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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Another unpopular opinion that I remembered just now: When Satoru Iwata, former CEO of Nintendo passed away last year, as someone who isn't as huge a fan for Nintendo as he used to, I just could not bring myself to care as much. The whole thing afterwards felt too sentimental, too melodramatic. Call me cold, callous, or even a psychopath, but this really is what I felt.
  2. Now that you mentioned '06, I think I can appreciate what Sega was aiming to do for Sonic '06 game. I've heard critics panning the game and the story, but as a complete outside to the franchise, I suspect it would have been much better received if Sega actually took the time to iron out the gameplay issues. Maybe Sonic 06 just needed some more time and better planning.
  3. Since I couldn't find an existing thread for unpopular opinions for non-FE games, let's talk about our unpopular opinions here. Some brief mentions of FE games shall be fine for illustrating a bigger point, but let's leave them to the relevant FE sections as much as we can. As for me, I've got six at the moment, and more will be added: General Opinions: I don't have as many cases where I actively hate a character. Many characters of video games that I've played have some good moments that are memorable/interesting (Lysandre in Pokémon XY, Yoshi in the Yoshi games), awesome (Zelda in Twilight Princess), or even just plain nostalgic (Ash, Misty, and Brock during the Pokemania). I do have characters to be not my cup of tea, but most of the time, I can understand and appreciate why they are well-liked by others. And vice-versa. Speaking of which, I get more interested with the background history and worldbuilding more than the actual stories/characters at times. Whether it is Pokémon, Zelda, or even F-Zero. In the latter example, I would think: What would make a city of 200 million people possible? How would people commute? How is law and order maintained? How will food be produced for a big number of people? Sometimes, I even get interested in the architecture of the buildings in the story setting of the games. Though, that is because of my architectural background. Game-specific Opinions: Having said that, there are two definite cases where General-#1 does not apply. I absolutely refuse to even touch any of the recent Super Mario games anymore, or any of the non-N64 Smash games, because of just how stupid Peach, and increasingly Luigi, acts. I find it stupid when the former keeps getting kidnapped 70-80% of the time without physically resisting (via moves in Smash Bros), and the latter increasingly being the distressed dude against some of the enemies he actually fought in the past - the latest example being 3DS Land. For all the flak Nohrrin, Xander, or any other supposedly stupid/cowardly/oversentimenal people get, I prefer them to the two girls. Surprisingly, I didn't like Mother 3 when I first played it myself years ago, but I might give it a second chance. I vehemently disagree with the worldbuilding direction that Gen 3-5 of Pokémon implemented. Why didn't GF retain more of the "true-to-OTL" like Gen 1-2 and 6 did? Why didn't they go overseas to Hawaii, Guam, or Queensland outright if they wanted a tropical region in Gen 3, instead of an unrealistic Hoenn that has nothing of the climate of RL!Kyushu?? (addenda) I think I can appreciate what Sega was aiming to do for Sonic '06 game. I've heard critics panning the game and the story, but as a complete outsider to the franchise, I suspect it would have been much better received if Sega actually took the time to at least iron out the gameplay issues. Maybe Sonic 06 just needed some more time and better planning.
  4. Banned for manipulating a ghastly doll and being the world's dictator.
  5. The only WiiU games that gives me interest this year has been Hyrule Warriors, #FE, and maybe Pokken, really. Expanding to 2017, then Zelda Breath of the Wild. Though I didn't know that Xenoblades/(and eventually) Bayonetta are also Nintendo-titled franchises, so I guess it's not a total loss.
  6. Intermission: Back at the Boot Camp So, we retired to the army base just outside of the city, and started our training again. And thus two of our units have completed their training to be promoted! The first is Niles: The second? It happened to be no other than myself! Stats upon completion
  7. All right, folks. I'm going to do Iggy's Paralogue first and promote myself. As I've just promoted Niles, and there are others to promote as well, expect a small update today or tomorrow. PS Is Velouria's paralogue also better later or earlier?
  8. Or, sometimes, as what I've experienced in the 4 games I played before Fates, high defense isn't as valuable when: a) for defending, avoid tank was a thing back then; b) the offensive side can still offset some of the defensive's high defense with follow-ups - and let's not forget that Binding Blade especially had higher-stat enemies in general; c) also for Binding Blade, two certain classes have ridiculous crit boosts (and one also have ridiculously high attack power essentially rendering your Defense jack shit). Really, in the 5 FE games that I've played, I could make effective use of Armours in only Fates (thanks to Pair Ups, Effie's good stats, and Skills) and Shadow Dragon (as avoid tank was significantly nerfed).
  9. Ah, that's a good one. Thanks Alastor. By the way how is your LP going? I've just went through the entire 1st page. Exactly! As honest Abe once said, a house divided cannot stand on it's own! Any rebellion within this precious Union of ours must be crushed to the soil! On a more serious note to all past and present posters here (including @Eggclipse, @Acacia Sgt, and @Hylian Air Force): Shall I do Ignatius's and Percy's Paralogue now? (Just for the EXP - I'm not going to write paralogues into the story.) I have all the units I want to use except Xander, and I have myself just 1 exp short of Level 20.
  10. Conquest! Hands down!! Of course I'm going to side of radiant democracy of the United States of Nohr!!! Anyone who dares disagree with me, shall be branded as a Hoshidon't facist, a Benedict Arnold, an enemy of our Allied democracy's liberation machine!!!! ...okay, that was a bit of an exaggeration, but, at least I found Nohr quite honest in being the conquest-loving country. Whereas Hoshido on the other hand, I cannot help lampoon its "peace-loving" nature - hence my Let's Play.
  11. That's a good point. Though, I've found it just as easy to use Odin (magic), or Arthur/Beruka (high attack stats with WTA) for Fates. Or even just have Felicia use shrikens and lower the enemy armour's defences. Strangely, Vaike + hammer did make thing a whole lot easier against Raimi in Awakening Chapter 3, but that was the only time I really needed to use a hammer. Other times, there were Chrom's rapier or Miriel's tomes, or Vaike's sheer power and WTA.
  12. What would be the problem of using magic attacks against armoured units - that requires usage of Armourslayers?
  13. I just had a read of Pages 1-2. I just couldn't help laughing at all of the straw political activist trainers and the constant historical references you put in. XY being my favourite game, I was particularly delighted to see the words "Vichy Kalos". A bit disappointed (though may be understandable due to Forum guidelines) that Koga or Erika wasn't Tojo's/Taisei Yokusankai's stooges. Anyway, I'm looking forward to read Pages 3-4 to catch up.
  14. *Starts to desparately connect to other My Casles for a Profiteer-skill equipped Keaton*
  15. Well, if that's the case, then its too late to change my already low opinion of him. Besides, why on earth is he, of all people, being kidnaped in 3DS Land by enemies he has clearly fought before? It's pretty clear to me that he's become a sissy dago who deserves to get hanged along with Mussolini over at a certain square in Milan - or alternately be lynched by the post-2016 election rioting mob along with that stupid blonde bitch (Peach).
  16. Chapter 14: Commotion at Carnegie Hall (Voice of Paradise) New York, New York! Battle of Carnegie Theatre Ensuing panic, lynchings, and riot Stats upon completion
  17. Get some of information about the company/office, and and prepare educated questions for myself to ask the interviewer.
  18. Hard to say, because the ones that I played from the past I either stopped playing entirely, or I had a large gap in between. For example: Mario may be the closest one unfortunately. I say "unfortunately" because now I utterly hate the franchise - and I absolutely refuse to associate myself with it anymore. My love for the Mario series took a huge hit after that stupid bitch princess, of all people appeared in Smash Bros, and made her kidnapping look utterly stupid. Since then I stopped playing anything Mario-related stuff on the GC. I did play NSMB1 and NSMBWii, but after Luigi started to increasingly became a sissy dago girl as well in the Wii/3DS games, well, it's "good riddance" to the franchise, period. (While I don't have really big dislikes for characters, the two are the few exceptions.) I ain't going to touch Pokémon RSE/ORAS either. I hated Gen 3 for screwing up worldbuilding and still hate those two games - that was enough to stop playing Pokémon for over a decade. On the other hand, I shall give my two thumbs up to XY and GSC for doing that part right. I will be looking forward to Sun/Moon, and a possible DPPt remakes, too. I ended up with a huge gap in Fire Emblem as well, because I didn't have a GC/Wii to play the Tellius games. Also my love for the franchise only started with Binding Blade. I'm hoping to catch up with this, though! My interest for Zelda also only really started with the Ocarina of Time 3DS.
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