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Everything posted by kantoorfarina

  1. This was most likely asked before, (also probably a stupid question) but incase it wasn't, Are there armories in maps, or do you really have to use My Castle to buy items?
  2. My favorite is Titania and my least favorite is Seth. Seth is definitely the best, and that's kind of why I don't like him. Sacred Stones isn't really hard already, using Seth makes the game easy mode and actually makes the game less fun. I haven't played any games with bad Jagens, so I don't really know who the worst is.
  3. You saying that you won't be able to get the Master Seal makes me think you won't be able to kill Jemima in time, but i'm not sure how you'd be able to survive 11 turns of this torture. Question, why aren't you using Colm to steal the enemy's weapons very often? Pretty much every hard boss could be cheesed with that.
  4. I would vote for Nagi if I had the option to. Also, I don't think there's even a point in comparing Rickard and Julian. Rickard is Julian but worse.
  5. Ewan promoted in his join chapter and he's already better than my Mage Knight Lute, being a Level 9 Shaman. he even has 8 defense. he's my favorite. Ross is the best overall in my opinion though
  6. Out of the ones i've played (Blazing Sword, Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance which I never got to finish, Shadow Dragon and Awakening.), Awakening. I actually don't think Awakening is a bad game. The fanbase is another thing, but I had a really good time with Awakening. I did a Hard-Classic play through first time and I really loved it, especially the Valm arc. The game's really easy now that I'm replaying it again, but it was my first time playing FE so it was hard to me. But it's still the worst out of the ones i've played. The story is really generic and bleh, the game's either too easy or poorly designed difficulty (Priam's Prologue and Lunatic+.), and there are so many unnecessary supports that have no reason to exist. It's just not as good as the older ones.
  7. Auto levels were fun for the first few days, now they're spam that's stealing attention from actually talented designers and an easy way to get stars. I agree with all of this list.
  8. Hm... Shovel Knight, and i'm going to 100% Runbow soon. I got to the final boss of Rogue Legacy but didn't feel like beating it. Also I've beaten Borderlands 2 on UVHM multiple times, I love that game.
  9. Hmm, I wonder if Azura is going to win. I'm going to vote for Benoit every day.
  10. It's really bad on Reddit. Reddit hates everyone, though, so I suppose that makes sense.
  11. Still gives people absolutely no right to insult him or call him the scum of the FE community. If he was saying "Awakening is factually a shitty game and if you like it I hate you", then I'd understand. But he's being extremely nice about it and it's really clear that he knows it's only his opinion.
  12. Well, I have two problems with Awakening. I could design a better, creative, more fun map than Chapter 4/11 in 5 minutes. There's no "Normal" difficulty. There's Very Easy, Easy, Robin, and RNG. Calling Awakening a spin-off isn't really that big of a deal. People really need to chill and accept that he has his own opinion. He's even being nice about it.
  13. What I meant was their supports are completely platonic sibling love, I agree with you. Sadly a lot of people (modern IS included) see face rubbing and say "OMG incest confirmed!!!"
  14. I hate how Awakening ships Eirika X Ephraim, too. Although as Fates has told us, IS doesn't know what sibling love is and were probably fapping to Eirika and Ephram's C support while writing that.
  15. Eirika was naive in Sacred Stones, yes. But it's far, far more exaggerated and taken out of context in Awakening and it almost feels as if it's suppose to be "sexy". Which it most certainly was not originally. I won't deny that. I'm probably seeing a lot of fan service that isn't there. There's nothing wrong with the bride outfit itself, but it's like they're portraying Eirika as a weak, cute housewife and that's what feels like fetish pandering. Edited this post a bit because I definitely exaggerated some things and I didn't explain myself very well.
  16. I would seriously rather look at Maid Gheb than Maid Eirika. I hope if we get Eirika DLC in any future FE, that her dialogue is actually Eirika's dialogue and not "uguu~ i'm so naive and kawaii~" and they have her in her normal clothes.
  17. in FE10? Hmm... That gives me a horrible, dangerous idea. 10 years later, Oliver Emblem.
  18. If you want a complete BS luck-based recruitment, see Jaffar and Nino. although Battle before Dawn on HHM is BS and luck-based overall.
  19. OMG panties Seriously though, while i'm not a fan of the +69 defense lingerie, i'm really looking forward to this game. Wii U RPG's and a promising story sound nice, and these trailers look great.
  20. This. Taking a character like Eirika, then reducing them to fetish art is downright offensive. Eirika actually got character development and as time went on, was just as much of a hero as her brother. Then Awakening comes and they say "oh, she's a woman. let's make ALL of her dialogue about how naive and moe she is and make her eyes as big as her head and put her in a kawaii bridal dress!"
  21. Gheb says some steamy stuff to Tana. I'm pretty sure that quote is where all the "Raep" jokes come from. You didn't get the joke with Mastur Bait till now? I thought you were just ignoring it.
  22. I really couldn't stand the Bride class. Eirika's DLC art was absolute shit and I'm pretty sure it was drawn by a hentai artist. Skinship takes having a virtual girlfriend far, far too seriously and some of the quotes sound like they're from a 12 year old's smutty FE fan fiction.
  23. When it gets to the point where the story is damaged for the sake of waifus, and when every single character is the default anime trope personality, that's where I start to worry what a home console FE would look like. I'm fine with the marriage system (to an extent.), but it seems like they're putting waifus before everything and you have to be able to marry every character no matter what. Also, the game takes having a virtual girlfriend way, way too seriously. I miss well-written characters and good comedy. Now the characters are all Elise, whom only exists to appeal to fetishes, and Eponine, who's only personality trait is that she's a yaoi fangirl, and the comedic relief is now "HUEHUE SEX JOKE XD PANTIES!!!". I don't like it. Honestly, I feel like veterans get portrayed as the bad guys far too often. People seem to say that anyone who doesn't like these features is a nostalgia blinded elitist. The new fans who say anyone who dislikes the new games and prefers the older ones are the scum of the earth are just as unpleasant as the people saying "you're not a true fan!!1"
  24. Bors has cool armor, joins at Chapter 1, and is generally cool. Barth has cool Shovel Knight armor, but his skill/speed/resistance are just.... Wendy is Wendy
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