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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. Yeah; there are a ton of things they could do. For just one example, other than Leo's unique spell in Fates, has there ever been a plant spell in Fire Emblem? That could be really interesting. I personally would still want light magic to have offensive options (in terms of offense, light magic's niche could be stuff like dealing more damage to monsters), but stuff like fire magic having greater accuracy in forest areas sounds really neat.
  2. Thank you. I don't think I ever used Fimbulvetr, so I never would've known that it was also an ice spell. …You're right; how did I forget that Sagittae is also in Three Houses? Now that I think about it, there was also Agnea's Arrow, which is really similar. …I really need to replay Three Houses if I'm forgetting these spells. Actually, after watching a video showing Sagittae, I realized why I had forgotten it: instead of being the series of energy arrows that it was in SoV, it instead was just three tiny simultaneous blasts of magic that could easily be mistaken for an ice spell or a light spell and just plain easy to forget. Bring back the arrows! Anyway, what did you two think of my overall point (that, if they're not going to have the elements matter in gameplay, they may as well come up with more non-elemental spells)? I agree that it needs to not be terrible; outside of seraphim (and even then, seraphim's only good against monsters), the offensive light spells are almost useless; white magic really is the healing & utility type of magic. I suspect that the developers probably thought that, if the offensive white magic spells were great, then there would be little reason for a character to learn black magic. Of course, there are obvious reasons I can think of for still wanting black magic spells: having more spells (since spells have limited uses), some characters aren't good at learning white magic, different spells having different benefits, etc. I agree about the dark mage class system being a mess; the class system overall is something I really hope they take the time to refine in the next game.
  3. …I vaguely remember this thread having been about the Game Awards at one point, but it's been so long that the memory's very fuzzy. I kid, but I'm not really the person to make that joke, since I'm the one that went off-topic in the first place by asking about the Sonic sequel. Anyway, when I said earlier that I consider the Game Awards to be a joke and that I just hope to get some good laughs out of it, I was mainly talking about the awards themselves. But now, with the knowledge about the Sonic 2 trailer, I can easily say that I hope to get some laughs out that as well, and who knows; maybe the trailer will surprise me and have me laugh at something intended to be funny. Yeah; Detective Pikachu was actually really good. Pretty much, although the outcry about the Mario movie is more than just "Chris Pratt bad"; it's also, "Illumination bad", which I actually agree with. Illumination made one decent film: the first Despicable Me movie, and that's it.
  4. One thing I am certain of is that the next FE game is probably going to reuse a lot from Three Houses; they spent a lot of time on all those assets, so they're probably not going to toss them aside after one game. As for the magic elements specifically, the thing is that they're really decoration. In terms of gameplay, they're categorized into white magic (light), black magic (fire, ice, lightning, wind) and dark magic (dark). I could see them reusing this categorization, but with new spells (especially for dark magic, as I doubt they're going to once again have dark mages be associated with advanced technology) and that could result in different "elements", especially for anima/black magic (whatever they choose to call it in the next game). There was only one ice spell in Three Houses and it wasn't very useful, so I could easily see that disappearing. Wind will probably reappear since that's always the anti-flying magic, fire is pretty much assumed in any fantasy game involving magic, so that will undoubtedly reappear. Lightning is similarly pretty much assumed, so it will probably remain as well. Now, that's what I predict will be the case for the next FE game; as for whether or not I think it's good or should be changed... I honestly think that, if they're not going to separate the anima spells by element in gameplay, then they shouldn't limit themselves to "elemental" spells, and the next game would be a good opportunity for them add other types of offensive spells. One thing I actually liked about Shadows of Valentia was that, in addition to the "elemental" spells, it also had Sagittae: an offensive spell where the caster unleashes a series of energy arrows that aren't of any "element". I think it could be interesting to see stuff like that be included in the list of offensive spells for the next FE game.
  5. I figured "because money" was probably the answer; my surprise was largely that the film made money. Don't get me wrong; I'm normally all in favour of accepting criticism. I'm just surprised that fixing Sonic's design at the last minute was enough to get the film in people's good graces.
  6. So, basically, because they fixed the most glaring problem, people decided to overall be a lot more forgiving toward it than they'd normally have been? Anyway, just a quick correction: the Sonic movie is not the highest-grossing video game film: it made $319.7 million, while Pokemon: Detective Pikachu made $433.9 million.
  7. Seriously? They're making a Sonic movie sequel? Why?
  8. Recently, I initially thought I would replay Ocarina of Time on my GameCube (using the collector's edition). However, after playing it for a bit, I decided instead to replay something I hadn't played in quite some time, and that I genuinely consider to be my favourite game of all time: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. I have made played through the game many times in my childhood and early-to-mid teens, but it has been a long time; if I'm remembering correctly, my last time playing Path of Radiance was before my first time playing Fates. One of the reasons I decided to replay was to see how much of the game holds up; I often say that I prefer the gameplay of Path of Radiance to later games in the series, but I wanted to see how much of that, if any, was simply nostalgia or due to Path of Radiance being my first FE game. So, I started up a new file, selected "normal" difficulty and "random" stat gains. One thing that stood out to me right away, as I watched the opening cinematic (the one before the main menu), was simply how well the game's artwork has held up over time. The cutscenes have not held up well, everything else looks okay, but the artwork is still fantastic, and since the opening was mostly artwork, it has held up extremely well. Speaking of the cutscenes, the voice acting in them is mixed; Greil is pretty good, but Ike and Mist really are not well voice-acted. It isn't distracting; it just makes me glad that only the cutscene dialogue is voice-acted, and not any of the in-game dialogue. Today, I played the prologue and chapter 1; not a lot of progress, but still enough for a first impression. One thing I noticed almost immediately was the lack of one convenience a lot of new FE games have: the one where, if you select one of your units then scroll over to an enemy unit and select that unit, the game will move the playable unit next to the enemy unit. In Path of Radiance, you have to select a tile next to the enemy unit. It's one of those little conveniences that I honestly forgot was not in this game. I don't miss it at all, but it was still interesting to notice. I've seen people say that the battle animations in this game are slow, but I honestly have never considered it slow, and I still don't today. That said, I can understand wanting a fast-forward or skip animation option; I can't remember if the game has either of those or not, and I completely forgot to check even though that was one of the things I wanted to check. One thing that definitely isn't nostalgia is the music; Path of Radiance has quite possibly the most memorable music in all of Fire Emblem. Overall, right now, a lot of the things I liked back when I was younger, I still like now. And the one thing I disliked back then, I still dislike now: the game has two things to indicate which tile the cursor is currently at; a white, glowing outline around the tile that's easy to see and doesn't get in the way, and a giant floating yellow triangle that bobbles up and down over the tile and gets in the way. Every time I see that triangle, it is very distracting and it does take up a noticeable chunk of the view. Fortunately for this playthrough, I can easily ignore it, but if there is a remaster of the game, I would want that triangle removed; I genuinely find it irritating whenever I see it. EDIT: I also decided recently to purchase a game called Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King. The game has existed for a few years now, but I just found out about it today. It's an indie game that's very heavily inspired by old 2D Zelda games like A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening. It looked interesting enough, so I thought I would try it out. The gameplay is very much like typical 2D Zelda: exploration, puzzle-solving, and combat. One thing I do like is that the sword combat has more to it than in a typical 2D Zelda: if you press attack again while doing a spin attack, the player character will then do a jump attack. However, the sword is mapped to the same button as contextual actions such as talking to NPCs and picking up objects; picking up a jar instead of simply cutting it with the sword does get annoying after a while, as does talking to an NPC instead of cutting a jar next to said NPC, among other little annoyances that do add up. I haven't gotten very far in the game (I've only beaten one dungeon so far), but the items so far have been typical Zelda: bow, bombs, shovel and the shield. I'm not a fan of that, but I do like how the shield is an item you have to press the button to use, rather than an automatic thing like it was in Zelda 1 and A Link to the Past, and I also find it interesting how, instead of ammo, the bombs and the bow use an A Link Between Worlds-like energy meter. The story is deliberately wacky and told through the framing device of a grandpa telling his grandkids a story. I'm torn on whether or not this kind of framing device really works for a Zelda-like game. On the one hand, it does allow for a lot of fun gags through the grandkids commenting on various events, and it allows for some interesting replayability in the form of the kids deciding which enemies the protagonist will face in an area and stuff like that. On the other hand, every time I veer away from the main story to do some sidequests or some exploring, or when I read through a lore book, I can't help but think, "Is the grandpa telling all this stuff to the grandkids as well? 'And then the knight Lily read through a book detailing a bit of lore about the swamp. It read-' 'Grandpa! This is boring!'"
  9. So do I. I think there's a reason for that: does anyone actually care about the awards? The only time I cared was the time Fire Emblem Three Houses won the player's voice award, because that one meant people actually voted for Fire Emblem. Most likely.
  10. Well, Nintendo didn't exactly remember Metroid's 25th anniversary. Even with Dread making Metroid more popular than ever before, precedent is not exactly in favour of Nintendo doing an anniversary celebration or re-releasing the Prime trilogy for the Switch without doing something blatantly anti-consumer. What's Metroid Prime Hunters?
  11. Oh, I see. Of course those games are available on the Japanese version of Switch Online. You know, if they added translated versions of those games to Switch Online, it probably would increase demand here in the west, but I have a feeling Nintendo isn't going to do that.
  12. I tried the one-week free trial of it, and I managed to play through all of Super Metroid and about half of A Link to the Past. I thought it was overall okay; it's a bit barebones, but at least it works without issues (cough N64 expansion cough). I wouldn't get the whole thing, mainly because there aren't enough games on it that I actually want to try. I doubt that they will add it for two major reasons: 1. They've all-but stopped adding games to it; they have little incentive to add more games to it because of its very nature; they will reach a point where the time and cost of adding more games to it will outweigh the profits, as they aren't directly making money from the games. 2. None of the old Fire Emblem games are on Switch Online; at least not in North America, because they were Japan-Only games. When Nintendo got around to localizing the first game, they didn't add it to Switch Online; they sold it as a limited-time release.
  13. No need to apologize. Interesting; I can understand why that would be appealing. Thanks for letting me know. Why do you think I decided to buy it for my Wii U? At the rate Nintendo's been going with remasters, I can't shake the feeling that they'll pull something like releasing each prime game individually and charging full price for each one, or only release Metroid Prime 1 and just ignore the other two games, and since I don't know how much longer the Wii U eshop is going to last, I figured that I may as well get the trilogy before it closes.
  14. Honestly, to me, the Game Awards is a joke, so I'm largely just hoping I get some good laughs out of it. Other than that, more BOTW2 footage would be nice.
  15. Um, thanks. Interesting. So, it's classic Mega Man with a dash instead of a slide, and a wall jump? I might get it. Might; I'm still not sure. Anyway, what did you think about my little joke regarding the various woes I've had recently with purchasing game collections?
  16. It would probably help if you mentioned if the classes should be built with a particular game in mind, so that we know about the weapon types and spells and such available. It would probably also help if you mentioned whether this topic is meant for serious, genuine ideas for classes, or if it's meant for comedy (i.e. come up with the funniest idea you can think of for an FE character class based on a real-life job/hobby).
  17. Okay then. I hope my advice does help. I can also recommend some anime that are good for starting to watch anime.
  18. I'm still somewhat new to anime, so I can only really say how I started watching anime and hope it helps: I was recommended a couple shows by some acquaintances (the shows being One-Punch Man and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood), so I looked to see if they were available on any of the streaming services that I already had, and they were; they're both on Netflix. After that, I began looking for more to watch, and after being recommended a number of anime that weren't available on more generalized streaming services, I began looking at anime-specific streaming services such as crunchyroll and funimation to see if they had the anime I was looking for. And... yeah; that's basically it. So, basically, what I'd say is to start by looking to see if you have access to any anime that you're interested in on anything that you already have and, if you don't, look at anime streaming services. I don't know if this is the best advice, but it's the best advice that I can give. As for finding the time to watch them... yeah; I can't really help with that.
  19. Not really. The most obvious reason people would point out is that it isn't Japanese, but, even if we just talk about the animation style, it's a deliberate mix of anime and western cartoon animation, unlike something like Castlevania which is a deliberate attempt at emulating anime.
  20. I honestly didn't mind that; it did stand out a little that so many of his classmates were there, but the reasons for them being there made enough sense that I honestly didn't mind or find it that artificial; Shoto was there because his dad got an invite and couldn't be bothered to attend so he sent Shoto made sense, Iida being there because his family was invited but only he could attend because of his brother's injury and subsequent retirement made sense (and was a neat reminder of the Hero Killer arc), Bakugo being there because he won the Sports Festival with Kirishima being there as his +1 made sense, Yaoyorozu being there because her family's immensely wealthy and sponsors the event made sense, Ochako and Jiro being her +1s made sense, Kaminari and Mineta being there because they found a part-time job on the island... is the one that's pushing it a bit; I mean, it makes sense that the island would be looking for temporary additional employees on the day of an important event, but Kaminari and Mineta managing to find two of those jobs seems a bit unrealistic. Not to mention, Mineta getting to the island by getting a job on the island... I get that he's supposed to be clever, but he's also lazy. EDIT: After seeing the big reveal in the latest My Hero Academia chapter, I started thinking about something: given how there does seem to be a lot of social stigma against the quirkless in hero society, and given how most members of the league of villains joined because Stain's ideology resonated with them on some level (Mustard because he hates the hero schooling system, Dabi because he hates his dad, etc.), it could've been really interesting to see a member of the League of Villains that was quirkless and joined the league because they hated how the hero society puts quirks on a pedestal. They could've made an interesting villainous foil for Deku and a certain other character, and given how Spinner's able to be at least somewhat threatening despite his quirk just being that he can stick to walls, I'm sure that a quirkless villain could be made threatening and competent in different ways (perhaps relying heavily on ambush tactics and gadgets or something like that), especially since they'd only have to be essentially an elite minion, not a major arc villain. It also would've been hilarious to see them clash with the even-more-quirk-revering Meta Liberation Army; they could've said something like, "You guys already have society loving you because of your quirks, and you want more?! You all sicken me." Finally (manga content ahead; the anime-only should not read this as this is heavy spoilers):
  21. Normal types are immune to ghost type; that's at least something. Of course, ghost type is immune to normal type.
  22. Funny enough, I haven't even played the demo. Yikes; that all does sound grindy. Heh; "defeat this many enemies without getting hit at all" missions would be almost the opposite of the kind of missions I was suggesting for an actual prequel. Speaking of different types of missions, I heard that one of the waves of DLC included a mission called "Objective: Survive", clearly in reference to the famous final mission in Halo: Reach (an actual prequel game)… except it is not only possible but easy to beat all the enemies and survive. …It's like they're deliberately mocking anyone that feels the game should've been an actual prequel.
  23. …Okay. Is this thread for discussion about not watching anime, or is this just a joke about all the "official [insert anime title here]" threads that have been popping up?
  24. Yeah; I see what you mean. Okay. Okay. Yeah; it is absolutely something that should've happened. If they were to make it as DLC rather than a separate game, I would hope that it at least would be like Torna: The Golden Country: a DLC that can be purchased and played without having to purchase the base game. I'd only buy it to play the actually-a-prequel DLC, so I see no reason to have to also buy the base game. Huh; why do you consider Age of Calamity to be those things? Just curious, as I have not played it or any Warriors game.
  25. Interesting. Is that a bit like being a Black Clover and always having to tell people that almost everyone that reviewed it when it first released was unfairly bashing it and that the story is actually good and creative (I say this as a Black Clover fan)? By the way, what did you think of the two Warriors spinoff ideas that I posted?
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