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Everything posted by Eltoshen

  1. ROFL this happened a couple of times to me too. Every new playthrough, I keep forgetting about the stupid cabin tile.
  2. Gah, almost forgot about this. I changed the last few sentences a bit. Hopefully it sounds right now?
  3. It looks hot, nice addition. Saves viewing people's profiles. :3
  4. Petrine, that bitch is hot. Tough girls with a fragile hidden personality turn me on.
  5. In any case, I'm not one who likes doing these things, but I just don't like your attitude, Loki. Signed.
  6. I still don't get why he's still around when people have claimed numerous times that reading his posts is an eyesore
  7. Uh...no. Stefan is a branded. Besides the fact that he had been in hiding for a long time, I doubt he had time to find an actually woman to reproduce with.
  8. Interesting, I wonder what's taking so long for roms to come out. Usually they pop out before the actual game is released, or just a few hours after, lol.
  9. I thought my post was clear enough as to which side I supported, but clearly some people aren't able to understand. :( That's when you were a moderator. You aren't one anymore, so you're unable to do.
  10. The Fire Emblem community seems to consist of younger people these days, so making the warn level more severe might actually knock out a group of preteens/teens who are still learning their way around life. The feeling I get when I come here is a relaxed one, and I can say that I enjoy it. I don't like the high tension that comes from permanent warns. It doesn't benefit anybody at all really. And if a certain person keeps abusing the rules, administrators could ban them at any time. There is no tradition that you can only ban once a member reaches 100%.
  11. The main characters in OG2 are Kyosuke, Excellen, and Lamia. Everybody else only has minor parts. Hell, Ryusei's part in the story was over by the end of OG1 actually, and nothing that happened in OG2 directly relates to him. The main enemies, the Einsts, relate to Excellen and Kyosuke. The Shadow Mirrors relate to Lamia and Gilliam. Masaki's whole battle with Shu was basically thrown aside in OG2, and Shu really did nothing except make a cameo appearance in one chapter. Maybe you should actually play a bit farther, as you'll find out more about who matters in this game. XD (aka, everybody else is just there for the yay!mechacombos and a little sidestory)
  12. I never said the characters were cool. I said they were well developed. Besides, Ratsel isn't even one of the main characters, so...what did you expect?
  13. Wait, what? I don't get what your post meant.
  14. wtf, are you serious? The plot is really solid, and the dialogue builds your opinions on characters. If I was only playing for the effects, I'd be way bored and probably wouldn't touch the game again after beating it once.
  15. In any case, these days I've been playing SRT OG2 for GBA, ohsnapz. This is the first time I've gone farther than chapter 36. Every other time, I stopped to earn money so I could upgrade all my mechs, lol. I eventually killed my...you know...spirit in playing the game. But in any case, this time I just focused on the characters I liked and I abused the shit out of Lefina and Radha's Bless spell, so I had enough money to upgrade all my combo attacks fully while keeping the mechs decently balanced (mainly just added to their avoid). I only got around 33/40 skill points this round since I was too lazy to go back and replay some chapters. The last chapters are way easy compared to the earlier ones. >_>
  16. Yeah, I was quite unsure myself of the exact details. Does anybody know exactly what the cure was? I missed it and forgot where I read about it the first time.
  17. I just put "on Lehran's medallion. "of the medallion" would mean something different. It'd mean that Volke knew of its existence, but doesn't necessarily imply that he has knowledge of what it could do to a person. And I changed the other sentences you mentioned. :3
  18. Wow, uh...Nintendo. It's sad how I don't recognize half of these companies...or I do, but I don't like any of their games.
  19. Huh? Have you ever watched Gundam Seed and Destiny? Kira, Rey za Burrel, Mu, and Creuset all have that weird sensation (bell noise) when the others are around.
  20. was actually talking about srtw boss, but XD, wrong game and lol, I didn't know he costed only 10 to repair.
  21. Boss? He...sucks. Dx URR...I mean...talk about a unit that can't hold their own very well against groups of enemies like a Super Robot should. Actually, I can't even tell what he is. He's like a Super Robot wannabe Real Robot who sucks at both. :X
  22. Oh crap, I forgot to mention Kouji and Tetsuya. I use them too. XD
  23. The Freedom's avoid is more than enough. o-O Seriously, it isn't top tier at dodging but it's good enough to dodge attacks around 95% of the time when fully upgraded (not counting the favorite bonus upgrades). And if you're looking for a unit that dodges 100% of the time, you should be looking at the brain units anyways. <3 Nelly Brain. And regarding EN drainage: that goes for many characters. At least his ammo doesn't run out out of nowhere, since EN keeps charging. Besides, he could just sit in the battleship for one turn and recharge most of his EN. That's what I do with Calvina. Or...maybe you aren't used to soloing groups of enemies with one character, which is understandable. XD In any case, I generally don't like using any Super Robots, besides Zeorymer, that is, since they get hit too often...which is annoying.
  24. Kira's doesn't hit the ally either. And his has the widest range and IIRC, does a lot of damage.
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