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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. Today I learned that I have a gift: Any time I play Mario Party with my friend and I land on chance time, I will invariably screw myself and my friend over and hand the win to the AI. Like, seriously. Man never wins. I actually begun to root for him today. The RNG handed him 12 stars, he was this close... And then I landed on chance time and gave everything to the AI. It's the third time it has happened since we started playing Mario Party. Someone please make it stop. I want him to win once. Also, my Logan is better than my Kelik in my current TLP run. I don't know what the worst part is: that this is happening, or that it isn't even the first time it's happened to me.
  2. What better trophy is there than a decapitated head?
  3. I wish you the best of luck. That will require her survival though, if she dies there's room to pity her
  4. I always knew. I'm just rather impressed that I managed to spend 30 minutes straight just talking about Garon and all the reasons I love him. I swear I talked to him about all the dumb shit in the story as much as the gameplay. I did talk to him about the gameplay too, though, rest assured. I mean, at the end of the day it's what we're both in it for. ...I also brought up the Silas/Elise support. And I ranted about Leo, obviously. But yeah, overall, nothing but praise for the game. I SHOULD'VE KNOWN FATES'S STORY WAS GREAT RUBEN, KING GARON IS AN INFURIATING CHARACTER FROM MY POINT OF VIEW, HE'S A HILARIOUS CHARACTER WELL THEN YOU ARE LOST Swoosh swoosh lightsaber noises In my defense, I did not like Anankos, he's badly written in a really boring way as opposed to Garon who is the funniest character in the series
  5. I just spent an hour gushing about Fates to a friend. 30 minutes were dedicated exclusively to Garon. Guys, I think Garon might be my favorite character in Fates. Yes, this is true. Everything! Stop blaming me for the Shit Incident!
  6. I was joking. Why does nobody ever realize when I'm joking? The post timeskip design. Man rocks that cape. It's also neat to see a FE character with glasses. And he's just generally a good guy. Maybe not the game's deepest character, but at least he doesn't make me angry.
  7. Sounds like some dickhead using bots to screw with the site for... some reason. How strange. Hopefully the issue will be resolved soon.
  8. Is the forum loading really slowly for anyone else or is it just me? Just the forum, the main Serenes site and everything else on the internet is loading just fine. Damnit, Cosmo...! Sure. That line is like, the only part of the game I don't hate aside from Hanneman, Ignatz and Leonie. ...Or that. Yes, let's go with that. Go ahead then, ignore everything I just said and assume it's bad, why won't you. Grrrr grumble grumble grrrr angery Ruben noises...
  9. Well yeah, but that doesn't mean you should lash out at the messenger! I am innocent, blameless in this whole thing! Hahaha, of course, of course. I was just fooling around, as I tend to do.
  10. You still hold a grudge for the shit thing even though that wasn't even my fault and I was just the messenger Well, that wasn't intended for you in particular. Just... in general. Let's not forget, this thread is Trails territory. I am treading on thin ice here. One of these days I'll make one too many of those remarks, and then when wake up I'll find that I am dead. My only ally here is Draggy, but Draggy hasn't showed up since monday. Hope he's doing fine and he's just busy or something like that.
  11. I made a tiny hack that simply gave every FE6 boss a proper combat palette. At the time I didn't really know about FEBuilder, so I did it with Nightmare and the old palette assembler. I also changed the music in chapters 15 and 16 to the music from the Western Isles, because lol beyond the clear skies. For some reason that I still don't understand, changing the music nuked the prepscreen from those two chapters. Just, poof, gone. If I had trouble with a super small, basic hack, how did people ever make full hacks with that crap...? Certainly does! Kill every last one of them. I would recommend it. It has its flaws, a few tedious maps here and there, and a rather laughable story (less than other people say, in my humble opinion, but it has its memeworthy moments), but the units and weapons are super imaginative, the maps are (exceptions aside) fine enough and the portrait art and characters are great. Overall, I'd say it holds up quite well. If you look past the infamy, it's a solid hack that is quite fun, even if it is not perfect. I mean, what is perfect, right? Hey, you know what I just realized, TLP doesn't take 50 hours to get to the fucking point! TLP > Trails! Ain't that something. Please don't kill me.
  12. Yeah, of course, that's fair enough. I just think people (not referring to you in particular, just in general) should acknowledge how impressive TLP is more often. It was made long before all the fancy tools there are nowadays, and yet it is bigger and more complex than most hacks out there. Heck, it has a postgame, with its own mechanics and shit. Pretty sure to this day it's the only hack to have such a thing. And, well, I find it fun to play still, flaws and all.
  13. Uhh... To be honest, I don't really see what's the problem there, exactly; but hey, that's perfectly fine. You do you.
  14. Ah, yeah... Unfortunately, Blazer didn't have the best experience during its development. TLP's history is filled with drama, and by the end, Blazer turned his back on the community and never returned. Nowadays he despises even the mention of TLP. It's a shame, honestly. TLP may have its flaws, but I'd still call it a pretty good fangame, and the fact that it was made by one fifteen-year-old in the prehistory of FE hacking is extremely impressive. Plus, no matter how many dissenters it may've had over the years, the fact of the matter is that a surprising amount of people still play it to this day. For a so often maligned fangame that is soon going to be 10 years old, it has stood the test of time quite well; when it comes to recognition, at least.
  15. Not just one, but two. And not just "someone", they were collaborative efforts by folks at the subreddit. And they'er not even the only ones, but they're the most recent and the least affected by the "prepromotes bad" mindset from the early years of the last decade. As for the "unpopular" part... You sorely underestimate how popular TLP is. Thanks mostly to its age and its impressive scope for its time, it is by far and away the most renowned FE fangame out there. None come even close. Let's not forget, until more or less last year, nobody ever seemed to be able to finish a fangame. It was TLP, Requiem, Road to Ruin and perhaps a couple more for a really, really long time; and all of them were just worse than TLP despite coming later. TLP had all the time in the world to garner recognition in an uncontested "market," so to speak. As such, it has a decent amount of fame. I wouldn't say it's been played as much as the official FEs (well, maybe FE1... actually, I'd go as far as to say that probably FE1, nobody ever plays FE1), but it certainly comes closer than any other fangame, to the point where it's gotten a fair amount of discussion in general FE circles, as opposed to being self-contained within its own little corners of the internet like all the rest. So yeah, tl;dr: it's really not that surprising. Any other hack, definitely would be, but not TLP.
  16. I just checked the tier list for TLP at the subreddit, for curiousity's sake more than anything. I am using every single unit in the bottom two tiers except for the two that haven't joined yet and Ace. I am proud. Ain't that great! Don't overdo it now. Ahahahahaha... This reminds me of my own Awakening run, where I also fast-forwarded through this entire arc. ...And, you know, everything after it. Awakening was such a dumb experience...
  17. Do let us know if you succeed in lifting shit with your mind.
  18. I always forget the tower chapter exists in TLP. Thinking about it, it kinda feels like the map just exists so you can easily give Arthur and Storm a few levels if you intend to use them. Case in point: That's exactly what I used it for. All those chokepoints and promoted enemies without range feel tailor-made to conclude their training if they got started in Sieg mode. You are old, Wraith. Soon you will begin to decay. Ahahahaha... To be quite honest, Emily could've done far worse. Ashley might've pushed her into the wendigos to serve as a distraction lol. Just imagine that. Mike and Sam exchanging looks, silently formulating their brilliant plan to use the lightbulb to burn the lodge... and then Ashley just screams "RUN" and uses Emily as living bait. ...And then Emily, fueled by rage, slaps the wendigos silly and survives out of sheer spite. Now that would've been an ending. Yeah, you're right. Fuck Mike, he's the real asshole here. If he had ran up to the lodge's entrance faster he would've caught Ashley in the act and he could've saved Chris! Slowpoke! When are we ever serious about characters around these parts? Next time do a barrel roll!
  19. Well, what can you do. Well. I mean. Ashley. Let's face it, she would've done the exact same thing in her place. Y'know, the time she for... some reason, tries to convince everyone that Emily is going to turn into a wendigo and that she needs to get murdered? That time. Ahahahaha... Okay, Sooks. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Yeah, exactly. Get to it, old man. ...Or at least give me that goddamned translation already. At this rate another FE is going to come out before the HSoS translation, and that... that'd just be so tragic. I have exactly zero hype for a new FE. Let's get The Last Promise Echoes on the tenth aniversary. Make it happen, IntSys. Might as well make it official. It's better than half the games you developed, anyway.
  20. I keep forgetting that one isn't Blazing Blade. Then again, that name would open up an entirely different can of worms with Binding Blade... And even if we go with its old name, Sword of Seals, that still conflicts with Sacred Stones. You know what? Fuck it, let's call them The One With Eliwood In It and The One With Roy In It. TOWEII and TOWRII for short. TRSS:BWSLCCh174 Ahhhh, yes. Rolls right off the tongue. Ah yes, my favorite FE games: Stones. Oh shit, its 10th aniversary is soon? Holy shit, that's amazing.
  21. Never forget that Blazer did the Shura choice first. Except instead of an amazing archer with all sorts of utility, it's a super tanky flier, and instead of a pair of boots, it's an uber javelin that grants arrow protection to fliers and 10k gold. A lot of people would argue it's a no brainer. I don't think so. Sylmeria is great, but it has very few uses, and the 10k is whatever. Leopold, on the other hand, is extremely good and very likely to be better than a trained Karina or Ben in a few areas. Defense, most notably. The man has more defense than friggin' Levion. Plus, he brings a brave sword, a great weapon on its own right that I'm pretty sure you can't get anywhere else. However, his offensive stats are a bit middling, so he's not like, Seth or anything. What I'm trying to say is, this is actually a surprisingly balanced choice, especially considering it's in the same game as the completely even Logan choice. Hmm... It's strange. In my experience and in every playthrough I've seen, the units are perfectly capable of keeping up, since growths are generally pretty good in TLP, save for like, Shon, Corben and Eduardo. Not to mention, even if your growth units fail to live up to their potential, you still have behemoths like Lyam, Howard and Levion to keep you going. The difficulty definitely spikes in the lategame, but... well, in my opinion, not so much that the game becomes utterly impossible. Heck, I'd actually argue it's kind of a good thing. More FEs need to have lategames that aren't borings logs. But yes, please do send me your team if you can find it. I'm genuinely curious now.
  22. ...What? High 10s low 20s? That's... not very good stats for this game's lategame. My teams have always done better than that, even the bad units. You sure you weren't just hilariously RNG-screwed?
  23. Gai is great. I think that one's find, myself. Honestly though, the one word ones I'd just type the word and leave it at that. BS is the chronicles, BWS is Berwick Saga. It's how I've always done it. As for Silver Snow, given that it's a route within a game, as opposed to a standalone title, I'd say that's an easy fix. ...I mean, sure, I refer to the Fates routes as Conquest, Birthright and Revelation, but that's because those actually do feel like distinct games, shared mechanics and all. Well, I've had plenty. Heck, in my first run I straight up didn't use Kelik out of spite lol. I did not have that much trouble. Not true. Kelik's 1v1 can be lost and nothing happens (well you miss out on a secret, but that only matters if you want to do the postgame), and the final boss, while quite strong, does not require Kelik at all. I've beaten him without Kelik. It's perfectly doable, I think.
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