let us stop ya, but... well, she really is strong.
  21. Lysithea's base kit is literally built for her specifically. In an ideal world she won't need her already high Speed because she has +4 Atk from initiating, +6 Atk from having a ready Special (hi Times Pulse!), +8 from Death Blow 4, and on top of all that she ignores enemy Spd and Res buffs AND lowers them by 3. Hell, if you wanna be beyond overkill you can swap out Moonbow with Glimmer, cause off of 41 base Atk she will be doing a LOT of damage in just one attack. So... she doesn't really need "building", just an Assist to fill out her slots. But I'd say do NOT SI her. We don't know when she will be next featured on a banner, and having Neutral is perfectly fine for her needs. She can legit kill Brave Ike in the two hits afforded to her if her Atk is high enough, and he is the paragon of tanks right now. @XRay Does Hades extra attack buff trigger off AoE Specials? Since the special is used BEFORE combat, wouldn't that negate the buff DURING combat? Skills like DB already don't do anything for AoE specials, and I imagine the rest of Hades doesn't do anything with AoE specials.
  22. Well, this banner was a bust for 100-ish orbs... all I got out of it were 3 Legacy Marths, all of which were +HP, and a Nailah. Yes Nailah is appreciated, she is good DC fodder. But... she's off-focus. Completely and utterly off-focus. Sigh... I'll take what I can, but I wish I saved my orbs...
  23. Four Colorless orbs... FOUR COLORLESS ORBS ON A NO-COLORLESS BANNER. What. BULLSHIT. As for 5* units... Legacied Marth +HP -Spd... MORE BULLSHIT.
  24. @XRay Spoilers Now if you will excuse me, the Dragalia Lost x FEH crossover is back~
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