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Everything posted by FEF

  1. Anybody know how to unlock Anna? I don't speak Japanese but I can understand she's talking about save data in the beginning of her trailer, does that have something to do with it?
  2. Neat stuff! Unfortunately, I'm not sure I can actually use that now that I think about it, since I don't have Japanese Awakening, and my English 3DS is up-to-date. But I'll look into seeing if there's not some way to make it work, and that'll certainly keep me busy for a while.
  3. Ahh, I see. Well, let me know if you ever manage to get it working! On that note, though - has anybody done such a mod for Awakening?
  4. I'm currently in the middle of proving a 0% growth run of Birthright Normal mode is possible. I've made it up to chapter 15 so far. It's a pretty janky setup, basically I'm playing the levels normally, then resetting before I save and repeating the map but with OP units from online castles. So I prove that the level is beatable with base-stat units, and then beat it without gaining any EXP. The truth is it's a lot more complicated than that, there are all sorts of exceptions and workarounds. It's fun, but also kinda annoying. I'd like to work my way up to harder difficulties (my calcs suggest that the final boss of Birthright should be beatable without growths, if you can ever get there in the first place), but working out some of these kinks is a real pain. I haven't hacked my 3DS, but I bought a Japanese one for Fates that I don't believe has been updated in a while and so could probably run homebrew mods and such. I'd gladly take the time to crack it if such a mod exists.
  5. You think that's some shit? My Ike in PoR the other night got landed 6 10-14% criticals in a row last night. Still, it's fun to get lucky!
  6. BS is sometimes called the 5th game, but the trailer for Fates before it was Fates (or even If) called it the 14th game in the series iirc.
  7. Ok, thanks! I made an account, but how exactly do I do that?
  8. Hey uh, your account seems to have been temporarily blocked/banned/whatever for too much traffic or something. Any chance you can fix that? I can't seem to find any other way to download Fates' soundtrack. Anyway, thanks for this!
  9. Huh, thank you. That makes the guides a bit misleading, then. But OK. So all I'm trying to do now is add an enemy (or a few) into the prologue of Sacred Stones, as a test. This is the full code I get from the disassembler: [spoiler={option}] //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Disassembled with Nintenlord's Event Assembler // // Version: 9.10.4713.28131 // // Game: FE8 // // File: FESS REDUX.GBA // // Offset: $9E863C // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////// ORG $591F40 label35: _0x1020 0x1 _0x0220 0x2 _0x0320 0x8 _SETCONDITION 0x0 0xC 0x0 FADU 16 ENIF 0x0 _0x1020 0x0 ENDA //The next line is for re-assembling purposes. Do not delete! MESSAGE Original ending offset is $591F64 and the new ending offset is CURRENTOFFSET ORG $592104 label20: _0x1020 0x4 ASMC 0x85375 ENDA //The next line is for re-assembling purposes. Do not delete! MESSAGE Original ending offset is $592114 and the new ending offset is CURRENTOFFSET ORG $8B3C14 Units1: UNIT 0x2 0x7 0x0 0x8 [13,9] 0b 0x0 0x6 0x8B3BC4 [0x3,0x17,0x6C,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x1 0x2 0x0 0x8 [8,5] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3BF4 [0x6C,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT label36: UNIT 0x68 0x3F 0x0 0x24 [14,8] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3BFC [0x1F,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x6,0x3,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x82 0x3F 0x0 0xC [14,7] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3C04 [0x1F,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0xA,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x80 0x3F 0x0 0x14 [14,7] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3C0C [0x1F,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x12,0x2,0x0] UNIT //The next line is for re-assembling purposes. Do not delete! MESSAGE Original ending offset is $8B3CA0 and the new ending offset is CURRENTOFFSET ORG $8B3D18 label28: UNIT 0xC5 0x73 0x0 0x8 [13,3] 0b 0x0 0x0 0x0 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x1 0x2 0x0 0x8 [14,4] 0b 0x0 0x0 0x0 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x2 0x7 0x0 0x8 [15,4] 0b 0x0 0x0 0x0 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x5 0xB 0x0 0x8 [11,7] 0b 0x0 0x0 0x0 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x6 0xB 0x0 0x8 [15,7] 0b 0x0 0x0 0x0 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x3 0x9 0x0 0x8 [7,14] 0b 0x0 0x0 0x0 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0xC0 0x9 0x0 0x8 [10,14] 0b 0x0 0x0 0x0 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x4 0x5 0x0 0x8 [11,4] 0b 0x0 0x0 0x0 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT label29: UNIT 0xF 0x4E 0x0 0x8 [9,15] 0b 0x0 0x3 0x8B3CA0 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT label32: UNIT 0x6B 0xB 0x0 0xC [13,10] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3CB8 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x40 0x4F 0x0 0xC [12,11] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3CC0 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT label30: UNIT 0x80 0x2D 0x0 0xC [5,1] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3CC8 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x80 0x2D 0x0 0xC [5,2] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3CD0 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x80 0x2F 0x0 0xD [19,10] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3CD8 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x80 0x2F 0x0 0xD [20,10] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3CE0 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT label31: UNIT 0x83 0x35 0x0 0xC [10,10] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3CE8 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x83 0x35 0x0 0xC [16,10] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3CF0 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x84 0x7 0x0 0xC [10,10] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3CF8 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x84 0x7 0x0 0xC [16,10] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3D00 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x85 0x29 0x0 0xC [10,10] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3D08 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x85 0x29 0x0 0xC [16,10] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3D10 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT //The next line is for re-assembling purposes. Do not delete! MESSAGE Original ending offset is $8B3F20 and the new ending offset is CURRENTOFFSET ORG $8B3F68 label33: UNIT 0x2 0x7 0x0 0x8 [9,3] 0b 0x0 0x2 0x8B3F20 [0x3,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x4 0x5 0x0 0x8 [9,3] 0b 0x0 0x2 0x8B3F30 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x1 0x2 0x0 0x8 [6,5] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3F40 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT label34: UNIT 0x45 0x23 0x0 0x2C [14,5] 0b 0x0 0x2 0x8B3F48 [0x17,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x80 0x1F 0x0 0xD [14,4] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3F58 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x80 0x1F 0x0 0xD [14,6] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3F60 [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT //The next line is for re-assembling purposes. Do not delete! MESSAGE Original ending offset is $8B4008 and the new ending offset is CURRENTOFFSET ORG $9E858C TurnBasedEvents: TURN 0x0 label15 [1,0] 0x8 TURN 0x0 label16 [2,0] 0x0 TURN 0x0 label17 [3,0] 0x0 TURN 0x8 label18 [1,255] 0x8 END_MAIN CharacterBasedEvents: END_MAIN LocationBasedEvents: END_MAIN MiscBasedEvents: AFEV 0x3 EndingScene 0x2 AFEV 0x7 label19 0x0 AFEV 0x0 label20 0x65 END_MAIN Dunno1: END_MAIN Dunno2: END_MAIN Dunno3: END_MAIN Tutorial: WORD 0x89EF2B0 0x89EF328 0x89EF388 0x89EF398 WORD 0x89EF46C 0x89EF4EC 0x89EF50C 0x89EF53C WORD 0x89EF56C 0x89EF5A8 0x89EF6E0 0x89EF758 WORD 0x89EF7B8 0x89EF7C8 0x89EF7FC END_MAIN PointerList: POIN TurnBasedEvents POIN CharacterBasedEvents POIN LocationBasedEvents POIN MiscBasedEvents POIN Dunno1 Dunno2 Dunno3 Tutorial POIN Traps1 Traps2 POIN Units1 Units1 POIN $0 $0 $0 POIN $0 $0 $0 POIN BeginningScene EndingScene //The next line is for re-assembling purposes. Do not delete! MESSAGE Original ending offset is $9E868C and the new ending offset is CURRENTOFFSET ORG $9ED9A8 Traps1: ENDTRAP //The next line is for re-assembling purposes. Do not delete! MESSAGE Original ending offset is $9ED9A9 and the new ending offset is CURRENTOFFSET ORG $9EDE99 Traps2: ENDTRAP //The next line is for re-assembling purposes. Do not delete! MESSAGE Original ending offset is $9EDE9A and the new ending offset is CURRENTOFFSET ORG $9EE0C0 label24: _0x1927 _SETCONDITION 0x0 0xC 0x0 _CALL_HELL ENIF 0x0 ENDA //The next line is for re-assembling purposes. Do not delete! MESSAGE Original ending offset is $9EE0DC and the new ending offset is CURRENTOFFSET ORG $9EE2C4 label22: _0x0320 0x8 _SETCONDITION2 0x80BD 0xC 0x0 FADI 16 ENIF 0x80BD TEXTSTART _0x2220 FADU 16 ENDA label21: _0x0320 0x8 _SETCONDITION2 0x80D2 0xC 0x0 FADI 16 ENIF 0x80D2 _0x1A21 _0x2140 0xFFFF 0x0 0x0 FADU 16 ENDA label25: CALL label21 _0x0620 0x32 TEXTSHOW 0xFFFF TEXTEND CALL label22 ENDA //The next line is for re-assembling purposes. Do not delete! MESSAGE Original ending offset is $9EE330 and the new ending offset is CURRENTOFFSET ORG $9EEBE8 BeginningScene: CALL label23 _SETVAL 0x2 0x89EF1BC CALL label24 _0x1927 _SETCONDITION2 0x0 0xC 0x0 ASMC 0xCF461 ENIF 0x0 _0x0229 0x8 _LOAD1 0x1 Units1 ENUN _SETVAL 0x1 0xD _0x3425 0x2 CUMO 0x1 STAL 60 CURE MUNO _SETVAL 0x2 0x1D _SETVAL 0x3 0x90D CALL label25 MUSI _MOVE 0x18 0x2 [4,4] ENUN CUMO 0x2 STAL 60 CURE TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x90E TEXTEND REMA _SETVAL 0x2 0x89EF27C CALL label24 _WARP 0x0 0x1 [4,5] ENUN CALL label26 CALL label27 _0x0228 0x7 ENDA label23: _SETVAL 0xB 0xA000E LOMA 0x10 _LOAD2 0x1 label28 ENUN FADU 16 MUS1 0x26 TEX8 0x664 [8,8] _LOAD1 0x1 label29 ENUN _0x2620 0xE CUMO 0xF STAL 60 CURE TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x903 TEXTEND REMA MOVE 0xF [13,11] ENUN DISA 0xF _MOVE2 0x0 0x1 0x0 ENUN CUMO 0x1 STAL 60 CURE TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x904 TEXTEND REMA _MOVE1 0x0 0x2 0x1 ENUN DISA 0x1 CUMO 0x2 STAL 60 CURE TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x905 TEXTEND REMA MOVE 0x2 [13,11] _SETVAL 0xD 0x0 _SETVAL 0x1 0x10C _SAVEFORBATTLE _SETVAL 0x1 0x0 _SAVEFORBATTLE _SETVAL 0x1 0x2CC _SAVEFORBATTLE _SETVAL 0x1 0x0 _SAVEFORBATTLE _MOVE3 0x0 0x4 0x0 ENUN DISA 0x2 DISA 0x4 MOVE 0x5 [11,4] MOVE 0x6 [15,4] ENUN _MOVE2 0x0 0x5 0x1 _MOVE2 0x0 0x6 0x0 ENUN _LOAD1 0x1 label30 ENUN _LOAD1 0x1 label31 ENUN _LOAD1 0x1 label32 ENUN CUMO 0xC5 STAL 60 CURE TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x906 TEXTEND FADI 2 REMA _0x0220 0x2 _0x342A 0x0 _0x342C 0x0 _0x342B 0x0 _SETVAL 0xB 0x0 LOMA 0x40 FADU 16 _LOAD2 0x1 label33 ENUN CUMO 0x2 STAL 60 CURE _SETVAL 0x2 0x1D _SETVAL 0x3 0x907 CALL label25 _SETVAL 0xD 0x0 _SETVAL 0x1 0x104 _SAVEFORBATTLE _SETVAL 0x1 0x0 _SAVEFORBATTLE _SETVAL 0x1 0x84 _SAVEFORBATTLE _SETVAL 0x1 0x0 _SAVEFORBATTLE _SETVAL 0x1 0x80 _SAVEFORBATTLE _SETVAL 0x1 0x0 _SAVEFORBATTLE _MOVE3 0x0 0x4 0x0 ENUN DISA 0x4 CUMO 0x2 STAL 60 CURE _SETVAL 0x2 0x1D _SETVAL 0x3 0x908 CALL label25 _LOAD1 0x1 label34 ENUN _MOVE2 0x0 0x2 0x1 ENUN _MOVE2 0x0 0x1 0x0 ENUN CUMO 0x45 STAL 60 CURE _SETVAL 0x2 0x1D _SETVAL 0x3 0x909 CALL label25 _MOVE2 0x0 0x45 0x0 ENUN _SETVAL 0xD 0x0 _SETVAL 0x1 0x20000 _SAVEFORBATTLE _SETVAL 0x1 0x1 _SAVEFORBATTLE _SETVAL 0x1 0xFFFFFFFF _SAVEFORBATTLE FIG1 0x2 0x45 0x0 CUMO 0x2 STAL 60 CURE TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x90B TEXTEND REMA _MOVE2 0x8 0x2 0x0 ENUN DISA 0x1 _SETVAL 0xD 0x0 _SETVAL 0x1 0x18104 _SAVEFORBATTLE _SETVAL 0x1 0x0 _SAVEFORBATTLE _SETVAL 0x1 0x18084 _SAVEFORBATTLE _SETVAL 0x1 0x0 _SAVEFORBATTLE _SETVAL 0x1 0x18080 _SAVEFORBATTLE _SETVAL 0x1 0x0 _SAVEFORBATTLE _MOVE3 0x0 0x2 0x0 ENUN DISA 0x2 CUMO 0x45 STAL 60 CURE TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x90C TEXTEND REMA FADI 16 _0x0220 0x2 _0x342A 0x0 _0x342C 0x0 _0x342B 0x0 _SETVAL 0xB 0x0 LOMA 0x0 FADU 16 ENDA label26: CUMO 0x2 STAL 60 CURE TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x90F TEXTEND REMA CALL label35 _SETVAL 0x3 0x9 _GIVEITEMTO 0x1 _SETVAL 0x2 0x89EF828 CALL label24 ENDA label27: _LOAD1 0x1 label36 ENUN CUMO 0x68 STAL 60 CURE MUS1 0x13 TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x910 TEXTEND REMA _0x0221 0x4 ENDA label19: _0x1924 _SETVAL 0x7 0x1 _SETCONDITION2 0x0 0xC 0x7 CUMO 0x2 STAL 60 CURE TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x913 TEXTEND REMA _0x0221 0x8 ELSE 0x1 ENIF 0x0 _0x1929 _0x0620 0xC2 _0x0221 0xFFFF ENIF 0x1 _0x0228 0x7 ENDA label18: MUS1 0x13 TEXTSTART TEXTSHOW 0x914 TEXTEND REMA _0x1927 _SETCONDITION2 0x0 0xC 0x0 _SETVAL 0x1 0x0 _0x3920 0x68 ENIF 0x0 _0x0228 0x7 ENDA EndingScene: MUS1 0x31 _SETVAL 0x2 0x1D CALL label21 TEXTSHOW 0x918 TEXTEND FADI 16 REMA _0x0229 0xE0 _0x0229 0xE1 _0x0229 0xB7 _0x0229 0xB4 _0x0229 0xB5 _0x0229 0xDC _0x0229 0xB9 _0x0229 0xC2 _0x0229 0xC3 _0x0229 0xE7 _0x0229 0xC9 MNC2 0x1 ENDA //The next line is for re-assembling purposes. Do not delete! MESSAGE Original ending offset is $9EF1BC and the new ending offset is CURRENTOFFSET ORG $9EF214 label15: _SETVAL 0x2 0x89EF0A4 CALL label24 _SETVAL 0x2 0x89EF3B4 CALL label24 _0x0228 0x7 ENDA label16: _SETVAL 0x2 0x89EF3D8 CALL label24 _0x0228 0x7 ENDA label17: _SETVAL 0x2 0x89EF610 CALL label24 _SETVAL 0x2 0x89EF670 CALL label24 _0x0228 0x7 ENDA //The next line is for re-assembling purposes. Do not delete! MESSAGE Original ending offset is $9EF27C and the new ending offset is CURRENTOFFSET So basically, what have I got to do to add in any additional enemy onto this map? Here's the code that's most relevant, I think: ORG $8B3C14 Units1: UNIT 0x2 0x7 0x0 0x8 [13,9] 0b 0x0 0x6 0x8B3BC4 [0x3,0x17,0x6C,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x1 0x2 0x0 0x8 [8,5] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3BF4 [0x6C,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT label36: UNIT 0x68 0x3F 0x0 0x24 [14,8] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3BFC [0x1F,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x6,0x3,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x82 0x3F 0x0 0xC [14,7] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3C04 [0x1F,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0xA,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x80 0x3F 0x0 0x14 [14,7] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B3C0C [0x1F,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x12,0x2,0x0] UNIT Units1 would be the player's units (Eirika and Seth), while label36 represents the enemies? I think? And the lines reading simply "UNIT" are the "UNIT empty" separators, probably. And what exactly do the 0x68, 0x82, and 0x80 do? I get that they're the IDs, but for instance, several of the sample codes re-use the same ID for different enemy units of the same class, but with varying inventories. If I want to add a class of enemy that doesn't already exist in the prologue (say, a Myrmidon), then what ID should I give them? I feel like there must've been something major I missed in the tutorials and guides, so if all these questions were answered somewhere and I just missed it, point me in the right direction.
  10. Ok basically I'm getting this: CHES 0x00 0x6C [2,4] 0x14 But I want this: Chest(Elixir,2,4) I'm going into the Event Assembler, feeding it the offset that Nightmare gives me, outputting it to a textfile, etc. And I get code in the above format. But Nintenlord's guide says: "Locate the text file you chose in Even Assembler and open it. It should look like something like this depending on your text editor:" http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x309/Nintenlord/Tutorials/Easy%20event%20editing/Assembly.png Which shows text in the easier-to-read format. And Arch's guide talks about how to define new things, but doesn't really seem to answer how to apply these definitions in the first place.
  11. Stop me if you've heard this one before: How do I get my event assembler to output EAstdlib (human-readable) code instead of machine code? The guides I've read seem to skip over that, as though it's supposed to happen automatically, but that definitely wasn't the case. What silly thing have I missed?
  12. 420 hours with the JPN digital download, 100 with the NA SE. No crashes yet.
  13. Have you tried using an armor slayer or a hammer? AHA. AHAHAHA. HA... Anyway, strangely enough, you're not the first person I've heard of using Lodestar Corrin to solo the game today. Or in the past 15 minutes, even. Odd. I can only recommend what's already been said, really.
  14. Yeah, and he's Zola. You're the royal family. Did you see how smoothly Corrin handled Iago earlier, with the whole "This blood is totally from some enemies we killed. Don't question me again or I'll kill you" deal? Paraphrasing obviously, but the point is that Corrin has proven themselves capable of intimidating Iago, Garon's right-hand man. Zola is massively down on the food chain, so to speak. And he's a cowardly little dastard on top of it. When presented with all 5 royal children telling him not to kill the Hoshidans, he ain't gonna do a dang thing against them. Honestly, the fact that you even fight him at all is stupid for him, too. "Hey Garon so I killed your kids..." would not have gone well for anybody involved. Well I mean, Garon being what he is probably wouldn't actually care, but Zola doesn't know that at the time.
  15. Agreed, but to be fair, Corrin doesn't know they'll die at that point. I mean... it should've been kinda obvious that it was a major possibility, I would think, but yeah. What would have been smart is to insist that the Hoshidans remain captured, but used as bargaining chips instead of killing them and making them martyrs. After all, even with Garon, Hans, and Iago right there, none of them took umbrage at the idea of keeping Sakura as a hostage later on. So it's not impossible at all that Hinoka, at least, would have also been spared. But that doesn't result in a battle instantly, so can't have none of that.
  16. I'm like, at least 7 sure it's due to - dangit I love/hate how this site shows me how I've been ninja'd in real-time. Anyway, I hate a lot of what they've done with the localization (Skinship, swimsuits, Kana not even wearing a bath towel, Saizo X Beruka, no Cipher units.... etc), but it's a bit too late to do anything about it at this point. The conversations that weren't drastically changed were localized well, for the most part - that much is good. Just remember though, that removing content from FE games in the west is far from a new thing. It's a trend at Treehouse/NoA over a decade strong. They did it for PoR and RD, too. At this point, i'm of the mindset of "Might as well enjoy it at this point", but in the future I'd not wave off such movements, as they represent pretty much the only slight chance that might exist of getting them to not do this to the next game for once.
  17. This has been mentioned a bit before, but I just want to make it clear. TC, using Haitaka and tonics can actually hurt you in this chapter, if your units' (probably Effie, Corrin, and Camilla, or even Silas/Harold given Effie as a pair-up pocket) def goes too high. Enemies won't attack somebody they do 0 damage to, at least in this chapter, so that results in them piling up around you, and then flooding you when the water drains. You want to kill as many as possible before that, so you want them to attack you on their phase - and ideally, using attack stance if needed, you want to kill them all in that one round of combat.
  18. Those Nohrian enemy soldiers in 18 are glossed over, but really they're totally dead. Leo kills Zola so that he can't go tell Garon about anything - so then it only makes sense that every single Nohrian soldier - who were only following orders that would have ended the war and prevented more bloodshed, mind you - are dead. Really, can we just appreciate how dumb 18 in general is? So there's the obvious thing mentioned over and over again, that saving the Hoshidans is pointless, that Corrin has the option to end the war right there, and values the lives of his 4 siblings over hundreds/thousands of soldiers. Now, that could be a cool character trait to explore - the fact that Corrin knows he's doing the wrong thing but still can't bring himself to watch his family die. But it's never presented as such. Corrin's just doing "the right thing" And Zola is the one in the wrong here, for finding a method to end the war without more huge battles and so many casualties. But has anybody considered how spectacularly lucky Corrin is that Iago never found out about this crap? I mean, Consider all the other places Iago can beam his image to in Conquest alone - Notre Sagesse comes to mind immediately. Iago can just warp his holographic image (or was that the man himself? I can't keep track anymore) up to what's supposed to be a room that is a legendary challenge to access. Yet apparently there's no magic or anything to prevent him from just doing that. What are the odds, then, that Iago's information happens to have this massive blind spot in Izumo? Again, this isn't impossible on its own, but the fact that nobody considers that Iago or Garon could be watching from the shadows until Leo kills Zola after the fight, is such a massive oversight.
  19. Hold on now, enemies will gladly attack you at 0 damage with lunge. I've seen it several times. I'm pretty sure there are simply several AI routines in the game - some enemies, for instance, still suicide me when they do 0 damage. Some ignore me entirely. Others run up to me, and then refuse to actually attack.
  20. Is the ban per-file, or per game? I'm not planning on doing anything that'd get me banned, but I did nab a few Annas from other castles - shouldn't be an issue, but I feel like I'm toeing the line enough to want a better understanding of this business.
  21. First, let me note that the easier difficulty of Birthright (And Revelation, but I'll get there in a moment) is NOT just because of the lack of grinding in Conquest. You can do the 2 grind-enabled routes without grinding, and they'll still end up being easier than Conquest. It's a matter of map design and enemy stats/skills, in addition to the ability to grind. Revelation is somewhere in between both versions, but IMO it's a lot closer to Birthright than Conquest. For what it's worth, both Revelation and Birthright can be soloed, on Lunatic, by a proper Corrin/Jakob set-up (probably other set-ups too, but that's the one I can personally vouch for). So in that sense, they're about equally easy if you're going the full-cheese route. Otherwise, Revelation is only really harder in that it's more of a "stats-game". In a similar way to how Awakening's wide-open maps made it much easier to simply use the strongest units, and only the strongest units, Revelation does a similar thing, ironically, by forcing you into lots of small, cramped spaces where there's no room to manuever weaker units. Revelation also gives you access to all the OP units from both sides, including of course the royals of each family. So what I'm saying is, Revelation is pretty much on-par with Birthright in terms of overall difficulty. It might be a bit harder, but if Birthright's a "1" and Conquest is a "2", Revelation is only a 1.2 or so, at best. Also, I'm not entirely sure I agree with the notion that Birthright Lunatic is easier than Conquest Hard. Or rather, I suppose I do, but it's not as different as you might think. Overall, Conquest Hard is harder, but those last few maps of Birthright Lunatic (from about 23 to Endgame, I'd say) get way tougher than most of Conquest Hard IMO.
  22. I agree, but let's be real here, this is a minor issue. They need to put a lot of effort into the basics first. I mean, for the Flora example, the moment Corrin exclaimed "King Garon claims another beautiful life!" I was just SO done being sad, because that's a hilariously bad line. It's so hammy - it's not a thing a human being would actually say after watching the woman who was pretty much their mother-figure for most of their life burn to death. It sounds like a newspaper headline. "Extry extry, read all about it! King Garon claims another beautiful life, page 3!" They've got to fix the writing first before they start adding in the finishing touches to make the moment stick.
  23. Neat, keep it up! Fun little trivia fact - you're not actually forced to attack those guys in the prologue. The first guy will chase you down and get himself killed no matter where you run, but the second map ends the moment your second turn ends, regardless of whether or not you or Takumi attack the second guy. There's... really no reason to do this.
  24. I don't know about that, considering that said most faceless on the map take 20% of your health away, the boss takes 40% + 20% of anybody nearby, and the others are all paired-up with speed seal, allowing them to double and kill pretty anybody on the map save for Corrin. More importantly, you can't let units die like you can in Ch 5.
  25. I've been saying for a long time tier lists need to stop being based on efficiency, at least as a default assumption. There's an in-built presumption that what makes the game faster makes it easier, but that's not always true, especially once we start getting into territory where "Well, this unit makes this map faster, if you're willing to put up with a 50% chance of dying to this boss, or a 3% chance of getting crit by every single enemy on the map." Of course, the conclusions I take that point to are ones others are likely to disagree with, but still.
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