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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. The good thing of a healer Corrin is that I get to give all the kills to other units. Namely, Niles, because everyone else is hitting the bench when I get enough generics. Good, this way he'll have a bigger chance against Haitaka than usual. Yes, I am going to be capturing Haitaka and Kumagera. They're cool and pretty much generics, just with portraits and slightly different growths. So I'll afford myself the technicality. Driving lessons are tedious. That's about it.
  2. I use a headset. The problem is that my computer is in the living room, so they're arguing right next to me and I'd rather not melt my ears by upping the volume all the way up. Hush.
  3. It probably will be, once I get past the first couple of maps where I have no generics. Generic strategist though. Corrin can't possibly compete with smug waifu.
  4. Fuck it. I regret nothing. Nothing! This is Drill Sergeant Toffmann. He isn't actually a military officer, but he watched a lot of military movies in his childhood, so he likes to pretend. He's a really tough man, or so he likes to think, so he puffs up his chest and grows that strength. Unfortunately, he's not a very quick fellow due to his lack of exercise. Oh, and he has no idea how to use a weapon. For the time being, at least. This is a terrible idea. I look forward to having to reduce the difficulty. The one that uses lances. I remember Azama being pretty effective in that one. Hah! True enough. Heck, that one was in lunatic New Mystery. What the heck am I worrying about? All of my Corrins have promoted by chapter 15, and healers can be made to grow fast if need be, so I'm not too worried there. All right, thanks. Oh God, no. ...At least I'm assuming this is a "oh God no" worthy amount. Generics only Sooks
  5. Hey guys, on a scale from 1 to 10, how insane would I have to be to make a healer Corrin in lunatic Conquest?
  6. The bad part about playing Layton is that every time my parents start talking I can't concentrate, so I can't play and then I get bored. Curse my parents for wanting to communicate. Maybe I should pick up another game to rotate when I'm feeling tired of being made a fool of by a videogame. Perhaps I should start that generics only run of Conquest. We'll see. Well, if I do start that, please tell me. Do I brave lunatic? I mean, I can always just lower the difficulty like I did with Rev... Egil isn't bad, he's just... kinda basic. Egghill is a much more interesting concept for a character. Doesn't help that Egil's relationship with Alette just doesn't compare to Rook's with Oddleif.
  7. Liquid's? Yeah, str and spd at 18. With a 60% and 90% growth, respectively, and lethality, which if it procs (and it often does thanks to zerker's crit rate) doubles his experience gain. Believe me, if you're willing to give him a couple bosses, Liquid is super easy to use and quickly turns into a powerhouse. F
  8. There are quite a few differences from the final TBS1 choice, yes. So he can! Gudmundr too, but he arrives a lot later. Frankly, I'd still rather have Egghill with the Ravens, but it's not like Egil is completely useless or anything. He's a perfectly fine character! Except no beard, so 0/10 would get him killed again.
  9. Liquid's promoted though. Levion and Howard are two of the best units in the game and good enough to surpass their unpromoted counterparts, that goes beyond being "only a decent option." Lyam's just good. As for Arthur and Storm... yeah, those two require that you train them up to a decent level in Sieg mode. If you do, it's possible to give them a few final levels in the Tower of Silvos before promoting.
  10. I absolutely agree with this, but there's a difference between being punished for not using certain units and refusing to replace units that have grown too badly to be of use because of the RNG. Howard, Levion and Liquid would've been much more useful than your RNG-screwed Ben, Karina and Rex. I'm afraid that particular part is on you. Don't get me wrong, though, I absolutely understand refusing to use units becuase you don't like them. Ultimately, you were just quite unlucky. Ben and Karina are usually excellent...
  11. Ah, finally! Thanks. Here's what I think about these dudes: Anakin is great, I don't know in what universe that magic stat can be classified as "weak af." He had similar magic in my run and he could dish out some mean damage with radiance. Kelik is Kelik. Shon is better than basically any Shon I've ever had, holy shit. Cia's magic is on the lower side, but doubling everything with magic nullifies that flaw, especially when the hero's flare exists. Zach is incredible, hit issues aside (hey, where's the amulet when you need it?). Emma's magic is kinda low, but her job is to be a healer that can deal magical chip and won't ever die thanks to her surprisingly high bulk. That's hardly "terrible." Now for the bad news. Karina, Tekun, Althares and Ben all got hit hard by the RNG, with Tekun and Althares being speed screwed (which is terrible, they're supposed to be speedy) and the two fliers turning out just plain horrible. As for Rex... I'm afraid that's just more or less an average Rex. His growths are actually pretty low, as are Ace's. Neither of the soldiers is any good, to be honest. Infantry lancers that don't even get a crit bonus? They both pale in comparison to Kevin, of all people, let alone the cavaliers. Then there's Alice and Shadow, who are prepromote/10. Alice is great, no questions asked, and Shadow isn't really meant to be used as a combat unit, but rather a thief that can take a bolting if you didn't bother to train Althares. All right, so here's a couple thoughts. First of all, I can understand missing Howard if you're on a blind first run, but... Where in the world is Levion? Levion is so good, you could've replaced Ben or Karina with him. You could also have picked Leopold, because both wyverns turned out horrendous. Sylmeria is a great weapon, but Leopold would've been a much better fit in your army of RNG screwed fliers. Lyam is great too, you should've used him. Sure, Zach is godly, but that doesn't make Lyam any less good, and it's not like you had an excess of great units, exactly. Haas is basically a worse Lyam, but he could have done some things too. Also, did you miss Liquid? The guy is a prepromote with Wolfgar tier growths and lethality to gain levels super fast. He's kind of a meme, but in no time he would've grown to be one of your best. So yeah, overall, I'd say you fell prey to a combination of poor unit choices and RNG screwage. Half your team being RNG-screwed was definitely unfortunate, but I'd say you would've had a fighting chance if you'd just thrown them to the trash and replaced them with the godly prepromotes TLP hands you in its later stages. Also, no Kevin. A terrible mistake if I ever saw one.
  12. Yeah, I solved it immediately after I posted that. As tends to happen.
  13. Nooooo God fucking damnit. It's like I told Sooks. The second I went on record saying I have no idea how to solve the puzzle, I went and solved the puzzle immediately. Sheesh...
  14. I've been trying to solve this one since yesterday. I haven't the faintest clue. I just don't get it. Please help. I feel like a complete idiot.
  15. I mean, Eph said it himself, didn't he? She's so skinny nobody would be able to tell the difference. If nothing else I'll bet at least Lyon's gonna be ecstatic Corrin whacks Rinkah and Ninja Luigi Good, Corrin, good, hahaha! Kill them. Kill them now. I shouldn't. D E W I T Corrin goes swoosh You did well, Corrin. Rebellions are like seeds. Omg he really is...! True. Trench coats are way cool. Real Life is one of the worst games I've ever played. Too much RNG involved. Hah! I didn't know that could happen. Good to know that Oddleif has some badass moments as early as TBS1. That's 'cause Nid is awesome, of course! Eyy, Draggyman's back! Welcome, welcome. At one point I looked for a ranking of the Ys games. People seemed to consistently place it high.
  16. Okay, so Layton is straight up just trolling me with trick questions right now. Starting to feel like a real dumbass, if the ironmans weren't enough proof already.
  17. No worries, no worries. Whenever you have a moment.
  18. Nazis, huh... Well, that's a foolproof way to make a villain. But the greatest villains need not rely on such crutches. See, Garon is brilliantly written because it's impossible to tell what he is. He's so badly written that he's an entity of his own. His affiliation is to evil itself, and his motivation is to appear as evil as possible at all times, even if it is detrimental to him and his established objectives. Garon is an extremely complex character with many ramifications to his personality. He believes rebellions are like seeds, a fact that is subtly conveyed to the audience through an ancient storytelling device known as "tell Corrin the analogy seven times in case they didn't hear it the first time." He is also evil and wants to destroy the world, another important and deep trait to his character that adds an incredible amount of layers to his backstory or something. The character arc that he undergoes is nothing short of genius, the way he develops from an evil caricature to an evil caricature T-posing on top of a throne. He is a master of deception and deceit, fooling his foolish children into believing he's just a bit sick, even though his skin is literally fucking grey and he delivers saturday morning cartoon villain speeches to anybody willing to listen. He also concocts a brilliant plan to get a bomb sword to the naive queen of Hoshido by having his child get captured by Hoshidans after Hans knocks Gunter off a bridge. He just knew that the Hoshidans wouldn't kill Corrin, or that Corrin wouldn't get away, or that Corrin wouldn't get killed in the scuffle or lose the sword or have the sword taken from them or literally any of the million things that could've gone wrong with his brilliant plan. However, Garon is not without compassion. Garon has a great love for his fellow man, a fact that he demonstrates by murdering Zola in Birthright for no reason and constantly threatening to "take care" of his most loyal subordinates even when they're still useful. Garon is a very expressive man, as evidenced by his smiley portrait and his tendency to T-pose when things are going his way or just when he's bored. Unfortunately, Garon dies in all routes of Fates, but even his send-offs are brilliant and deliver a worthy conclusion to such an excellent character. Particularly in Revelation, where he is absent for 12~ chapters and then warps in to say two lines and then get eaten by a face. All in all, Garon is a superbly written character that universities should analyze as an example of how to write a great villain for a comedy. No other FE character has made me laugh quite so hard. ...Where was I going with this? Ah, that does sound kinda cool, at least. Nah, there should be no need to get clansmen killed, unless you get something silly like 30 days. Just pick options that waste time in the darkness. Sylvis from Berwick Saga.
  19. Hell if I know, to be honest. I might've gotten hit by the sleep staff, but my entire army was invincible. One more or less made no difference, it was a complete bore either way. Most likely I didn't even care. Though to be fair, I quit really early into the map, when I saw it was going to be just another slideshow. Getting all five trips was easy in my experience. Well, to be fair, it did help that, despite being on a second run and doing everything much better (or so I thought), I got... half a day more than in my first run. So I just did a few more "slow" options than I did in my first run and that was enough. The fifth return is super epic. Look forward to that.
  20. I eventually discovered the meme while reading a LP. ...Of the fangame FE Green.
  21. ...What? I remember playing like, two turns of that map before having enough. It was the same as all the others: place my units forward, then watch the game play itself slooooooooooooooooowwwwwwly before doing the same thing again, over and over until everyone is dead. Add to that the narrow hallways preventing fast progress, and well... Yeah. I had enough. The RD version of the pitfalls was already boring, if the PoR version is even worse I 100% lucked out. Well, what can you do. I already call it the worst FE game I've ever played - imagine if I got there. It'd... still be the worst FE I've ever played, but probably even more so. So let's be glad I didn't get there, eh?
  22. Without a King. That was the chapter where I finally went "wow, this is the most boring videogame I have ever played, let's go do something else." Seems like I didn't have that much left of the game. 8 chapters, one of them a two-parter. But I honestly couldn't handle it anymore. The game was already kind of a slog, but around Crimea Marches my army became completely invincible and the game turned into the embodiment of boredom. Slow, too, oh so slow. Yeah, at one point MM piqued my curiousity... Until I discovered that it was the exact same thing, except there's twice the enemies, so the boredom lasts two hours instead of one, which was already way too much. No, thanks.
  23. No, you must be mistaken. Overwatch is an ability that only Alette can get, and it makes her utterly broken. That's the second redhead sniper in green robes that is overpowered and has an ability called Overwatch I've seen. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right? I'll have to take your word (and the fanbase as a whole's word) for it. Past the point where I quit in my run, my only exposure to FE9's story was a screenshot LP I read once a crapton of years ago. I can hardly remember any specific details. Yeah, that at least was neat. Fleshed out vendor NPCs is a neat idea. Well, when talking I tend to use AM/PM but when typing I tend to use military time. I do feel military time is more self-explanatory. Damnit, is it so difficult to find another villain that T-poses on top of a throne for no reason...? Hey, now, let's have some faith, I'm sure it can't be that b--
  24. I like how casual everyone is about the horrible thing that happened. A heinous crime has been committed, someone is missing and everyone is like "hmmm this reminds me of a puzzle." Also, I lost track of time lol. I usually dine between 20:00 and 20:30, but it's almost 21 and I was still here finding puzzles. No problem. Try to remember though, I'd really like to see it. Now that you've seen my team, it's only fair! You know, now that you mention it, I'm not sure why Gunnulf's speech is weird like that. Considering the idea of alternative languages is never brought up, I'm thinking Gunnulf might just have a speech impediment. Wait, wait, hold up a moment. I need a longer answer here. Do they suck like most of them where they're just kinda boring, or do they suck like Garon where they become the funniest shit ever because they're so incredibly bad? ...I kinda hope it's the latter. It would speak poorly of the quality of VC's writing, but Garon is the best, so... Have you even gotten Overwatch yet? You don't know what OP means until Alette gets Overwatch. Another reason we need a translation for it. No kidding. The Shura choice, day and night cycle, dancer lord, heavily armored man named Frederick, brave tomes, edgelord main character... Blazer and Kaga are where it's at! The bad parts?
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