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Everything posted by Abvora

  1. I didn't. They're their own characters, with their own personalities, default appearance and name. They're even worse self-inserts than Robin--I can't put myself in their (non-existent) shoes at all, so voting for them feels like voting for an actual lord, not for myself.
  2. I seriously cracked up at that. She's like the Zoidberg of the siblings. Also, wow, is Femui getting ignored by the media or what?
  3. That hurt my eyes to watch. Thoughts: 1) Goodness male Kana's voice is awful. Especially in comparison to female Kana. 2) Midori's a cute name. Glad Sophie's staying, but Abel->Avel confuses me. 3) You let Onmyoji in but not Tsubaki what the hell NoA 4) Hoshido Noble is underwhelming. I liked the earlier suggestions of Dusk/Dawn Prince/ess. 5) Master of Arms is a sick class name, Spear Master is cool, Priestess is nice but to be expected, Oni Chieftan is eh, Basara is Basara.
  4. Romantic: All three of Corrin x Azura are really, really good. Even their weakest support chain, IK, is still above average and has an adorable S-support (thank you IntSys for not lapsing into typical bathhouse shenanigans like Chrobin). Nohr and Hoshido are just fantastic start to end--I think Nohr's might be one of my favorite supports in the franchise. And then you add in their story interactions and....agh. OTP. I love everything about Xander x Charlotte, him not being taken in by her flirtatiousness for a second, her saving his life bare-handed, him falling for her because of her strength, her crying tears of happiness, #QueenCharlotte...it follows the same formulaic pattern as a lot of Charlotte's supports, but it does so in such a good way. Laslow x Peri is holycrapbackstoryandFEELSFEELSEVERYWHERE. Too stinking cute. And it's one of the supports that really highlights how much Las has matured since Awakening. Azama x Effie for that character development. Just wow. And of course, Takumi x Oboro. Very natural feeling, and it's rare to see him be so nice to someone straight from the start. Non-romantic Oboro x Beruka is another strong contender for one of my favorite supports in the franchise. It's just so emotional, Beruka being hit by guilt and offering her life in penance, Oboro being confronted with the daughter of her parents' killer and deciding to let go of her hatred instead of continuing the vicious cycle...that's just amazing. Absolutely amazing character development on both their parts. Azura x any of her sisters, but especially Sakura. It's so rare for her to open up, much less as completely as she does around her little sister. And their interactions are so...sister-like--big sister trolling the younger one with ghost stories, light teasing with an air of "but if anyone messes with you they're dead". It just gave me fuzzies. Actually, come to think of it, pretty much all the royal sibling supports are strong.
  5. Very nice options! Mature/Cheerful is definitely Cam Clarke, middle sounds like Yuri Lowenthal, and Calm/Young is maybe JYB? He's got a rasp that sounds a bit like him. Or am I the only one hearing that? I'm not as fond of the female's--I only like middle, which I think is Marcella Lentz-Pope. Calm/Mature is too raspy and Young/Cheerful is...eh. Not terrible, not great. Sounds like Kate Higgins, though I have no idea who Calm/Mature could be.
  6. - Apotheosis-style DLC. Possibly with Lilith as the final boss. - DLC where Corrin goes evil and tries to conquer all three nations instead of unite them. - Non-Royal Fanservice DLC. Going off the poll winners, that'd be some combination of Oboro, Azura, Flora, Charlotte, Jakob, Niles, Odin, and Kaze.
  7. If you think Camilla x Corrin is bad, be glad you haven't seen Niles x Elise. I don't care how good a mom she is for Nina, I am never pairing them up. Those supports were just TOO creepy. If you're pairing them for stat/non-shipping reasons, then you should swap Sakura and Nyx. Sakura is the best mom for Foleo, bar none, for Those Magic Genes, passing down Exorcist, and a good hair color. Same for Nyx and Shara Rhajat (I hate that name), she just wants Sorceress instead. The odd number of guys to girls if you play Mamui makes me pretty certain the kids were a last-minute addition, and that someone at IntSys screwed up counting. Granted, Deere is practically worthless since his dad joins so late when you play male, and Jakob himself is hard to find a good support for, so it's not that much a sacrifice, but still. Not a support-related question, so I apologize for going a bit off-topic, but--was it ever confirmed whether or not the coronation/lake dialogue changes if Mamui marries Azura? I keep seeing conflicting reports on that, and it's driving me crazy.
  8. Reina actually is Japanese--"rei" and "na". It means "bright flower". I like it, it's very pretty. Scarlet, too. Kaden is a little weird, but I think that's because I'm used to the American spelling. It's Japanese too, I just need some time to adjust to it. Azama and Hayato are bad, though. I was hoping the Wind Tribe would all have Indian names so Rhajat wouldn't stand out as much, but no.
  9. Mamui because I can't choose between Leo and Takumi. Azura because her supports, design, and personality are all really nice.
  10. What a nice, unbiased poll you have there. I like him. Sure, he suffers from too much attention plot-wise, but so do many lords. He's got a pretty fleshed-out personality with both positives and negatives, makes mistakes, learns and grows as a character, and has a cool design (that armor + chainsword FTW).
  11. I like the changes, too; making the Hoshidan siblings more aggressive towards Nohr helps even out the gray and grey morality, and it makes Hoshido seem less "pure good", which were some of my biggest issues with the JP version.
  12. The dialogue reads a lot smoother now, and it's handled pretty well! I was relieved by what they did (Draconic Rage > Water Breath) and didn't (Takumi, Yukimura) translate. As for voices-- - Ryoma is great. Definitely Matt Mercer. - The Hoshidan siblings in general were very good. So was Mikoto, she sounds very regal. - Corrin gets better every time I hear him. He's a little deeper than I was expecting, but good. - Azura's pretty good. Her singing is a lot better. - Garon is Garon, deep and intimidating. A bit too cartoonishly evil, but so is he. - I'm of the opposite opinion here, I thought Kaze was really good. Not a big fan of what I heard of Rinkah, though. - The Nohrian siblings were hit-or-miss. Leo and Camilla are fine, Elise made me cringe a bit but not as much as Smash!Elise, and Xander...maybe it's because I'm used to him having the deep baritone, but he sounded bad to me. Maybe I just need to get used to it, who knows. Overall, the VA work seems to be high quality, same as Awakening.
  13. Yeah, Camilla and Hinoka would have been better off cut. The story itself forgets Hinoka exists, and it treats Camilla so poorly she may as well not be anything beyond walking fanservice. Elise and Sakura could arguably have been cut out, too. Elise only does one important thing in one path, and Sakura, while she isn't just ignored like Hinoka, doesn't do anything at all. They could have genderbent Leo and Takumi into girls if they really wanted Corrin to have a little sister figure. It's not that I don't like the sisters, they just don't really contribute and clutter up the narrative as a result.
  14. Xander x Charlotte is fantastic. Even without Siegbert, a Pair-Up with Charlotte gives Xander everything he needs--massive STR and SPD, and they both get good classes out of the deal. Mamui x Azura's main selling point is their fast support growth rate, since that means Azura spends less time in Pair-Up and more time refreshing. That alone makes it her best pairing. I'm not sure if I'd say it's Mamui's best pairing, but it's in the running, since the only one with a beneficial Personal he can marry is Felicia, who is probably better off with a magic user. They both appreciate the critical evade and avoid they get in Attack Stance. Oboro is excellent for most units, but I keep hearing good things about her with Subaki. She patches up his SPD and gives him the excellent Breaking Sky to help with his offensive issues.
  15. I'm really happy to see this topic sprout up, because it seems a lot of people just want to bash on the weaker aspects of Fates instead of appreciating the things it does do right. I'll add my thoughts to the much-needed positivity: 1) Pair-Up changes. That mechanic needed a massive overhaul, and it got it. Now it's no longer overpowered, not restricted to you, and you actually have to think about the pluses and minuses of the different stances instead of just throwing units together. 2) The soundtrack. Fates' music is hands-down some of the best in the franchise. 3) The characters. I honestly enjoy them and find them more fleshed-out/relatable to than Awakening's. Fewer of them rely on gimmicks and more are written better/written to have depth. 4) The classes. I like a lot of the things about the classes--the changes to old ones, the addition of things like Ninja and GKW, and the removal of gender-specific classes. Sure, not all of them are "optimal", but they're still fun to play around with. 5) Personal skills. I just think it's a neat little addition that helps make the characters more unique. 6) The gameplay. In general, it's just much better than Awakening's and way more fun to play. Especially Nohr's gameplay.
  16. I'm pretty sure it is Xander who says the "warriors from the Outrealms" line, least of all because it doesn't make sense for Corrin to ask that question, then reassure himself not to worry. Corrin sounds more like Cam Clarke to me than Yuri Lowenthal, though now that you mention it, I can hear him in there too. I'd really prefer Clarke though, he's fantastic (not that Yuri isn't, I just expect him to show up elsewhere in the game and would prefer someone different VA'ing the main character).
  17. I'm not expert in music, but I thought the English version sounded really nice. Better than the one in the original English trailer, certainly. It seems more melancholy than the Japanese one, although that's maybe just because I can actually understand the lyrics now. Either way kudos to Rena Strober, she did great.
  18. M!Corrin's is a huge improvement. Ryoma sounds great. Sakura sounds a little too old, but I've gotten used to it and now I like it. Fem!Corrin's fine, something about it sounds off though. Xander's is a little too high, but Elise...oh man. She was awful. She definitely sounds older, but her acting was bad and the pitch of her voice made me wince every time she spoke. I REALLY hope that "he's MY brother!" isn't actually in the game.
  19. I leave for a day and this is completed! 0.o Wow, you're amazing Kirokan! Thanks a bunch for all the hard work!
  20. I've been wondering if the ending dialogue for Birthright/Conquest will change in any way, depending on if you married Xander, Ryoma, or Azura. Some of it seems like it should.
  21. The original translation had her commenting that "No matter how hard I try, there's one part of me that will never be perfect", referring to her flat chest. I think that makes more sense than Kirokan's translation, mostly because of Sophie's expression in the last panel. She'd have more reason to be confused if Matoi was making a cryptic comment than outright talking about her loneliness.
  22. Ryoma's bad flirting and Crimson proposing sold the S-rank. I went back and re-read the whole chain again, and it felt very natural. Kudos to you! I hope someone from NoA is reading this. Maybe then they'll take note and put it (along with Jakob x Flora) in the game.
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