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Everything posted by Rezzy

  1. I've got too many too count. The two most prominent examples are my children, Leo and Est. My first and middle names have no exact matches, but come close.
  2. That's not usually a great time to do it for me, since that's my groggy time where I just do the things that don't require thought.
  3. I have the opposite problem, I'm too tall for some things and finding shoes my size is a pain.
  4. You have a pretty voice, and I love your dress.
  5. Why does Mjollnirs strike only last one day? I've completely missed it twice due to only lasting one day and not having a quest to remind me it hasn't been done
  6. Yesterday, 3rd post from the bottom.
  7. Being a trans woman who doesn't follow the preconceived notion of what trans people are supposed to believe will get people attacking you and calling you a traitor or worse. What do you mean?
  8. Ironically, I'm considered right by some. I'm a libertarian. The problem with the Right is that many will take crappy stuff some trans people do to bash on ALL trans people, which makes it not surprising that many get driven to the left. I'm a pretty independent thinker, but when one side tells you you're an abomination, it takes a strong character to not dismiss everything they say out of hand. Wanting to see what one side thinks, and then seeing them rant about the trannies is somewhat disheartening.
  9. It seems to mostly be TERFs, but there are some gay guys who also want to kick out the trans people. There's significant overlap between the groups, since most trans people are either bisexual or start or end up gay. There are some people who start and finish what would be considered straight, but that seems to be the exception. Plus there's the issues of straight people thinking dating a trans person of the opposite gender would make them gay. Or people can go, " Hey I'm gay, but at least I'm not trans."
  10. Sadly that's the case. Many trans people are afraid to come out due to the massive stigma attached. Not even the gays want to associate with trans people anymore. There's been movements to kick the T out of LGBT, because they think it will make the rest more socially acceptable.
  11. A small minority of transgender people give the rest a bad name by either competing in sports where they have an advantage over biological women or suing salons for refusing to wax their genitals, so people think all trans people are like that. There is also the controversy with bathrooms and giving kids puberty blockers or hormones. Plus many people will only ever know one person who is trans, and if they're a crazy wacko, that's the impression they get. Some also think people referred to as transgenders, rather than transgender people is a slur.
  12. Maybe, but after the initial hype has died down, it might cause backlash like against Awakening and Fates. If had happened in the months right afterwards, I think people would have been more tolerant of it.
  13. I'll be going Dmitri. I find it funny how lopsided this poll is here. I'm a bit surprised that we've only had two Three Houses banners so far, to be honest. And only Sothis as a seasonal character.
  14. Much Congrats! I did my free ticket pulls today and managed to grab an Edelgard. She's -Atk, but can't argue with free!
  15. If you have the money to spare, buy all the gifts from the merchants, and give them to the units who like them and try to eat lunch with the units you are focusing on getting at a given time. I was able to get everyone except Caspar and Ferdinand my first time, and if you don't have unlockable supports for them, they can be pretty hard to recruit, unless you focus of what they are looking for to recruit.
  16. I'm 33 and I got carded at the movies last month.
  17. Agh, good teeth was one of the few things about my genetics that turned out well.
  18. Much rejoicing for the expulsion of that component of your anatomy
  19. I'll have to give it a watch later. At first I thought you were the Illiterate Scholar, who last I heard went to China and said he was going to still try to find a way to release videos, but went radio silent.
  20. And since many of the students are already conveniently color coded, a simple hair color change is all you need!
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