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Everything posted by PeaceRibbon

  1. I'm gonna predict now we'll have one OC at minimum because not doing one in my opinion would be lazy. As for gender balance, it's unquestionably going to be females>males, though I don't think the gender balance will be too bad since we've basically confirmed 4 male characters (Chrom, Ryoma, Xander, and Marth) and there are many more important males in the series so if the count for each gender isn't at least close, it'll be surprising. Unless as you mentioned, this becomes Pander Emblem Warriors for some reason.
  2. By they way I looked around for anything cyan and so far the closest thing is the twitter share button. ... We're not planning an coup on twitter are we? I'll keep looking.
  3. I could get used to a makeover like this! The forest has never looked more manly.
  4. Can we all take a moment to appreciate that the "game's" title Google Translates to Fire Emblem Innovation Terror? This just keeps getting better.
  5. How cool is that! I think I'll have to check out Brianna's twitter now!
  6. GEEZ bows were already viable weapons, now they're making them better?! R.I.P. Pegasus Knights.
  7. Why am I waiting patiently for someone to mention a YouTube content creator who hangs out on this site? :P Me personally, as long as any given channel has the decency to censor their foul language and not act like they are the end all authority on a given subject, I find them at least tolerable.
  8. Ehh, there's some great characters in there but maybe a bit too heavy on the female characters. Spoiler alert people: there are more guys in the series than just the lords.
  9. In seventh grade before I moved states my English class novel straight up WAS Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. :P Honestly though, Harry Potter isn't about magic, that's just its setting. It seems strange to me that people would ban it.
  10. I could see Erika upholding the peace for a longer stretch of time in games like Awakening where the war hadn't began until later in the story since she's probably the most averted to violence of the lords (I guess you could make a case for Eliwood and Marth, but I just feel she was built up that way better than those two). I certainly like to see a lord in the same parley position who's not practically begging for the war to start deal with the situation. Also, I honestly think it would be funny to see Corrin inserted into the other games just to laugh at how he/she blemishes the writing. XD
  11. You could go Res boon and take advantage of the Monk's ludicrous Res growth rate. But I'm a boon/bane hipster so maybe don't take my advice. In more commonly accepted logic, I suppose an HP boon would help make the Great Master's renewal skill as useful as possible. Also HP boon is really helpful in the early game IMO.
  12. Of all the characters to get statistically screwed by the level ups... SULLY?! That's supposed to be Subaki's job (for me anyway)! Sorry to hear that buddy.
  13. The hype was real. He gained 6 ranks since midterm. But alas, Dorcas fell just short. My feels. Ouch. Also I found it quite appropriate my main man Lucius was ranked in the vicinity of Raven and Serra.
  14. Yeah, you can turn it off. Makes the experience plenty playable if you're not a fan of sub only. It almost feels like playing one of those older un-voice acted RPGs with a box of glitter dumped on it's art direction.
  15. I feel your pain man. I was excited to play the new app and now it's just another reminder that my iPhone 4(s?) is really freakin' old. :l
  16. And thus, the thread of whining for half a day finally came to an end. XD
  17. Good thing I'll have games club to pass a few hours today. Nintendo really should have been more specific.
  18. I think I remember knowing a guy who counted over 700. I suppose the number will vary depending on the people who counted though. Also I'll remember to post my most bizarre pulls occasionally. If I don't snap from waiting for the game to come out first.
  19. This thread literally reminded me this game exists. Well that's a good thing since Freedom Planet is one of my favorite platformers so I guess I'll have to give this demo a try! Also really happy Neera is going playable cause she was a pretty fun boss and dem cryo-powers are neat.
  20. Welp, all my votes are in. Here hoping the world was gripped by the Dorcas hype! :P
  21. Hey, congrats on your promotions guys! Happy to see the site moving forward!
  22. Not likely, but that would probably be the best possible addition. The supports in Awakening and Fates are fun, but some characters just really have no business getting married to certain characters, if they have business getting married at all, and the writing suffers in favor of the mechanics. I pretty much agree with all the other accounts. Bring 3 body types back, make the hairs look messier, portraits than change based on class. More of the sweet sweet voice acting goodness. The whole kit and caboodle really. :)
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