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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Despite my plans to someday get Peri into the +10 merge halls (cause apparently I love Blues), I have decided to shift plans to +10 Selena instead, as with Edelgard there are just... way too many Green Armors that need routing. Right now she doesn't have her Prf refined, and she runs Repo, Moonbow, Triangle Adept, Null Follow-Up, Rouse Spd/Def, and Darting Blow 3. The last time I used her, she was generally very able to take on the Greens sent against her (even resisting the blow, singular, of a very maxed out L!Celica), which is good and all, though I've been thinking... if there were a way to maximize her potency against ALL armors without removing from her ability to take on Green armors, that'd be awesome. I've not really been able to find anything of note though. Atk/Res or Atk/Def Solo 3 could at least add on a little extra bulk while keeping her in-combat Atk high, a Breath skill would enable her to have her Special ready when an enemy initiates (as long as they don't have a form of Special charge hindering), Brazen Atk/Def or Atk/Res is something. I'm not considering Distant Counter at all. As much as it would enable her to take on ranged foes, it doesn't actually add to her ability to take on Armored units of more than just Green, it just... adds armors she can combat in EP. Any input would be appreciated. Nothing wrong with the Triangle Adept build of course, there's just... you know, that desire to spoil a unit you +10ed, right?
  2. Interesting thing happened in Arena Assault today, I fought the same player twice in a row. Not someone using the same units, literally the same player. They had a team of Myrrh, Legendary Tiki, Adult Tiki, and Maria.
  3. Actually the Dismount feature is not exclusive to Three Houses. While it isn't prevalent in any other recent titles, it does appear in Mystery of the Emblem and Thracia 776. I don't believe it works quite the same in those titles though, since it is forced on mounted units who wanna be indoors and sometimes changes their used weapon type, but it does still remove the effective damage mods of weapons like Bows and Horseslayers. Just... y'know, facts about games. I don't wish to continue anything, but your wording made it sound like the feature came from Three Houses when it wasn't that unknown of a feature before then. Comic be good, does raise a question though... how are Bows still effective on flying units who lack a mount or flight enabling body part?
  4. Coming with the Creator Sword (built in Null Follow-up and Null Special Charge) and Ruptured Sky (About as strong as Moonbow against most Armors, especially against Dragons which make up most of the OP armors) is a good combo to have by default to. Fir I wasn't able to get unfortunately... not for lack of trying though. For as many strong Armor units as there are, there remains a sizable number of armor counters even available at 3*/4*, like Selena who's default kit tears Green Armors to shreds. And M!Byleth is technically a free unit just so long as you also own Three Houses, but most Fire Emblem fans probably already do.
  5. Welp, there are now too many overpowered Green Armors in the game for me to just pretend I can throw whatever unit I want at them. In other news, my Selena is +7 merge and wants a Divine Dew refine.
  6. Hm... been a while since I gushed about my units... let's change that. I've had every Year 1 and Year 2 unit for a while, and while I've slowed down on Year 3 and Year 4 units, my army is still large and strong enough that I'm not missing anyone. So... I'm gonna gush about the units that I've 5* +10ed, cause that clearly got old in the 5* +10 thread. Red Blue Green Colorless
  7. I mean, you can say that about ANY weapon. Most anyone with a Brave weapon would prefer Ragnell-Alondite. Anyone with a Bladetome would LOVE to have literally any of the refinable Bladetomes available to us. Most Legendary weapons would be awesome on a different unit. I find it not that fair to say "if this weapon were on a different unit" just because the Prf was made with the unit in mind, not someone else. Keep the Prf exchange limited to inside the Aether Resort armory...
  8. ...you know, as good as Legacy Caeda is, I find it a little sad that her base kit is so good by itself that she really doesn't need any building to be good. Uber weapon effectiveness/Vantage weapon, Distant Counter, a B slot that inflicts Atk and Def in-combat debuffs on the foe, Joint Hone Atk, even Moonbow which remains a pretty popular special. She literally only needs an Assist... I mean, there's just something satisfying about looking at a unit who started with trash skills, and seeing them be awesome because you gave them all the right skills. And when they begin their existence with everything they really need... well, that takes just a little of the fun out of it.
  9. ...I got a +HP -Atk Male Byleth on my 2nd pull on the banner. I decided that yeah sure why not, I think I can get the orbs I need to get the free 5* unit just from playing the game. I... don't really like my chances of getting any of the 4 before then though, considering the larger number of 3* units than usual, PLUS Byleth. BUT TOO LATE TO TURN BACK NOW! So curses to you luck, but you won't get the best of me! ...even if every fiber of my being tells me to just ignore these guys...
  10. Wow. Sanaki looks freaking awesome. I might just consider resubbing for her, even if I can't exactly +10 merge her (I mostly use her for double Drive Atk anyway) ...Wait, did Sanaki break the perceived pattern of 5* > 4* > 5* > 4*?
  11. Same, though... goddamnit, I forget to actually partake in the final hour every friggin time. Hell, I even LOOKED at the hour before the last and saw Nino would have the final hour advantage! I STILL FORGOT. Uck.
  12. ...oooh. OOOOH. Idea... made... Fluid Dream (Assist) If used on ally who has yet to act, restores HP equal to 50% of units Atk +10. If used on ally who has already acted, grants another action to target ally and restores HP equal to 30% of units Atk +5. (Cannot target an ally who has already acted and with Sing or Dance.) Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res +3 to targeted ally. It's really not the most creative thing I've come up with, but it does put the two skills into the same skill.
  13. Why can't it be both? A Staff with Wrathful Staff and Adeptive damage? Probably fires those windblade effects you see from Excalibur. Her Dance/Sing could basically be Dance and Recover+ in the same skill. ...it's not unrealistic, she is most DEFINITELY either the next mystic hero or the mystic after.
  14. Or... you know, LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE? We got what 15 games in this series? Why the goddamn would you dream about three people from the SAME game?
  15. ...well so much for his personal skill... ~Gwendy got it pretty good. Not the strongest of refines, but it doesn't clash with Vengeful Fighter, which is good. ~Aaaaand they seriously didn't do shit to the basic effect. COME ON. The refine is pretty good at least, probably not enabling any new builds but at least letting Siegbert do his thing better. ~...meh. Leon's is alright. I'm not sure what it's really enabling for him, but I guess it's still better than what Rebecca got. ~Why did they give yet another Grail unit a refine that they can't really take advantage of themselves...? Ursula at least technically had Threaten Res, but Narc needs to either learn a penalty-inflicting skill or get someone else to do it for him. Bah whatever, least he's not stuck with just an Emerald Axe anymore. Well Siegbert got an alright refine. He can do his usual thing better, and that's all I can really ask for. But I am NOT happy they skimped out on making the basic effect better...
  16. Lehran's Medallion is strong in this one... ~Corrin... well, he's probably gonna have similar stats to Fallen F!Corrin, but he is completely beefed up. The weapon is even the same, but with an additional Guard effect on it... ~Lyon having Sol confuses me, but hey I'm not the dark prince here. Anyway, he straight up HAS 50% damage reduction. No Repel, no skill triggers... if the foe is ranged, hello you're damage is cut in half. Also Colorless advantage, why not. He doesn't seem THAT threatening though... I mean, I throw melee units at ranged foes. ~Julia gets a follow-up against foes who DON'T have effective against dragons... why? She's probably not gonna compare exactly to her Legendary variant, but having Light and Dark is pretty scary anyway... ~Hey didn't they make a card out of Lehran Ike? Yeah they did, didn't they! That's neat. So he just... gets Harsh Command status permanently because of Chaos Ragnell. Also another reskinned skill, this time Radiant Aether vs Mayhem Aether. Also Darting Stance. Hm... ~Ashnard will definitely be a thing. But with him, that makes 3 reds in this one banner... that seems a little excessive. So two things. First off, wow Tier 4 solo skills are NOT worth it. Second, they seriously have no reason not to give DC weapons a refine at this point. I mean... lookit that thing. He doesn't even ignore debuffs, he just flat out reverses them. I'm probably gonna skip unless I can get the 135 orbs required for the freebie together before banners end, which... maybe is doable? I doubt it though, I've exhausted every single source of free orbs available aside from Arena orbs... I'd probably pick Lyon if I can though, since colorless units are getting scarier and scarier by the day...
  17. So this might be interesting to some folk, but in the update to the Dragalia Lost X FEH today, Thorr, the main baddie of the event, brings out the Forma to do battle. Full-on copies of Peony, Tiki, and Chrom to do battle against. I kinda wonder now... whatever grand scheme she has waiting, wouldn't it be kinda interesting if we had to do battle against the Forma we've built? Like, obviously a person would try to cheese the battle by building bad units, but at the same time you give up a LOT of rewards in doing so because you then wouldn't be able to do the Hall of Forms. Huh... I feel like I had a similar idea before, back when Odin was still useless...
  18. I'm not gonna say I know much about Tellius beasts, but it's not like they can't just pull off what they did with Julius. Cause he's not a Dragon, but he's still weak to dragon-slaying weaponry.
  19. Just thought I'd throw out that I'm Team Nino, and if you need a Colorless ally my Elise is a very able Colorless Staff. Always has been, even before I properly +10ed her. Deets in the seeg.
  20. Hey @XRay remember this long post you made in response to my latest +10ing desires? I been thinking, because despite the recommendations you made I still didn't really have that concrete of an answer, but recently I realized that I'm sitting on a unit who could literally enable a units whole build: Velouria (she grants -2 special cooldown to her support partner at the start of a battle) I know I can switch her support partner whenever needed, but with her and your above response in mind, who do you think would be best suited not just for being built, but also receiving Velouria's boon?
  21. ...huh. Well, Duo Ephraim +Def is appreciated! Now to start saving orbs for reals this time.
  22. How the fu... Well, I'm calling it on the Legacy banner. I'm done with it. I got a merge for Palla (now which asset do I pick, +HP or +Def...), I got a good Caeda, and I can merge Marth to +5. If I wanna +10 the kid, I'll just wait for the Seasonal Demotes banner that I'm sure will happen someday. Also Merric can go... study in Khaedin or whatever it was. I'm done, I feel good about these guys, time to save for the next New Heroes banner. But... I got 5 copies of Legacy Marth +HP... how the hell does the same unit get the same asset 5 separate times...?
  23. Your Empress falls... to a carrot. I just felt like recording with combat animations again, after who knows how long. Think this was the first time I used Palla in a clear actually...
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