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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. Yes! Fantastic! 30 minutes of my life into this, and then I forgot to move one of my groups of units and Azura died!
  2. Yep. Never. To be fair, though, I usually never bother with the lottery that much. I think I must've done like, a total of five rolls on a level 3 lottery.
  3. I made a mistake and Virgil died. Good, that means I get to watch Elise get eviscerated again.
  4. Coward. Meh. This is a non-canon route anyway. She can join Izana and Scarlet alongside Benny in the club of Good Character Forsaken By Revelation. Elise only retreats, so she doesn't join it. Piece of shit... Does this mean I like Anankos? Dayni's going to leave again out of sheer disgust at me
  5. Oh yeah, due to my awful mood before I forgot to mention, we suffered a tragic loss. Saburo the archer passed away last map. I let him die because Roderick the outlaw is better than him in most ways. Qui Gon Jin is pretty bad, so he might have to sit on the bench. I do, however, have some newcomers to welcome into the team: Fritz the knight, because I love how generic knights look, and Akihiro the onmyoji, who is here because I want more healers than just Suzume. And now, it's on to Conquest chapter 10 but worse. Let's see what happens! It was fucking amazing. Xander is just beginning to harbor doubts, and at that exact time Garon just randomly decides to stand up on his throne, make a dumb pose and start ranting at the air about how he wants the entire world to burn, Nohr and all, for absolutely no fucking reason. You can't even argue that he thought he was alone or something. Xander and Leo were standing right in front of him, and he was fully aware of their presence, because when Xander tried to talk to him, Garon stopped his speech and got mad at him for interrupting... whatever the hell he was doing. He even demanded that he listen! Like he was supposed to cheer and go "yeeeaaaah let's burn Nohr to the ground!" 10/10 best scene I've seen all year. I mean, who cares? I like Benny, but in this run he cannot be used, so he's more useful as experience for one of my generics.
  6. Aaaaaaaaaaaaand then the game gave me an Elise panty shot without warning. Yep. Any doubts I ever had about the purpose of her character are completely gone now. Elise, kindly ride over to that pack of enemies there and disappear.
  7. "Leo, Father is just under the weather, he will recover after we win this war, I believe in him." "I don't know if you'll feel the same after you see this." Cut to Garon T-posing on top of his throne That was the best scene in the entire game. By "game", I mean all of Fates. Nothing compares. I laughed so much that I stopped making sounds and just... sort of choked in my laughter. My belly started hurting and my cheeks went red. My spirit left behind its corporal cage and ascended to a higher plane of reality. Holy shit. Garon, you're the best. I love you. I want 10 FE games with you as the protagonist. It was so worth it to play this route just to see that. I actually fully intend to marry Fuga to Protagonist. Mostly because nobody else in the world has ever done so, and Fuga is the only non-generic I intend to use outside of Azura and Orochi, since he's only available in this route. Soooo yeah. I guess it's better than Gunter? Zhara is great, he's a merc with pass, sol and countermagic. That's a pretty cool skillset. Nichol is basically a slightly worse Camilla, which makes him really good still. Candace has the best design in the game. Damnit, man. Why not? Senno is great, he can kill Takumi and appear in signatures.
  8. I barely utilized the blockades, played extremely poorly and to top it all off I was in a shitty mood. Perhaps I just shouldn't have played the map then. Actually, that's... about it, honestly. Beyond that it's mainly just "awesome earlygame troubadour" offending my contrarian nature. Where's my old man healer, Fates? Where? Jesus fucking Christ. Where do you find these things? Damnit, I just realized how easily taken out of context that line was. In the end, I'm always the one to play myself... And cannot capture Kumagera, Nichol, Zhara, Senno and Candace. Sometimes I wonder why it even is. Beyond some parts of her design being iffy, I honestly got nothing.
  9. I'm gonna make you a ghost for real if you keep this up.
  10. Oh so I just made a quick check and it turns out, the cheat code for the infinite resources actually does work. Citra just automatically disabled it upon restarting the game. Nice. Well, that's a load off my mind. Now I don't have to do time traveling. The resource system in Fates is dumb anyway. Good, good. I'm glad to know you're a decent human being. Guess I gotta do it, now. Well, I mean, not now, now I literally can't. But next time I play Conquest, whenever that is. Yeah, fair enough. The problem is that there are so few deployment slots, I'd rather have a thief capturer than another combat unit. ...I could always bench Elise, though. Normal animations and I get to not have to have her fight at melee range and get outclassed by Haitaka. Sounds good to me.
  11. Ah yes, I'd forgotten the main reason I stayed away from this game for so long: The UI is hot garbage. Pretty sure in book 1 I just rolled with it because the game was so easy that the numbers hardly ever mattered, I just had to attack people and they died. If this book is at least a bit challenging, that's going to be a problem, because I'm finding it really difficult to tell how much damage I'm going to do in a timely manner. It's not impossible or anything, but it's... really annoying. At least starting with FE4 they put the stats side by side so I could compare them...
  12. Well, I cannot hate on a fellow Berwick connoisseur. So if it comes to that, I'll just blame Armagon, as usual. Hey, cool! Hahahaha, as if I would pass up on Sheena in the game where she's (supposedly) better.
  13. Knowing Kaga... yeah, definitely the latter. I fully intend to abuse the secret power of the stars above to make Arran good longterm. Beyond that... Eh. Dunno. We'll see what happens. I mean, 80% of my favorites are not in this game, so might as well. There are very few people I'm interested in using. Main reason it's taken me so long to try out the game, really.
  14. Well, I do feel better now, at least. I still don't feel like playing more Rev right now, though. Meh... Fuck it, I'm gonna play some FE3 book 2 on the side. It's about time. Book 1 bored me to tears, but I've been told book 2 is different. If the same happens, I'm holding all of you responsible. Thanks! I think I do, yes. Of course. Everything just has to happen in order to make me look wrong all the time. Hahahahahaha Elise. A blade to the throat is the only thing I'm willing to give Elise. They can't even argue that this is too much investment on Niles because their arguments for Mozu already rely on heavy investment. It's perfect. Now everyone here has to admit Niles good. Yeah, true enough. A bit, yes. This, on one enemy that never uses it? What the fuck, Kaga. Why are you like this lol.
  15. Oh, this is going to be good. I probably shouldn't be saying things like this, but... Hopefully this'll make me feel a bit better about my own FE6 LP. As for suggestions, well... They tell me that Lot saves ironmans. So yeah. Use Lot.
  16. I think I'll just take a nap after lunch. Hopefully I'll feel better after that and I can continue my run in a good mood.
  17. I don't know if the vaccine has an effect on mood or if I'm just having an episode, but I'm super angry right now for virtually no reason. I don't know why, I'm just in a foul mood. Anyway, I beat Chokepoint Hell in like 40 turns. I swear, if I had died one more time I might've just quit, given my mood right now. Also, the cheat doesn't work, and I really don't feel like time traveling right now. Honestly, I don't feel like doing much of anything right now. But if I do nothing, I get bored and my mood worsens even more. It's so frustrating.
  18. I missed two 70%s and then got 3% crit. Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaah I think I'll do this chapter later.
  19. Hah! Neat. I don't think the patch is quite necessary, but I'll nab the resource code, because it's true that time traveling is annoying. Thanks!
  20. Well no, but variety is the spice of life, isn't it. ...We'll see after I'm done. Right now I'm struggling with Chokepoint Hell. Yes, this is quite true. ...Maybe I should do a generics only run of Conquest. That would actually be really interesting, given how awesome generics in Conquest are. Yeah... Hmmm...
  21. You can give them to Niles so he can capture Haitaka better I forgot. ...Strike that from the record. It makes me look silly while I try to argue the objective viability of units. You know, in the middle of my generics only run of Revelation. ...Why do I do these things? Why am I like this? I should just shut up. I never care about these things except when I'm arguing against Mozu... I mean, if we're going to argue paragon you can give it to anyone and make them great lol. Otherwise, I see your point, but it's still kinda annoying to have to leave everything alive and painstakingly feed them to her over 100 turns. Hey Shrimpy. PEMN. Seriously though, he has a 45% strength growth. Sure, might not be as outrageously high as Mozu's growths, but that leaves his offenses on par with Kaze. Not amazing, but it should be enough to capture anything easily enough. Assuming he doesn't get RNG-screwed, but anyone can get RNG-screwed, it's silly to argue that against him in particular. Not to mention he can also use the shining bow after you get it to capture tankier enemies. There's plenty of options. All right, fine. I don't know when my next Conquest run will be (certainly not immediately after this, I've had enough Fates for a while), but whenever it is, I'll see what all the damn fuss is about.
  22. Well, you do have to bend over backwards to feed this extremely underpowered unit a whole chapter of enemies that one-shot her (not to mention there are enemies in the way to her that you have to maneuver around while leaving them alive solely for her sake), when you could just give all of that experience to other units that don't absolutely require all of that investment to be viable, not to mention the heart seal to prevent her from being just a worse Haitaka, and giving her the early heart seal means Corrin can't get it, so if you want them to be in a class other than Nohr prince/ss that's an issue. In today's world where bases reign supreme, that is very far from being considered "objectively good." Is she's Wendy tier? Absolutely not, she can be made to work relatively easily, but she requires a fair amount of investment that others don't. I would hesitate to call her "one of the best units" when you can just give her paralogue's kills to Corrin or Effie instead and make then even more broken than they already are. I will concede, however, that she benefits from the low amount of archers in Conquest. I would personally rather use Niles or Shura, but I guess lack of competition does give her some usefulness. And I absolutely accept that she's probably a fun unit to use if you don't have an irrational dislike for her like I do. But... Well, not much more than that, honestly. I'd rather deploy Niles for thief utility and the ability to capture other great units like Haitaka, Kumagera, Nichol, Rallyman, etc. Maybe I should give archer!Mozu a try in my next run. I've only ever tried to use her as a villager, because the early heart seal always went to Corrin. I'm starting to want to see what the fuss is all about.
  23. Ah, well. Worth a shot. I think the solution is to bench Elise. Try it and tell me how it goes. Uh... Okay, no offense to anyone, but every time we talk about Conquest I feel like this thread is transported back to 2008 Gamefaqs. Seriously, arguing that Mozu is unironically one of the best units in the game because "growths" even though it requires a hilarious amount of investment that could go into anybody else, Niles bad in spite of his utility, Shura worse than boots (okay this one is still a common opinion, sadly)... I swear if there was a proper Jeigan you guys would be calling them an EXP thief! That being said, far be it from me to judge folks for using Mozu (even if it may seem that way, and I apologize for that), she seems like a fun unit to turn into something good if you actually like her... But "Effie meh" is the most baffling opinion for me. This is average Effie, in every single one of my runs. She gets a truckload of strength and defense, starts one-shotting everything and becomes my best unit for a good chunk of the game, every time. And then I look online and everyone seems to agree, it's just in this thread where it seems like Effie is bench material and Mozu is so much better than her in every way! How?! How'd that happen!? I told you, man. Haitaka is the best. He needs no supports to be amazing. Well, good luck in all your future endeavors, and if you ever want to drop by, you know where we are!
  24. You didn't notice did you I have this really fun gamemode, it's called Revelation But You Only Use Generics. It's really fun and lunatic viable, you just need to be a better player than me.
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