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Everything posted by Anacybele

  1. I wasn't lyin' when I said I had more +10 coming this month! ;D Oscar joins that club for me now! Figured it was time I worked on more Greil Mercs since they're the awesomest group in this series to me and the first I got to know since PoR was my first FE game. I'd give Oscar a Lull skill and/or Rouse skill or something, but I don't have fodder for those right now, unfortunately. I'll have to work more on his build another time if I feel the need. Next is Rolf since I only have one +10 bow unit right now and no +10 bow cavalry. And I love the Greil Merc brothers a lot. IS PLEASE ADD BOYD SOON SO I CAN COMPLETE THEM. Oh yeah, and @Rezzy this means I plan to work on Titania at some point too! 🙂 In addition to her, Rhys is on that list now as well. I'd also do Mist, but her being 5 star exclusive and would-be lower priority, that won't be happening anytime soon, unfortunately. I dunno if I'll merge up Soren, I'm not a big fan of him. I don't dislike him, but yeah.
  2. Huh, I most definitely think of Gengar and Garchomp. They virtually look the same. But thanks! 😛
  3. I could try to make a list of ten, but I'm not sure if I can... 1. Sylvain (obviously) 2. Claude 3. Ingrid 4. Seteth 5. Dimitri 6. Flayn 7. Rhea 8. Byleth 9. Ashe 10. Dorothea Yeah, I guess this one works.
  4. I think we should get a colorless resplendent too. In which case I'll hope for Mist. She could really use the extra stats and she'd join her big brother in this club!
  5. Yep, they are! Well, most are. Some just look weird or too close to the original colors. xP
  6. Yep, I've successfully hunted a shiny Pokemon! 😄 This is also my third shiny in Let's Go Eevee. lol My first two are a Golbat and Kabutops (obtained as Zubat and Kabuto), and that was before I got the Shiny Charm. Not joking. A shiny fossil at full odds. And my first one ever too. This Ponyta is also not quite the first time I tried hunting for a shiny... I tried back in gen 4 to hunt Shinx with the Pokeradar in Platinum. But I couldn't get a good chain for the life of me, so my odds were always staying pretty darn low. Glad that hunting is a little less annoying in newer games, even if in the end, it makes obtaining shinies easier. They're still pretty rare and valuable though, at least! And have a picture of my cute Eevee, Daisy, just because! (I think I named her after Mario's Princess Daisy. I took this with my phone because I didn't feel like posting this one to Twitter. And yes, I really like flowers and the color blue. 😛)
  7. Yeah, that's not a bad idea to consider. Right now though, since I finally got my hands on that Shiny Charm, I'm starting that hunt for shiny Ponyta that I wish I'd done sooner. But better late than never. lol
  8. Actually, I managed to help myself in the end. lol I found a spare Gastly in my storage in GO and had enough candies to evolve it up. Required me to use up a lot of the rare candies I had, but I had a LOT, I realized. over 70 of them. And I have 29 left. And even if I couldn't get Gengar that way, someone actually traded me one on the GTS in Home too! I initially had begun to think that trade would not happen and I was going to take the Pokemon I put there out of the GTS, but lo and behold. lol Not sure what I'll do with that Gengar now.
  9. They are remakes, but past remakes were still on the same console as the new gen games. This isn't the case for Let's Go since it's on the Switch while Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon are 3DS. What bugs me even more though, is when people say Let's Go is a spinoff. GameFreak themselves said they are main series games! So saying they're spinoffs is even more inaccurate.
  10. Pretty much this. Absolutely no reason I should not be able to bring a gen 1 Pokemon caught in Sword/Shield to Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee. They're both Switch games with recent hardware and mechanics. Some people consider Let's Go gen 7, but still. I personally think they should be considered gen 8. They have new Pokemon that are not obtainable in gen 7 (Meltan and Melmetal), they are on a different console from gen 7 (no generation has been on multiple consoles), and they are compatible with Home while gen 7 is not. Seriously, tell me why people say Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee are gen 7...
  11. Sylvain and Frederick for guys, Elincia and Sharena for girls, for sure.
  12. The Mary Jane part is exactly what I'm talking about though, and they planned to finish that. I wanted Peter to find her dang it. Madam Web even said she knows where MJ is!
  13. I still never said they should remove having two versions. Just version exclusives and trade evolutions.
  14. No red, so I had to pick one of four blues for this freebie. And got Delthea. Nice, her -Atk goes away and she's purely +Spd now!
  15. What do you mean? I'm not talking about there being different versions. I'm talking about backwards compatibility, more or less. Except you can't bring a previous gen Pokemon to Let's Go for some reason. At least now though, I just need Gengar. Anyone willing to help with that?
  16. All I'm missing in my Let's Go Eevee Pokedex is Gengar and I have no way to get it at the moment other than doing a tradeback with my Haunter to evolve it. Anyone care to help? Other members are also free to ask for help with trades as well.
  17. I'm glad I've not decided to get a premium plan for this piece of crap. I'm trying to complete the Pokedex in Let's Go Eevee, but I'm missing the Omanyte line, a couple Let's Go Pikachu exclusives as well as a couple trade evolutions. But I can't use Home to bring the ones obtainable in Sword/Shield from there, nor can I bring over a Pokemon from a previous gen game. I have an Omanyte that I traded a Kabuto for, but now it can only sit in Home and do nothing because it can't be brought into any of the current games. I had the filter set to Omanyte that can only travel to a Let's Go game too, and that also didn't work. Why is this filter even here if it doesn't actually work right? You should be able to move any Pokemon coded into all the compatible games into any of said games. It was pretty much like this before too. Or at the very least, let me bring a Pokemon from a previous gen into Let's Go. We were always able to do that kind of thing with other games in the past. But nope, GameFreak just has to screw over players with just one version and system, especially those who don't know anybody to trade with. I wish they'd remove the requirement to trade in order to complete Pokedexes, actually. It should just be a fun bonus for some players, not something you have to do. Not all players have friends or people they can trade with.
  18. I would axe any form of modern Spiderman to bring back the 90s cartoon so IT COULD BE PROPERLY FINISHED. It was so good and then ended on a freakin' cliffhanger because the planned sixth season was scrapped. In fact, I'd axe a lot of modern cartoons to bring back old ones, honestly. There are too many crappy ones right now.
  19. I really don't agree with any of them, personally. But I don't want to call them bad either, I simply picked entirely different pairings. Though I also only did Verdant Wind and Azure Moon.
  20. Bringing back this thread. Because this happened now. SHINY KABUTO FROM MY SECOND EVER DOME FOSSIL IN THIS GAME WHAT THE HECK. lol I was just restoring a fossil I found in Cerulean Cave to maybe trade for Omanyte because I'm missing that line. HOLY SHIT. XD What is my shiny luck in my games right now. First that Bellossom outta nowhere, now THIS guy outta nowhere. I hope I'm not gonna have a hard time actually hunting when I start doing that. I'm still working on getting the Shiny Charm in either this game or Sword. xP Oh yeah, thankfully, I had a third Dome fossil handy too, so I can still trade that one.
  21. I'd say this is a good thing, honestly. Your longer works are better imo. Length can do wonders to help flesh out the story and characters. If it's real short, it's more likely to seem rushed and incomplete or something. Of course, you also don't want to have the problem I do sometimes and make stuff TOO long. lol I think 4000-6000 words is a good range to be in for one-shots.
  22. I will admit that Jorge, Daniel, Aimee, and Muston have a bit of a special place in my heart for being the first merchants I met in the series. Since PoR was my first FE game. The twins in particular were amusing when they'd talk to Ike about war tips and then it turns out they were playing a game. lol Daniel also has a bit of value to me for having the same name as my deceased brother. It'd be nice to see him join his brother for real in Heroes someday, but I like that he appears in Jorge's special art! I just don't like how Jorge got in, of course. 😕 Still, even though I've got merge projects in the works right now, Tellius bias still holds strong here, so at some point I will 5 star him and give him a good enough build!
  23. ...Wait, when did I say this, exactly? I don't remember at all. I think either or could get a legendary before the other. If I've said otherwise, I've forgotten entirely and don't know why I would have said it. Otherwise, fair enough.
  24. They still could have chosen to focus on Sanaki or Caineghis or Tibarn. But they chose Elincia during a month where she'd be a perfect fit as the upcoming legendary since it's likely a colorless Wind unit. I never said it 100% meant it's her, just that it could be a little foreshadowing.
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