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Everything posted by kantoorfarina

  1. After that absolute beatdown Valter gave him at the start of the game, I was hoping Rennac would get his revenge. Also, I just thought about how disappointed I am you didn't have Rennac visit the village Rennac is in in Chapter... 9, I think. He would've been talking to his long-lost twin brother, Rennac.
  2. No Awakening characters. No Maid class. No sacrificing story and writing for waifus. If you're going to make the MU Story-important, at least TRY not to make them the dictionary definition of "Mary Sue". As for gameplay, I really dislike them over-simplifying maps. Hoshido's maps are really simple and lame compared to Nohr's, if you're really having that much trouble I'm sure you'll be able to work something out eventually with Casual/Phoenix mode. It's just less fun for everyone and lazy game design when the maps are open fields with nothing in them. Lunatic is done really, really poorly in Awakening.
  3. Agreed. I like Path of Radiance's way of doing Supports.
  4. I honestly don't really know. Even when i'm playing on Normal, where I could usually probably just wait for 25 turns and win, I still have fun with it.
  5. This. This, very much so. With the amount of people marrying Elise and Sakura, My Castle ect. there's really no going back. I'm sure they want to do what they can to make classic fans happy, but the Marriage System has to stay. Quotes like "I'm not sure if I want to ask why you were hiding that in your breasts... will be in Supports from now on. Whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you, but I can't help but feel sad that characters like Pent and Louise won't be possible anymore, and that the new characters generally have an anime trope/forced into their personality.
  6. I had that discussion with my friends once, about how I'm iffy on a FE8 Remake because i'm terrified that they'd rename Amelia's Recruit class to Schoolgirl and shoehorn Awakening characters and child units into the story. I'd like to hope we can get one modern FE without the marriage or My Castle feature, just to see what the newer fans would think of it, but that's wishful thinking for the most part. I'm glad the Nohr route is giving a treat or two to the old fans, but it hardly feels the same with the questionable armor designs. That reminds me, I dislike how Awakening did difficulty. Lunatic felt like it was just "make a ton of ridiculously broken enemies and call it a day", and Lunatic+ was that but with Luna+ Sprinkles on top.
  7. I know some more vocal Camilla fans who might boycott the game if they put the royals off limits (not to say all Camilla fans are like that, of course). I feel like there's no turning back from the anime direction. I know the sooner I accept it, the better, but it still makes me sad to think about. I hope I don't sound like some elitist who hates the new Fire Emblem's because of the fan service. I love all the games no matter what as long as the main gameplay is there, it's just things like this are really one of the few things that I don't like about the series.
  8. Hm, my opinion was surprisingly well received. I'm certain a few people would be disappointed if they left the siblings as platonic options, but having children with your underage sister who has called you "Brother" for her entire life bothers me. I love Louise, a lot. They're probably one of my favorite Fire Emblem characters, but I'd be perfectly happy if they were recruited with an S-Support with Pent. I'd like to think other people could get over it, but a single missing marriage option would cause a lot more fuss than necessary, especially with a popular character like Elise. A few supports are really erotic and uncomftorable (Zero X Pieri's S-Support is really...) and I can't help but feel that's wasted writing potential for the sake of the waifu crowd. Sacred Stones is on the Wii U E-Shop as well, and that one's my favorite.
  9. Having to be able to marry every character. Every, single, character has to be taylor-made to appeal to anime fans and be attractive and marriable. I don't like the thought of Pent and Louise not being married. Marrying your little sister who grew up loving you as an older brother and having kids with her is downright creepy, not to offend Elise fans. They even slightly damaged Fates's story to make the Hoshido siblings marriage candidates. It honestly feels like waifus are becoming one of the main selling points, and that makes me sad. I'd prefer set growth rates over RNG-based ones. Usually, Growth rates more provide an average to characters stats instead of really putting it up to the RNG. But if you have the worst luck, it can seriously ruin a good unit for you with you having no control over it whatsoever.
  10. Haitaka is the only Lance Fighter in Nohr (aside from generics) if my logic is correct. I might use him. Nacht is cool. I won't be getting him since i'm only doing Nohr, though. I'll probably get a few others if I feel like it, but I don't know if I'll use them.
  11. Well, after many tries, I finally beat Chapter 16. Wil missed with a 90% and got killed, and I'm salty about that even though I wasn't going to use him. Kent actually seems to be better than Sain, and they're at the same level. I used my Secret Book and Goddess Icon on Guy, which thinking about it, might not have been a very good idea. Hopefully Sain gets lucky with his Skill.
  12. Hm, good to know. I'm having a lot of trouble on Noble Lady of Caelin. I keep overestimating Sain/Kent/Florina and they end up dying, forcing me to restart. Is Kent worth training? I know Sain is worth it and I'm not even going to try to train Florina. Sorry if I'm asking too many questions, by the way.
  13. I really want to use Geitz, but I refuse to train Eliwood and Lyndis to level 15. I'm sure he'd be great with HHM's bonuses though. Pent's going on my team for sure, not sure about Hawkeye since I never used him. What about Canas? I'm picky about units.
  14. I'm using Marcus quite abit on the bigger maps. I'm not using Lowen, so he'll be my main man till I'm able to train Sain and maybe Kent. Oswin's been really useful. It seems like the maps I'm having trouble with are maps where I either don't have Oswin or they're huge areas where Oswin can't do much. He'll be the first unit I promote. Should I use Florina? I really, really don't feel like training her. I'd probably be better off just using Fiora and Farina. I know i'm using Raven, for sure.
  15. I'm at chapter 16 of No-Lyn Mode HHM, and I feel like this is where it starts to get hard. Prologue, False Friends and Noble Lady of Caelin are the hardest chapters by far. Anything I might need to know? Guy's level 10 and he's already capped Skill.
  16. Flannel with Luna. I don't really want to pair my MU with anybody, but if I do it'll be Pieri or Effie. everyone else will be single.
  17. If I understand what you're saying... On Normal, the sacrifice doesn't trigger if you killed Gordin. But if you killed Gordin, he'd be an enemy unit, so I don't think you'd be able to revive him. Either way, i'm on Hard which automatically recruits Gordin and sacrifices Frey.
  18. Aw, that's a shame. I'm pretty sure I revived the prologue sacrifice at one point, but I might be wrong...
  19. I'm decently sure you can use Aum Staffs on the Prologue sacrifice. But what about Frey on Hard? Does the game count him as having died, or does it count it as him not being recruited?
  20. I don't think I'll use Arthur, because Base 2 Luck is literally the exact reason why I don't like Fighters in the first place. Charlotte's character really appeals to me though, so I hope she's good. I also wish her armor was more modest, but that's not the point. My exact experience with Fighters has been... Garcia: He was getting doubled, and didn't hit much. He was my worst unit earlygame. He was decent after promotion, but by the time he promoted I had a lot of better units. Dorcas: He was worse than Bartre. Bartre: Saw his speed base, said no. Vaike: Awakening isn't that hard so you can use whoever you want. Even then, there's a lot of better units. Not saying any of these units are bad, to be honest my opinion is very uneducated. But that's my experience, and looking at it I haven't used many fighters. Barst and Charlotte will form my definitive opinion on them.
  21. Adding on to my thoughts... Garcia was really bad for me before promotion. He was getting doubled, and if you're getting doubled in Sacred Stones that's really bad. He usually had a 30-55% Hit Rate. Still, he was average after promotion. I really just don't find Fighters reliable enough since they tend to end up frail for me and the general Speed and Skill isn't helping. I'm fond of Geitz because he's a pre promote and he has good Speed.
  22. I'm trying not to do these sorts of threads, but I have to ask. Thoughts on Fighters? I can't stand Fighters, and this is coming from someone who's favorite class is Knight. Garcia was decent when promoted, Ross was decent as well, but even the ones I consider good are really unreliable with their low skill and speed. Geitz is the exception. However to be fair, I haven't used many fighters and I've heard good things about Barst and Charlotte so I'm trying those out when I get the chance.
  23. Niime best waifu In all honestly though, Canas. He's nice, polite. FE7 Luna, too.
  24. Ah. I'm on HNM, 15 turns should be enough assuming Fiora gets lucky with her hits. 12 turns sounds trickier, I'll keep that in mind whilst doing HHM.
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