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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. Basically, yeah. Only difference is, I'm pretty sure his dragonstone has infinite uses, which is nice. Other than that, though, same deal. Garbage bases, garbage growths. Still, I've no tanks, and this guy just so happens to form a support triangle with two of my mainstains, so that's awesome.
  2. Uhh... yeah... about that... I got some bad news for you-- Never mind, no time to worry about Hector now. It's old man manakete time! Just as soon as I free him from his cell and fetch him his dragonstone.
  3. Because there's a Marcel in Berwick Saga. It happens.
  4. Gee, I wonder which one of these is recruitable.
  5. Tsk, tsk. Shrimpy playing porn for the plot again? Someone hand me a stick...
  6. Damnit, why does everyone have cool Berwick merchandise except me...? I'll post a screenshot when I get there. Bad Spara. Arden must get more. Arden must get all the boss kills.
  7. Hahaha... Well, I'm afraid I haven't gone that far, but then again, I uploaded most of the OST extended to Youtube. I would hope that earns me my Berwick Nerd badge. Each thing took me like 30 minutes, between making the extension, exporting to MP4 and uploading. But it was worth it for Berwick. That's not the only Berwick reference in Sword of Heaven and Earth, by the way. I'll be sure to post the other one when I get to it.
  8. My Jeigan vs my freshly promoted at level 18 growth nomad Good ol' Jeigans: Pissing Shrimpy off since 1990. (To Yeke's credit, I did give Tsagan an angelic robe, since his HP growth is garbo. Still doesn't change the massive defense and res lead) Damnit, O6. Derrick deserved to live. Oof... Oh, well, too bad.
  9. God fucking damnit. Grape died because he got hit by low %s. Typical. Welp, guess I'll have to use the prepromote paladin. Too bad.
  10. B E R W I C K I know for a fact that this hack's creator knew about Berwick Saga, so it's quite likely that this is a reference. I knew I liked this game for a reason! Please do! But what if the ingame stats count both things as part of the 100%? Then it would be impossible to get the 100%! Hah! Well, you and most people. Except me. Because I am strong and wise and you know the drill.
  11. Sooks when the game forces him to pick between one thing or another with no way to get both: Also Sooks when carts get dangerously close to the border of a cliff
  12. Oh, I almost forgot. Congratulations on some progress! What!? How could this happen? We're smarter than this! ...I mean, Ruben's fair game, but how could you kill Derrick!? What did he ever do to you!? All right, at least I still have Marcel to root for. I hope you have a lot of fun! Please, do keep us updated whenever you can. Sooks, one of these days you're going to have to consider if the Sooks% is really worth all this effort.
  13. Brothers who all suffer from IBS. Glory to Thracia, damnit.
  14. I don't know about the "superiors" part, I like this game way better than FE4 lol Maybe the reason his death quote is so roundabout is that he's actually reflecting on how weak the Kingdom of Bern is, and by "that" he means the Kingdom of Thracia. So yeah, he's saying glory to Thracia. Even though Thracia doesn't exist in this hack. Fuck it. I just love how they all have that permanent expression of needing to take a shit really badly.
  15. Well, he does scream "glory to Bern!" when he dies, so... I think the hack's creator agreed, haha. (Well, actually, he goes "the kingdom of Bern... glory to that!", but that's because the translation is a little wonky. I don't mind too much, though. It's enough to have a translation of this at all, and leaving aside the at times clumsy wording it's perfectly understandable. The translator did a great job considering the fact that English is not his main language) Yes, they are palette swaps, though... Only cape palette swaps. His hair and armor are exactly the same, he just changes capes for each appearance. Also, two of them are the exact same portrait, cape and all. Honestly, I love them. They're hilarious.
  16. It says Bern right there Lightcosmo At least in this game there's only one of him, as opposed to friggin' seven lol.
  17. Traigo un mensaje del lord Nergal. "Os espero en la isla del Terror."
  18. It's a midquel of FE6, centered around Sacae mainly, with some focus on Ilia as well. I guess the hacker just liked Sigune (I mean, I'm pretty sure all four people who remember she exists do), so he decided to grant her an extended role in his hack. Honestly, I'm glad. That beautiful design of hers wasn't done justice in FE6. You can also find Dorcas in this game, as well as... Folks like this. Dude liked his references.
  19. Hmm, I wonder who my foes will be today in Sword of Heaven and Earth. I mean, yeah, when you look like that, you can only be a villain. Oh. Oh dear. (guess which one of these is recruitable!)
  20. Haha Yeah the part I didn't mention was that the reason I had Marcus swinging Durandal in the endgame was that every single other swordie and horse rider suffered tragic accidents, and I was too prideful to accept using the top tier loser known as Perceval. Thank God Marcus grew well...
  21. Stupid things seem to happen every time I try LPing. In that one run, I had a shitty-ass Kris that I ended up benching for Frost, a godly Matthis with half his stats capped, usable Athena past the prologue and Roshea in the lategame. Then in my FE6 one, I had Marcus swinging Durandal at dragons in the endgame while Lot facetanked the entire world and Perceval sat on the bench. In TRS I had Garo and a strength-blessed Sasha maiming the entire enemy army on her wyvern. In SGW the unassuming staffbot that nobody uses because she's the most boring unit in the game got two move level ups in a row, and I proceeded to have her kill half of the game's bosses. Even in Berwick Saga I somehow managed to get some weirdness to happen, in the form of Adel losing Leon and still somehow managing to promote and survive the game. So yeah, my point is, the RNGoddess can sense when you're LPing and actively goes out of her way to make everything dumb. It's great.
  22. My FE12 LP Kris was worse than Wrys. Wrys. I mean, sure, every other Kris I've ever had was godly, but... I'll always fondly remember that run. Crap Kris isn't something you see every day, just as a horseman raiding a village...
  23. I've always felt this criticism is blown way out of proportion. Sure, they chime in great moments, but they hardly ever steal lines. Take the badass "old and senile" line from Jagen, for example. That's still entirely his own. And... that's honestly the only line either of them get in the entire game that I can remember, so that's all I have in the way of arguments lol. Marth really peaked in Shadow Dragon... Anyway, there's certainly enough things to criticize about Kris's role in the story, but I don't believe "line stealing" is one of them. Honestly, most of the time Kris just feels weirdly tacked on (I mean, they are, so it's only natural). They're just tagging along, giving bland reactions to things that happen to other people while they just sort of stand there. More than Kris themself, I think the big problem is the parts of the story from book 2 that were just straight up cut out, like Lang's backstory, the truth about Archanea's first king and stuff. That all sounds pretty awesome, and I know nothing of any of it because it was cut out from FE12 for... no discernible reason. This, on the other hand... Yeah, that moment is super iffy, no two ways about it. This and the end of the bridge map are their worst moments. In FE3 I believe Jagen reassures Marth that the army will survive because they're strong and dependable, whereas in FE12 it's just "no sire they'll be okay because Kris is here." Bleh. No comments otherwise. Solid write-up. I really need to get around to play Book 2 now...
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