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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. 2 hours ago, User name said:

    Oh look who i found, its Edelgard,Hubert and a dogo! Look under the map,there is also an Adrestian badge?

    That's where the Black Eagle's class room is. It could be an icon for the class room or maybe a Black Eagle student with a quest?


    In case it wasn't posted, here's the English version of the German FB post with the 2nd wave of students:


  2. Heh, those are some pretty villainous characters alright.

    Here's my mini-analysis:


    I think the only important tidbit (for me) is Ferdinand and Bernadetta not having crests from the Ten Greats, mentioned by @ayahitaisyou. But they already said that crests were bestowed to heroes and saints--and we only have 10 heroes (plus Seiros) and 21 crests. So there need to be 10 more non-heroes.

  3. The status screen isn't really interesting for non fans so I wouldn't be surprised if they're holding back.

    They need a screen to show all the skills and available crest during battle. So I'm pretty sure it still exists.

    The other possibility is that the status screen reveals too much knowledge for us right now. Maybe the crests are arranged like the mural, which would totally evoke the holy blood from Genealogy.

  4. 5 minutes ago, User name said:

    Yeah i dont think its even a 'spoiler' to be honest, we do see Caspar fighting a church member in the feb direct.

    And the are multiple churches in Fodlan.

    To be fair, if the footage is from early/mid-game, those could be practice enemies or insurgents. In the initial trailer, we had Kingdom Soldiers as enemies. Taken at face value, that would make Faerghus the enemy.

  5. 21 minutes ago, Calico said:

    Mercedes sounds interesting. Interestingly, Mercedes is shown using a bow in the group shots of the Blue Lions, despite going to the Mage Academy. Maybe magic will also be one of her talents? In the same vein, I kinda hope magic is one of Lorenz' weaknesses, as it'd be funny.


    It's hard to tell. A lot of the screenshots generally show the characters near their base level with their main proficient weapons, but they do like to swap out weapons from time to time. Although, most of the time, they give them weapons that make sense for their progression. Like Caspar having gauntlets and axes (which fits with the Fighter and Brawler classes).

    In any case, bow does make sense for Mercedes if she's going for a more support role and the gang is lacking a bow wielder otherwise. They're also lacking a Faith wielder, but pretty much any of the 8 could be wielding it out of sight, especially since they're all Commoners/Nobles who can wield magic.

  6. 1 hour ago, DuckPhoenix said:

    What was Manuela's filename then? Shouldn't that already have told us how many students there are in total?

    It was hashed. They just forgot to do it for Dorothea through Hilda. I was hoping they'd continue to forget!

    Actually, I am wondering if the website images going down briefly on Monday was because they didn't hash Hannemann's filename at first and blanked the file calling all the images to fix it.

    Sadly there's no way to prove it though and it was probably just a mistake.

    1 hour ago, Cysx said:

    Not quite, Byleth was on 25/04/19(a Thursday), and Sothis on 27/04/19. Then came a "regular" week with the addition of Rhea on 05/05/19(a Sunday).

    ... and I had completely forgotten about these two. So we did have reveals on a Thursday and a Saturday, but neither has happened since.

    Heh, I should know better than to trust my own memory xD

  7. Yeah, I hate to sound like a broken record, but the reveals have started to follow a set schedule. So Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday as mentioned above.

    Sunday isn't included as that was part of the first week where they had a reveal for all 7 days.

    That said, it's not set in stone and things could always change. But at the very least, don't expect anything on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Sundays.

    Also, I don't think I mentioned it, but when Hanneman and Ferdinand were added to the site, their filenames no longer follow the HACP_ANVY_char##_01_R_ad-0 scheme that Dorothea, Felix and Hilda share. That's a shame as Hanneman's file number could have told us how many students there are in total--and that's probably why they changed it.

  8. On 5/20/2019 at 8:07 AM, Merthlock Lewoll said:

    I'm searching for voice files for Echoes, but it doesn't seem that they've been posted on anywhere. Not even on websites like The Sounds Resource. I'm looking for some of the story lines when characters are talking, ad I'm specifically searching for the voice lines at the end of chapter 3 on Alm's route with them talking at the sluice gate with Delthea along with some of her voice lines in that chapter too. If anyone could give me a download link to them or could guide me to a website with these things I'd really like that. I don't mind if the files are too big either.

    I'll send you a PM.

    If anyone else wants the voice files, let me know.

  9. 24 minutes ago, Dorothea Joestar Arnold said:

    Uh...it's been confirmed she's not a retainer Claude likely just doesn't have any which I can honestly see since he's more chill of the three.

    I haven't really been following, but even though I am skeptical of the "leak", I don't think this is proof against or for it.

    Apparently, the user clarified what they meant before the Famitsu issue came out. Hubert is the only true retainer and the others either willingly serve their leader (Dedue) or are close friends (Lorenz and Hilda).

    Also, Lorenz and/or Hilda not being mentioned as retainers in their profiles doesn't mean they aren't retainers. But I guess if they were, it would have been a very good opportunity to mention it...

    Personally, I'm waiting for more info--like the names of unannounced characters--before I really shoot them down XD

  10. 58 minutes ago, Myrlan said:

    How do you know that "Setes" will be on Saturday ? Is there a list of upcoming character reveal somewhere ?

    To add to what was said, the current pattern is a student from each house on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Then someone who's not a student on Saturday. Right now, there aren't many non-students that we know of, so Saturday should be interesting regardless.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Midnox said:

    I’m just spending on the Ieyasu banner for now. I’ll save for later. 

    Also, can we expect a Zelda collaboration one day? I’d kill for that

    Unless I hallucinated it, there's gonna be a Zelda mobile game. If they're doing a collaboration, it would probably be after that came out.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Armagon said:


    If there's something i've learned from watching fantasy anime and playing fantasy RPGs, it's that the prime minister/chancellor (is there an actual difference or is that just a fancy difference) has a 97% chance of plotting against the throne (assuming there is one). I don't think Ferdinand is involved but his father most definietly is (ya know, assuming i'm right about him).

    Conspiring prime ministers/chancellors are just as likely as an empire being evil.....i say that but the Adrestrian Empire seems to be one of the few empires in fictional Japanese media that isn't actually portrayed as evil. So who knows.


    There's Begnion as well, which Adrestia vaguely reminds me of. Although...

    You do end up fighting a faction of Begnion in Radiant Dawn. But for the most part, they weren't the villains of the war.

  13. 1 hour ago, Cysx said:

    What is that D rank at the left of the screen, by the way?

    That's the Instructor Level. It's needed to boost your activity-based gauges.

    Also, the current season is "Emerald Rain", which apparently means "Spring Rain". That said, it's the 8th month (or is it the 10th?), which seems far from Spring. So maybe it means something else. Aha, "Rain on Young Leaves".


    The purple gauge is the Stroll Gauge. There's a third gauge, the Venture Gauge (for something fighting-related).

  14. I'm half wondering if Hanneman is gonna be the secretly evil teacher like those ones in Harry Potter, but they can't be that obvious, right? Then again, they aren't really trying to hide Rhea's sinister side. Still, it could be reverse psychology, so I'll just sit back and see how it all goes...

    At the least, I feel like he has an "evil scientist" or maybe just "misguided genius" kind of side. When he lets slip that he wants an organic sample from the protagonist. I just dunno if they're playing it for comedy or playing it straight. He does seem genuinely knowledgeable and excited to share his knowledge about the crests though.

  15. I was surprised in a good way as well. Unlike some, I enjoyed Shadow Dragon, but I acknowledged its shortcomings. So I entered with minimal expectations.

    New Mystery did a lot to help to fix things, although it was still based off the Shadow Dragon engine, so there was only so much they could do. As mentioned, they fixed the enemy variety so it wasn't the same as the SNES version. They also added a lot more characterisation thanks to the base system. Plus many new elements to make it feel like more than just a remake, such as the Avatar system, training grounds, etc. And the addition of the BSFE chapters was amazing and completely unexpected.

    I also think New Mystery handled the difficulty really well. I don't normally play FE on high difficulties, but for some crazy reason, I tried Lunatic. It took many resets, but I managed to clear it somehow. Never did I feel like the enemy was cheating, but boy did I need to up my game and play more aggressively than usual. That was before they added the Rainbow Potion as well...

    My fondness for the game was what made me help translate the game, once I realised Nintendo was gonna skip it in favour of Awakening. I think it's sad the game didn't get an official English translation, since it's well worth playing. But I know many fans were burned by Shadow Dragon and the DS was on its last legs (since the 3DS was already out and Awakening was announced by then xD).

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