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Posts posted by chococoke

  1. Welp, starting center Bryan Stork is now on IR/return due to his concussion. Soooo the Patriots interior O-line is once again in complete flux, and will be starting 2 rookies out of 3 spots. This may not be a big deal against a team with a relatively weak defense like Poopsburgh, but it's going to be a complete fucking mess against the Dolphins and just about every other AFC team.


  2. picking the broncos over the ravens is gutsy considering how the broncos went down against the Colts without a fight and the Ravens went down kicking and screaming

    I could see the Ravens winning. Steve Smith would just have to go off, which is tough against one of the top CB tandems in the NFL. It's obviously possible, though.

    Also, I decided to rock my Patriots surgical cap today. I work at a hospital in Rockville so needless to say I've already been called out by 2 or 3 Ravens fans

    EDIT: Also, Ana, I wouldn't put too much stock in the last preseason game. Teams tend to only play their back ups so it's not exactly a great indicator of possible regular season performance

  3. Okay, tell me why you're so upset Ana. Is it because the big, bad Patriots cheated enough to beat the Colts in the AFC Championship?

    The NFL used it's own writer mouthpieces (Peter King and Chris Mortenson) by essentially leaking a false report. This started the frenzy and created scandal when there was none.

    Honestly, what it really comes down to is how much I dislike Goodell. I also find it COMPLETELY inane that the newest CBA had to give him absolute power. I mean, come the fuck on. He does the appeal hearings for his own rulings? Are you kidding me? The man has fucked up so many different punishments in the past few years (Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson come to mind as well) and always attempts to save face in the end by changing the punishment.

    He essentially used this entire saga to try to show that he was still boss of the league. Before, the ridiculous punishments he handed down were against child abusers and woman beaters. Except this time, he gave a 4 game suspension after HIS OWN 3 month investigation came up with "more probable than not." And that hilarious ambiguity was referring to GENERAL KNOWLEDGE of underinflated footballs (which, by the way, gave the Patriots that subtle edge they needed to win 45-7. How underinflated were the balls, again?)

    The man is a joke and if he isn't removed as commissioner after this, he'll likely be doing this until he dies. The owners can't get enough of him. I'm pretty tired of him, if you can't tell.

  4. I hail from the beautiful land* of Worcester, MA. This was before my dad decided to move the family to the traffic-infested swamp known as Northern Virginia

    *the actual city is a dump. Have you guys ever seen Trailer Park Boys? Worcester has ACTUAL bottle kids that rummage through your stuff at all opportunities

    EDIT: Also, I haven't met too many Pats fans around here. It seems like most people either like the Redskins or root for some other garbage NFC East team (the number of people who support the Cowboys with absolutely no ties to anywhere in Texas is staggering.)

  5. First I'm hearing of this. He would give our team a much-needed boost to the Browns, who couldn't even beat Washington's team, but I personally really don't want a guy on my team who's done the things he's done. I can't in good conscious root for a domestic abuser.

    If anything I wouldn't want RR on my team because he was dog shit in his last full season. Even so, at 28 he could still have more traction on his tires than some of the other retreads out on the market at his position, imo. He could easily turn out to be a decent add for a number of teams that are currently hurting at RB (Dallas, Arizona, and certainly Cleveland come to mind)

    LR has a point too. Punching out his wife while drunk at a casino makes him more of an idiot than a domestic abuser. Rice got an aburd amount of negative press due to that video. Everything was just made worse because The Rog fucked up his initial ban so badly (not RR's fault.)

    I'm not condoning what the man did. However, by all accounts he's been nothing but a model citizen since the incident, working with domestic abuse groups and the like. Would you have a problem with your team picking up Aldon Smith, who constantly drives while hammered and is the exact opposite of what anyone would consider to be a model citizen? Hell, Smith goes to rehab and STILL can't lay off the sauce before training camp is over. Can you root for a drunk on your team?

  6. http://www.nfl.com/fireandice

    Read this article. Bills may be going to playoffs this season and if we do, we could see a Superbowl within 5 years. The Patriots were a joke during the 90's and became a powerhouse in the 00's. Time for the Bills to replicate that success.

    I agree, I've thought since the beginning of the offseason that they had as good a chance to win the AFC East as any team in the division. Hell, if they had a decent QB they could even be the favorite. The AFC East will be closer this year than any I can remember in the past 7-8 years
  7. Was that the SB where a Giants guy miraculously caught a game winning TD? That crap was insane. :o

    Not quite. '07 was the helmet catch game, where David Tyree caught a bomb from Eli Manning on 3rd & 15+ on the most agonizingly long play I've watched in my life. The game clinching TD was Plaxico Burress burning Ellis Hobbs a few plays later. Tyree would go on to absolutely nothing and was out of the league within 2 seasons, while our buddy Plax went on to shoot himself out of the league.

    Oh, and Randy Moss was about 2 yards away from catching a Hail Mary at the end of that game... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUGj5qQFnnc

  8. That was sexy, though not as sexy as female Sage Hawkeye.

    Speaking of which, it's too bad Hawkeye is forced on Genesis, but I honestly don't think I've ever played it on EHM before so I don't know if Kishuna still moves around like a prick as his HHM version does.

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