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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. I like the idea of Bass as a fighter. I had a moveset idea for Bass, but it was completely reliant on his abilities in Mega Man & Bass, so I definitely like this one better. I'm not sure about that; Super Bass is a transformation, and Ultimate got rid of transformation final smashes in order to make the final smashes faster-paced. I don't even think it can work as him unleashing a powerful attack as Super Bass, as Super Bass doesn't have a powerful attack (at least he doesn't in Mega Man & Bass).
  2. I agree that the gameplay of Fates: Conquest is not very good. I don't understand why the gameplay is highly rated. I especially agree about the map design; when the map design works, it's fine; nothing amazing, but it very often does not work. The Kitsune map, the map with all the jars, the wind map, etc. A lot of people complain about the maps in Revelation being reliant on bad gimmicks, but Conquest has that problem as well.
  3. 2023 is probably going to be a busy year for me, so I won't have too many gaming resolutions. How about this: 1. Finish Blossom Tales 2: The Minotaur Prince. I bought this game last year after enjoying the first Blossom Tales and seeing the trailer looking like it was going to fix everything I didn't like about the first one. It didn't fix everything (it still has randomized NPC dialogue and the map is still completely useless), but I was enjoying it a lot. I just got too busy to keep playing. So, I intend to finish it. 2. Play Tears of the Kingdom. There is no way I'll be able to finish Tears of the Kingdom within 2023; my schedule is just going to be too busy and the game's going to be even bigger than Breath of the Wild. However, I hope to at least start the game and play enough of it to get a good impression. 3. Get at least some semblance of a start on the game I'm developing with my brother. I have a game planned; I've been brainstorming it for a while. But it has become clear that I'm not going to be able to finish it on my own within a good amount of time, and my brother's been looking for an opportunity to practice his programming, so we've turned it into a two-person project. I hope to find a good engine and at least create some amount of the game within 2023.
  4. Merry Christmas! Hm... my favourite Christmas song is probably "Mary, Did You Know?" I just really enjoy it both as a beautiful song and a nice expression of God's love for all of us. I don't know any good renditions of it on YouTube, so, unfortunately, I can't leave one here. May everyone have a Merry Christmas!
  5. Quite literally, actually. The series Record of Lodoss War began as a series of transcripts of Dungeons and Dragons sessions in the late 80s that the dungeon master then turned into novels, which then received an anime adaptation in 1990. It is probably the only example of a story derived from a D&D session that can be described as "good". Anyway, as for this video... ...what?
  6. I don't see how advice on how to hold a duck would be useful anywhere outside working for a petting zoo.
  7. I fully caught up to Bleach. I quite enjoyed it. I even enjoyed the fullbringer arc, mainly because of the character journey Ichigo goes through in that arc and because Tsukishima is a rather interesting villain. I also recently watched Record of Lodoss War. For a bit of background, the Record of Lodoss War franchise began as a series of transcripts of Dungeons & Dragons sessions written in the late 1980s. When those became popular, their author then turned them into novels, which quickly became popular enough to get an anime adaptation in 1990. Record of Lodoss War and the Dragon Quest games basically became the template for the sword-&-sorcery genre in Japan; basically every sword-&-sorcery story made in Japan can likely trace its origins back to at least one of these two stories. Seriously; here is part of the main plot: a small group of heroes help good kingdoms fight an invading evil empire, the emperor is set up as the main only for there to actually be a conspiracy with the court mage plotting to awaken an ancient evil. Did I just describe Lodoss War, or most Fire Emblem games? As a result, a lot of it can seem typical today; not generic; definitely not generic, but odds are that you'll probably be able to guess a lot of the character traits and plotlines beforehand because so many stories have come along afterward and copied a lot of what this story did. That's definitely not a point against the series; the story and characters are still well-written and interesting to watch. There is one character that definitely stands out: the elf Deedlit. Most elven main characters are typically products of the typical elven culture on some level: a bit of aloofness, dry wit, feeling of superiority to humans, and generally either an archer or a fragile wizard. Deedlit is none of those things; she does have a couple characteristically elven traits like being a friend to all living things, but she's also outgoing, friendly, cheerful, enthusiastic, full of life, and generally a ball of fun. I believe the term TV Tropes uses for this is Genki Girl. She is not only the character that stands out the most, but she's probably also the best character in the series. Another thing that I liked about the show is the artwork. This is a hand-drawn anime from 1990, so it generally doesn't have many animation frames and can't do as many tricks that anime can do today, but the artwork is still absolutely beautiful today; each individual frame is still extremely well-drawn. Overall, I can see why it was such a popular and influential anime in its day, and I can definitely recommend it to audiences today. One last thing I will say about it: before watching this series, I had previously watched Record of Grancrest War, which was written by the author of Lodoss War. It was interesting to see similarities between the two of them, but, overall, the two shows are very different. @ciphertul You'll be happy to hear that your main problem with Grancrest War: a certain plot event involving Marrine, has no equivalent in Lodoss War. Lodoss War doesn't do anything like that moment.
  8. I just began watching the anime Record of Lodoss War. I had previously seen Record of Grancrest War, which was written by the same person many years later, and I liked that one, so I thought I'd try this one. I will say, after previously watching a few different animated series that were made in the 2020s (Spy x Family, Arcane, etc.), it is weird to now watch an anime from 1990. The difference in animation is very obvious right away: there is far less movement overall, the art style is very obviously from the early 90s, but the art still looks good. I had heard that the show was based on a bunch of novels that were essentially rewrites of the author's Dungeons & Dragons sessions, and it definitely shows. This and the Dragonlance book series are perhaps the only two examples of stories created from D&D that can actually be described as "good", and even then, a lot of the Dragonlance books really aren't good. I definitely can see the appeal of making a story derived from a D&D session or even just from a specific edition of D&D: the worldbuilding and magic system is already there, but the author still has free reign for creating the characters and plot. The thing is, people tend to think that that makes it a lot easier to write something good, and it doesn't. As for this show, if I understand correctly, it pretty much was one of the earliest examples of a medieval fantasy story to come out of Japan (though not the earliest, as Ys, Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest all began around this time), and I will say that it is easy to see Lodoss War's influence. As early as episode 4, there's an invasion from an evil emperor, and the emperor's court mage is secretly plotting to awaken an ancient draconic evil for their own goals; that's basically the template from which almost every Fire Emblem game is built.
  9. I have never understood obsession with graphics. When it comes to visuals, I care far more about art style than graphics. Regarding the console wars, as far as I can tell, it largely seems to be an exercise in corporate stupidity these days. It used to be that consoles and PCs had very different limitations and very different games as a result, so being the most powerful console was actually a viable selling point. But for at least the last 15-20 years or so, when it comes to pure hardware and processing power, no console can beat PC gaming without becoming too expensive, and as PC gaming has become completely capable of handling console games and is becoming increasingly popular, it increasingly begs the question: why buy a console? What can it do that a PC can't? PlayStation and Microsoft have never found an actual, lasting answer to that question. Their current strategy has been to buy a bunch of game studios and rely on exclusive titles, which is not a viable long-term solution and is only possible thanks to how lax anti-monopoly laws have become. Meanwhile, Nintendo learned this the hard way back in the GameCube era when the GameCube failed to grab sales despite having some of the best hardware and some of the best games of its generation for the simple reason that everyone instead bought the PS2 as a result of the PS2 not only being a games console, but also a DVD player that was cheaper than actual DVD players. Seriously; the PS2 was the best-selling console of its generation because people overwhelmingly bought it for playing DVDs, not for playing games. Nintendo learned the hard way that their consoles would have to stand out and do something that can't be done elsewhere to succeed, hence the Wii, the DS, the 3DS, the Wii U and now the Switch: all of which have had some core gimmick to make them stand out. The graphical capabilities of the Switch arguably don't matter because it can actually do something no other console can do (or could do until the far more expensive Steam Deck came along years later): be a viable portable system. Oh, and I probably should point out that I'm not a PC gamer by an means; I play entirely on consoles.
  10. I was just about to say this. As much as I am very tempted to respond to some of the arguments that have been brought up about Micaiah and Radiant Dawn, I think it would be for the best if this thread got back on-topic. One thing I find funny about the DLC announcement is that, if they had waited a few months, or even if the announcement said that the DLC would be available a few months after release, no one would've really suspected anything, as it would've been assumed that the DLC is indeed bonus content that was made after the base game was finished. But, because they announced it a month before release, and then announced at the end of the video that the DLC will be available in the same month as the base game's release, the overwhelming opinion online seems to instead be one of suspicion, apprehension and disappointment. For example, the top comments under the video on YouTube include the following: So... yeah; all Nintendo had to do was wait, but instead, announcing the DLC when they did seems to have largely backfired, at least in terms of public opinion. We'll obviously have to wait until the base game and DLC release, which won't be too long since they're releasing within the same month, to see if it actually backfired in any way in terms of sales. The answer to that is probably "not likely", due to the House Leaders being fan-favourites and overall very popular characters.
  11. Due to IGN always having extremely bad takes (and I don't really trust Gamespot either), I watched both videos with the volume at 0 and just focused on watching the gameplay and cutscene footage. Did I miss any info by doing so? I can't believe I only noticed this now, but I just noticed that the older, bearded playable character is named Vander. Due to having watched Arcane recently, I jokingly couldn't help but wonder if (Arcane spoilers below) So, human characters can also get corrupted by the main evil magic in this game; it's not just the emblems who can be corrupted. That's interesting.
  12. Well, I was correct about FF16 news at the game awards, though that was a rather easy guess. Yoshi-P appearing at the game awards was really cool. I avoided actually watching the Game Awards presentation; instead, I merely waited to see the game trailers afterward and see the biggest jokes made afterward about whatever dumb thing the Game Awards did this time, so I was quite shocked to see the biggest stories not being about anything The Game Awards itself did, but about how someone managed to get on stage at The Game Awards without anyone noticing. I'm guessing that they're going to tighten security at The Game Awards 2023. Going back to game trailers, none of the ones that interested me were for anything I didn't already know about or wasn't already looking forward to. And, sadly, one trailer at the Game Awards for something I was hoping to get had to do something that me no longer nearly as interested in the game: The Fire Emblem Engage trailer could've easily just shown off more gameplay and cutscenes like FF16's did, or it could've even shown off the remaining emblems that are in the main game. Instead, it had to show off already-finished DLC a month before the game's release, with said DLC going to release within the same month as the base game. Whenever a company does this, said DLC is always something that was going to be in the main game but got removed from the main game so they could charge extra for it as DLC. So now, instead of looking forward to a finished FE game and wondering if there will be extra content down the line, I know know that if I buy it, I will be spending full price on a butchered game. Thank you, Nintendo, for deflating my interest in the next FE game. It doesn't help that the DLC is for the House Leaders, when I'm someone who personally would've preferred Edelgard be Three Houses' emblem over Byleth. It's rather irritating to now know that she was going to be in the main game and got surgically removed from the game before release so they could charge extra. Funny that, even though I don't see the awards themselves as relevant and don't get angered by them as a result, The Game Awards still found a way to make me upset.
  13. Yeah, I wouldn't put it past them either. Maybe not the "customer's left hand" part, but only because Nintendo Switch Sports can be played left-handed, and even then, as far as I know, it is the only motion-control-heavy game on the Switch that can be played left-handed.
  14. I know. It is a real shame. Incidentally, I didn't buy that loftwing amiibo, but I also didn't buy Skyward Sword HD, and for reasons unrelated to the amiibo: I didn't like that there still wasn't any left-handed options for the game despite Link himself being left-handed in every Zelda game except Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild. At the time of the loftwing amiibo's announcement, I was joking that the next announcement would be a $50 amiibo that adds in a left-handed mode, with the statue on the amiibo being made from the customer's left hand. Rubenio wasn't talking about quality when he said "substance", but the amount of time and effort the dev team would've had to put into making them.
  15. Except the time travel in Age of Calamity is not a twist; the game itself certainly doesn't treat it as a twist as it happens at the very beginning of the game. The only thing claiming that the game was a prequel to Breath of the Wild was the marketing. In any case, I don't want to dwell on this (mainly because this isn't the topic for it); I just needed an example of how I don't blame developers for making a game that had anti-consumer business practices surrounding it while at the same time not giving the company any slack for those anti-consumer practices, and I was recently reminded of Age of Calamity's false advertising, so that's the example I used. Whether or not everyone agrees that it is an example of anti-consumer practices wasn't really the point. Yeah, I can agree about that. A lot of the free content definitely feels like stuff that they wanted to have included in the base game but couldn't finish on time; likely a result of the finished game having been twice as big as they originally thought it was going to be. Three Houses definitely feels like a game where there was rush as a result of overambition. Yeah, most amiibo-exclusive content these days is really scummy. I'm surprised that the first time we saw any real pushback against this stuff was the Loftwing amiibo for Skyward Sword HD. I see. Thanks. I just included her as substantial because we're considering emblems as substantial and it probably takes more time to build a playable character (even one with no supports) than an emblem.
  16. Honestly, the best way they could've avoided backlash would've been to actually make a prequel to Breath of the Wild; it's obvious from how the game was marketed that at least one person at both companies knew that audiences would be more interested in a prequel. Except the "No, I am your father" reveal in Empire Strikes Back was an actual plot twist; there's many massive differences between a plot twist and just false advertising. Thanks for the clarification about the DLC. I didn't really fully pay attention to the Three Houses DLC when it released, so I guess I mistakenly thought the second wave was the first wave (part of it might've been that I didn't get a Switch, let alone Three Houses, until a while after the game released). I see. So, in other words, the only substantial paid content before Cindered Shadows was Anna; when was Anna released? I'd say the opposite, if only because for Three Houses, it indicates that the paid stuff was likely developed later and not something that could've been added to the base game before release. I do think both cases were pretty bad though (one reason I never got the DLC for Three Houses).
  17. They could've avoided complaints about spoilers by revealing the time travel without revealing everything it would entail; they could've marketed it as an alternate timeline while leaving out stuff like the future-champions being in the game. Maybe, but that still seems a bit scummy. I think I'm beginning to remember now, at least with Three Houses. I remember Three Houses' first wave of DLC; it was essentially a day-one patch that was free and added stuff like Maddening difficulty. Then came more free stuff like Jeritza being playable and Rhea being available for the tea party minigame to make it easier to obtain her supports in time. If I remember correctly (so correct me if I'm wrong about this), the stuff that actually costed money didn't arrive until Cindered Shadows: several months after Three Houses' release.
  18. That's the thing; unlike Ubisoft, Nintendo is still in the business of making good games. But I don't think they should be given slack for that, as that's mainly thanks to the developers, and the developers aren't the ones doing the anti-business practices. I don't blame Koei Tecmo's dev teams for making Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, but I didn't give Nintendo or Koei Tecmo any slack for falsely-advertising it as a prequel to Breath of the Wild. …I don't think that's correct; I don't remember SoV's DLC or Three Houses' DLC being announced before the release of the game, and, even if they were, I don't remember the DLC releasing within the exact same month as the base games. If that is the case, my question then is: why not put the completed content into the main game? It's clearly already finished.
  19. Interesting. I wouldn't know; I stopped watching when this squid game arc began. I just can't keep watching, especially in the knowledge that they'll have to resume the manga content at some point, and the manga content is complete garbage. You will love this: the manga recently introduced yet another Otsutsuki, with this one's corpse (with Amado speculating that they're not dead but merely achieved a non-corporeal form) being the source of the new villains' powers.
  20. All I can say is that I'm glad I didn't watch the Game Awards, as seeing this trailer live would have really angered me. I don't normally pay attention to the Game Awards, as it's a complete joke, but I try to watch any game trailers afterward, and, for some reason, I didn't learn about this trailer until today. This is just sickening; they announce this DLC and show off the gameplay for it almost an entire month before the game's release; this just screams, "This is all stuff that was originally going to be in the main game, but we decided to remove it from the base game so that we can charge extra for it, as we know you will pay for it." I remember when Nintendo started doing DLC, and everyone was apprehensive about it, so they declared that DLC would only be post-release bonus content; never something removed before release to be sold later. Nintendo just keeps getting increasingly anti-consumer, and no one is doing anything about it. I was genuinely looking forward to this game; however, seeing that what we're going to get as the base game is just a butchered edition, I don't feel like purchasing it as I don't want to support these anti-consumer practices.
  21. Well, now we know the real reason that none of the House Leaders made the cut; Nintendo decided to section them off and charge extra for them. Seriously; if they're already announcing this DLC a month before the game's release date (EDIT: and releasing it within the same month as the base game; I forgot to mention that important part), there's no way that DLC isn't already finished and wasn't originally supposed to be in the main game. I'm used to other companies severing parts of a game before release to be charged extra for as DLC, but I'm not used to this from Nintendo; at least with Nintendo, DLC generally didn't appear until months afterward and was actually bonus content and not something ripped out of the main game. Nintendo just gets increasingly anti-consumer every year and there's no sign of them stopping anytime soon.
  22. I think this is a great idea; it would be really cool to see Mega Man.EXE as a fighter in Smash Bros. Regarding the final smash, having him beast out is cool, but I think something that would be even cooler (and more representative of the character across the series) would be for him to transform into his Hub Hikari form and unleash a powerful final blow in said form like he does after a lot of the different final boss fights over the course of the series.
  23. Please, stop replying to this thread; it died 6 months ago. Can someone please get a moderator to close this thread to any further replies?
  24. My headcanon for Bleach is that (spoilers for the story arc where everyone fights Aizen):
  25. When it comes to the actual rewards, The Game Awards is a bigger joke than the Oscars, so I'm just hoping for a decent laugh in that regard. As for presentations, there'll probably be something FF16-related. That would be fun to see, but I'm probably just going to watch just that presentation on its own and not watch the actual game awards itself. If there is more Zelda news at the game awards, I wonder if it will somehow find a way to be extremely-poorly timed like the last Zelda announcement.
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