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Everything posted by OakTree

  1. So you're trying to argue that this breastplate is more practical than this one, okaaaayyyy, seriously, the only actual problem with Kellam's breastplate are the aforementioned shoulder pads and the pointy end (A problem also shared with other units suchs as Gilliam), soften that part up and he becomes capable of leaning forward and sitting without cutting off hisown crotch. And one piece breastplates actually feel less weighty, since the weight is distributed through your entire body rather than just the top, they're also far easier to manufacture than one that is sculpted to only be worn at the top, i could go on about this, but remember, if you google "Breastplate" on google, the first thing that comes up is lo and behold, a one piece body armor.
  2. Full torso breastplates are more practical than ones that just cover the chest area, the ones that just cover said area add unbalanced weight to your upper body and it also leaves the parts below the chest area exposed (Just one stab to poor Sain's stomach and he's dead, also, what the hell is up with that small square shaped part of it?).
  3. Outside of the shoulder pads and the fact that his legs could use a few more open spots to facilitate movement, Kellam's design is actually pretty solid, heck, the fact his breastplate is actually covering his entire torso is actually something he has over armored units from previous games.
  4. I can at least picture the characters in FE13 and FE14 being capable of basic movement, which is a luxury i can't give to BK.
  5. You're forgetting the biggest offender of the entire series. NOTHING, and by that i mean, NOTHING in Awakening or Fates is as bad as the Black Knight's design, that is what people should be mentioning in every "Worst Fire Emblem Designs" discussion.
  6. Which artist would they choose for that though? The only character designer i can think of who does stuff old-school style is Haruhiko Mikimoto, and im pretty sure he is kind of a big name, not only that, but the character designs would have to fit the aesthetic of the setting, so the entire game would have to go with an art direction that suits the almost 80s anime aesthetic the SNES games had.
  7. New video where Mark discusses versatile uses of buttons.
  8. Yes, it's something that in my opinion, sets FE apart from other RPGs, whose protagonists are either chosen ones or nobodies who ended up getting involved in the plot through sheer circustances, the problem people seem to have doesn't seem to actually be the idea, but the execution, most Lords in the series are generically heroic and kind-hearted teenage boys and girls, you could replace them with the protagonist of a 80s Mecha anime and no one would even notice, but the fact is there are a lot of different things you can do with a protagonist who is of royal lineage. And FE has explored far from even a fraction of these ideas.
  9. I had a similar idea that was different in a few areas, mostly, it would be an FE story where the "Evil" country is the one being invaded after the MC's parent, a ruler who is prideful and stubborn rather than outright greedy, refuses to help an invading nation after said nation is struck by a heavy weather that ruins the lives of many low-class citizens. An FE game where the "Evil" country is the one being invaded due to a stubborn, prideful ruler could go a lot of different ways, you could explore themes such as nationalism and blind patriotism, as the protagonist's nation could be extremelly isolationist and it's noble figures extremelly arrogant, believing the enemy nation to be nothing more than barbaric brutes who deserve no simpathy, while the invading nation would believe strongly that their invasion was not only necessary, but also justified, and that the "Evil" country "had it coming" after years of being lead by selfish nobles who don't care for other nations, which makes both nations flawled. You could also explore themes such as the influences greed can have on wars, as in a scenario where the central conflict is caused by a war that was necessary for the invaders, there would be tons of different people who exploit the conflict for their own ends, the game's evil Bishop could try to expand his faith by spreading fanaticism and use the fear caused by the war times to manipulate the people of the nation he resides in, mercenaries who will gladly commit any detestable actions for whoever pays them high enough and low-ranking commanders from both sides who try to use the war as a way to gain more power. And finally, you could explore themes of Kingship with the leaders of both nations, the MC's parent could be portrayed as someone who doesn't believe that there is any worth in trading between nations, their people have been doing just fine for generations so why should they trade with outsiders? To them, rellying on outsiders is a proof of a nation's weakness and inability to stand on it's own, and that a ruler should always seek to do what will benefit their people and their people alone. Meanwhile, the enemy nation's ruler would be portrayed as deeply troubled, but firm, they know that waging war was not a good idea as much as it was them trying to make the most out of a bad sittuation where there were no easy answers, however, they still decide to go with the war until the very end, as it's still the route which might in the long run bring stability to the people of both nations, as, regardless of who wins the war, both countries would likely be in a state where they would have rely on each other for their survival.
  10. New video where Mark talks about what made the original The Legend of Zelda so good.
  11. FInn (Who'll definetly be either a 4*/5* or an outright base 5*), Leif, Nanna and Altena.
  12. http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Leif
  13. Apologies if people think this topic should go to the Fates board. TL;DR: Fates' female armor design is stupid, but the male armor design is some of the best in the series, GBA games have okay designs, and Tellius' designs are just as impractical as Fates' female design.
  14. No more Gharnef clones, please, the original Gharnef was great because of his cartoon-ishly evil personality, but trying to do this kind of character multiple times just doesn't work, mostly because there's just not a lot of new things that can be done with that kind of character, you can either try to flesh him out more, which has a chance of working, but it's simply very hard to pull off right , or you can play them completely straight, at which point the character just feels like the same character with a different name, so yeah, please no more Gharnef clones.
  15. An arrogant Lord is something i would like to see FE tackle, it's an idea that lends itself for simple, but satisfying character development if done right and it would set the Lord apart from previous ones.
  16. Anyone here started saving up Orbs? And if so, for who? Im hoping and waiting for a Leonster Focus Gacha with Finn (Who will definetly be either a 4*/5* or a straight-up 5* base due to his popularity), Leif, Nanna and Altena.
  17. Im starting to think allowing the same character to be pulled in different rarities was a bad idea, because what's the point in balancing the game arround a promotion system that allow you to promote your favorite 1* to a 5* with enough grinding if you can just try rolling that same character in a higher rarity?
  18. I beat all of Ch. 8 and 9 with this team, i had to use Light's Blessing in the two last fights, then after finishing Ch. 9, i did a 5-roll where i pulled Marth and Robin. I feel like the universe is laughing at me right now.
  19. Am i the only one who wishes the tower enemies weren't randomized? Usually, games like these have a fixed cycle per day where each day you face different types of enemies, training in the tower would be far less annoying if it followed a similar cycle.
  20. Opens up summoning screen. It's three red orbs and two grey orbs. Opens again, now its three greys, one red and one blue. No green orbs in sight ♫All arround me are familiar faces...♫
  21. Unless they're both of the same rarity, no, the 4* Serra will just gain SP.
  22. Question: Can you build your own Arena Defense Team or is it just whatever team you most recently used during Singleplayer?
  23. Is there anything Matthew does Felicia doesn't do better? Outside of tanking physical hits, which is frankly something the utility units shouldn't be doing in the first place.
  24. The actual writing will probably go into the Paralogues, the creators have already stated that instead of Supports, this game will insead have "Friendship Events", each Paralogue could be a short chapter of two or three maps focusing on one or two characters.
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