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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. Okay, so the SoHaE translation calls Zelot and those loyal to him the "conservative faction." They have also been refered to as the "confederation." I'm... not sure how I feel about that, especially considering they're our allies who just saved our asses. I mean, I guess his name's really close to zealot, isn't it... In other news Is that the best name for a throwaway boss or what? Also, reference. The hack does this a few times, the creator made some portraits for some of the more infamous recolors from the older games and sprinkled them around. As well as a little surprise that I only came to appreciate years after my first playthrough...
  2. Sword of Heaven and Earth. You can find the translation in FEUniverse, which ironically, makes it way, way easier to find than the original patch. It's Ephidel. In FE7, he was set up as kind of a big deal, and then he turned out to be a worthless character without a personality that accomplished absolutely nothing and got killed anticlimatically at the end of the first story arc. SoHaE decided to do his character some justice by giving him a character. He apparently didn't even bother to change his hairstyle in 20 years, but he got a cool villain robe, so that's all right, I guess.
  3. I kinda went on a tangent afterwards didn't I Anyway, I put Dorcas in the team after all. It proved to be a wise choice, in the next chapter the game took 2 slots from me, so I couldn't have fit both the myrmidon and Blue Batta. Instead, I just have to boot the dancer for Dorcas. Because that's what wise tacticians do.
  4. Nah. It's a really old hack, 2015 I believe was the first release. The translator added the one QoL patch that lets you see all enemy ranges, but beyond that, it's good ol' GBAFE gameplay. I've always been pretty fond of it. It feels a bit like FE6 but better. Unfortunately there are no support conversations, so everyone's an Archanean character. The game's complete, but there were plans for some further developments, until the developer just vanished one day. ...I found his blog a while back, after doing some digging. One person in the comments, a relative by the sound of it, claims that he sadly passed away in a traffic accident. Of course, the internet being the internet anyone can say whatever they like, but... well, it seems a bit pointless to try such a tasteless troll in a long-abandoned blog that very few people even know exists, and the story unfortunately adds up. Soooo yeah. That took a sad turn... I'm just glad his work has been translated, because despite its age and relative simplicity, the hack is honestly quite good. That's not a bad idea. Though his daughter already has a support partner and Blue Batta can support the non-edgy myrmidon. Not to mention I've used Dork Ass before. Maybe I'll disregard your suggestion. I mean, it's a suggestion from you, so it was doomed to failure from the start... Ahhh, damned decisions... Maybe I should just throw them both in the bin and wait for the buff heroine with an eyepatch. That one's always been one of my favorites from SoHaE, for... no particular reason.
  5. Why do you all have to gang up on the messenger?! Blame the game! I merely passed on the word! ...I mean, sure, I called him premium shit, but hey. Better be premium shit than budget shit, am I right or am I right? I made the best of the situation! I should be thanked for my kindness! Midquel. It features Lyn's daughter Saya, who leads her merry band around Sacae, facing both Bern (or as the patch calls is, "the Bern's army") and the remnants of Nergal's morphs. It basically acts as what FE6 would've been if it came out after FE7, as opposed to being its own thing and then getting glorified fanfiction as a prequel. Honestly, I like it better than both of them. The translation isn't perfect, the guy who made it admitted he wasn't a native English speaker, but fanslation of a fangame is a rare enough event that I'll take it. It's good enough. Incidentally, this is one of the main villains. Gee, I wonder who it could possibly be. Also, you didn't answer my question.
  6. Hmmm... Do I use Dork Ass or Blue Batta? Help me out here, guys. Oof... I'm really sorry.
  7. My thief is a better fighter than my lord. Lyn lord as main lord was a mistake.
  8. @Armagon Godzilla is just another Shrimpy. Good void damage on one target, low cost. That's it. I know it's boring. Blame the game, not me. More or less, yes. Spells can only be written in all caps. I'm just not doing it here because it's ugly. I was going to say that at least you're cheaper than shit, but... No, actually, you cost 10 more mana. You're premium shit. ...Sorry. The spell system is too much fun. The rest is basically just SNES Square Enix RPG, nothing much more to it. But the magic system is too much fun. For the record, you raise the "spirit" of all party members. I believe it's magical power, so that's a keeper.
  9. I... Have no idea, honestly. I don't know what it does. Well, there is one thing: you are almost exactly the same as shit. Literally, shit. Same effect, almost identical mana cost. Shit.
  10. He was the real saint all along. I'm just... Whatever you call a guy who throws his own name at things. Arthur Fates?
  11. I wonder what that says about me, that I attack by literally throwing my name at things... That's an easy sentence to take out of context... Actually, looking back, you deal Armagon tier damage to all enemies, and on top of that it is holy type, which I've seen no other spell do yet. I have like 5 void spells, but only one holy. Consider yourself powerful.
  12. Crap... Well, my spell has my name fly across the screen and damage the enemies, so I win. Too late. I'll do it tomorrow. By the power of Yakuzaposting, you will protect us all.
  13. I wish it had been you with the overpowered AoE instead of Armagon. Anyone but Armagon... Now my only hope is that he won't read the post, and thus won't get to be smug. I'm very sorry.
  14. All right, so, the spells. Serenes blocked me because images, and then it ate the post, so I had to do it all over again. Nice. For context, if you haven't been following my posts, I'm playing a JRPG called Treasure of the Rudras. It has a super cool magic system where you can input any words and use them as spells and see what they do. Here's what you guys have to offer! Shrimperor: cheap void damage on one enemy. Until I tried it out and it dealt like 100 damage. Wow. I'm actually gonna keep this one. Acaciasgt: Lightning damage to all enemies. AoE is nice, but the damage is mediocre and the mana cost is so high my mage can only use it once. Benice: Raises one ally's defense. I guess it's because they're steeling themselves for the Yakuza shilling Dragonflames: Similar to Shrimpy, except it's fire damage instead. Armagon: Cheap AoE water damage. Except it dealt 200 damage to all enemies and instantly killed them. They were fire enemies, so I want to believe some elemental shenanigans were at play, and not Armagon being overpowered... But then I tried it out against other enemies and it dealt over 100, same as Shrimpy. Soooo yeah. Armagon is overpowered. Fucking great. Even here I lose... Twilit: Middling lightning damage to all enemies. Similar to Acacia, just way cheaper. Observer: MIddling void damage to all enemies. Similar to Acacia and Twilit... except its animation is the word "observer" flying across the screen. I love it, it's very funny. Lightcosmo: Can be casted on an ally and the effect is "attack cannot fail", whatever that means. Almost as expensive as Acacia. Wraith: Water version of Shrimpy. Still somehow weaker than Armagon. Maof (no numbers allowed sorry): Shrimpy 2. That's it. And last, but not least: Saintrubenio: Crappy void damage to all enemies. Not as crappy as Observer's, though, and the animation is the same, so... I get to spam my name at the enemies. Okay, this is just perfect. I love this game. Incidentally, I discovered while trying out the spells that the regular defend command can be used to have party members shield others and receive damage for them. Is that common in JRPGs? Because I am a kind person who wants others to experience his favorite RPG. Most excellent.
  15. No, you don't. You have no fucking idea... It's going to be great. You know, that's not a bad idea. I think I'll check everyone out.
  16. Well, I was wrong, then. Don't mind me. Thank the game! I'm considering doing a full swear word run. If only to spice things up, since the random encounters are kinda pathetic. We'll see tomorrow. It's not. It's really not. The game is extremely good at what it does, and that is not a good thing. I mean, it is, but... you'll get what I mean.
  17. You called me Mourinho. I don't know much about football, but I'm pretty sure that guy's a laughingstock. You tried to sneak an insult past me, but you didn't count on one thing. I am strong and wise--
  18. Why would you insult me, Shrimpers. Do I insult you?
  19. Holy damage to all enemies. Steep'ish mana cost. I'll take it. The problem with the mistake I made earlier is that I've kinda overlevelled myself, so now every enemy dies in one hit to everything. It's 20 hours Nah, okay, look. There are parts that are kinda slow, actually. The difference is that the game uses these parts for one, very specific purpose. Excellent. Most optimal. What the fuck. Who the hell is this? Is it that Mourinho guy I keep hearing about?
  20. Thank you for your positivity, Sooks. Now go and play the games I tell you play instead of the games Shrimpy tells you to play.
  21. I mean, yeah, but dudes like the reporter guy and Dorothy were obviously going to be recurring dudes. That fellow felt like all the faceless NPCs, he just came out of nowhere to deliver a little bit of exposition and disappear, except he had a portrait for some undiscernible reason. Except the reason was, in fact, quite discernible. Well, I'm glad that's the case, but... I've said it before and I'll say it again: I really don't want to wait 40 hours for a game to get good. I'd rather have a game that starts, gets good and ends well in that amount of time. But no, really, I've said this enough times before, and I really don't want to argue about this game. I know how much you guys love it.
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