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Everything posted by kantoorfarina

  1. I don't trust Hana to dodgetank considering that just one unlucky hit can end her and Fates's RNG can be unpredictable, even if the enemy has an extremely low chance of hitting you.
  2. Senran Kagura in a nutshell. Anyways, I really don't think the older games should have remakes. They would need to alter (basically a nice word for butcher in this case) a lot of the maps and characters to appeal to the new audience. I cringe at the thought of being able to marry Louise and Pent, or Niime actually being a 10 year old that's cursed to look old and not being Hugh's grandma, or Chapter 10 of PoR being a Rout the Enemy map. We definitely don't need more supports or filler chapters. We need higher quality supports and chapters. If I had to choose something the series needs more of, i'd have to say Conquest's gameplay, but if we're talking what would sell the best... I don't really know how to put this without sounding like i'm biased against the post-FE12 games, but: waifus, birthright gameplay, and putting an anime girl with huge tits in the trailer.
  3. Almost everyone here is against incest being in the games because it would be implemented as stupid fetish pandering which has no reason to be in the games, not because they're offended by it.
  4. Key quote: "It was a child's game." Priscilla: You have forgotten… That is too bad. When I was young… When I was with you in Cornwell… You made a promise to me, brother. You said: When I grew larger, you’d take me as your bride. Raven: Yes, but, surely… Priscilla… ? Priscilla: Yes, I know. It was a child’s game. So you said to me as I cried and cried… And then you gave me this ring.
  5. I'm certainly not trying to call Daein itself morally gray. Daein and Begnion are the bad guys in Part 3, no doubt, but I find it interesting how Micaiah is fighting for something that she has admitted is wrong and unjust out of loyalty to her king and to the well-being of her people. This dialogue in one of the base conversations is what made me really like her: Sothe: I know how you feel, Micaiah. That’s why we started all this. We’ve always been fighting for them. But this war we’re in… It’s not just. We’re fighting on the wrong side. Micaiah: I know. I don’t want to see anyone die. It’s ironic… I’m killing with no malice, because I don’t want anyone to be killed. I… What am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to stand back and let all of Daein perish? Is that the “just” thing to do? Sothe: … Micaiah: If that’s what it takes to be just, then I want nothing to do with justice. I’d rather be hated and feared like Mad King Ashnard. I’d rather the dark god take my soul. I’m going to save my people, Sothe. If the rest of the world paints me as a beast to be reviled and hated, so be it.
  6. I didn't really mean that every other Lord should have a moral objection, or that they're bad characters because they don't. I just think that characters that do have moral objections and doubts are more interesting than ones that are undeniably the heroes of the story.
  7. There is literally no incestuous implications between Eirika and Ephraim. The only way you could possibly interpret any of their interactions (mainly their C support, since that's where most Eirphraim shipping comes from) as romantic is if your mind is stuck deep in the gutter. Incest should really not be in FE, especially considering how if there is ever going to be any actual incest in the series again it's going to be for fetish pandering and not for anything that really has any reason to be in the game.
  8. Maybe worship isn't really the right word for her, and her praise is definitely to a lesser extent than the rest of the female royals, but I think it's really unrealistic how she loves and cares about Corrin so much and starts crying when he chooses Nohr when he's really just someone from Nohr that she met half an hour ago that's apparently her brother. I understand that Sakura is a nice person, even to strangers so her being nice to him is completely realistic, but I feel like it's slightly unrealistic how she already loves him as much as she does. Although you do have a point, and I was mostly talking about Elise when I said that. Also, sorry about derailing this topic with yet another argument about FE14's writing.
  9. I really don't like Lyn. She's not a very good unit and she's shoehorned in to the story past Chapter 10 despite adding literally nothing to the plot. Sakura and Elise are two of, if not my two least favorite characters in the series. At least Camilla, despite her outfit and Corrin worshiping, has some good supports and is one of the more well-written characters in Fates when she's not worshiping Corrin, but literally the only personality Sakura/Elise have past Corrin worship is the two default imouto personalities. They have literally no depth. Sigrun is the most attractive character in the series. [spoiler=tldr version: I like Micaiah.]Micaiah has a hundred times more depth than almost every other lord in the series and most people who call her a "mary sue" are probably Ike fangirls that hate her because she stole the spotlight from their husbando in FE10. She actually has reasons for being liked by most of Daein such as fighting the Begnion occupation and defending poor towns from bandits, but apparently according to most people those are completely invalid reasons and a war hero being liked by their people is completely unrealistic. She faces a lot more moral struggles than other lords (most of whom have literally no moral objection to what they're doing) and is forced to do terrible things like killing dozens of enemy soldiers by pouring hot oil on them and killing Laguz soldiers that're fighting to end the greed and corruption of the Begnion senate. Granted, the plot device that forces her to do all of that is stupid, but I wouldn't blame that on her character.
  10. I think it crosses the line when it's at the point where someone or a group of people's words are inspiring people to do acts of violence against other, innocent people but they're allowed to get away with it because they're technically not breaking the law.
  11. I don't think you get it. Seth isn't good because of grinding, he's good because he joins in the prologue with amazing base stats, A in all weapon ranks, some of the best growths in the game, and 7 mov. Once I tried doing Seth only runs of FE8 to make it more difficult, only for it to backfire and make it easier. Most Jagens aren't good because of how statistically strong they are, especially lategame, but because of how useful they are. Although some units might be better than them lategame, jagens are still considered better units than them because of how good they are earlygame. What difficulty do you generally play on in FE? People who play on lower difficulties might see Jagens as unnecessary and wastes of exp, but on difficulties like HHM, jagens are basically necessary.
  12. wow, this hack is awful. GhebFE had bad dialogue, but it didn't have insane amounts of it like this hack. also the portal references are not only very grating and unsubtle but they're mostly "THE CAKE WAS A LIE XD" memes
  13. Jagens and prepromotes are generally some of the best units in the series. The amounts of exp they "steal" is a low price to pay for how earlygame on some of the harder difficulties is basically impossible without them. The Fates royals are even better than most, Xander is amazing from start to finish with the right tonics and a Charlotte pair-up, Ryoma is an insta-win button even on Lunatic, Camilla is the hero of Chapter 10 and is also very useful for the next few chapters, Takumi is one of if not the best archer in the series, etc.
  14. might as well have just made the poll FE10 Shinon VS Takumi
  15. Hm. I'm actually considering leaving the Brotherhood alive. If Hardin becomes Elder, then in their ending, it says that they took control of the major trading roads between Hidden Valley and Helios One and confiscated any technology or useful supplies from travelling merchants. I don't know about you, but to me, that sounds exactly like something common raiders would do. Although maybe nuking their bunker would be worse, considering there's children in the BoS.
  16. Actually, Still, i'm siding with Yes Man since the Legion wipe out some of the evil groups I want to keep alive and, imo, The Legion taking over the mojave is a better ending than the one i'm going to get, since they would at least eventually restore some kind of order to the mojave and restore towns like Primm that I massacred, while in the ending i'll get the mojave is mostly a graveyard being picked apart by prospectors and raiders. Although it might be debatable, considering California isn't affected in this ending any more than it is in a good karma Yes Man ending.
  17. I'm doing a playthrough of Fallout: New Vegas where I try to get the worst possible ending slide for every single character/faction aside from factions like the Fiends and Powder Gangers, and i'm wondering. Spoilers below. In the worst ending for the Brotherhood of Steel that I know of, it says that everyone who was outside the bunker when it was destroyed left to join another chapter of the BoS and I wonder if there's another ending if you kill every BoS NPC inside and outside the bunker. This seems like it would be possible, but extremely complex. The BoS always have some paladins patrolling the map and i'm assuming there's always at least one or more patrol squad outside. I could wait for when one I see one of the patrols go inside the bunker to destroy it but as I said, i'm pretty sure they always have at least one patrol out. I could hunt down every single one of the patrols but that would be a huge pain in the ass and there's a possibility that they might just despawn once the bunker is destroyed. I'm assuming the patrols are always wandering around specific areas, but i'm not sure exactly where those areas are. I'll try following one of the patrols around and see where they go. The patrols alone make it confusing enough, but there's also the problem of Paladin Sato. The only way to get to him is if you get a good reputation with the BoS, and as far as I know the only way to get a good enough rep to them to give you the key to storage room he's in is if you complete their questline, in which they eventually decide the Brotherhood will start expanding outside the bunker, which I would assume just gives you the second worst ending if you choose to destroy them later. The third problem is that this is so confusing that i'm not sure if Obsidian even bothered making an ending slide for if you did manage to kill every single member of the Brotherhood in the mojave. If anyone even knows if such an ending slide for them exists or not it'd be really good to know. I'm also not sure if more patrols spawn if I kill the current patrols while the bunker is still not destroyed. I'm assuming they would, but it might make things a lot more easy if they don't. Sorry for the confusing wall of text.
  18. oh hey DM7 anyway, Ryoma x Camilla. seriously their supports are literally about them having nothing in common and nothing to talk about, it's one of the most blatantly "only exists for the kids" supports.
  19. Wii U, of course. Who ever could turn down quality games like Bigley's Revenge and Emojikara: A Clever Emoji Matching Game? Jokes aside, i'd personally say PS3. I like the PS3 a lot better it's got a long list of great games like The Elder Scrolls, Borderlands, Fallout etc, while the Wii U only has a few (Splatoon, Smash, etc). The PS3 is also probably cheaper nowadays.
  20. I was playing Skyrim and I was just doing a quest. I went back to Erthys, fought the Makarath guards, etc, but now my wife Borgahk is stuck leaning on an altar in the shrine of Talos, and she won't budge. I've tried using Unrelenting force, asking her to do commands, dismissing her then asking her to follow me telling her to wait then follow me, tried dismissing her then waiting at the house for 24 hours etc, but she either doesn't move or just goes back to her spot. Is there any way to get her moving again? I'm assuming console commands could do something, but i'm on PS3, so that's out of the question. From here, it really looks like i'm just going to have to leave her behind, but i'd like to see if someone can help.
  21. I don't mean to sound like i'm bashing Awakening, i'm honestly curious and I understand if you can't come up with an answer since I don't like being questioned why I like a game either. What does this game have that makes people prefer it over the other games in the series? I can't think of anything this game does better than the others aside from voice acting and maybe graphics.
  22. the nearest library in my area is full of screaming kids and stupid parents who bring their 3 year olds there
  23. Ranulf: Cool Cat - Gives +1 to all stats when fighting on a sand tile and +10 to Hit and Avo when fighting next to a kid
  24. I think what's more concerning is that Corrin x Camilla is the second top pick.
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