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Thor Odinson

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Everything posted by Thor Odinson

  1. sadly no, my ryoma +n dreams are shatter but i got a leo actually not entirely true i got a ryoma, just on my alt, he's -spd +def lmao
  2. Mine is -Atk +Res lol I can see the case for +Spd -Atk if we're going for flying tank build, though, since she hits pretty hard anyway. I have a +spd -atk Ryoma that I run kinda off-tanky and I love him (though the calcs still favor -res and -hp over that) so I can see the logic
  3. My alt has no such luxuries My main has a +spd -def minerva, though 32 def after fury is still respectable and I actually have the resources to do flier squad on my main ...except I don't have Caeda ...I have Hinoka though ...I also had exactly 1 Hinata on my main and that went to Ryoma who's been waiting for the longest damn time
  4. speaking of -atks my minerva on my alt account is a -atk I went fury build with her so she's running more like a flying tank right now, with 35def and 28 res. I'll need to put bonfire on her.
  5. Same. I only fight enemies when I feel I'm forced to--sometimes I go back to a shrine to promote somebody and the next thing I know I get ambushed, or I end up fighting someone in the dungeons because I'm not very good at running past them/feel I can't run past them so I might as well do the initiation to get an advantage. Honestly my life would be a lot better if I didn't have to deal with all those extra enemies I don't need to fight. The only exception is when someone's at like, lv 9.93 so i go and grab them the level so i can promote before the next map. Otherwise I try to avoid them when I can.
  6. I actually do like Clive as well--not one of my favorites, but I feel he's one of those understated characters who gets written off because he's not "exciting" but there's more to him. I like that he's trying to do the right thing, but his prejudices still show (which is realistic) and he learns to overcome them. I also like his more pragmatic outlook as a contrast to alm's--while in FE, alm's works out more because you gotta recruit everyone etc, clive's outlook is honestly more realistic and I can appreciate that. Also Clive/Mathilda is best couple It's a shame he's pretty meh as a unit, though
  7. Did all the maps with my standard team of Ryoma, Nino, Reinhardt, and Olivia, with a Takumi-for-nino substitution for Trial 5 for the colorless requirement. Especially given the amount of reds, Reinhardt did most of the heavy lifting. I probably should've actually brought Lachesis for hard mode 5--Takumi's speed buff wasn't necessary and Ryoma survives Julia with 13HP which isn't enough for him to take Hector after, and Reinhardt doesn't have enough firepower to ORKO beefed up Hector even with Draconic Aura up. Fortunately for my team, Olivia is a 5* ruby sword so she got Hector low enough for Reinhardt to finish. Edit: did it again with Lach instead of Takumi. Ryoma lives with 17 HP (after Fury damage) which gives him enough HP to survive and ORKO Hector with a Dragon Fang proc. Nice.
  8. Silque and Celica---actually why can't you get silque on celica route the same way with Faye and Kilff? They know each other
  9. I usually just make Genny/Silque Invoke and safely bait/overwhelm them with my own numbers. Is it less exp I get? yeah do i have less headaches? also yeah
  10. Favs: Celica - I like that she's for the side of peace, but will throw down when necessary, and given her backstory it's very easy to see how her doubts and downfalls are the way they are. Saber - I really enjoy his development from someone who's just in it for the gold to someone who genuinely cares about Celica's well being, while also being really cool in general Mathilda - They weren't kidding when they said war goddess. Not so favs: Faye - I can symphasize with unrequited love characters, but what did it for me was her passive-aggressively trying to pry alm and celica further apart by implying that she's a better match while he just had a fight with her. Pretty low move and feels manipulative af.
  11. I do that as well but then i have trouble recognizing which unit is which which granted yeah there's the portraits but I move pretty fast so misclicks still happen a lot
  12. I usually just use it where i would've had a reset and it lets me either experiment or just fix a mistake in placement (or undo 2% crits). As far as I can tell, you can't undo level ups, just hit rates, so it's pretty nice. The 3d view often screws me over when I fly fliers over buildings and i place them 1 space off of where I actually want to place them, and Mila's turnwheel lets me undo that.
  13. Where is Oni :E I like a lot of myrms story-wise---I tend to like female characters with a lot of fight in them, and esp in early FE that tends to be the Myrm until women were allowed more class options later on. Also dudes with long hair is my weakness. I also tend to like the really buff Mercs --- I like their leadership roles within their own groups, and they are often portrayed as experienced and worldly, which are character traits I appreciate. I also like that they are not often portrayed as meatheads despite being buff. Gameplay wise, Cav and Wyvern. I like movement
  14. I feel like it depends on the dude there's a couple of guys in my office who look fine with beards and probably would look worse without them there's some who shouldn't grow a beard ever my bf doesn't really grow much of a beard and I think he'd look worse with one anyway and he also agrees with me so we are good Not really my business what other people do though
  15. Just eyeballing my spreadsheet, I have a lot of +Atk and +Spd among my 5*s, and -Def stands out as the most common there. +Spd -Def seems to be a fairly common set among my 5*s. Among the 4*s, I still have a lot of +Atks, but there's more -Spd and -Res. I haven't properly documented all my 3*s bc most of those are gonna be fodder, but the ones in the spreadsheet seem to have a lot of +Def. Overall, +Atk is the most common boon, while my banes seem to be fairly spread.
  16. @SatsumaFSoysoy Updating my strat. Keep the old name or give it any other cheesy name you'd like, but this one is a bit less SI-dependent and features Nino getting the last hit on Lloyd. Reinhardt doesn't kill 4/5 dudes with this strat, either. Strat notes: -Only SI used is Minerva's Moonbow*. This is important, as she wouldn't be able to oneshot the peg otherwise. My Minerva's +1 stats are HP and Spd, and is +Spd -Def, so any neutral atk Minerva should be able to pull this off with Moonbow. LaD3 Minerva does 47dmg to the peg's 45 HP on a Moonbow hit, so if you run Fury3 on your Minerva and you're not -atk, you're good. -A red or green physical flier with Quick Riposte should also be able to replicate Minerva's job for the flier, though if they can't take the blue cav, use Reinhardt to deal with him instead. -Olivia does not need to be a 5* to do this. 4* will suffice. Hell, 3* will suffice with LaD3 Minerva--though not with Fury3 variants. Fortunately LaD3 is Minerva's default. -Reinhardt uses Spur Atk 2 instead of Goad Cav, because without it LaD3 Minerva does 44/45 damage after Moonbow. Not enough. -3* Nino is sufficient for the strat--I chose to make her finish Lloyd for style, but if she can't do that, Reinhardt can do it. -Reinhardt needs to be +atk to ORKO the bow cav without SI. DB2, the discount standard Reinhardt A slot courtesy of one of those spare Ursulas, should suffice for neutral natures, however. If you only have a 3* Olivia, you want Atk seal on Reinhardt even if he is +atk. -if your Minerva is also -Def, you may want to give her the HP+3 seal for this. She lives with 1HP for me because of the merge. *I mean yes this can be done 3* no SI etc whatever but this is for this particular strat
  17. I might revise my strat a bit since my Minerva actually needed that +1 to ORKO the peg (her +1 stat included spd, which puts her just above the stat threshold to double the peg after a Hone Spd from my Nino), but someone like QR Michalis can do that too. However, if i swap Rein to using Spur Atk 2 I don't even need Nino on the map at all, as Moonbow Minerva with just Hone Atk 3 did 44/45 damage, so spur atk 2 should make it a clean OHKO. The merge didn't affect her Atk stat, so this should be fine with any Neutral LoD3 Moonbow Minerva. i just run a lot of repos lol Might also do a few less-fancy-5*s runs later. I'm not cool like Mkv so no fresh 3* from me though
  18. Beat Lloyd. Minerva kills 1 peg and Reinhardt kills everything else. Reinhardt took 1 round of combat from Lloyd face on. On purpose. Here's what I did--and 4* Palla would've been a reasonable substitute for Minerva weren't for mine being -Atk.
  19. Team this week is Xander5 (Fury2, QR2, Fort Cav, Repo, Noontime), Leo (Raudrblade, Darting2, QR3, Hone Cav, Swap, whatever his default is again), Reinhardt (DB2, Lancebreaker1, Goad Cav, Repo, Draconic Aura), and Priscilla (HP+5, Live to Serve 2, Hone Cav, Rehab, Imbue) The points I get this week is infuriatingly low given I have all 5*s (which doesn't happen a lot), but having discount SI due to not having the right/enough resources and running mount emblem probably have something to do with it. Leo using Raudrblade instead of Brynhildr probably contributes to it too, but he's just so much better with Raudrblade. I keep on getting stuff in the 676-678 range. Got a 686 this morning though---why can't I get more like this :x Actually playing with the team is really smooth sailing though. Horse emblem with Xander, Reinhardt, and a blade tome user makes life super easy. Prissy is there for getting Hone Cav up on Leo and keeping Xander's QR uptime (and also i have no other 5* horse anyway) but it's hard getting a score better than 4740s
  20. I haven't used any dragons so I'm going to exclude them, also rating based on how much I like using them Red -- Sword: Ryoma, Xander, Olivia -- Tome: Celica probably? Blue -- Lance: Hinoka, Tsubaki, Azura -- Tome: Reinhardt Green -- Axe: Minerva, Hector -- Tome: Nino Colorless -- Bow: Takumi -- Dagger: Jaffar -- Staff: Lachesis (but pls come home Sakura)
  21. Clive and Matilda are molasses but also relationship goals
  22. He's Beo's. Holyn doesn't have much to do with Lachesis, except in Fujimori where she had a crush on him for a bit (but he got with Ayra anyway). My interpretation of what happened is that Beo had Felgus prior to Delmud, then got with Lach, then died, then Lach got with Finn and had Nanna in Lester.
  23. 23 orbs in with selective reds, Celica acquired. +Atk -Res, too. Nice.
  24. Celica and Mae's are very stylistically different, I'm not sure where you're getting same artist.
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