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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Free WoT!Olwen from the new banner! Sweet, especially given the recent news!
  2. ...pretty much yeah. Just like two or three months by now though.
  3. Sigh... guess I gotta start doing the Coliseum again... My necessary resources are now completely empty, I got almost no feathers, all my refining stones and sacred coins are not where I'd like them to be... gotta partake in this evil again. Oh man I been inactive for months... wonder what hells are in there now...
  4. Jagen is the one here of highest interest to me, both since he's a veteran getting a Prf and because I've +10ed him. God knows where they will go with him, considering he started with a Silver Lance, has some of the highest Res among Gen 1 units (which is pretty good, considering he's a Veteran), and has low Atk, just barely higher than Selena and Subaki who's Prfs have that Atk comparison effect. hm...
  5. @XRay in all honesty I'm not even playing the Coliseum anymore, and my AR Offensive team is already concreted, so my building of Cordelia would mostly be... for my sake I guess? Anyway... If my math is right, the Eff. Cord.Lance build at +10 Atk Asset should be running with 64 Atk and 50 Spd after FehPass boost, Prf effect, and Swift Sparrow 3 (which is fodder I can afford to give her). She could also run Atk/Spd Push 4 and Mystic Boost for an extra point in Atk without any drawback (both skills I can afford to give her). Hm... got some things to think about, it looks like. Might have to plan when I get the Feh Pass as well, if I wanna get Cord, Ike, and Resplendent Hero #4 with just one month.
  6. So I'm planning on getting a month of Feh Pass, mostly because I kinda want Resplendent Cordelia (not really about the stats, mostly the alternate outfit). Can I just subscribe for a single month of Feh Pass and get Cordelia Fehhed up and she'll be like that forever, or is there something else I need to know about the Feh Pass? And if I subscribe for just the one month, does that mean I also get Res.Ike before my sub ends? And while we're on the subject of Cordelia, I think she might be my next +10 project, so what'd be a good B Passive for her assuming I give her her Special Refine (Atk/Spd +4 if HP is greater than 70%)? Unfortunately I don't really have any strong "premium" B passives for her besides Windsweep (which is questionable quality IMO), so it's kind of limited to whatever B passives are available in the 4* pool... if it helps I have +Atk as my current 5* copy of Cordelia, and +Spd as a 4* backup. I have no plans to train multiple copies of her.
  7. Same as in Awakening, every unit has that one quirk about them, such as Effie being the "most likely to ask for seconds", Sakura is "The most relaxing to be around", and Saizo "dislikes sweets more than anyone". And while some of these do pop up in some interactions, such as for instance Takumi having the worst nightmares appearing in his S support with Azura and Saizo... not liking sweets, the main difference is that Awakenings actually plays a major role in the Roster Rescue DLC map, in which those little tidbits brings an entire army to fear and unity for a common goal: get that roster back or risk a life of shame. ...I mean, it wasn't even major stuff, just things like Chrom being the most likely to break things, things like that...
  8. No actually, I had someone completely different in mind (who will go unnamed). Those people do exist beyond just you and unnamed-individual.
  9. I'll join Alfonse/Sharena because A I still don't have them, and B I wanna get the unit I +10ed already out of the running. Seriously, Peony is a perfectly fine free Dancer, even if you're one of those weirdos who gets rid of your free Heroes OCs for some reason, despite them being a perfectly good unit. We don't need to waste a free 5* unit on Azura.
  10. Free Ishtar from the Ishtar/Reinhardt banner! Still focusing on the Valentine banner, so I'm just doing free summons from the new banner. None of them interest me that much anyway TBH.
  11. Hero fest 3: hope I get Brave Roy with my free summons! Gets Shannan +Res -Spd ...well, I know I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, but why do my 2 most recent 5 star summons have assets and flaws that would be better if they were reversed...?
  12. Did they boost the chances of getting a units Prf? In just the first 5 battles I already got Forseti, Divine Tyrfing, and Gae Bolg (the other weapons were Vanguard+ (Def) and Wo Dao+ (Def) for Eldigan).
  13. Rudolph +Spd -Res... ...well I'll take it I guess, Rudolph's main two stats aren't being affected at least, but... man if there was ever a time to be unimpressed with a 5* roll...
  14. Oh wow Duo Alphonse support skyrocketed. Wasn't he just below the #8 spot? I'm legit impressed. Edelgard I see dropped a fair bit, but she still pushed Lif out of the running. Everyone else remained in the top 8 otherwise. Eh... yes there's heroes here I'd like to get. My Altina, Christmas Sothis, and Legendary Leif all have fairly crummy assets and flaws, Neutral is, imo, far better. Legendary Alm is aight, I wouldn't mind making him stronger. Sothis is... something, but there's a few heroes I could see liking Time's Pulse (Ophelia wouldn't even need to be in a team of other tomes at that point!). And Duo Alphonse/Sharena I don't even have so... yeah. But the two I'm not enthusiastic about are Edelgard and Legendary Azura... Edelgard I'm just not that interested in at the moment, and Leg Azura... I mean, we HAD our chance at free Azura last year already, not to mention I +10ed her already and don't play the game enough where her fodder skills mean anything to me. Maybe if I could give her alts her Gray Waves skill that'd be something, but as it stands she just wouldn't be a good free reward for me. Others? Yes, but not for me. But otherwise there's a 3 in 4 chance that I'll get a good free unit or fodder, which are odds I'm willing to take. ...methinks I'll support Alphonse, since I don't have him.
  15. Something just now occurred to me. Brave Ike's Attack is very high. Brave Lucina provides a Breath effect to Ike. Ranulf provides extra Atk and Def just by being near someone from his weapon alone. Alternatively, Ninian is a Dancer. Legendary Eliwood grants +6 to all stats AND Bonus Doubler to the ally unit with the highest Atk, so long as there is a Beast or Dragon deployed as well. ...as fun as that sounds, Brave Ike ruined the game for me, why do I need to make it even worse...? Honestly that sounds about right for the character of Corrin. Not that that's a bad thing, though I'd say someone like Corrin really doesn't belong in a game where you are forced to kill/watch die your own family and precious friends no matter what path you take...
  16. I kinda feel like there's a joke here that didn't get translated very well from Japanese, because this is one of those ones that I'm not getting the punch line. Also this is an entirely unrealistic scenario, for you see Takumi and Leo are not trying to kill each other.
  17. Hm... pay a little under $10usd a month for a service for a game I've already swore not to spend money on anymore unless it's VERY urgent and don't even play all that dedicatedly anymore, or spend $16usd for a year of Pokemon HOME Premium services, a game which supports the game that was part of the reason why I stopped caring so much about FEH. ...well that was an easy decision!
  18. BHB Free summon: I hope I get Takumi! edition. Colorless orb: Takumi +Spd -Res Oh daaaaaamn. Lovely Gifts: Aw man first session has no Red orbs so no Conrad... hope I get Alm and Celica! edition. Virion, Shanna, Subaki (all 3*), Sirius (Neutral), and WoT!Olwen (+Spd -HP) ...well that went shockingly well, all things considered.
  19. Who ready to REFINE? Laslow's Blade If a movement assist is used by unit or target unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res +4 to target/targeting ally and allies within 2 spaces of unit and target or targeting ally for 1 turn after movement. (Excludes unit) If unit is within 3 spaces of 2 or more allies who each have total bonuses > or = 10, grants Atk/Def +3 during combat and unit attacks twice. Father's Tactics At start of combat, if unit's Res > foe's Res, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res +4 during combat. Grants Atk/Spd +3 to allies within 2 spaces during combat. If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd +3 to unit during combat. Devil Axe Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res +4 during combat, but if unit attacked, deals 4 damage to unit after combat. Same effect as Wrath 3 Jakob's Tray If unit initiates combat, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res -4 on foe during combat. [Dagger 7] if unit is within 3 spaces of an ally who has HP <100%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res +4 to unit during combat.
  20. @OttserviaMy kin and brother ...actually wait I can't even think of many units post-Awakening I don't like... well, besides maybe half the Awakening Spotpass units and Camilla... but Selkie and Ophelia are post-Awakening and they are to be showered in glitter and snuggled, probably not respectively but that depends on what Ophelia likes... and if Selkie plays with the glitter.
  21. Can't say I understand, purely because I've still not played any Tellius games... Normally I'm the same, but... I mean, I guess I just don't care anymore. I have Nailah, she's even a good Asset with a merge, but I picked Selkie anyway.
  22. She knows not just who wins the upcoming 3rd anniversary voting gauntlet, but also what the CYL4 heroes will look like and at least one year of other New Hero, Seasonal, Legendary, and Mythic banners. EVERYONE, GATHER ALL YOUR SOPHIAS. We must channel as much future insight energy as humanly/dragonessingly possible.
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