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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. 10. The Many Crazy Roles of Helena Bonham Carter Hamlet (1990) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) Sweeney Todd (2008) Alice in Wonderland (2010) Helena Bonham Carter. Three words that can make me orgasm on command. Helena Bonham Carter, in my opinion, is one of the greatest character actresses of our time. She follows in the footsteps of some of the late greats like Vivien Leigh and Bette Davis, able to portray various women expertly. Not only has Helena played strong female characters, she's also played some of film's greatest psychopaths. Like the four I've listed up here. First, Hamlet. My second favorite Shakespearean play. Carter plays Ophelia, shocker. Ophelia, the tragic lover of Hamlet. Ophelia, who goes insane after Hamlet fucks with her and kills her father. Out of all of the film adaptations of Hamlet, Carter was my favorite Ophelia. She was also the craziest, in mind, for the reason that she wasn't over-the-top like Kate Winslet. She played the creepy crazy and played it well. Next, to one of the scariest villains in history. If AFI redid their list of the greatest heroes and villains, Bellatrix Lestrange would need to be on the list. Bellatrix is sadistic, insane, and simply amazing. She makes the movies more interesting by far, and you know you wanted to chant along with her when she screamed "I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK" over and over again. (Also, fun note from my roommate: If Gary Oldman wins the Oscar this year, Helena Bonham Carter should run onstage, decapitate him, and then run around the Kodak Theatre screaming "I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK"--and then maybe steal his Oscar because she deserves one by now) Did you know that Helena Bonham Carter isn't a bad singer? I didn't. Until I watched Sweeney Todd, that is. Sure, part of the reason she may have gotten the role is because she's been sleeping with Tim Burton for ages now, but it doesn't matter. She still was amazing. She was everything Mrs. Lovett is supposed to be. Deranged, obsessive, and devious, with a dash of motherly instinct thrown in. Sure, she's no Angela Lansbury or Patti LuPone, but goddamn it, she was awesome. Lastly, we have one of her more recent roles, the Red Queen. This role didn't impress me as much as the other three, but it still deserves mention on this list. Helena Bonham Carter is still one of the greatest when it comes to the psychopathic leading lady.
  2. Honorable Mentions That Deserved A Bit Of A Write Up: The Badass Bitches of Mean Girls: Rachel MacAdams, Lacey Chambert, Amanda Seyfreid, Lizzy Caplan, and Tina Fey Mean Girls (2004) lollindsay Let's face it. Without these five lovely ladies, no one would be quoting Mean Girls, with the exception of the occasional line from Damian. But he's not a girl. Kind of. So he's not included on this list. But as for the other five, they are what made the movie what it was. Besides providing us with some of the best quotes in movie history, these ladies had comedy up the wazoo. They made the others (especially Ms. Lohan) look, well, plastic. Fergie as Saraghina Nine (2009) When you're the only non-Oscarbait actor in a movie directed by the guy who did Chicago and Memoirs of a Geisha, you know you have a lot of shoes to fill. Well, Fergie was in that situation for Nine. Not only did her character only appear in one scene, she was competing for attention with five actresses who had won Oscars previously: Marion Cotillard, Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz, Judi Dench, and Sophia Loren; as well as an Oscar nominated actress whose mother was an Oscar winner, Kate Hudson. Throw two-time Oscar winner Daniel Day-Lewis and one of the most talented directors (Rob Marshall) in the mix, and you have the ultimate movie. Well, not really. But despite Nine's less-than-stellar reviews, it had a few trump cards. The most important of which is the actress I'd mentioned above. No, not any of the ones Oscar gets a boner for. The one who wasn't even really an actress. That's right, Fergie. As the prostitute Saraghina, Fergie stole the show with her number "Be Italian". She proved she was a singing, dancing machine, and an unstoppable force as a performer. Now, if only she can ditch the Peas and do real music. Women Driven By Revenge: Uma Thurman as The Bride/Beatrix Kiddo and Marion Cotillard as Mal Cobb kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003) Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004) Inception (2010) "Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned" I think that quote enough defines these next two women. It was hard to separate them, and by putting them together I can include more performances on the list. And, honestly, it's tough to rank one above the other because of how different their performances are. Uma Thurman, as Kill Bill's katana-wielding protagonist, delivers an action-packed yet heartbreaking performance of a woman betrayed by her lover. She then sets on a two-movie rampage of death and destruction simply to find him and kill him. Besides being arguably the most badass female action hero ever (sit down, Lucy Lawless, Lynda Carter, and Sigourney Weaver), Uma Thurman delivers something to the table that you wouldn't expect in an action movie (unless, of course, you work for Tarantino): emotion. That's right, folks. Beatrix Kiddo actually has feelings. While she doesn't display them all the time, they exist. Specifically near the end of the second film, when she realizes her daughter is alive. Her entire mission has changed from "kill everything in my path because my kid's dead" to "my daughter is alive, what has my mission been" in one moment, in which two beautiful words are uttered: "Hi, mommy". Let's face it. That moment is heartbreaking. The other great emotional moment is when she completes her mission, after delivering the fatal blow to Bill. The moment after she completes the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique, her face shifts from one of victory to one of agony. Despite all that Bill had done to her, he was still her lover, and her pain at realizing she had just killed him was brilliantly done. As for Marion Cotillard, she performed the opposite role, as Inception's main antagonist. However, she was also similar to Thurman in the sense that she was driven by revenge. Not only was she massively driven by revenge, but she also had one of the best scenes in the movie: her suicide. Not only did she go off the deep end (literally), she also had a long and elaborate monologue of how she'd covered her tracks. She was one scary bitch.
  3. First and foremost I'll say this. This is my opinion and my opinion only. These performances are from films I have seen, so I will not be considering films I have not seen. Thus, please do not say "Oh, so and so from film X was better" because I may have not seen that film and thus will not be judging it. This list is merely opinion and I wish to share my opinion with all of you. Obviously this list may contain spoilers. Be warned.
  4. Haar. It's not that hard to kill the General holding Nullify. And, in all honesty, even if you waste one turn getting it, it's still worth it in the end.
  5. Despite Erk being your only Anima user until either Pent is recruited or Priscilla promotes, he has many issues. His stats and growths are mediocre to decent, he has good supports but most of his support partners have better people to support (Serra has Oswin, Matthew, and Hector; Priscilla has Raven, Guy, and Sain; Pent and Louise can only give him B supports; and Nino, if used, will probably have Jaffar and Canas). Stat wise, Pent immediately outclasses him (and doesn't need Support Grinding), and Nino, if trained, will outclass him as well. Priscilla upon promotion also outclasses Erk. He's good for earlygame use but once you get better units he's easily droppable. 4.5/10
  6. I agree, and it shows. The plot is fairly similar to FE8's basic structure (I assume that will change with time) but the characters themselves are really driving the story forward.
  7. The 2-E Nullify is basically uncontested for, and Haar really is the biggest beneficiary from it. Once he has that he laughs at Thunder Mages.
  8. He was the boss of the first chapter and there's been a decent amount of dialogue involving him, throwing him away now would be pointless and amateurish.
  9. I agree, whose eyes are those? I know the face belongs to Franz but I can't pinpoint them. Are they Wendy's? That would make sense...
  10. Makes sense. I definitely think you could find a way to distinguish it from the skin color--maybe playing around with some of the other colors to keep in the color limit?
  11. The one thing I love about this hack that has improved from both FE404 and the original ASD is the quality of writing. Despite using the FE8 Grado-and-Renais-go-to-war story, you made it much more original and interesting. Not to mention the characters aren't bound by the original events of FE8 anymore, so they can have conversations like the ones they are having. Not only that, they're real people who have real problems. Julie's becoming one of my favorites so far (in the original not so much, she lacked a lot of development that she has here), she's really well-written. Winston is my favorite though, I hope you have some good plans for him. Keep up the good work :)
  12. Lucretia & Adano "If we find someone willing to take us to the island as soon as we get to the coast, we might have a chance." Adano seemed to be leaning into every word of the conversation. He thought about his earlier days of travel. "I remember coming here a long time ago," he said, "I met a few sailors too. Whether or not they're alive is a different story." He recalled his days near Pravna, where he became embroiled in a large barfight with a few sailors. He had defeated all of them and earned their respect, yet it was one of Adano's most grueling challenges. He dueled three men at once--something he'd never done. Lucretia was nervous about going to Pravna--this was the first time she would come face-to-face with Carrion since the Snow Chameleons. It was a long time and yet she knew it would happen. She hoped, of course, that it wouldn't be antagonistic. She knew facing Carrion in battle would end miserably. "We can't lose this opportunity," she said, "it's top priority we talk to her before it's too late. I do NOT want to fight her." She chuckled a bit before beginning to set up. "We'll see," Adano replied, "I just hope that the right thing happens." Julius & Gabriel The pair were asleep in each other's arms, trying to keep warm, in the wagon caravan that they'd joined. The caravan was heading west, near Pravna, where one of Gabriel's siblings were. Their mission was simple--tell Gabriel's siblings the will, one by one. The will, of course, was fake. Gabriel's father had never made a formal will, merely a statement. Julius, in order to try and work things in Gabriel's favor, wrote up a fake will and forged Sarson's signature. It was essentially his only chance. The two of them could only hope that their plan would work. Cameron Instead of staying in one place, Cameron also continued traveling. He decided to head south. His motives were unclear, even to him, yet he just felt like south was the way to go.
  13. I love that trim! And here I was thinking that using Sophia's hair for trim was original, yours looks so clean and interesting! And the hair shape's really fun and elaborate too.
  14. Once again, awesome work. The pant legs look like they're different lengths but I may be seeing things. Also, the forehead... is she wearing something or does she just have an unusually large forehead? Either way, I feel like there should be some hair on the top left (OPV) of the head to make the hair more even.
  15. It's been a while since I've done one of these. Hair is Wendy and Sophia, a bit of customing near the hairline. The armor is Franz, the trim on the shoulder pad is actually part of Sophia's hair. The cloak is (obviously) Sophia's. The trim on the rest of the armor is combination of Franz and Wendy. A small bit of Franz's hair is used in the trim there. Face is just Wendy, minus the headband. It just looks different probably because of the eyes. I still hate hair shading.
  16. Dieck wanted to be the top of the tier list again so he decided to become a Paladin. Parts from Maxime/Cameron, Seth, and Aion/Marquess Araphen.
  17. You get attacked by the cheese as it attempts to strangle you. Afterward the machine stutters and spits out a coin near your feet. *inserts Banhammer*
  18. I use Savestates and I burn RN's but otherwise I don't.
  19. NIIIIIIINNNNNOOOOOOO~ Yeah. I make a slot in Endgame specifically for her. Even if I have 9999 broken units like right now.
  20. Average/Mine: HP: 26.35/25 Mag: 17.2/18 (Energy Ring) Skl: 14.5/13 Spd: 16.8/14 Luck: 5.4/6 Def: 2.7/4 Res: 16.2/19 Despite that not so good Speed deficit, his Magic and Defenses are both up. He's also got good supports (A Raven/B Serra). I'll take it. However, I've probably got an even better unit. Arguably my best unit right now. Average/Mine: HP: 29.35/33 Mag: 17.2/20 Skl: 18.5/22 Spd: 18.5/17 Luck: 21.95/25 Def: 8.45/6 Res: 20.5/21 So despite being -1.5 on Speed and -2.45 on Defense, Priscilla is +3.65 on HP, +2.8 on Magic, +3.5 on Skill, and +3.05 on Luck. She also has great support partners (A Sain/B Raven). Arguably the best unit I have.
  21. The tits on FEGirls' Berserker are, like most of FE, disproportionate. They're massive for the body. She shouldn't be able to lift that axe, let alone attack with it. I like Ecut's because it's more proportionate. The bust is a little lacking in that one, however, she's muscular and has reason to lift that damn axe.
  22. Ok, I needed to show this one. Too good to pass up. My speed blessed Sain. Average/Mine: HP: 34.2/33 STR: 19.4/20 SKL: 10.65/9 SPD: 13.6/19 LCK: 10.65/10 DEF: 9.8/9 RES: 3.8/5 So he's -1.2 on HP, +.6 on Strength, -.35 on Skill, +5.4 on Speed, -.65 on Luck, -.8 on Defense, and +1.2 on Resistance. EDIT: Strength-blessed Florina... Average/Mine: HP: 28.4/27 STR: 12.6/15 SKL: 16.5/14 SPD: 19.45/16 LCK: 16.5/16 DEF: 6.85/6 RES: 10.65/11 While the rest of her stats are below Average (especially that Speed), she's +2.4 on Strength. At the SAME LEVEL her Strength was two above Kent's and only one below Hector's despite being only two levels below him.
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