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Everything posted by nyainou

  1. Maybe I'm just too used to the NPC/Enemies/Ally designs in Awakening, but Clair just...looks like an extra to me? I'm having a ard time conceptualizing the fact that she's an actual character. Regardless her outfit is super heckin' pretty so I guess I'm down. Injured Faye's thigh shot is killing me. I want to save for Boey since it can assumed he'll be added but uhm. that thigh shot tho
  2. hey thanks! also this thread moves frickin' fast. i think it was easy for me to use my feathers cos im not much of a competitive player..never have been, never will. i just heckin' love how sparkly 5*s are LOL. but thank you again and good luck in your endeavors!
  3. I don't really want to make a new thread to say this, but my goal when Heroes first came out was to get a 5* Henry and 5* Niles. Well... I finally bit the bullet and rubbed some feathers all over them to make 'em that way. o: They're both weak af and only have niche uses but I love them. Now I'm working on Alfonse (who also only has niche uses *clenches fist*) and im just pretty excited over what 5*s I have specifically. Just wanted to say something somewhere cos even my rl fe:H friends don't seem to care p:
  4. So, I got spring fes Camilla (5*, HP34/ATK44/SPD22/DEF23/RES16, lvl 32), and I have a 4* Nino (HP15/ATK16/SPD10/DEF3/RES6). Which is going to be the better green mage in the long run? I have no problem making my Nino a 5* if it pays off.
  5. I would've had everybody in playboy bunny suits. All of them. They are just so heckin' adorable.. I love them to death. And yes, even the men would be bunnies. Maybe the ladies would be in suits instead.
  6. I don't know how to tell units' banes/boons. My FCorrin is lvl2 4*, HP20/ATK18/SPD5/DEF/8/RES/5.
  7. So, I've gotten both 4* Florina and 4* FCorrin. I've been using Florina since I started FE:H and she's currently lv.34, with her stats as such: Atk33/Def21/Spd20/Res29/HP37, and all of her skills obtained. I got FCorrin recently, and she's only lv.2. My dilemma is, should I up Florina or FCorrin to 5* status? My main team is as follows:Lv.40 5* Camilla, Lv.40 5* Lucina, Lv.40+ 5* Tiki, and the last slot currently belongs to Florina. I've found Florina to be a bit too squishy, plus having 2 fliers makes my team a bit vulnerable. I don't necessarily need another dragon unit as I've got Tiki, but units with an added advantage against dragon units aren't that common. I don't play in the Arena that much, nor do I do it fairly, using a team with a lvl40 and the rest being lvl1-10, so this team doesn't apply to PVP. I mostly just play the main campaign and training tower. I like being able to KO enemies quickly as well. Soo.. 5* Florina, or 5* FCorrin?
  8. Alright, this is just a simple, general question, so I'll take it to the discussion thread. Thank you!
  9. If I should ask in the general discussion thread, let me know and I'll go do that. So, I've gotten both 4* Florina and 4* FCorrin. I've been using Florina since I started FE:H and she's currently lv.34, with her stats as such: Atk33/Def21/Spd20/Res29/HP37, and all of her skills obtained. I got FCorrin recently, and she's only lv.2. My dilemma is, should I up Florina or FCorrin to 5* status? My main team is as follows: Lv.40 5* Camilla, Lv.40 5* Lucina, Lv.40+ 5* Tiki, and the last slot currently belongs to Florina. I've found Florina to be a bit too squishy, plus having 2 fliers makes my team a bit vulnerable. I don't necessarily need another dragon unit as I've got Tiki, but units with an added advantage against dragon units aren't that common. Soo.. 5* Florina, or 5* FCorrin?
  10. Thanks! It seems that they've done some good things, having done Evangelion movies, and even the in-betweens for Wolf Children, a favorite of mine. The whole anime prospect is looking a bit more promising already.
  11. Prior to the new main game being teased, I remember there being some discussion in the forums about which artist people would love to do stuff for the next game. Well, we know the next game is happening now, so I feel its appropriate to bring back the discussion! We've seen that Kozaki did work on FE Heroes, but we've got a completely different artist for the Gaiden remake: Hidari. Its hard for me to imagine Hidari doing work for the new main game as well, because then they would be balancing work on 2 full games. Kozaki, however, isn't the only artist on FE:H, so I could see him working on FE:switch.. Because of the popularity of Awakening and Fates, his style has sort of become the "standard" or "face" of/for Fire Emblem, in my opinion. But once again, the use of Hidari's works show that they're not afraid to use a completely different artist.. So it really is difficult for me to make any solid claims. Personally, I hope for Kozaki's return. I absolutely adore his style and designs. Some of his designs are easy to mistake for other characters, such as Oboro with her hair down looking a lot like Lucina.. but that kind of comes with the whole "anime style" thing. On the flip side, I wouldn't be upset if Hidari was working on FE:switch. Their art is a bit weak in my opinion, but I'm willing to give it a try. Which artist would you guys like to see working on FE:switch?
  12. So, IIRC, during the direct, it mentioned that there would be (drawn) animated cutscenes. We saw this very, very slightly in Fates.. how do you feel about it being more prominent in this game? I've personally never really been one for "anime" cutscenes in games. The quality varies too much, and video game characters don't tend to be designed with 2D/non-CGI animation in mind. The stuff we got a glimpse at was not anything cringe-worthy for sure, though I can't help but be anxious. Fates' CG cutscenes were beautiful, and just by virtue of using 3D models, were consistent. Visual quality is the biggest thing for me in any sort of cutscenes OR anime, and just judging by what I've seen in other video game anime cutscenes, I'm not excited for them here. I will give them a chance, though. Also, whats the name of the studio handling the animation? I didn't happen to catch it during the trailer.
  13. Portrayal wise, I really hate Peri. Edgy character was done right with Henry; he was still likable, and not overbearing, or embarrassing. I can't stand the sight of Peri, and all of her lines are horrendous. Can you imagine somebody introducing themselves to you the way Peri does? Also, design-wise.. She's kind of an eyesore. The blue --> pink gradient hair is so.. eh. The styling of her pigtails is too much. Also, the heterochromia... eugh. I love Kozaki's designs, but this one was really a huge miss for me. Keep in mind, I have nothing against "dark" characters. In fact, they're one of my favorite archetypes. And of course, everything I just said is super subjective.. but Peri just doesn't do it for me.
  14. What is the max amount of units you can use during endgame Conquest?
  15. Alright, thank you. And thank you to those who replied before you (Captain Karnage and Levant Mir Celestia)
  16. What's the total amount of gold you can get from the main campaign in Conquest Lunatic, and the total amount of gold you can get from paralogues?
  17. Hmmm... I'd wanna date Saizo. Normally I'd say Niles, but I always joke about how if he was a real person and he ever looked at me irl, I'd call the police. Saizo is my #2 fef waifu. He's really cute and gets blushy easily. The reluctant affection is adorable to me. :p I think we could get along well enough to date.
  18. Henry. He's not a 2nd gen, but I'm thirsty. Out of the 2nd gens, I'd say Nah, Noire, and Gerome. They're up there as my favorite 2nd gens, though Inigo is way, WAY up there.
  19. I aaalways forget Hinoka and Azura. They're so.. plain. And hardly do anything worth remembering. Well, I mean, I remember things Azura does, just not.. The Azura part. p:
  20. Alright, we're full. p: This is the Corrin for the run, Yuuna. I may make posts every chapter or so giving updates on the run; I just need to remember too. Thank you guys!
  21. Arthur has a 0% mag growth rate. I said I'm not going to use units like that, since I don't find that fun. Its just excruciatingly slow, boring, and tedious.
  22. 2 slots left. If anybody wants to take some pity on me and give me an early game healer, that would be nice.. But if you'd like to see me suffer, then don't bother. p: :p p: :p
  23. Someone still needs to decide on Corrin's secondary!
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