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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Lucretia/Adano (I can't think of anything...they're just ridin' along) Julius On the road, almost home. He looked out to the horizon and could barely make out where he was headed; a small town on the outskirts of Albion, where he learned the rules of the gentleman and noble. Of course, he needed to actually go to Albion first, try and reclaim his title. That would be the hard part. "Who, or what, can I use as an excuse for my uncle's death?" He asked to himself.
  2. David heard the explosion from his room, it was quite the loud boom. He grabbed his sword and ran out of the door; no time to put on the gauntlets. If there was someone injured, or an attack... He tried to not think of it as he ran closer to the scene. He noticed his duel partner and one other person head into the girls' locker room; he figured he wasn't going to be there for any selfish motives. If he were to get in trouble, surely others would as well. He ran inside and noticed the girl from before in tears, it seemed her locker was the one that suffered the explosion. "Jesus," he muttered, "and here I was thinking there was the next world war." Nonetheless he strode over to the girl and noticed her trying to calm the other two down. "Please don't be so upset, and try not to be harsh on him. It's not like he damage anything important, other than school property... I keep my valuables up in my room. All he got here was my tool box and hardware clothes, nothing irreplaceable..." He looked at her funny. "Although I don't blame you for trying to not be all 'go for revenge' schtick..." he began, looking towards the other two, "whoever did this deserves to at least pay somewhat for their actions." He looked around the room, as if to try and find whoever was responsible. (of course he doesn't know that everyone else in the room knows who did this)
  3. Ishtor gets Tiltyu's Tron? Shit shit shit, I've been abusing that thing like a mofo.
  4. but I liked it, I could OHKO like every enemy
  5. Diadora - One of the two characters in the series' "official" incest pairing
  6. Michalis - 1 Miledy - 120 Jill - 114 Raffin - 91
  7. Maybe I played an older patch, but Linus/Amelia, depending on which side you were playing, had a strength glitch where it went up to about 57. It would stay unless you R-Info'd them and then went into battle.
  8. The stat glitch being Linus/Amelia's super strength? D:
  9. Looks like you're using the MS paint default colors. Don't use them. They're ugly and unnecessary.
  10. Sigurd - Distant cousin and also person Oifaye serves
  11. I present the Demonic Spear. High might and weight, low accuracy, no critical. Usable by demonic enemies only, and, yes, they can wield it despite the size. It's held together by demonic energies. 1-2 range.
  12. Lucretia/Adano "Heh, you really surprised me with that. Thank you." "You weren't going to just give your axe away like that. Don't worry about it." Lucretia responded as the horses began to gallop in the direction of Pravna. - Julius He left the restaurant in high hopes. With this new turn of events he had received a group of people who would be supporting him, despite the fact that they'd probably forget him in a day or two. The waiter gave Julius his full and undying support, and a kiss before he left, which made Julius quite pleased. His goal was to make his way towards Albion via a side route he'd taken when he fled. It was in the open so he wouldn't need to worry about any attacks from unwanted visitors, and it was fairly even land, so if he had a quick pace, he'd make it to Albion within the next few days. "This is it," he muttered to himself, as he walked along the path.
  13. David definitely took the teacher's words to heart, the katana was a deadly weapon used by the samurai. They were fast and lethal. If they couldn't defeat their enemy, it was seppuku. Death. Of course, the samurai were long since extinct, and such tactics were rarer now, yet David knew he had to be better if he wanted to pass the final. He shook Ayse's hand before turning to the girl who'd approached the two. "Good round guys, need some help packing up? You got a lot of gear here..." "Ha, none of this is mine," he replied, sheathing his blade and walking off, "thanks for the compliment, though." He navigated his way to the dormitory again, walking through the halls, and entered his room.
  14. Lucretia/Adano "Dang, I don't have that kind of money, I dunno about the other two. How about takin' my axe for payment?" Lucretia turned to him. "Absolutely not! I'll pay for the horse and saddle." She handed over the gold. She was running low but she had enough to get by. She could always sell the horses later for some of the money. Adano likewise paid the man as well, and he brought out three horses with fine leather saddles. "These'r three great horses, they'll get ya wherever y'need." He handed the reigns off to each individual, then tossed a sack of meal to each. "Don't be too hasty with that food. They just ate so they should be good for a bit." Lucretia and Adano nodded thanks to the man and got onto their horses, Adano having a bit of trouble but the man helped him on. Lucretia got onto hers with ease. Julius As he ate, the waiter kept coming back to him and asking if his food was all right, more than the other guests. His head ran a bit with scenarios. Finally, after his food was finished and the waiter came with the bill, he looked at Julius oddly. "I feel like I know you from somewhere." If there's any time to name drop my position, it's now. "Uh, well, I'm headed back to Albion, to reclaim my title." A few restauranteurs perked up at the mention of a title. "Yeah. My uncle was murdered and our houses burned down, and I fled into the night, afraid for my life." The waiter appeared shocked. "You... You must be Lord Kilmore!" He immediately bowed with courtesy. "Sir, I used to work in your uncle's household! We were all afraid you perished in the blaze as well." No suspicion on me, good. "No, I'm alive and well. After running I decided to come back home and take my title back." The patrons immediately became flustered. A noble in their presence was one of the closest opportunities they'd get to meet someone famous. It was surely an event when a noble was in the same room as them. "It's sad that my dear uncle has passed. I only learned of the news when his prized sword was sent to me by a mysterious person who related the news to me." He placed the sword on the table for proof. "I just hope I can reclaim my title and place my family's esteem back into the mainstream of society." The place erupted in cheers and hollers of "Long live the Kilmores!" and "Lord Julius has returned!", even though none of them had ever met him before. Julius was thrilled at this new turn of events. He'd gotten a small but firm backing in his quest, and it was going to make the final stretch of the journey that much easier.
  15. Minerva 37 Michalis 28 Altenna 31 Dean 25 Miledy 76 Heath 14 Cormag 31 Glen 25 Jill 65 Haar 15 Ashnard 32 Raffin 49
  16. David parried the first strike from Ayse, and stepped back, watching Ayse dance around him. He was lucky he had the extra arm with him, wielding a typical two-handed sword with one hand helped him with mobility. Looking for an opening, he swung his blade in an uppercut fashion.
  17. Lucretia/Adano "Let's go see whose they are, maybe we can strike up a deal or something." With that they headed outside towards the direction of the horse. Sure enough, there was a stable, and there were more than enough horses for them. Lucretia approached the man who seemed to run the stable, a well-built and attractive young man who looked only a few years older than she. "Sir? How much to rent a horse? My friends and I need to get ourselves to Pravna." "Pravna, eh?" He replied. "Quite a ways from'ere. 'nd from th' looks o'it, the ol' man's seen better days." He indicated towards Adano. "I have seen better days, yes, but it doesn't mean I can't ride a horse." He shot back almost coldly. Keeping polite was the name of the game. "Eh, th' best horses'r twenty gold a horse." The man replied. "That includes food for a week an' for an extra ten I'll throw in a saddle per horse." Julius He saw the edge of Coryngols, smiling. "Almost there." He muttered under his breath as he approached the city's gates. He stopped at a restaurant near the edge of the city and sat down at one of the tables. The waiter, a young and well-built man who had a beautiful accent. Julius couldn't help but enjoy talking to him, wanting him to say more. "Your meal," he said, giving Julius a plate of vegetables and fruits. Julius smiled at him, breaking character to smile greatly at him. Ellandra I wonder, how is the festival going? She finished her meal and headed outside towards the festival's activities, wondering where things would be taking her next.
  18. “Ayse! David! Come here; I need you two for a demonstration.” He was surprised to hear his name called, yet he was interested to hear what would be happening next. Keeping his katana at his side, he stood and crossed to where Ayse and the teacher stood. "Yes?" He asked. "As you've seen, it's important to be able to perform quickly and efficiently; yet, these are dummies. They can't strike back." A duel. Perfect. David grinned. "However, fighting dummies means nothing if you cannot defeat an opponent in battle. Gentlemen, I want the two of you to duel. Show what you've learned in this class." David drew his sword, the steel shining with the sun's light. He clipped the sheath to his belt and kept the sword in his right hand. "At your ready," he smiled to Ayse.
  19. Minerva 37 Michalis 28 Altenna 31 Arione 20 Dean 25 Miledy 58 Gale 25 Heath 21 Cormag 31 Glen 25 Jill 50 Haar 25 Ashnard 34 Raffin 40 Julius 10
  20. Minerva 37 Michalis 28 Altenna 31 Arione 25 Dean 25 Miledy 55 Zeiss 10 Gale 25 Heath 31 Cormag 31 Glen 25 Jill 38 Haar 25 Ashnard 31 Raffin 40 Julius 15
  21. Minerva 37 Michalis 28 Altenna 31 Arione 25 Dean 25 Eda 25 Miledy 46 Zeiss 20 Gale 25 Heath 31 Cormag 31 Glen 25 Jill 29 Haar 25 Ashnard 25 Raffin 37 Julius 25
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