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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. Hey, to be fair, I did find Fates, which pleasantly surprised me. And I had fun with Awakening, as much as I thought it was... uh, subpar. What FEs haven't you played yet, anyway?
  2. I guess I can see the logic going that way, but... How's someone who dislikes 3H supposed to go "ahh so this is what a good FE looks like" when playing something that isn't even FE? Well, I'm afraid it bothers me quite a bit. She's hilarious. Her one and only flaw is shaky bases, and all you need to do is give her a handful of statboosters and the game is over. ...What? Did we play the same TRS? I did it. It was... I want to say worth it, but I had a stretch of five bad FEs that almost killed the whole idea of the series for me, so... eeh.
  3. At this point I just wish Mystery's interface wasn't outdated garbage. I would play book 2, but every time I try I quickly realize I have no idea how much damage I'm dealing or taking because they show you the enemy's stats and your own stats in two different screens that aren't even in the same order. It's a headache and a half to play, and in book 1 I only rolled with it because it was so mindnumbingly easy that I coasted through it without knowing the numbers. Yeah. It's that easy. For that alone I'd rather play New Mystery and Shadow Dragon. I guess I could get used to it like I got used to the UI in the later Kaga games, but... you know, at least those showed the stats side by side so I could compare them at a glance. This is just so insufferable. Ah yes, playable Gaiden-style witch, truly the peak of balance Nah, I wasn't gonna. I know full well what your opinion about that one is.
  4. Hahahahah... Ahh, yes. Beautiful, isn't it? There's a way to cheese it, but even then it's annoying as all hell. For me personally? KagaSaga. His FEs are more in the "some good ideas, dragged down by massive flaws" camp, in my opinion. TRS and Vestaria a bit like that too, but there's far more good ideas and far less massive flaws. HSoS looks like a wonderful game, but the language barrier makes it too cumbersome for me to enjoy it properly. And well, we all know how I feel about Berwick Saga. Kaga's FEs, though... FE1, FE2 and FE3 are boring, annoying to play and completely outdated thanks to their remakes, FE4 I played once and I saw everything I needed to see, and FE5... well, I think it's the best Kaga FE, for what it's worth. I really wish they'd bring back Capture, I love that mechanic, but the map design in this game is... very hit-or-miss, and the lategame is just plain bad, in my humble opinion. You only need to get a certain amount of skill and this flaw disappears. It only exists in the earlygame and Tina. It's dumb, but it hardly exists, so... This, though... Yeah, the ballistae in Thracia are pain. It's all right. I know the feeling. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's high art, but compared to a snoozefest like Path of Radiance of Mystery Book 1... Yeah, I'd rather play Revelation a thousand times than replay either of those.
  5. It is really far from the FEs that I would call boring. Really, really far.
  6. Hey, I wasn't talking about anyone in particular! I just received generally negative opinions, that's all.
  7. 58 turns. Hah! LTC pro right here, folks. Well, at any rate, it's over. That took way too long because I was a coward and played it too safely. Roland held the entire western side at bay with the guard naginata and Bernd's support while Brigitta and Protagonist acted as the heavy artillery behind him and everyone else rushed the eastern forts. It was quite the fun sight to behold. I had fun with the map, overall! Sure, I wish the upper and lower forts didn't exist so the map didn't take me almost 60 turns, but still. Not too bad. You guys were far too negative. You can only go so wrong with Fates mechanics. And generics, of course! Bless you, generics. You guys are wonderful, all of you. Even slow-ass Christof. And then Ryoma mourned Scarlet in a scene that totally didn't fall flat at all because Scarlet got like, two minutes of character development in this route. And, well... In every route, actually. What a goddamned shame. As for next chapter... I took a sneak peek at it and... OHMIGOSH GOLD! Finally! I can finally buy some decent weaponry, goddamnit... I won't do it just yet, though. I'm gonna go have lunch, and then I'll play something else, and hopefully when I return I won't have to time travel for Fuga, who... unfortunately will hit the bench for the time being, because again, no generics will be left behind, not even for baldie overthere.
  8. Well, first Valla impressions are... not too bad! This map isn't terrible. Once I warped to the middle, I was able to secure the area and begin branching out to the eastern forts while Roland dutifully held the line with the guard naginata. Fun map, only problem being... It's looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong. Like, it's turn 41 and only just a couple turns ago I managed to wipe everyone out and begin to clean up and activate the remaining dragon veins. Up to this point I was fighting tooth and nail for all our lives. I could've been faster, but I was a bit afraid, so I waited until I had the eastern side ready to proceed to the west. Well, that's... odd. I would've expected the opposite. Any particular reason?
  9. Okay, so I gave the first Valla map a shot. I started from the bottom, resulting in my units cluttering the extremely tight corridor, and then I got crit because the big problem with generics is that their luck growths suck ass. All right, no problem. I have six entrances to try. We just have to warp to a different spot. Hey, it's not that unlikely! It's just extremely unlikely. ...Touché.
  10. Thank you for your understanding. To be honest, I probably could've endured the slow start if it wasn't for my personal dislike for JRPG gameplay. Sooo yeah, I didn't think the game was bad or anything. Just the gameplay was not my cup of tea, as most JRPGs are, and when it comes to videogames, for the most part gameplay makes or breaks them for me. Maybe I should try out Cold Steel. Shrimpy hates it, but he also loves Three Houses, so clearly he's wrong about everything.
  11. In my own defense, it wasn't personal. I just don't enjoy traditional JRPGs in general. Not my style of gameplay, I'm afraid Nobody tell him I also got completely bored of the story because I felt it didn't go anywhere for 10 hours
  12. You didn't have to mention that tiny, insignificant detail.
  13. After consistently being some of the worst units in the entire series, the female armor knight class finally got a worthy member in Effie, who breaks the mold by being pretty close to godlike. She one-shots shit, takes little damage in return and overall, is the main frontliner for the entirety of Conquest's earlygame. She falls off a wee liiiil' bit later, but nothing too big. She can be used all game, no problem, she just becomes less centralizing as time goes on. Low movement and meh speed are her only flaws, and this is the game where low movement is the least crippling, since she can just hop on someone else's back to get to where she needs to be. And to top it all off, I like her design, dumb thigh window aside. One of my favs from Conquest, easily. Doesn't the game give you a slot right after he joins, too? It's kinda like Izana. The game gives you an extra slot right after he joins, and at that point Izana is basically the only one who is worthy of it, which works out perfectly for the guy.
  14. Shura's utility is through the roof. He has huge movement, can boost other units' movement, use staves, shoot things quite well, is decent with the shining bow, can thief, can debuff enemies with his personal... Other units wish they had this amount of versatility. It's honestly well worth kicking someone out for him, he does so much more than combat. I like both Niles and Shura. I will be the new Shrimpy. Oof...
  15. Then at least have the decency to go to Kaga's house and force him to greenlight the translation...
  16. Damnit Spara, stop hyping me for a HSoS translation that I don't even believe is likely to come out...
  17. To be honest, the map doesn't look bad. Having to cart Protagonist around to use dragon veins will be tiresome, but beyond that... Using the sigils smartly to kill groups of enemies quickly sounds interesting enough. It's just... well, not what I want to get up to this late. Fates is big dumb. And I love it for it. Fucking preach. Shura deserves better.
  18. Actually, on second thought, I think I'll wait till tomorrow to do this. Just seeing the map has left me exhausted.
  19. It's a really funny joke from Revelation to unlock the level 2 prison right when it becomes completely useless. Anyway, chapter 18. Protagonist must convince her siblings to jump. She has three options: 1. Insist on the urgency of the matter and ask them to believe in her as they did when they joined her. 2. Jump herself first to show them she knows what she's doing, leave it to Azura to finish convincing them if there are any doubts left after that. 3. Commit fucking suicide. This game. I love this game. Aaaaanyway, person arrived and his voice is barely distorted, you can totally tell who he is. To be honest, I think the uneven walls are more of a danger than him. Every time I see the "falling into the canyon" cutscene it feels like the characters only make it to Valla through sheer luck. Of course, not every character made it to Valla. That was so arbitrary, just like Izana's death. Why does Revelation do these things? So pointless... His confrontation with Kotaro is so good, though...
  20. Scum. Yes. Thin fuckin' ice, Sooks. Thin fuckin' ice. Kana can sit on the bench. Fuga is the one and only exception, and even then that's only if the game gives me another deployment slot. No generics are getting booted for him.
  21. Been all afternoon visiting the family. It was nice. In a little bit I'll continue the Rev run. Gotta say, the last arc left me quite happy. Good maps, killing off the remaining royals, Alight and Alight's Conquest Equivalent Whose Name I Forgot Again one after the other, Fates's best girl the generic strategist joined the team right at the last second, everyone promoted... Good stuff, good stuff. I can only hope the Valla arc will be half as good. I love how nobody can recognize her even though all she did was put on a transparent veil. But more than that, I love how that isn't the first time in the series where a ridiculously obvious "disguise" works. Don't make that face. There's nothing wrong with being hyped for Garon scenes. Ooohh yeah, I had forgotten. Yeah, that's a shame, then. Might not even bother with the map, in that case. I'm past the need for grinding maps. Might still marry Fuga just to see what Kana's hair looks like then. Imagine bald Kana. I doubt it, but it'd be amazing. Eh. In my experience, at least in hard mode, that chapter is pretty easy. Even if your Corrin is bad, Gunter can handle everything easily.
  22. Oddly appropriate, yes. There's a bit of Nohr bias, because my archer and ninja turned out badly, but on the other hand, Suzumi and Kenshi were the first to join and two of my best, so I guess it compensates. Yeah, I'm aware. One more map before I can do it, though. Hype. Gimme a break. Haha, yeah, I get it. Bench Elise. Kumagera's design is much cooler. Not really, she can take a single hit from some things and dish out some mean damage. She's not amazing, but she's not... Well, whatever she is in Rev. I never had any doubts. They've made me proud. Unfortunately, there'll be no more generic collecting to be done. I have Logbook Orochi still, but of course, save for Kana's paralogue and challenges there's no more capturing to be done. But I'm not afraid. My guys deserve their chance in the spotlight. We will pull through to the end.
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