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Posts posted by Locke087

  1. 1 hour ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

    @Rezzy That looks terrifying :O

    Bet she'd be even more terrifying with Life and Death and Desperation


    41 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Yeah, I wish LaD was available from a 4*.  I've been spending too many Feathers lately.

    Cecilia with Fury 3 still gets an insane amount of wins so if you can't afford life and death so it's not the end of the world Fury build works about as well and it's more durable!

    Edit:  in fact mine capped its SP today lol.

  2. My horse team remains as broken as ever Camus(Fury 3, Vantage 3, Hone Cav, Reposition, Growing Thunder), Cecilia(Gronnblade+ Fury 3, G Tome Breaker 3 Fort Cav,  Draw Back, Draconic Aura), and Elise (Rehabilitate Atk+3, Wraithfull Staff 3, Miracle, Hone Cav) all do their part. My Sharena is good too but just kind of stands there she just can't keep up with the rest of my horses. If I have to say my absolute number one it is Cecilia who it is so broken is not funny and gets the most kills overall, but the thing is Camus has also has been extremely valuable I would've not passed any of this without him either so I'll just say Camus and Cecilia are my broken team combination and since both these guys run fury Elise remains extremely valuable and she can get some kills as well because of Wraithfull staff. 

    I get consistent perfect scores... now if only I could get a 40 bonus unit... but I guess 604 points isn't the worst in the world. 

  3. Because I can't help myself I have completed all the Lunatic chain challenges (still have most of normal and one full chapter of hard mode).  Paralogue 7&8 combined and Chapter 9&10 combined are definitely the hardest 9&10 especially is insane took me no less then 2-3 Stamina Potions alone just to beat it (I think I got Paralogue 7&8 combined on like my second try it wasn't even half as hard once I learned how to work around panic ploy it was a piece of cake).  But I did it because I'm stubborn and I like a challenge took me a while but I finally a had a run where I didn't mess too much and made it's so my first and second teams didn't die too early.  Anyways I'm going to commemorate my teams for 9&10 because I can and I want to celebrate because that was really hard.

    Beginning til mid Ursula (Killed Ursula and all but two units) Michalis, Est, Jaffar, Clarine

    End Ursula til Last Map: Camus, Leo, Elise, Cecilia 

    Last Map: Hector, Lyn, Kagero, Sharena

    If you're wondering why Horse Emblem can't just go through all the maps it Ursula her map is horse emblem death it Murders them. The main reason it took me way too long to do this I didn't think about making Horse Emblem my 2nd team for a little bit and not 3rd Team.  

    Anyways this thing is doable my successful run it was hardely perfect as you see I didn't even complete Ursulas map entirely with that team we know they could've (that team would've still died to the next map though). Also I flubbed a little bit on to 3rd to llast map and lost Camus way before I should have as I made a really bad placement. So on the 2nd to last map it ended up with Cecilia as the last man (well women) standing barely surviving the chapter all because I found a spot where no one could move to at the time. Then I used my last team to finish the last map in a timely manner which even my horse Emblem wouldn't have been able to do (too many range units).  Which is what I found out when I made it all the way with my horse and the team one time and inspired me to make them the second team.

  4. Beat all three modes with horse emblem, took me a couple tries but I got it. My team was Camus(Fury, Vantage, Goad Cav), Elise(Rehabilitate, Wraithfull Staff, Hone Cav) , Xander(Vantage, Hone Cav), and Cecilia (Gronnblade+, Fury, G Tome Breaker, Fort Cav). Probably would've been a little bit easier if I did Leo (Raurdblade+) instead of Xander but it worked out. 

  5. I completed the squad assault (on the second try) here is the teams are used to the best of my memory. Units are five star unless stated otherwise.

    Team 1: Sharena (Swordbreaker 3), Narcian (4*),  filler (Lilian), and filler (Clarisse) no really I only needed these two units so I just put two filler 4 stars that could chip in if needed.

    Team 2: Est (TA 3, brave build), Michalis(4*), Xander, Ursula(4* blade tome)

    Team 3: Hector, Effie (Brave Lance+), Olivia(*4), Jaffar

    Team 4: Elise, Camus, Alfonse, Anna

    Team 5: Masked "Marth", Kagero, Leo(Blade Tome), Cecilia(Blade Tome)

    Teams one through three are exactly what I used I might've messed up a couple peoples placements in teams five and four I don't remember exactly what I used but I am pretty sure this is right.

    Edit:  Also been playing the chain challenge these are pretty fun feels like what the tempest should've been

  6. Characters all the way because I've never come across a story that I would consider great with bad characters a story can only be good at that point but never go beyond, so I would take it any day of the week before a story with really good characters because if there's really good characters that's better.

    In fact one of my favorite games ever is this way Mass Effect 2 is not the greatest story in the world but I has amazing characters and that's what makes all the difference it's why it's my favorite in the series.

  7. 9 hours ago, Astellius said:

    Alfonse is free, Sophia is free, Legion is free, and didn't we get a free Gunter from quests awhile back? The bonus hero rotation follows this pattern:  the four new heroes from the banner, the GHB character, four older characters, and one of the Askr trio (Sharena, Alfonse, then Anna). Wouldn't expect to see her as a bonus hero.

    Gunter is part of the general rotation along with Sophia. They offer 4 "free units" in general 2 from the rotation, 1 GHB, and one of the Askr trio.  Though only two of those are seemingly predictable as I have yet to notice a pattern for the rotation units. So I thought I'd be nice to have an alternative predictable bonus unit that's all, perhaps having them replace one of the rotation units. With the tempest being a new mode I don't feel was entirely impractical of me just to hope they would include them as bonus units, as up until this point all new units added to the game after launch have had some time in the arena. 

  8. This looks cool can I please get one that is the following.

    For the front team can I get Lyn (Front), Sharena, Xander, and Cecilia

    For the background (attacking art): Camus, Leo, Jaffar, and Hector.

    My phone is the iPhone 6 Plus from my research it is 1080x1920 though I have a hard time pinning it down.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Lushen said:

    So far, every GHB has been completed with only 4* teams.  Should work for this mode too if you have the right ones.

    I wasn't saying this is impossible for me I was saying that coming up with teams was actually more difficult than I thought it be I'm actually editing more of my teams again right now I have a lot of possibilities I have to consider so it was actually interesting to try to come up with five teams.

  10. It really depends on how this thing is structured but I probably do it this way 

    Team 1: Lyn, Sharena, Leo, Cecilia

    Team 2: Narcian/Michalis(4*), Est, Xander, Ursula(4* Blade Tome) 

    Team 3: Hector, Effie, Olivia(*4), Jaffar

    Team 4: Elise, Camus, Marth/Alfonse, F Robin (4*)

    Team 5: "Masked" Marth, Kagero, Anna, Bunny Lunica

    That was hard I didn't realize how few five star for this mode I have this is all of them only excluding Corrin who I never use  and Alfonse who I need to upgrade next.  I ended up having to use four 4 star units and splitting up my horses a lot.

    Edit: Finally found a combination that balances out all the teams.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Othin said:

    Free 5* units are pretty nice even without being bonus units. I don't think they need any other purpose.

    I appreciate that they're free, I just think it's odd that IS which usually good at featuring units that come free in the arena would suddenly be stingy and not include these.

    Also on a different note I think they would've been especially cool in the arena because they would all have very different skill sets due to not coming with any skills. 

  12. I'm disappointed that they decided not to include Masked "Marth" it seems of these tempest five star units are not useful after all. I fail to see what's the point of having them if they're never featured, usually every new character gets some time to be arena character (and no I cannot see what possible use they would be during the tempest as you would have to divert resources to training them something you don't want to do so being featured then doesn't count for crap). Maybe next arena she will but I doubt it. I definitely will not be training Tobin now unless his stats and sword are something truly special. I know I shouldn't have assumed but it really annoys me that I trained this unit for nothing.

    So I guess I have to upgrade Alfonse to 5* I have avoided it for as long I can but I suppose I should just get it over with. It'll pay off in the long run it will hurt my score too much to not upgrade him but at least this is the last required upgrade I will ever have to do.

    I'll be in T 20 this next Arena (high score 4854) staying there is very unlikely considering my score cap but I'll bounce back next time hopefully.

  13. Hooray I don't have any of the 40 bonus units in fact I don't have a single SOV character (besides Genny who I sacrificed to Elise). So I guess this will be even more of a pain than last time oh well at least Sharena is actually good and I don't have to have a deadweight.  Let's see if I can exhibit actual self control and stop myself at the final seal or if I end up torturing myself again for the feathers (it's very hard to fight the temptation)... at least the rewards are nice and worth the suffering. 

  14. It's official Elise has won I got my 500 bonus feathers and barely got 2700/2600 feathers rank (because all the multipliers happened while I was asleep I only got 1/2 of two multipliers) ended up at 1800 total feather rank. Overall not too bad once I get my arena earnings I'll be able to upgrade someone.

  15. Nope I wish I had that kind of time and if we account for iphone/table game the number of unfinished goes up a ton (I get a lot of itune gift cards ok). If I am not enjoying a game anymore and dread playing it, I stop playing it and move on to something else. But I give all (well at the AAA games at least 60 bucks is alot so ima make sure I hate it before I drop it) the game I buy more then a fair shoot before I drop them.

  16. I'll beat all three difficulties on first try because Horse Emblem is magic. My team was all 5*  and included Camus (Fury 3, Vantage 3, Goad Cav, Moonbow, Reposition), Elise (Rehabilitate, Atk +3, Wraithfull Staff, Hone Cav, Miracle), Leo (Raurdblade+, Deathblow 3, QR 3, Hone Cav), and Cecilia (Gronnblade+, Fury 3, G Tome Breaker 3, Fort Cav Pull Back).

    Camus did most the work basically I put Camus right by the breakable wall and Leo to the left of him (to take out the Green Mage)  and then I had Elise Healing when proper and Cecilia buffing his defense and resistance with Fort Calvary.  Really really the only trick to this is making sure that Panic doesn't get to Camus  (which it shouldn't if he stays where he is  Buy that wall) making sure the green mage is dead  by turn one, and also a healer with rehabilitate is absolutely necessary for this strategy Camus takes a lot of damage.

    I can go into more detail if someone if someone wants me to but I think this is good for now.

  17. @Reality I completely get where you're coming from but you got me all wrong, I really should've been more clear. As student of game design I love and support all game types. I want to remind you that in my post I said that the stuff is divorced from quality I love and adore many games that are not exactly high art. I will absolutely tell the day I die defend their right to exist, in fact I analyze these games I love look their design and how they work. In fact the game I'm looking forward to most this year is Super Mario Odyssey. I see no harm in analyzing these games as art (or if art has to be this stupid term that must mean story at least of objects worthy of analysis) because I'm analyzing their level design, their mechanics how they work not just their stories there's more to games than just story and there's so many emotions, one of them is fun. There's a lot of fascinating things that you can discover when you tear apart a games level designs, I think this type of analysis has just as much merit the analysis of anything else. I enjoy talking about the meaning in Shadow of the Colossus as much as I do the excellent level design a 3D Mario game or the incredible worlds of a Metroid game.

    But I see for too often in the gaming community at-large the dismissal of the existence of artistic games and refusal to analyze them as such. Take for example Majora's Mask every time I bring it up I get people me saying it's not actually deep we should dismiss any depth of symbolism in the game and refuse to analyze it because it's "just a game" I shouldn't look deep into it. This kind of crap bothers me on an immense level it's people basically telling me I'm crazy. This is the kind of crap I was condemning it's basically people marginalizing and trying to erase the existence video game analysis saying that we shouldn't look at them carefully that there just a "child play thing". Saying that nothing can be gained from analyzing their design, I completely reject that and this applies to both games that have high artistic depth like Shadow of the Colossus and Mario I think there's a lot that can be gained from analyzing both.

    TLDR; I just think studying game design in general is a worthy ideal, I should've made it more clear that I think that one game type is not inherently superior to the other. Diversity is absolutely essential to the growth of the medium I would never support downfall or lack of respect of any type of game. A person who would dismiss something like the original Super Mario Brothers does not respect or understand the medium and I would never support someone thinking less of this type of game.

  18. So I just had this thought and wondered what do you generally prefer, with all the discussion about the new FE game and about what echoes should or shouldn't have done I got to thinking about whether or not people prefer sequels to games be innovative or iterative.

    Just to clarify what I mean in case you don't know, innovative sequels are games like Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey (from what we know about it right now) and Genealogy a Holy War, games are willing to abandon a lot the past conventions (or just recent conventions) and try something new and different, and then mix things up to create an entirely new experience.

    Iterative sequels are games like Fates,  Assassins Creed, most Shooter Sequels, and Super Mario 3D Land these games concentrate on greater refined experience of what they established in the last game further improving upon what's already built instead of providing something that's entirely new.

    Me personally I prefer games be more innovative then iterative I actually tend to put a high value on innovation, I love this type of game even though often times they're not very polished. Because most the time I will take something that is surprising and new to me over something that is highly polished. That being said I do love many iterative games Blazing Blade/Sword is very much iterative of Binding Blade and I love it's my favorite FE game, but generally I prefer games that are more innovative.

  19. @Ertrick36  Just to clarify my stance on the issue I basically agree with you I just use different semantics because I think the whole art not art thing is stupid. I think all games are art in the way that they are created in the same art form or medium, they just have varying levels of artistic merit (which is divorced from quality there are games with no artistic merit that are high-quality, and there are crappy games with artistic merit).

    So one could say something that has no artistic merit is not art, I just say no it's the same thing as a meaningless doodle it is a part of that art form because it is still in the same medium of drawing, it just has no artistic merit if you catch my drift. Art is confusing when you're getting down to brass tax of what technically should also constitute art even if it's not good art and has no actual meeting, that's why I find it easier to say things just have different artistic merit. 

    But in short yeah it does mean the same thing but I do it this way because I think we shouldn't concentrate on what is or isn't art, but instead think more about the actual level of artistic achievement in individual works. This is because I think such a distinction puts a barrier between artistic analysis because one must first said that it is art, and then it's art can be discussed. It also willfully ignores when developers accidentally create mechanics that teach messages that they shouldn't and says they shouldn't pay attention to that, here's an example of what I'm talking about.


  20. 18 minutes ago, Cerberus87 said:

    I must say I disagree with the view that videogames are art per se, they sure do contain art but the thing that sets games apart (gameplay) is not artistic IMO.

    When it comes to games, I really don't think we have to spend so much money to push their limits. Perhaps in graphical terms, but that's pretty much the only thing, as gameplay is basically all code, and the rest is artistic elements, and the way art works is more related to trends than progress, I mean the current trends do build up from past ones, but not always. If there's no escalating progress, there's no limit to speak of.

    I dare you to play Shadow of the Colossus and say that again. Because this game basically destroys your entire argument it is a story told in entirely though mechanics and could never be adapted into another medium and be done correctly. Here's an example of what I'm talking about from his newest game the Last Guardian. I implore you to watch the video and humor me a little bit there's so much more to games then meets the eye and once you learn to look for it, you'll get a lot more out of some games and I think you increase your enjoyment a lot it has increased mine.  


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