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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. All right, there we go, Ryoma boned Azura. Now he can support her from the bench, and I get to pick up Tarba. I wonder... well, I suppose there's only one way to find out, is there. I like her portrait. It's cute.
  2. All right, so where was I. Ah yes, I wanted to do paralogues, but I failed to get Ryoma and Azura married before I ran out of paralogues. So now I have to do an invasion. Doesn't count as grinding, these things are also in Conquest and I used them all the same. Also, I'm thinking of using Selkie. Opinions?
  3. Hey, now... I genuinely think she has a cool design! Then again, I've warmed up a lot to Fates's artstyle since I started to give it a proper chance. Obnoxious fanservice aside, the artist is one of the best the series has ever seen. Every portrait has so much personality. God, I've become everything I swore to destroy... No, actually. Hd her killing things with the flame shuriken. Honestly, the worst part of early Felicia is the bad impression she makes. She's so bad at base, it gives her a bad look. I'd say she actually benefits of coming later, with Leo and the flame shuriken already there. She basically joins at the peak of her existence.
  4. I agree with most of this take. Except the chapter 12 thing. I enjoy that one. Strikers ain't golf tho, you club the players instead of the ball Hah! C'mon, I'm not that shallow. For instance, I like Kaze, even though he also isn't funny or a capturable boss, because he's green. That's different, see? That reminds me, in my second Conquest run I did use her. She married Leo, then Leo hit the bench and she stayed alongside Forrest. Jakob was used for like two chapters at the start. Huh. So much for my grand arguments...
  5. I played some Mario Strikers Charged with my friend. It was... Way too intense. Well ok, fine. ...but I'm still gonna bench her every time. One of these days I really gotta play that one and see what the fuss is all about. I agree that they play really well. I'm not sure if it beats Thracia capture, but it's awesome nonetheless. Use Luca.
  6. Hey, Kaden. I'm okay with the fact that you're a psychopath and so is your daughter, but when you decide to turn murder into a game, would you please at least specify to her which humans she's supposed to go after? Hunt the Humans is kinda vague. Hunt the Ugly Generic Humans is a lot more self-explanatory, don't you think? For her sake. I mean, there wouldn't be much left of her if she tried to hunt Setsuna. The eternal dilemma.
  7. Righto, it's Selkie's turn. Mostly Daichi's, though. That man looks positively hilarious, I love it. Kinda is when you have to choose between them, and on top of that girl Corrin has the added advantage of unlocking two paralogues for the price of one. Jakob is just a better option for servant 1, I'm afraid. Oh. Yeah, now that you mention it, she'd probably make a wonderful strategist. Still, not nearly as good as paladin Jakob. If we count DLC classes, pretty much anyone can be awesome in them. It's a rather moot point. I mean, if we're going there, let's not forget that I absolutely despise Takumi's Fun Castle. If Birthright has one bad map, that pretty much just puts it right next to Conquest.
  8. Kana got. Took a little longer than expected because I made a mistake and had to reset 20 minutes of my life. But it's okay. I didn't even bother to capture Lloyd and Llewelyn. Tarba's basically gonna be them but with a better design. Gotta say, the static levels are actually more of a blessing in disguise. Sure, it sucks when a level is bad, but on the other hand, it feels a lot less awful to have to reset after a godly level, and those are a lot more common because modern FE. Also, I reclassed Mitama to apothecary, and now I'm promoting her to merchant. I'm hoping to relive the glory of Senno, though... Well, she's not quite as tanky, unfortunately. Still pretty great though, the reclass fixed her strength. The problem here is that the flame shuriken isn't always available. Until you get it her combat is worthless. And even after she gets it, she's still worse than Jakob because Jakob can use all other daggers effectively and has a lot more bulk. Not to mention his reclassing options are a lot better - Felicia can go hero / bow knight and be horrible because she's bad at physical combat. Jakob can go paladin and become the second best unit in the game. This isn't me saying that, it's the pros. I mean, according to my own standards, both Jakob and Felicia stand in the same tier: the "marry and bench" tier. I care little for either of them. Though I do like Felicia better, she's funnier. I am glad too! We'll see if it lasts, it wouldn't be the first time a FE has been dragged down by its lategame, but so far, I got few complaints. Yes, that's what I've always prefered to think. I know, it's just... she's kinda bad, so as much as I'd like to use her for her funny skill, I tend not to. And I hardly ever have any room in these games, anyway. I need the slots for Setsuna's dysfunctional family.
  9. Nichol got. I'm not sure if I'll use Sophie. She seems okay, but if fireemblemwod is correct, with Hana as her mother she has a whopping 30% HP growth... that's... not very good, is it... In any case, Reina and Fishtail married, so now I get to go to Kana's paralogue. Kana is of no use to me, but I'm glad for the opportunity to grind more supports. Well, I don't know about that. All I can tell you is that I'm really enjoying it. Almost as much as Conquest, in fact. Not quite as much, the map design is a little worse and I definitely do wish a couple of the maps weren't rout, but it's still Fates. You can only go so wrong with Fates mechanics. And, honestly, the difficulty isn't that low. Roughly around the same as Conquest hard so far, which isn't too bad, I'd say. Plus, I get to capture bosses with lunatic stats. Candace is so fucking good in this difficulty, I love it.
  10. I'm going through a bunch of paralogues right now. I'm hoping to do all the paralogues I need right now. If I can marry Ryoma and Azura, I'll unlock two at once, and I think that'll do it. Of course, deployment slots in these are even more limited than usual, so I have to keep throwing folks out. Sophie's is the most annoying, because I am forced to drag Silas's useless behind around. Urgh...
  11. Yes, I can bench Hinoka. ...pfffft ok no. I still have to give Kaden, Ryoma and Jakob the slip. We'll see who's left standing by the time we get back to the regular chapters.
  12. Mitama got. The problem is that Mitama is also horrible. Kinda didn't think about that when I paired Azama with Setsuna... I'd forgotten her strength growth is actually supposed to be bad. Ahhh, no matter. I've got enough healers, between Azama, Daniela and Candace. What I don't have is room, as per usual...
  13. I mean, true, that's very true. Then again, why use either of them when I can replace them for capturable bosses? Yeah, that's the problem with her. Early on she's shit, later on she falls off, so she has like, three or four chapters of being kinda good I guess.
  14. At long last. Candace time. O O F Yeah, and with her single digit strength her damage is pitiful. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying she's unsalvageable, but when you compare her to Jakob, there's just no contest. She's so much worse it's not even funny.
  15. There we go, I fucked 'em up. Turns out the key was just to occupy as many forts as possible quickly. Then Kaze almost died, but he... saw a random gem on the wall and used it to blow both himself and Fishtail to safe ground? What? And the reason he doesn't see that gem if he doesn't have an A support with Fishtail is...? At any rate, most of the team has promoted now. I will also start going to paralogues and nabbing kids. Hopefully between all the paralogues, I'll be able to marry Kaden and Ryoma so I can promptly bench them both.
  16. You know, after all the misunderstandings yesterday, I realize I still am not sure if @Shrimperor enjoys Birthright or not. Either way, it's Birthright time for me. Let's see if this time I can murder Kenton and his friends. Ah, yes... That. The optimist in me wants to think it was accidental, 'cause otherwise... sheesh. Servant 1 is one of the best characters in the game when it's Jakob. Felicia deals shit damage, dies in two hits from everything and is virtually useless in combat until you get a flame shuriken, at which point she becomes... okay, but she's still made out of maché paper and can't do anything against mages. Her only real use is staffbotting, while Jakob can choose between also doing that on top of having good combat, or he going paladin / great knight to have excellent combat. Yeah, exactly. Honestly, gameplay-wise female Corrin is just plain better than male Corrin. Statwise they're identical (I'm pretty sure, correct me if I'm wrong), but female Corrin can produce two children for the price of one and brings Jakob along who is much better than Felicia. It's so silly. No, that is not allowed.
  17. Hello Setsuna No wait that's not a witty roast that's just flattery of the highest caliber-- Hell no it isn't. Felicia blows as a unit and Jakob is a dick. At least Gunter is an old man, which is an unthinkably rare design choice. He's got that going for him.
  18. You read me right. Old man? I'm younger than you, I'm pretty sure! And yes. Damn right I am. If you've got a problem with that, speak now or forever hold your flamewar.
  19. Shrimpy, listen. I believe you are wrong. Now, don't worry about it - there is no shame in being incorrect. You simply must admit your mistakes and strive to change for the better. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors! Hahahahahahahahahah. Mozu is dead. Well, not as a whole... I'm not tsundere towards Berwick, for one.
  20. Dumb. Really dumb. As non canon as the S support. Apparently sarcasm is tsundere now
  21. Nah, I'm thinking it's really shit. Everything Kaga ever produced is better. And the characters are just plain bad, like, Setsuna is such a dumb character, I hate her. I wouldn't call it simping. It is more like... passionate appreciation. Let's go with that. Capped strength, one point away from capped speed. At level 19 unpromoted. No statboosters, no RNG abuse (I mean I literally can't), no nothing. Just her being herself. Woooooow.
  22. But... you get the Nohrian maids. Yeah, I've heard he... plays a bit of a different role in Revelation. Different to the point where he seems like a completely different character. Or, I mean, I guess you can just say he's the world's greatest actor, but... I dunno, I'd rather think Revelation is just not canon lol. His interactions with Corrin in Conquest are really wholesome. What do you mean S support? That doesn't exist, I refuse to believe it does.
  23. Okay, so Keaton map is basically Kitsune Hell except marginally less annoying. Emphasis on marginally, because instead of the shitty-ass hiding mechanic, there's just a thousand reinforcements. Urgh... It's too late for this. I'll do it tomorrow. For shame, Sooks. For shame. It really just doesn't make any sense that Gunter is not rescued in this route, doesn't it... The set up is exactly the same, the only difference is that Corrin arrives 30 seconds earlier and interrupts Azura before she can open the portal. C'mon...
  24. Aaaaaaa deployment slots. How can I enjoy killing Keaton when I have to bench some of my good units for it? Ahahahahahahahahahahah... Okay, that's really funny, but unfortunately, I still want to get Dwyer, so... Yeah. Oh, right. Gunter's there still, isn't he. So... we ever gonna save him, or is he just going to starve down there? ...Pfft, oh who am I kidding, I know the answer.
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