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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Fair enough, whatever. But I really would like to see a move away from the game-breakers and focus more on the strategy part. This means no more Ike/Taitania Emblems, no more Robin/Chrom/Frederick Emblems, no more Seth Emblems, you get the picture. Fates Conquest's gameplay was a step in the right direction where the units' stats alone were generally not enough, and one actually needed the numbers and the right kinds of skills, positionings etc. My proposal in the original post was, in part, to further expand on that.
  2. Ugh, people in Sydney's buses/trains that don't move away/further in from the doors. Even though Tokyo's more crowded, it's not too bad because people actually get the message and let you in/out without much of a fuss. The same cannot be said in Sydney - it's gone to the point where I now almost always yell "Excuse me!" in the most passive-aggressive tone possible, and force myself through just to move further in - either to the back of the bus, or up/down the stars to the middle of the train carriages. And whatever dirty looks I get from others can be damned. (Well, more so on trains - jerkish starts and stops on buses makes moving around difficult. Still applies, however, if your bus is in the middle of picking up and setting down passengers.) Even worse, a number of times there were empty seats in the middle of a carriage. (The commuter trains in Sydney are all double-deckers with the doors on the ends of carriages.) I just don't understand why the majority of able-bodied commuters are so lazy about it when it's only a couple of steps up/down the stairs at most. Related to the above, people who don't get off the bus to let people out. The train riders are generally better in this regard, but on buses, there are times when I was the only person who got temporarily got out of the bus (through the back exit) to let someone else out, and the others just stood in the middle of the doorway. Again, this only takes a couple of steps, 10-15 seconds of interruption, and your hand on the door (opening) to warn the driver, Sydneysiders!
  3. Worst: I think Fates for having more cases personalities that just aren't suited for wartime. Best: This would be subject to change once I have access to Tellius/Jugdral games, but Binding Blade, at the moment. The characters themselves could be better, but at the same time, I feel that the characters' supports add to the backstories and history of Elibe, something that did not happen in the more recent games I played.
  4. Why do people hate Lords being weaker? It's not as if FE is supposed to be an easy game, and isn't FE supposed to be a teamwork game like warfare in real life? (It's called a strategy game for a reason.) If anything, I find it migrane-inducing with an overpowered Lord, and the lack of reality that comes with it.
  5. I think the other problem here is that IS seem to be really inept at giving male Lords good reasoning for them being Gary Stus, much less critical flaws that averts the GS trope. I just don't like how the muscle-bound lords managed to get away with everything simply because they're the male lords made to be Superman who "can do no wrong". On the other hand, I like Roy because he is an example where the Gary Stu trope felt justified. Roy was shown as the general who actually did his homework on the proverbial arts from Sun Tzu/Clausewitz and the arts of diplomacy - and thus FE6 acknowledging the reality where strategy and diplomacy have been the game changers in warfare for most of history. And at least a Youtuber and a fellow Serenes dweller elaborated on how the lack of the above skills costed Hector and put Hector/Roy's country in jeopardy. Although I haven't played the Jugdral games, the other notable example to buck the above trend was Sigurd where his recklessness led to his army's loss, and something that his army did not recover from until the next generation.
  6. While the below discussion somewhat focuses on Roy and FE6, it also discusses what I would like to see in a future FE title, and further developments from FE Awakening and particularly Fates's gameplay mechanism, hence I've posted this thred in the General FE forum. So Roy from FE6 has been accused of being the worst gameplay-performing Lord due to his generally lower stats than other Lords through the game. (Okay he also has a very late promotion, but this is outside the scope of this discussion.) While I am in no position to deny this, I think there is more to it than merely stats. In Roy's case, it made sense, as he was one of the few examples of a historically realistic general who led by leadership, military strategy, and intelligence, which did nothing in terms of FE's gameplay. And here's the problem: I think Roy was unsuited to the pure numbers game that was of FE6 than being weak per se. I believe he would have performed better if FE6 had gameplay mechanics similar to FE Fates where charisma and leadership at least had some effect through skills and supports. And I would like to see a revisit in a future FE game where Roy 2.0's leadership actually affects the gameplay, instead of another pure strength based Lord like, say, Ike or Ephraim: Grandmaster skills that Robin in Awakening had should be adopted as skills for the new Tactical!Lord's as well, and be amplified to compensate for Roy's low stats. Solidarity could boost adjacent allies' hit, dodge, crit, and crit dodge, and could be upgraded for a bigger area-of-effect. Tactical!Lord has two different kinds of supports - generic one-line support with the majority of his units under his command, and unit-specific supports that works similarly to the majority of supports from past FE. The generic supports are one-liners in barracks similar to how a pair of characters interact in the Awakening barracks. Here, the conversations Tactical!Lord have with other units gradually raises the support boosts in smaller amounts. Leadership stars should be a thing too, which would be a gameplay translation of the Tactical!Lord's leadership. And unlike PoR or Tracia 776, Tactical!Lord's leadership stars can affect different classes in different ways - maybe Generals (the unit class) have a chance in blocking an enemy's attack before the pair-up!block gauge is filled, Swordmasters/Berserkers gets a further boost in critical activation, Cavaliers have a chance in activating Canto after attacking an enemy etc. In addition to all of the standard stats, the Tactical!Lord would have an Intelligence stat. And it can have various effects in the game: In between chapters, Tactical!Lord can lead training in the barracks and distribute BEXP this way. S/he may get inspiration of the training regimen depending on his/her intelligence stat unique to the game. Say further boosts to a unit's lower/lowest stat growth rates or, fast-track the units' weapon training level ups. The higher the Tactical!Lord's intelligence, the bigger the effects. Some chapters would start from a more advantageous position if the Tactical!Lord's intelligence stat is high enough - whether through less enemies deployed at the start, or the enemies suffering temporary stat penalties (gameplay interpretation of a surprise attack). Of course, the opposite can happen - if the Lord is dumb as a brick, then chapters can start disadvantageous for the player - additional reinforcements, surprise attacks (in the form of stat penalties slapped on the player), fog of war etc Support-based skills and Leadership Star effects are amplified with higher intelligence. In FOW maps, higher intelligence = better precentage chance in locating/pin-pointing a nearby enemy. Anyway, I'd like to see the above come to light, and show a more realistic general leading his/her comrades into battle for a future FE title, whether it be in Three Houses or another future game. And if Roy has all of this for a possible FE6 Echoes, it would do his characteristics as a Lord more justice.
  7. At the very least for Lords, if they have to be Gary Stus, then at least do it in a way it makes sense. Military strategy, charisma, and leadership were the defining role of the majority of historical generals, and the only case where I've seen all the said attributes being addressed for the few games I played was Roy where he talked about them often in his game. It would be ideal if his strong focus on strategy would translate into FE6's gameplay too.
  8. Now that I think about it, the only good story - including worldbuilding - that I have played of has been FE6, which I think added more detail to the behind the scenes geopolitics. I also note that the of backstory and the chapter stages were better integrated/complemented. Awakening, and Fates just did not deliver in that regard, and Sacred Stones was sorta okay. Tellius and Jugdral might be better due to a better main plot in addition to a strong backstory, but I haven't played those, so I cannot give a verdict on those two.
  9. It's even worse when the cheaper copies are from the US and the majority of Nintendo consoles/games are region-coded. I'm so pissed off that all of the reasonably-priced Radiant Historia copies are from the US.
  10. No worries. I'm just a bit sick with Nintendo (even FE and Pokemon at the moment) for not taking the stories seriously, and especially not trying something different with the stories including the above. Even Tokyo Mirage Sessions's story is more preferable than the debacle that is of Fates, I think - at least the real stars in the real world isn't necessarily Itsuki. Part of the reason why I decided not to touch Super Mario with an 8-foot pole. The other thing is that only Roy seems to have any semblance of a realistic general who took a page out from Sun Tzu, or actual military strategy in general. He may be a Mary Sue, but one that is at least can be found in real life - mainly that he relied on his intelligence than his brawns and luck on their own. Is there any reason why the next male lord has to be some muscle-bound Superman who can "do no wrong"? Why not another Roy? Or even a female version?
  11. This is something that is starting to bug me too. You don't necessarily have to be a feminist to want female main characters who saves the day. I for one played Pokemon Crystal, Black 1+2, and Sun with Kris, Hilda, Rosa, and Selene, and am playing Persona 3 Portable with Minako - because I don't always want to play as the male protagonist who saves the day. Give us something refreshing - have the female axelord take the helm and save the world. Bonus points if she also bailed out the male lords in the process. Look at Boudicca, look at Joan of Arc. Look at Himiko, look at Catherine the Great. Look at Maria Teresa, look at Queen Lizzie (the first) or Vicky. Look at some of the female rulers who made history, and write something based off that.
  12. Has anyone played Final Fantasy 12? I only vaguely knew about them before, but I've recently heard that the story in that game focuses more on politics and diplomacy than in the other FF entries, which is starting to intrigue me - this is, after all, how I started playing FE in general and FE6 in particular.
  13. More generally, the first-party Nintendo titles like Zelda or Pokemon tend to not drop all that much in price due to how popular they are - but they will gradually, particularly for secondhands in EBay. On the other hand, you can sell them when you are done with the game, and you still recoup a fair amount of your costs. In my case, I almost always wait for a couple of years and buy them secondhand from, and sell back onto EBay. (The only time I bought something new was Pokemon XY, which was worth every cent of my purchase.) When I bought, played, and sold Zelda's Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, I only ended up with an essential net cost of AU$15 each. Another good thing with Zelda/Pokemon is that they'll stay in print relatively long. Of course, with the Switch being region-free, it might be worth shopping around EBay to see if you could get a cheaper (or even a more readily available) copy from elsewhere. (I could only get an American copy of Shadow Dragon - good thing that the earlier generation of DS games were region-free.)
  14. There's a good chance that the above avatar is bilingual in English and French.
  15. Can't it be? Especially after Jugdral, FE6 Elibe (though mostly on the backstory), and Tellius did focus on the former? The avatar should be something similar to the Persona series. Both genders are a given (P3P), and they should generally be silent like said series, or maybe even the Command and Conquer: Red Alert series where cutscenes are from your perspective. They can have some implied personalities, but ultimately, it's up to you. I would only allow the children generation to take arms if the entire story was several in-universe decades long. I would focus more on the story. The gameplay? Just reuse and modify the main mechanics from Fates Conquest, though with rebalances to accomodate the classic units. Some of the aspects of the story that I want to see, which I extracted from another thread: A new story with the female lord taking the lead until the very end. C'mon, all the "having the male lead overshadowing the female one" is getting stale now. At least Kiria and Tsubasa had their moments to shine in TMSFE. There are female rulers who either ruled a nation or led one to victory in history. Maria Teresa, Joan of Arc, Catherine the Great, Queen Elizabeth I/Victoria, Himiko etc etc. There's a reason why I played as Rosa or Hilda in Pokemon Black 1/2 and why I am playing as Minako in Persona 3 Portable. Here's hoping that a female Byleth is an option - and the female lord also finally has her time to fully shine. Massive and detailed world-building surpassing FE6 Elibe, and Thracia, and maybe even surpassing Tellius. I think that is generally enough said. FE6's backstory was why I got interested into the series in the first place. Awakening/Fates is the reason why I'm currently on hiatus from FE. A "humans are the real villains" story with slightly less black and white. For once, can we remove the dragon supervillain, and have a skilled politician as the ultimate bad guy? Maybe like Persona 5's Masayoshi Shido where he is a manipulative villain, and a really charismatic/popular one? Or maybe someone like Arvis who had the noble intentions, and did change his nation for the better, but ultimately was the wrong answer?
  16. Apparently, the Verdun area in France had intense fighting in general (and chemical weapons usage in particular) to such an extent, that many areas in/around Verdun are still off-limits/restricted today.
  17. Has an avatar that looks like illuminati-related???
  18. It also probably because of how it ended too. For the latter half of WW1, UK had the Easter Uprising in Ireland, while Russia had the revolution, and Germany had its socialist revolution as well, if I remember correctly. I wonder if the revolts kind of ended up being politically inconvenient events for the governments involved in war. At least in WW2, the Italians' revolt against Mussolini was seen as a stand against Fascism, which would be great material to broadcast for the eventual victors. In the case of Japan, they were situated away from all the main fighting, and also gained the former German colonies in the Pacific front with relatively few loss of lives, so that would be seen as non-eventful sidenote of history in relative terms. (Although Japan at Versailles afterwards was another matter.) Not to mention, it was yet another victory (out of three; and a relatively bloodless one too) for semi-modern Japan until WWII came around.
  19. Had three people visiting the above member's profile page for the last 24 hrs.
  20. If I remember correctly, I think the rescuing capacity for mounted is the following: Male mounted units (Allan, Lance, Shin etc) - Rescue Capacity = 25 - Constitution Female mounted units (Shanna, Clarine etc) - Rescue Capacity = 20 - Constitution So the constitution can end up being a double-edged sword in this respect, and the mounted unit with the Body Ring may not be able to rescue units s/he could have without the Body Ring. I ended up catching myself off-footed once in Chapter 21 of FE6 as I wanted Douglas MacArthur (who had 17 Constitution) transported quicker, and I brought Milady (Con was around 10?) over. Welp, turned out, the General was too much for Milady.
  21. I generally had better luck with Lilina as Lugh generally lacked Firepower, though I never tried Hugh, so I have no idea how she stacks up against him. As for Fir, I've used her twice as Rutger bit the dust on my two both runs on Chapter 7's arena, but even if Rutger was alive, I would still have used Fir. I say that the the English-speaking fandom are more stringent in terms of characters making the cut, which isn't the most helpful to a newcomer to a particular FE entry. Some of the Japanese guides I've read in the past encouraged arena-grinding, and rate their units accordingly - and I think they also rate their units based on Normal Mode, and how difficult is it to baby units (and whether the babying is worth it or otherwise). And I would rather read that if I had a permanent mental blank and had to start FE6 all over again. In a guide from Mainichi Communications, the editorial team both encouraged using Rutger and Fir, Sue and Shin and so on. And I agree - why not use both when their classes have some of the biggest advantages in the game - particularly avoid tanking, and crit boosts for the Swordies. And I also say don't be ashamed to arena grind if you need to. I've done that in Binding Blade with the above characters, and grinded both money and EXP (and I've done similar things on Shadow Dragon and Sacred Stones). I've also used that money to get extra promotion items at the Secret Shop in Chapter 16. (The only arena you shouldn't grind in would be Chapter 20 on the Ilia Route, as you'll miss the Gaiden Chapter for exceeding turn counts there.)
  22. This is the first time I've heard such shenangians. Usually that happens to me way more often in Fates Conquest. I'm afraid you'll just have to accept that as pure bad luck run.
  23. Sorry, mind re-answering? When I meant cross-over interactions, I meant , say, Minako (P3) with Yusuke (P5), or Eleonora (TMSFE) with Akira (P5). I want it to be confined to the characters from the game listed in the question (Persona 3-5 + TMSFE) I do like a dark red rose - there's something sexy about it. As with the reanswering above... Have you seen the recently released movie Bohemian Rhapsody?
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