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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. Wha-- wait, what happened to Ludin? Hey that's some badass artwork! What the hell-- are you guys seriously using the bot invasion, of all things, to make fun of me?! Make fun of Acacia, he speaks spanish too! Don't you dare...!
  2. Why, you-- They keep mentioning Mexico, you dolt!
  3. I do find it a bit entertaining how all of these bots are spamming the same list of advertisements for viagra in Spanish. That's so dumb.
  4. @Benice If you're talking about the hack I'm playing right now, the one I've shared some images of, it's called Dark Lord and the Maiden of Light... but it doesn't actually have my portrait. Since the game has an avatar, I took the liberty of making him me so I could proceed to call me names for my subpar leveling. As a TF2 fan, it's... really just tuesday.
  5. I've seen them, yeah, but I've never seen them invade a thread en masse like this. Yeah, definitely hijacked accounts. Nothing to do but wait until the mods get on the case.
  6. Jesus fucking Christ, what's going on all of a sudden?
  7. Good thing we're on the next page already. No chance of unfortunate misclicks.
  8. Oh, so there's two final areas, not just one! I kinda expected the big area to be it. Well, that's okay, I'm digging this ice cave scenery. Maybe they were just a lurker who had their account hacked. Who knows. Either way, hopefully the mods will notice soon.
  9. Guys, it should go without saying, but DO NOT CLICK ON ANY OF THOSE LINKS, that's an obvious scam post. Report it and hopefully it'll be deleted soon. Weird that one such post has showed up here... What...? It was the easiest thing in the world. Hardly took me three attempts. The second I started to use Bathin's bouncy teleport shard, he fell behind hopelessly. So much so, I spent a full stretch just walking and he didn't catch up. Heck, only reason it took three attempts was because I ran into an axe and died. There are many things I'm not telling you. Like the fact that it's rainy outside right now. It just didn't come up.
  10. I found him, yeah. I'll do it after this boss, maybe. Won't do the glitch, though, that's just disgraceful.
  11. Found the filler boss. I can't imagine this area will be too long. I've got 90% of the castle explored, and this area's gimmick being that it's big, it fills the map faster than the rest. I expect maybe another filler boss after this, the traitor and then the final boss. ...At some point I'll have to backtrack to get the optional bosses, though. I've found two keys already. Plus Iga, of course. Bloodstained* Though I am quite proud of having been able to beat Bloodless flawlessly. Y'know, after three hours.
  12. Honestly, it was really predictable. But that's all right, these games aren't about the plot. The characters are cool enough, and that's about all it needs. Besides, I just know she's gonna make for an excellent boss fight. The similar character in Ecclesia is already my favorite boss in that game. I can't wait for this one.
  13. HAH! What did I tell you? I guessed the entire plot of the game. I'm a fucking genius.
  14. I can't believe it. What an evil fucking bastard. He put himself in the same room as Gebel. So when I reentered it, he just trapped me and invalidated my flawless battle. Sigh... Well, Gebel is a pretty easy boss, so that's okay.
  16. Your 06% puts the Sooks% to shame. Beating a game multiple times in a row just for achievements? Wow... Well, you do what you gotta do. Kinda. I do have a couple that I can bench, but... damn.
  17. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT A FEMALE BRIGAND ANYTHING BUT A FEMALE BRIGAND I DON'T HAVE ANY ROOM IN THE TEAM!!! I think every single mage in the team is better than me. Even the healer only needs a promotion and he'll be better than me. I'm level 15 and I've grown 3 points of magic and 4 points of speed. This is ridiculous. I'm gonna have to give me statboosters just to keep up. ...later, though. I'm in the mood for some Bloodstained now.
  18. Kinda regretting giving me such a smug face. Every time I smile like that at my shitty-ass levels I dislike me a bit more. Y E S ...Wait, you're not seriously starting all over from the start, are you!? Dude, if you just want to undo the one choice, you can go back a couple saves. The game keeps a save at the start of every chapter. Better redo that than the whole fucking game!
  19. Oh boy. I just recruited a Sain. Good. I was worried I'd be getting even more units that I want to use.
  20. I'm more worried about the fact that I've got too many units I want to use and no room whatsoever for them. It's so annoying when that happens. I might have to bench me. But I don't wanna bench me, I've got an A support with the female bow armor and Lyon's animations upon promotion!
  21. Okay, then. I suppose dark magic is just a lost cause, with two shamans who are better than me. But I still got anima, and no other mages to outclass me there. I suppose I'll just-- GOD FUCKING DAMNIT He's better than me, too... Why is everyone better than me!?
  22. They're lowkey amazing. That 1-3 high crit spell is busted. C'mon, that's not true. I'm not called Johnny!
  23. Didn't you notice? The guy hanging out on the upper right corner of the prologue map? Damnit, no... That's closer to the truth than you might imagine.
  24. I got the armor, the summoner and the glitch. Though I only realized the glitch could heal till I was a couple maps in.
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