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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. ...hm, looking over the numbers again, fair point, though Neph and Lucy do have the Prfs backing them (Neph actually has it pretty well if you build into the EP nature of her special refine, can rival most PP units in speed). We are running out of Gen 1 units to give Refines to... the Blessed Lance is on the horizon...
  2. Sophia Nabata Prophet has received her Resplendent upgrade! (I knew something was happening on the 25th... couldn't remember what for the life of me) The next Resplendent Hero will be Azura: Lady of the Lake. ...eh. I really don't need to spend for another month of Feh Pass just to get a fancier Lance Valor dancer (yes Azura is my Lance Valor dancer). Given that she not only doesn't have a Prf but is also a Dancer with somewhat eh combat abilities, I feel like you'd be purely going for the costume and voice lines with Azura.
  3. Oh, revival banner with two units I +10ed long ago? Okay I guess, let's just pull colorless and avoid them altoge- and no colorless. Great, Green then... Python... 5*? ...hey, free 5* is still a free 5* regardless if they're in the 4* pool. Anyway, 20 orbs for spring, 2 blue 3 red. Yay more chances to get narcissists i don't want and not-OP red units, let's just get this over- EST! SPRING EST! Okay, but she must be bad, like +def or so- +Spd -Def! ...that was not expected at all. Est was probably the one I wanted most, and here she is. Not even with a bad nature, she is completely workable like this. I am... happy with this.
  4. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Oh god what was the last few years for me in FEH...
  5. Wait... you mean to tell me they make a conscious, well-informed decision to put stuff like that on their head? ...I need to lie down...
  6. ...do you know HOW CLOSE I WAS TO 6% PITY ON THIS GODDAMN THREE HOUSES BANNER?! THIS CLOSE👌 THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS And you know who I summon in the end? FREAKING LARUM! AND SHE'S +DEF -ATK!!! ...ohey Annette! Rage absolved! ...+Res -Atk... rage building again...
  7. Death Blow... Finally, just the thing Brave Units have been desiring without the intent to play with Brazen skills. Wonder what will become of the new seal now that its had time to be looked upon in meh...
  8. Hrm... I dunno how to feel about this banner... ~Est really should have been Green, then the player could have a fully complementary team of the Spring Whitewings. But nope, once again they are two Blue one Red... Est herself looks good though. ~Fir looks pretty simple as far as weapons go, basically all the effects that a speedy unit would want in one weapon. Pretty punishing to an ar- HOLD THE FUCKING PHONE THEY PUT ACCELERATED SPECIAL TRIGGER ON A UNIT WITH NO SPECIALS??? ON A GEN 4 UNIT??? For shame, I though this only happened on new refined weapons... ~...yep Narcian looks like a demote. Still marginally better than the demote units we've had so far... still don't know how the hell I'm supposed to use Valentine Conrad with his default weapon... ~...yep, Duo Idunn/Fae is overpowered as all new holiday dragons are. ...what? Wait I don't... when did Lugh ever interact with Idunn? We thinking of the same Lugh, Nino's cheerful twerp, twin of Nino's emo twerp? Fae at least is implied to have interaction with Idunn, as all Duo Heroes so far have established relationships, but... I'm sorry, I don't see how Idunn/Lugh would even work.
  9. I do believe, Anna, this is what they call flying too close to the sun... Now you have an entire group of Axe users who AREN'T giving you money.
  10. I wonder if there's gonna be some story behind the existence of these Resplendent Heroes, at least once they make enough of them...? Bonus question, will Xander be given a Resplendent upgrade to Emblia standards? Cause of any Resplendent armor, that'd be the most fitting.
  11. And Resplendent Ike is out! And... eh. I prefer his original artwork. But... butbutbut... The next Resplendent Hero is Sophia, Nabata Prophet! ...well sheesh IS, I was thinking of +10ing her looooooong ago, mostly cause she was one of the first mages I ever used, but pull my leg much? Alright I'll make her my next +10ing project...
  12. So I bought the FEH Pass (thanks Cordelia...), and uh... I don't find it necessary... at all. The resources from the super-easy quests is one thing, but all the other features I just don't think I need. Sure multiple Summoner Supports is nifty, but I'd rather give the bonus to all my +10 units than be made to pick between just three of them. Re-act just... isn't that necessary to me. Sure it's convenient, but I'm not shelling $10usd a month just for the ability to go back a turn when I can just repeat what I know works from turn 1. The auto-start feature is alright, but the number of times you can autostart is based on how much stamina you have at the time, and as far as I can tell you can't tell it to just use a new stamina potion while repeating. So... alright, but not exactly worth the money for it alone. Resplendent Heroes might be worth it. If you time it right like I tried to, it should add up to 3 free heroes a subscription cycle, the artwork is nice, and the stat bonuses is basically an extra. IMO if you don't care about which Heroes receive the Resplendent treatment, then it's a better deal overall to buy a month of Feh Pass than to just buy the Resplendent hero alone (I, for one, prefer Lyn's original outfit and don't use her enough to justify the stat bonus). Overall... eh. I bought the Feh Pass purely for Cordelia (peep my Cord in the 5* +10 thread!), and while some features are nice, I just don't think it's worth the price in the long-term. I'm not seeing enough to justify $10usd a month.
  13. I actually did this sometime last week, but I been waiting to post for... obvious reasons. Special thanks to @XRay for the inspiration and help. I might not have used his ideas EXACTLY, but they did at least spark something in my brain...
  14. Same story with some other GHB units who received unique refines. Navarre only has Special Cooldown -1 in addition to Quickened Pulse 2. Zephiel has a Dragon Exempt Threaten Def in addition to Distant Def. Lloyd has a slightly strengthened Regal Blade effect in addition to Infantry Magic Bond. Clive only has Armor Effectiveness in addition to... uh, let's call it Ally Support Drive. Remember that doesn't include GHB units who have the same weapon as summonable units, or in FemRobin's case a carbon copy of her manly man selfs weapon.
  15. Forma unit souls...? Interesting... This would be a good way to build a certain unit as long as you don't care about Asset and Flaw, and if you ask me I actually kinda like the blue background and blue stars. I have to wonder how they'll handle learnable skills though... in the example, Leif has none of his usual skills, so would he have to learn them manually? Would they be automatically learned? It'd be cool if the Forma unit also kept all the skills they ever learned while being grown up, but then one could just throw literally everything at one unit and have a unit with like 20 Tier 4 skills...
  16. Olwen: Yeah I agree with @XRay, fuck Treehouse that description is fucking bullshit. I was thinking it was underwhelming as hell because Olwen herself didn't benefit and half of that effect wouldn't even do anything for most Physical-damage allies, but the actual effect means it's actually worth something. Jagen: Oof, just barely missed getting a Distant Ward weapon... anyway, it looks pretty alright. The combined 5 Res for Jagen and -7 Atk for foes is only 1 point of magic bulk better than if Jagen had a Res refined Berkut's Lance or Barrier Lance, but with the added benefit of also improving Jagen's physical bulk. And extra Atk is always alright. Tobin: Eh. I guess he has potential to have a ton of HP, but unlike Virion I do not feel compelled to actually build a kit around that on Tobin. He doesn't have Sudden Panic or any other forms of HP checks and Sudden Panic remains a rare skill even with the now-released Compile screen. So... IMO, kind of a miss. Gray: All around decent. Racist Fury if he's healthy works, and the refine effect (can we call it like Stranded Spectrum? Like Stranded Atk/Def, Stranded Spd/Def, etc? I like that name, Stranded skills) means his all-around spread is all-around better. Overall though... nothing exciting. Olwen probably has the "strongest" refine just because 5 Spd and Res is not a small loss, and Jagen does at least get something worth writing home about, but it's not something I'm gonna put on him immediately when he can use Berkut's Lance just fine still (even if it does mean being 7 Atk weaker), and I don't use Olwen that much anyway.
  17. Hm hm... WoT!Olwen's Thunderhead: same base effect. If an ally initiates combat against a foe within 2 spaces of unit, inflicts Spd/Res -5 on that foe during combat. Note: this description is incorrect. Olwen will also benefit from this refine. Jagen's Veteran Lance: If foe initiates combat or, at start of combat, if foes HP is greater than or equal to 70%, Grant's Atk/Res +5 to unit during combat. Same effect as Sabotage Atk 3 Tobin's Jubilant Blade: Effective against Armored foes. At start of combat, if unit's Max HP is greater than or equal to foes HP by +1, Grant's Atk/Spd/Def/Res +4 to unit during combat. Gray's Laid-Back Blade: Effective against Cavalry foes. At start of combat, if unit's HP is greater than or equal to 50%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res +3 during combat. If the number of foes within 2 spaces (excluding target) is greater than or equal to the number of allies within 2 spaces (excluding unit), Grant's Atk/Spd/Def/Res +5 to unit during combat.
  18. There is some hope, but if Alfonse can beat out LegAzura in the final hour despite no multiplier, Sothis can also pull a major turn around as well. I hold no expectations, no predictions, and no statistics. Only hope.
  19. Bernadetta's Persecution Bow... is the Desperation effect completely stand-alone, just exists permanently on Bernies Player-phase attacks? Usually if it were tied to a condition with multiple perks it's be like "grants Atk/Spd +5 during combat, and if unit initiates combat..." Otherwise, yay best door! Annette looks awesome from a supportive standpoint. Not even that big a shame that she doesn't affect Ranged Cavs, being able to give anyone else one extra Mov without being LegAzura makes pulling for her a very viable option even if her Asset/Flaw combo is bad. Ferdi... uh... Ferdinand is the drop unit obviously. Damnit dude, at least pack a different Lance... Lysithea looks insane. That's +18 Atk if the conditions are right, and they'll usually be right! Not even counting the Lull Spd/Res debuff, the rest just falls on her growths, which should be good considering how good they were in TH. Flame Emperor... hm, I'm actually more interested in how they'll handle them as a character more than a unit...
  20. I have two options for Asset for Vslentine Conrad: Atk and Def. Both I'm sure have merits, but I also kinda want to be able to keep his default weapon intact at the same time. Any ideas how I'd go about doing that?
  21. Al lost, kinda saw it coming but hey it was impressive he still got through the first round despite not having the Weaker multiplier. ...so is there a point to this whole Calculating cooldown period nonsense? Just an excuse to give intern-kun enough time to throw together sprites in photoshop? Cause what's the point of "calculating" if we can get victory feathers within minutes of the final round?
  22. That works for me. I'm not quite as invested in Sothis as Altina or Alfonse, but she does at least carry Times Pulse, fodder which some units can really enjoy (Ophelia wouldn't even need to be in a team of tomes to have a full charged AoE special). Though really any of the top 4 would be good, no matter what. My Altina and Leif both have meh asset/flaws while I plain don't have Alfonse/Sharena, and they're all great units no matter how you look at it. I'll prob support Altina if Alfonse loses just because I don't need Sothis THAT badly...
  23. Well I managed to finish up the pity rate on this years Valentine banner with... Valentine Conrad. ...and Helpful Chrom. On one hand damn, on the other hand oh well, least I got out of this with a broken pity rate at ALL. But this banner did exhaust almost every source of free orbs I had available, so kind of a bummer on that front...
  24. So Alfonse felled a Valla queen, now he and Sharena must fall a Progenitor. No pressure! Glad the two I didn't want to win are out round one. Nothing against Edelgard or Azura, but I have no need for extra fodder of them.
  25. Picked Alfonse, just wondering to anyone in her battles... how is Edelgard doing? I hope she's doing poorly (no offense).
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